12/11/10 (11:57:52) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (12:07:05) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (12:15:19) Prof. Oak: Rosario logs into the Chat. (12:17:29) Prof. Oak: PokeLord has been logged out (Timeout). (12:21:02) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (12:21:11) PokeLord: TROGDOR. (12:33:49) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (12:35:13) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (12:37:53) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (12:41:16) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (12:45:24) Prof. Oak: Rosario has been logged out (Timeout). (12:52:47) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (12:56:31) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (13:07:11) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (13:07:21) Nick: Hello. (13:08:07) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (13:09:43) Nick: These "Flamin' Hot Cheetos" are good. (13:12:56) NightmareNick: Takis > Cheetos (13:18:21) DEZTROYA: .... (13:20:00) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (13:20:05) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (13:20:23) Brock: Dark! (13:20:42) Nick: What? (13:21:15) Brock: I want to buy some stuff from your shop :3 (13:23:33) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (13:26:51) DEZTROYA: Im going to go do something I will return later (13:26:58) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (13:27:17) ManaPhione: okeay (13:30:37) Nick: Uh, hold on. I'm watching todays pokemon episode. :3 (13:30:41) NightmareNick: Mana, do you have a Lanturn (: (13:30:58) ManaPhione: no... (13:31:19) NightmareNick: Ok. (13:31:24) ManaPhione: i don't like lanturn (13:31:45) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (13:31:49) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (13:31:50) ManaPhione: real anglerfish are scary (13:32:05) PokeLord: Much scarier than Lanturn. (13:32:15) PokeLord: *Much more scary? (13:32:55) ManaPhione: of course (13:34:49) Brock: I ordered three things dark :3 (13:35:38) Brock: And I do believe one is free ;D (13:36:37) NightmareNick: Why is one free? (13:38:53) ManaPhione: buy one get one free sale! (13:39:19) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (13:40:59) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (13:42:36) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (13:42:56) Nick: Yes Brock. They are. (13:43:21) Nick: Now, what pokemon did you order, Brock? (13:43:47) ManaPhione: you guys order so much (13:43:57) Nick: o.O Brock? (13:44:33) Brock: Check your thread. For the NN's too. (13:44:40) Nick: :0 (13:45:37) Brock: I'm on my iPod so I don't feel like typing all of it. (13:46:32) Nick: Oh, you lie Brock, NightmareNick did not post anything. =| (13:48:59) Nick: :3 (13:48:59) NightmareNick: Brock why buy 3 when you buy 4 and since your buying 2 you get 2 free :x (13:49:17) Nick: Too late. :X (13:49:28) Nick: I guess. (13:49:32) Nick: lol jk (13:50:16) Nick: I don't know what I'm talking about =/ (13:51:00) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (13:51:09) NightmareNick: Your shop needs a chinchou (13:51:20) Nick: ikr (13:51:36) Nick: I am actually thinking of putting one of those in there. (13:51:55) ManaPhione: is lanturn good? (13:52:04) NightmareNick: R u srs (13:52:37) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (13:52:40) Nick: LANTURN IS AWESOME! (13:52:41) NightmareNick: Can you get it 31/x/20+?/31/31/x (13:52:44) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (13:53:14) Brock: I payed dark. (13:53:31) NightmareNick: 8D (13:53:35) Nick: Okay, let me nickname them... (13:53:58) NightmareNick: I'll pay 100 pallets for dah chinchou DPoD. (13:54:10) Brock: I'll sign on wifi. (13:54:27) Nick: When I breed and add it. What nature do you want it? (13:55:28) NightmareNick: Calm (13:56:00) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (13:56:07) NightmareNick: I need the HP, spec.A, and Spec.D to be 31 if you can get it. (13:57:05) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (13:57:10) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (13:57:19) Nick: I dont think I can make it like that. But I will try... (13:58:59) ManaPhione: you can do it (13:59:07) ManaPhione: believe in yourself (13:59:30) Nick: >:C (14:00:09) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (14:00:17) Nick: Brock, where is your ugly character? (14:00:37) Nick: I don't see a karate guy... (14:00:41) Prof. Oak: 2008_pie logs into