This is a file in the 'howto' directory, named 'howto_file'. NAME The name of the entry is the name of the directory. It can be changed by using the 'mkgopher' TITLE command. (I suspect this is changed in /ftp/pub/users/.links) TITLE There is a file named '.links', mirrored in '_dot_links', which contains the title of the directory (in an entry which begins 'Name='). This shows up under the name when you surf up this dir. *what do the other entries in .links do?* FILES Files show up as an indexed list (along with directories). When selected, the name, size, and framed contents of the file are shown in the gopher client. *how to give descriptions to the files and directories?* DIRECTORIES Directories are listed as files, but with a trailing '/'. When selected, they display their contents. The 'howto_dir/' subdirectory is empty, eliciting an error. PERMISSIONS Here is a directory listing: drwxr-xr-x 2 droyko nobody 512 Nov 21 17:57 ./ [/howto] drwxr-x--- 5 droyko nobody 512 Nov 21 17:54 ../ [] -rw-r-x--- 1 droyko nobody 77 Nov 21 17:54 .links* lrwxr-xr-x 1 droyko nobody 6 Nov 21 17:57 _dot_links@ -> .links -rw-r--r-- 1 droyko nobody 247 Nov 21 17:57 howto_file *which of these are necessary?*