June note Hello from Harbin! Can you believe I've been here for 112 days? Today was a hot, sunny day, so I'm glad it cools down a little after sundown. It sure is different from the Michigan-like weather when I arrived in March. I have finally experienced some real rain, too, which made me very happy. Do you like the picture I took of some men relaxing by playing their saxophones at the zoo? This will be a brief note, because very few things of interest have occurred since my last note. During the weeks of June 2 and June 9, I did not teach any classes at HeiDa. Too much of that time was consumed by shopping. Shopping here is very hard work, and I'm not really fond of it in general, so I am happy to report that I will not have to do much more! However, it is very useful practice for speaking and listening to numbers in Mandarin. Maybe you can tell that now I am fairly independent compared to when I first arrived. I have learned so much about how to get around and do things in this city, but there is always more to learn. On Monday, June 16, I began classes again for a five-week summer term. This term I am only teaching freshmen. One of the classes is the group I had last semester. It will be fun because the term is short, I don't have to focus on the "IELTS" exam, and 1st year students are slightly more enthusiastic than 2nd year students. Of course, it makes a big difference that I have some past experience behind me. Hopefully, everything will go a lot more smoothly. Naomi and I will be finished teaching Ann's class at the Public Health College in four weeks, but they have been very pleasant students and we will miss them. On June 5th, I "snuck" out of the city to go north for the first time. A Canadian teacher named Ruth lives in Yichun, the "largest city in the country" geographically, as she informed me. It took five hours to travel there by bus, and cost 80 RMB one way. Yichun-city is a small town, and very beautiful. The scenery of the mountains that I enjoyed from the bus reminded me of the Upper Peninsula, and I saw interesting farmland closer to Harbin. Although I do not want to go into any details, I want you to know that there has been some difficulties for me about staying here when my friends from TEAM are in the U.S. In a few days I will have to rework my contract, and it will not be easy. This has opened doors to alternatives already, but I have not pursued anything yet. Please keep this situation in your thoughts.