the Chat. (14:00:46) Brock: What are you talking about? (14:00:57) Brock: Oh (14:01:03) Nick: You are not in teh wifi room... (14:01:04) 2008_pie: Are the forums not working for anyone else? (14:01:23) Nick: They're working for me. (14:01:24) Brock: Be there soon. (14:01:30) Nick: kk (14:02:40) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (14:02:41) 2008_pie: wow they are working on internet explorer but not modzilla.... (14:03:53) Brock: Lower case plz (14:04:14) Nick: Are you freaking serious? >:C (14:04:40) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (14:04:54) klaywaffle: Battle anyone? (14:05:03) Nick: I will. (14:05:13) Nick: When I'm done trading w/ Brock. (14:05:18) Brock: Thank you :3 (14:05:21) ManaPhione: klay (14:05:28) ManaPhione: no! too late! (14:06:34) ManaPhione: (14:06:56) Nick: (14:07:42) Brock: Nick you should battle mana to make him happy :3 (14:08:12) Nick: I'm going to battle klay. Why don't you battle mana? (14:08:34) Brock: Other nick. (14:08:46) Nick: Oh.... (14:08:52) Nick: XP (14:09:08) ManaPhione: you're confusing me (14:09:11) klaywaffle: That's why I still call him Dark (14:09:22) Nick: ;-; (14:09:33) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (14:09:41) Nick: Bye-bye Kitsune. (14:09:44) klaywaffle: O-wait (14:09:45) GlaceonStation: 0_0 (14:09:50) klaywaffle: I'll call Dark Nick2 (14:10:04) GlaceonStation: Nickpitofdoom2 (14:10:09) Nick: I was here before NightmareNick... (14:10:15) klaywaffle: Since there is already NightmareNick (14:10:19) Nick: D:< (14:10:30) ManaPhione: > (14:10:36) klaywaffle: But you got the Nick username after he joined (14:10:46) Nick: 0_0 (14:10:50) Nick: -___- (14:10:54) ManaPhione: Hey you! BE QUIET> (14:10:58) GlaceonStation: I thought you were a new member at first, er, Nick (14:11:00) klaywaffle: Exit Trade (14:11:06) Nick: I want to choke you right now, klay... (14:11:06) klaywaffle: And Battle now (14:11:15) Nick: XD (14:11:30) Nick: Hold on. I need to grab some pokermanz... (14:11:50) klaywaffle: Based on what I see (14:11:56) klaywaffle: You're trading with brock? (14:12:01) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (14:12:11) Nick: I just left the trade. :3 (14:12:25) Brock: Have fun with your drowzeez! (14:12:35) Nick: o.O (14:12:46) Nick: I saw that! (14:12:49) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (14:12:50) NightmareNick: To be honest, I hate this name. (14:12:51) GlaceonStation: LOL (14:13:05) ManaPhione: so who am i going against? (14:13:17) klaywaffle: Then get a new one (14:13:26) klaywaffle: Based on what I know (14:13:26) NightmareNick: DPoD, how did you get a name change? (14:13:39) klaywaffle: Justin,Jowy, and annie have the power (14:13:47) Nick: I asked annie. (14:13:47) GlaceonStation: ^annie. Juuuust sayin (14:13:57) klaywaffle: I tried asking JOwy a few months ago and then Justin (14:14:00) Brock: Time to EV train... (14:14:13) ManaPhione: where'd the 2 in your name go? (14:14:13) klaywaffle: They never really replied (14:14:23) klaywaffle: So I asked Joec (14:14:34) klaywaffle: And well he doesn't have the ability (14:14:34) GlaceonStation: You got the 2 off your name! I only just noticed! (14:14:46) klaywaffle: So NN just ask annie (14:15:16) klaywaffle: Of course Dark only got a name change because He saw that I got one (14:15:29) klaywaffle: Dark get on wifi (14:15:47) NightmareNick: Do you just send them a PM asking? (14:15:48) GlaceonStation: Most of the Mods are unactive *cough Arcanator *cough (14:15:52) Nick: IM GOING IN! (14:16:09) klaywaffle: I just posted via VM (14:16:15) The_Shinigami: LOLANNIE (14:16:36) klaywaffle: Who's Arcanator? (14:16:43) Nick: Actually Klay, I've been wanting the name change for months... (14:16:43) klaywaffle: Name sounds familiar (14:16:52) ManaPhione: i thought i was going to battle someone... (14:17:00) ManaPhione: fine then (14:17:07) The_Shinigami: baww? (14:17:08) GlaceonStation: Hes a mod of some sort, but he hasnt been on for ages (14:18:01) Nick: Why are you letting me set up on spikes? (14:18:02) klaywaffle: You really actually let me set up 3 swords dance?