#!/usr/bin/sed #let us know we've been translated s/<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]>/[translated from html with h2a]/ #do away with tags

& any more s:::g s:::g s:::g s:::g s:<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll].*>::g #substitute nl for
s/<[Bb][Rr].*>/\ /g s/<[Dd][Ii][Vv].*>/\ /g #substitue nl nl for

s/<[Pp].*>/\ \ /g #, etc # #

s/<[Hh][Rr].*>/\ ----------------------------------------------------------\ /g #substitute "[image]" for images s/<[Ii][Mm][Gg].*>/[image:&]/g #should actually be becomes [image ...] #display hrefs, mailtos in parens s/<[Aa] [Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff].*>/(link:&)/g #right now, the & will disappear when s/<.*>//g is executed # s:<[Bb]>:*:g s::*:g s:<[Ii]>:*:g s::*:g s:<[Ee][Mm]>:*:g s::*:g s:<[Uu]>:_:g s::_:g #> etc s/>/>/g s/<///g #limit line width to 70 char #