\ (14:18:21) klaywaffle: Mislick on avalanche (14:18:23) The_Shinigami: (20:18:01) Nick: Why are you letting me set up on spikes? deja vu... (14:18:35) Nick: THAT DID NOTHING! XD (14:18:39) klaywaffle: Why are you letting me set up 3 SD? (14:18:54) Nick: Cuz, I needed to get some stuff up. (14:19:27) Nick: Wow, explosion did more than I thought... (14:19:31) ManaPhione: are spikes that important? (14:19:38) GlaceonStation: KC hasnt been on for over a month (14:19:56) Nick: o.O (14:20:11) klaywaffle: Wow (14:20:18) Nick: ... (14:20:18) klaywaffle: Raikou lived on 1HP (14:20:26) Nick: 3 (14:20:32) Nick: Now I die (14:20:56) klaywaffle: Signature poke (14:21:07) ManaPhione: dun dun dun (14:21:12) Nick: Sig vs Sig (14:21:23) ManaPhione: there should be a spectator mode (14:21:33) GlaceonStation: Agreed, Mana (14:21:36) Nick: Of cource Gliscor wins... :3 (14:21:38) GlaceonStation: gtg (14:21:49) klaywaffle: This is why I barely use zard (14:22:05) Nick: You need a spinner! (14:22:05) klaywaffle: It always gets raped by rocks (14:23:00) Nick: You're being raped by my gliscor! (14:23:22) klaywaffle: Wait (14:23:24) klaywaffle: SD? (14:23:34) Nick: (14:23:42) klaywaffle: I forgot (14:23:54) Nick: This thing has a whole new moveset. (14:24:04) Nick: o.O (14:24:07) Nick: >_> (14:24:26) Nick: That was really wimpy of you, Klay. (14:24:41) klaywaffle: ... (14:24:53) klaywaffle: How is that wimpy? (14:24:55) Nick: Now, I'm asleep... (14:25:20) Nick: You realize I'm kidding right? (14:26:10) Nick: That isn't going to do anything... (14:26:28) Nick: Why did I do that? (14:26:41) Nick: Sorry about the crit... (14:27:28) Nick: -___- (14:27:49) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (14:28:09) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (14:28:35) ManaPhione: looks like things have taken a turn for the worse (14:28:47) klaywaffle: Mana you next (14:28:48) ManaPhione: what will happen to our young challenger? (14:29:12) ManaPhione: i'm still waiting in the room (14:29:35) klaywaffle: brb (14:29:54) Nick: brb (14:31:12) Nick: back. (14:32:02) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (14:32:14) Nick: That was a worthless crit... (14:32:20) Nick: gg (14:32:31) klaywaffle: Mana (14:32:35) Nick: (14:32:36) klaywaffle: Let me get a new team (14:32:42) ManaPhione: eh? (14:32:46) Nick: I am battling mana! (14:32:56) klaywaffle: I knew you would that (14:32:56) ManaPhione: nick just went and challenged me out of nowhere (14:33:00) Prof. Oak: Sceptilejack logs into the Chat. (14:33:10) Nick: You want me to run? (14:33:10) klaywaffle: It was only obvious (14:33:23) Nick: I thought you needed to battle someone... (14:33:36) klaywaffle: ME! (14:33:55) klaywaffle: We WERE supposed to battle (14:33:55) Nick: :0 Let us battle first. (14:34:00) Nick: XP (14:34:02) ManaPhione: looks like i'm actually going to do this one (14:34:06) Nick: I didn't klnow... (14:38:19) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs out of the Chat. (14:38:38) ManaPhione: don't i x4 resist that? (14:38:49) Nick: Yeah... (14:38:56) Nick: But it was fun to use... (14:39:05) ManaPhione: that still did i crap load (14:39:58) Nick: I was scared you would wake up... (14:41:12) The_Shinigami: lolwat (14:42:59) Prof. Oak: 2008_pie has been logged out (Timeout). (14:43:09) Nick: Why did that NOT KILL?! (14:43:15) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (14:44:34) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (14:45:36) NightmareNick: Hey Toast. (14:46:39) ToasterRampage: Hi (14:47:24) Nick: I never thought that I would beat Mana this easily. (14:48:15) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (14:48:22) The_Shinigami: Aha... (14:48:38) Nick: I won 3-0?! What?! (14:48:49) ManaPhione: that 4 turns of sleep messed me up (14:48:52) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (14:49:00) klaywaffle: Back (14:49:10) Nick: gg (14:49:42) Nick: I kinda was happy with Breloom. (14:49:52) ManaPhione: breloom cheats (14:50:20) Nick: No it dosen't (14:50:35) Nick: I protected so that I woudn't fall asleep. (14:50:50) Nick: Then the toxic orb activates. (14:51:10) Nick: Meaning, I cannot get another status condition. (14:51:18) Nick: Then, I spore you. (14:51:30) ManaPhione: i saw what happened (14:51:30) Nick: Then I focus Punch a few times. (14:51:32) NightmareNick: You can still get secondary status conditions. (14:51:57) Nick: I can't go to sleep if I'm poisoned... (14:52:08) ManaPhione: i know that (14:52:18) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (14:52:20) Nick: That was the whole plan... (14:52:24) ManaPhione: you got max sleep turns (14:52:34) Nick: To cripple your Venomoth. (14:52:38) ManaPhione: it only had a 1/4 chance of working anyways. (14:52:59) ManaPhione: if i woke up any earlier than i did... (14:53:00) Nick: I didn't get max sleep turns. (14:53:17) Nick: It is 5 turns, I got 4... =/ (14:53:39) NightmareNick: I know the solution. (14:53:52) ManaPhione: it was still a lucky break (14:53:54) NightmareNick: Use Lum Berry, there all better. (14:55:01) Nick: Are you and klay going to battle now? (14:55:16) ManaPhione: maybe (14:55:27) ManaPhione: he's not online now (14:56:12) NightmareNick: Lanturn is so unloved (14:56:24) Nick: I love lanturn... (14:56:39) NightmareNick loved lanturn b4 you (14:56:58) Nick: I loved lanturn since I first began wifi battling! (14:57:29) ManaPhione: lanturn is evil (14:57:30) Nick: Back in April.. (14:58:12) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (14:58:12) ToasterRampage: I loved Lanturn since G/S came out. (14:58:13) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (14:58:21) ToasterRampage: Because it's a competition. (14:58:52) NightmareNick: Mana thinks the cute little fishy is scary. (14:59:33) klaywaffle: Parafusion Lanturn... (15:00:14) Nick: It is adorable. (15:00:14) NightmareNick: Cuuute <3 (15:00:37) ManaPhione: ocarina of time? (15:00:49) NightmareNick: lolno (15:00:57) ManaPhione: huntail is where it's at (15:01:03) NightmareNick: I think Banjo Kazooei or along the lines of that. (15:01:15) ToasterRampage: Banjo Tooie, fool. (15:01:15) Nick: Lanturn kills Huntail faster... (15:01:35) klaywaffle: Lanturn looks nothing like an anglerfish (15:01:40) NightmareNick: I was close, I've never played any of the banjo series. (15:01:55) ToasterRampage: DO IT. (15:02:07) ToasterRampage: They're fun, as well as entertaining. (15:02:21) ToasterRampage: But not the one for Xbox 360/ (15:02:35) ToasterRampage: I've heard it's terrible. (15:03:05) Nick: Awww, it is soooo cute! (15:03:20) Prof. Oak: Sceptilejack has been logged out (Timeout). (15:03:22) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (15:03:24) NightmareNick: These Lanturn wannabes need to GTFO. (15:03:39) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (15:03:49) Nick: ^ agrees (15:03:56) ManaPhione: lanturn is a huntail wannabe (15:04:12) ToasterRampage: Lanturn is Gen II (15:04:13) Nick: NO! Huntail is a lanturn wannabe! (15:04:21) ToasterRampage: Huntail is Gen III (15:04:25) Nick: huntail is gen 3... (15:04:45) ToasterRampage: Lanturn is based on an angler fish/football fish. (15:04:46) ManaPhione: no RSE is 3 years before GSC (15:04:56) klaywaffle: Anglerfish existed over a thousand years ago (15:05:17) klaywaffle: Lanturn existed 8 >=( (15:05:21) NightmareNick: Huntail = The WTF fish. (15:05:36) ToasterRampage: Huntail is based on an eel. (15:14:55) klaywaffle: Russel Viper (15:14:59) klaywaffle: Etc (15:15:39) Nick: Klay (Lady Gaga) GET OFF MY LAWN! (15:15:43) Nick: :3 (15:16:25) Nick is just trying to be funny. Aparently it has failed... (15:16:57) klaywaffle: My knowledge of animals and Dinosaurs is unbetable (15:17:09) klaywaffle: Unbeatable* (15:17:31) Nick lost THE GAME (15:18:39) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (15:20:15) Nick: I'm going to upload the battle I had with mana! (15:27:08) Prof. Oak: jimj logs into the Chat. (15:27:26) NightmareNick: DPoD, how about uploading a battle that ISN'T mana..... (15:27:40) klaywaffle: Ask permission (15:28:01) klaywaffle: You need mana's approval (15:28:48) Nick: Nick, you wanna battle? (15:30:13) NightmareNick: No, not right now. (15:30:26) Nick: Klay? (15:30:42) Nick: I haven't uploaded a battle between you and I. (15:30:58) klaywaffle: nah (15:36:56) NightmareNick: I came up with the best clause evar. (15:37:21) Nick: I'm going to do some of my Black Walkthrough, than. (15:37:48) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (15:38:11) klaywaffle: Santa Clause means no Delibird (15:38:29) NightmareNick: Pokemon Clause - No pokemon allowed 3: 12/13/10 (20:01:16) Shiny: Puerto Rico is part of the United States of America (20:01:31) PokeLord: But not a state. (20:01:43) Shiny: again (20:01:48) Shiny: >if you border one of the 13 colonies, or a state bordering one, then you're east. (20:01:53) Shiny: it says nowhere that you have to be a state (20:02:02) Shiny: just so long as you border a state (20:02:18) PokeLord: I give up. (20:02:24) Shiny: woo (20:02:52) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp has been logged out (Timeout). (20:02:53) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (20:03:11) Heho: That argument got lame 4 minutes ago (20:03:30) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:03:54) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:12:14) PokeLord: Shiny, we killed the chat. (20:14:27) Shiny brofists (20:15:16) PokeLord returns (20:16:21) maizesmagikarp: opinions on new starter names? (20:16:50) Shiny: beautiful (20:17:05) maizesmagikarp: snivy is pro (20:17:24) Shiny: oshawott and tepig are the best (20:17:40) Heho: SMUGLEAF (20:17:44) Heho: HIS NAME IS SMUGLEAF (20:18:01) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (20:18:34) maizesmagikarp: agreed (20:18:45) Heho: >:l (20:18:48) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:18:59) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:25:24) klaywaffle: Where did the name smugleaf come from? (20:25:35) Heho: Google (20:25:41) Trogdor: you have 3 guesses (20:25:50) Trogdor: if it doesn't become obvious then I've got bad news for you (20:31:28) Heho: :l (20:32:34) klaywaffle: I'm thinking okay. patience, Heho, patience (20:32:50) NightmareNick: Klay, do you want to UU? (20:33:17) klaywaffle: Nah (20:33:26) klaywaffle: Not in the mood to battle atm (20:33:43) PokeLord: Heho, was it you who made the chat rules? (20:33:49) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:34:13) klaywaffle: Speaking of chat rules (20:34:15) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:34:16) Shiny: yeah (20:34:16) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 1. (20:34:21) Shiny: but I made the rules (20:34:33) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:34:39) PokeLord: Isn't no asking for battles included in there? (20:35:52) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (20:36:03) Pwnemon: hi (20:36:54) Heho: Shiny you link me to these rules. (20:37:14) Heho: I want to read them. (20:37:58) Shiny: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?t=7090 (20:38:21) Pwnemon: i remember these (20:38:28) Heho: Oh yeah (20:38:31) Pwnemon: these are the ones with such rules as, "fish shower" (20:38:35) Heho: The Rules (20:39:01) Heho: Of the spamboard. (20:39:34) Heho: As of this month you we're never in this chat. (20:39:49) Heho: Or at least you barely said anything (20:40:24) Prof. Oak: Heho rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (20:40:34) Heho: F*ck yeah. (20:40:58) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 4. (20:41:04) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 1d6 and gets 4. (20:41:05) Prof. Oak: Trogdor rolls 1d50 and gets 9. (20:41:14) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 1d6 and gets 3. (20:41:18) klaywaffle: F yeah. (20:42:32) Prof. Oak: Shiny rolls 1d97 and gets 10. (20:42:36) Shiny: aww (20:42:39) Shiny: I did 97.5 (20:42:43) Shiny: and it rounded down (20:42:47) Shiny: that's a jerk move, chat (20:43:05) Pwnemon: l2round moron chat (20:43:06) Heho: ROLL AGAIN FAGGOT (20:43:24) Prof. Oak: Shiny rolls 1d6 and gets 2. (20:43:24) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon rolls 1d12 and gets 10. (20:43:30) Shiny: I dd 3598235893. (20:43:38) Pwnemon: I hit 1d12.9999999 and it rolled a 1d12 (20:44:37) Prof. Oak: Trogdor rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (20:44:49) Trogdor: THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A p SIDED DIE (20:45:06) Prof. Oak: Shiny rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:45:14) Shiny: that was an i sided di (20:45:15) Shiny: e (20:46:01) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 1d97 and gets 40. (20:46:23) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 1d6 and gets 4. (20:47:02) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:47:12) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (20:47:16) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (20:47:16) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I guess d6 is the default if the input after "_d" is nonnumeric. (20:47:24) Pwnemon: yes (20:47:28) Pwnemon: or if it's above 100 (20:47:30) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 1d99 and gets 87. (20:47:37) Pwnemon: you took a while to figure that out (20:47:38) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I know how to do that in Visual Basic. (20:47:43) maizesmagikarp: how2roll? (20:48:06) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Type "/roll" then "_d_" (20:48:14) I'm_as_bad_as_my: _ = a number. (20:48:33) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 99d99 and gets 38,88,54,76,6,27,64,33,31,82,94,?83,84,64,34,75,70,85,96,58,37,9,9?0,1,29,64,38,26,21,96,24,32,85,27?,31,88,55,72,37,15,32,87,20,86,93?,53,28,50,2,1,70,13,80,85,68,42,7?1,49,56,17,96,43,31,15,98,72,48,7?0,22,62,92,99,75,84,75,48,71,81,2?5,25,27,25,4,96,38,29,35,96,71,83?,22,44,94,42,95,89,58,49,95. (20:48:37) maizesmagikarp: i see (20:49:00) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon rolls 100d100 and gets 64,13,70,51,14,43,7,95,50,96,97,?18,87,78,42,12,40,95,15,18,80,91,?6,60,87,83,73,39,100,81,30,57,100?,41,93,83,6,75,22,22,8,47,7,28,33?,82,25,81,7,32,81,60,78,67,63,38,?36,58,43,24,12,9,60,71,38,67,91,9?1,54,85,20,50,72,36,85,93,52,41,6?5,79,66,8,60,27,61,17,66,93,79,39?,56,5,48,48,73,90,87,29,34,15. (20:49:01) NightmareNick: 0 of those are 99's. (20:49:03) Pwnemon: get owned bro (20:49:19) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 100d100 and gets 5,34,26,85,81,9,92,77,35,83,32,8?8,93,54,30,28,84,38,36,20,83,14,8?9,6,78,17,10,96,65,24,4,34,68,78,?40,17,76,45,40,72,81,100,85,48,43?,3,17,78,19,73,48,51,77,37,2,58,7?,41,92,44,96,54,13,91,8,12,84,21,?20,48,17,34,20,72,24,24,10,74,47,?96,51,44,2,38,36,6,19,98,21,12,32?,42,66,67,64,19,51,11,23,33. (20:49:28) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 1d6 and gets 2. (20:49:40) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 6d6 and gets 4,2,5,3,5,2. (20:49:48) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle rolls 5d5 and gets 1,1,2,1,1. (20:49:49) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (20:49:55) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick rolls 100d6 and gets 3,3,5,1,3,3,5,2,6,3,4,1,4,6,2,5,?4,1,5,5,2,2,2,3,2,2,2,6,5,4,5,6,3?,5,5,1,4,5,6,2,6,2,2,2,5,6,6,4,5,?6,3,3,6,2,2,6,1,6,2,1,6,6,3,1,5,3?,6,4,3,4,2,6,3,3,1,3,2,6,2,2,6,1,?2,3,5,5,3,5,6,3,5,2,4,2,6,6,5,5,6?,6. (20:49:57) Nick: HOLY SHI-!!!!!! (20:49:58) maizesmagikarp: i wanted >9000 dice (20:50:03) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I put "/roll ndn" (20:50:26) I'm_as_bad_as_my: It said "/roll 1d6" (20:50:30) Nick: I unlocked the transfer machine in my English White. ^_^ (20:51:06) Nick: Now I have to get a Japanese SoulSilver or Heart Gold. -____- (20:51:26) maizesmagikarp: fun with dice (20:51:57) maizesmagikarp: they should remake r/s/e with the b/w engine (20:52:04) Heho: Oh F*ck (20:52:17) Heho: Trog get in hur (20:52:21) Nick: They should. (20:54:00) Nick: Klay, Why the f*ck is your avatar on YT a cookie? (20:54:47) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:54:57) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp rolls 1d6 and gets 3. (20:55:01) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (20:55:21) Trogdor: hmm? (20:55:22) Rich_Richie: Yeahhhh (20:55:28) Trogdor: OHMYGODIT'SDICK (20:55:30) klaywaffle: Because, you see dark (20:55:30) Rich_Richie: Trog <3333 (20:55:40) Rich_Richie: <33333333333333333333333 love (20:55:43) Trogdor: You need skype (20:55:46) klaywaffle: Cookies are an essential part of the human diet (20:55:56) klaywaffle: Without it we would perish (20:55:57) Trogdor: that is and forever will be the first thing I say to you from now on (20:55:59) Nick: True dat! (20:56:14) Trogdor: also <333333333333 (20:56:33) Rich_Richie: I know dude, I should have enough money for my new lappy after christmas (20:57:55) maizesmagikarp: less than three hundred and thirty three billion, three hundred thirty three million, three hundred and thirty three thousand, three hundred thirty three? (20:58:10) Nick: Well the silense dosen't sound to safe :o (20:58:30) Trogdor: Dick that's the best news I've heard all day (20:59:54) I'm_as_bad_as_my: bye (21:00:20) Rich_Richie: I thought you would love that <3 (21:00:51) maizesmagikarp: bye all (21:01:14) Nick: I guess I should start my new intro!\ (21:01:24) Nick: CamStudio, AWAY! (21:02:31) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (21:05:03) Trogdor: inb4 chat reaches absolute minimum (21:07:01) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (21:07:19) jrGEM: rich are you able to trade? (21:07:49) Rich_Richie: Trog, I can't wait to vote for you in every category for the TPT awards <3 (21:07:52) Rich_Richie: Nope (21:07:53) jrGEM: and nick can you help me evolve my new slowpoke my trick one (21:09:30) Trogdor: Rich I'll vote for you in everything you get nominated (21:09:49) Trogdor: which will be everything since I'll nominoot you for everything because we have a special relationship (21:10:01) Nick: Ask someone else please. I'm making an intro right now. XP (21:10:15) Rich_Richie: Samsies, we are like brothers that have never met <3 (21:10:20) Rich_Richie: Cept for in my dreams... (21:10:26) Trogdor: <3 (21:10:40) Trogdor: Why haven't you shown up in any of my dreams? (21:11:11) Trogdor: I drag my ass all the way over to Wisconsin to show up and [censored] in your dreams and this is how you repay me? ;~; (21:11:54) Rich_Richie: Hmmm, I'll fix this (21:12:06) Rich_Richie: But I wont do show up in your dreams for a few weeks (21:12:14) Rich_Richie: So it can be a surprise (21:13:35) Trogdor: haha (21:13:39) Trogdor: I can't wait (21:16:14) jrGEM: yeah (21:16:32) Rich_Richie: Good (21:30:15) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (21:31:32) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (21:33:48) Prof. Oak: Dabomb has been logged out (Timeout). (21:43:47) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (22:14:10) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (22:17:58) Nick: YES! I FINISHED MY INTRO! (22:24:15) Nick: I am so proud of myself :3 (22:24:31) Nick: Well, good night everyone. ^___^ (22:45:14) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (22:45:35) PokeLord: What up? (22:47:25) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (22:52:44) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (22:53:03) DEZTROYA: what i missed Richie D: (22:53:31) DEZTROYA: what kind of horrible friend am I (22:53:40) DEZTROYA: ;^; (22:54:09) Trogdor: It's OK Dez (22:54:15) Trogdor: he sent his regards to everybody (22:54:42) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (22:54:42) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (22:58:06) DEZTROYA: ah (22:58:15) DEZTROYA: i still missed it (23:18:38) DEZTROYA: jeez my back hurts (23:18:49) Trogdor: :< (23:18:55) Trogdor: My brain hurts (23:19:06) DEZTROYA: haha studying? (23:19:27) DEZTROYA: Moving boxes and furniture is always a drag (23:47:44) DEZTROYA: i guess the chat is pretty much finished for the night later (23:50:14) Trogdor: yeah.. =/ (23:58:51) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (23:58:54) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (23:59:25) Trogdor: CTRL+SHIFT+T is the most useful thing ever (23:59:46) Trogdor: like when I accidentally my entire browser, I'm just one key stroke away from restoring it all 12/14/10 (00:18:15) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (00:32:03) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (00:32:37) DEZTROYA: (00:32:41) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs out of the Chat. (00:32:44) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (00:32:55) Trogdor: DEZTROYA (00:41:49) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (01:03:29) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (01:13:33) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (01:18:38) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (03:51:44) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (04:22:28) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (05:22:59) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick has been logged out (Timeout). (05:28:07) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (08:03:18) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (08:07:14) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (08:07:25) Nick: Hello. (08:08:10) Nick: Well, this is unactive an all, so bye. ;D (08:34:57) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (08:39:59) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (09:24:12) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (09:55:43) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (10:42:09) Prof. Oak: Pokemon-X logs into the Chat. (11:06:01) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 logs into the Chat. (11:06:11) Jimmy31428: YES (11:16:11) Prof. Oak: Pokemon-X has been logged out (Timeout). (12:24:02) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs into the Chat. (12:41:01) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (12:41:17) GlaceonStation: 0_0 (12:49:02) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (12:57:18) Prof. Oak: Rolitika has been logged out (Timeout). (13:12:32) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (13:22:37) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (14:14:57) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs into the Chat. (14:30:50) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (14:45:59) Prof. Oak: Denvari logs into the Chat. (14:48:18) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (14:48:43) DEZTROYA: yo (14:48:53) Denvari: Hi^^ (14:49:03) Jimmy31428: Hello (14:49:07) DEZTROYA: i'll brb (14:58:18) Prof. Oak: Rolitika has been logged out (Timeout). (15:00:56) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (15:00:59) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (15:01:17) Nick: NOW! WHICH ONE OF YOU WANTS TO F*CKING DIE?! (15:01:36) Nick: Oh... theyre not here. (15:01:36) Denvari: -_- (15:01:46) Nick: Sorry ;-; (15:02:02) Jimmy31428: I am (15:02:19) Nick: Hey hey Jimmy. (15:03:12) Nick: What do you guys think of my cheap intro? XD (15:03:32) Denvari: -_- (15:03:41) Jimmy31428: Haven't even seen it. (15:03:45) Denvari: Thats what I think (15:03:55) Nick: And your problem is? Denvari? (15:04:06) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (15:04:09) Nick: I love Gliscor <3 (15:04:24) Nick: Especially the awesome one I bred last night. (15:05:17) DEZTROYA: your intro needs more Rise against (15:05:46) Nick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k?-vsH9cbimU ..> (15:21:28) DEZTROYA: or are you? (15:21:36) DEZTROYA: ive only done that once with trog (15:21:56) Nick: Well, I've only video chatted with my gf. (15:22:27) Nick: WAIT! I shouldn't care what people think of me! (15:23:17) DEZTROYA: Chatting with a group is better than alone with someone else (15:23:30) jrGEM: that is easier said then done (15:23:37) Nick: I guess you're right. (15:23:59) Nick: True, GEM. I have veeeery low self esteem. =/ (15:25:29) jrGEM: I think it's impossible to anyone to not care what other think (15:25:37) jrGEM: no matter how hard you try you will always care (15:25:50) DEZTROYA: thats true (15:26:10) DEZTROYA: but with me its generally with the people i meet and friends i have in person (15:27:27) Nick: I would like to talk to Brock. :3 But I have a facebook and shiz. :3 (15:27:30) jrGEM: same (15:28:18) Shiny: ohhh yeah new sig (15:31:49) DEZTROYA: so is every letter linked to something different shiny? (15:33:21) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (15:33:28) MawileMachina: Hello (15:33:29) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos logs into the Chat. (15:33:35) Shiny: yes (15:33:36) DEZTROYA: Hi MM (15:33:54) DEZTROYA: Hi Lost (15:34:31) Nick: IT'S YOUR F*CKIN NIGHTMAARRRRRRE! (15:34:45) MawileMachina: 0_0 (15:34:47) jrGEM: does jimmy still look at his store? (15:35:01) DEZTROYA: ask him he is here isnt he (15:35:13) Shiny: you should totally click on all of the links in my sig (15:35:16) Shiny: and read all the threads (15:35:22) jrGEM: i think he is afk (15:35:47) Nick: What does afk mean? (15:35:55) DEZTROYA: seriously ? (15:36:04) jrGEM: away from keyboard (15:36:06) Nick: lolyeah. (15:36:25) Nick: I thought it meant SOMETHING WAY DIFFERENT. (15:36:47) Nick: WTF?! I posted that after DEZ said seriously.... (15:37:10) jrGEM: no (15:37:18) Nick: DIE, DIE AGAIN! (15:37:48) Nick: NOW FEEL THE FIRE, FEEL THE HATE! YOUR PAIN IS WHAT WE DESIRE! (15:38:30) Prof. Oak: Denvari has been logged out (Timeout). (15:38:43) Nick: YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWWN THE PRICE OF EVIL! (15:38:44) DEZTROYA: well im going to take my time today to Clean up my Games (15:47:42) Shiny: you guys should click the links in my sig (15:47:49) Shiny: mostly because I like advertising shamelessly (15:48:34) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 has been logged out (Timeout). (15:52:53) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs out of the Chat. (15:53:03) Prof. Oak: Rolitika logs into the Chat. (15:57:49) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 logs into the Chat. (15:58:04) Jimmy31428: Hello! (15:58:16) Nick: Oh hey. (15:58:18) MawileMachina: Hi (15:58:22) DEZTROYA: Hi jimbo JrGem was looking for ya (15:58:26) Nick: Jimmy, are you up for an NU battle? (15:58:38) Jimmy31428: No (15:58:45) Nick: Okay. (15:59:05) jrGEM: jimmy are you able to trade ? (15:59:20) Jimmy31428: I suppose (15:59:24) Jimmy31428: Trade for what? (15:59:44) jrGEM: i want some pokes from your hs/ss thread (15:59:58) Nick: Yeah, I ordered something from your B/W shop. :3 (16:00:09) Nick: When do you think we can trade? (16:00:13) Jimmy31428: Um, what? I closed that a long time ago (16:01:03) jrGEM: oh (16:01:13) MawileMachina: Oh yeah, the B/W shop. I made a ludicrously large order there, luckily trading on B/W is faster (16:01:25) Jimmy31428: I could trade white now I suppose (16:01:36) Nick: Oh cool. (16:01:51) Jimmy31428: I can't remember what I'm trading though (16:03:47) Nick: I'll check. ;D (16:04:52) jrGEM: anyone up for nu battle? (16:05:09) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:05:16) ManaPhione: hello guys (16:05:21) ManaPhione: waaaaaazzzzzzzuuuuuuuppppppp (16:05:35) jrGEM: hi you want to nu battle? (16:05:44) ManaPhione: Sure. (16:05:59) Nick: Okay, I asked for the Vulpix. (16:06:11) Nick: Can I also have the tsutarja? (16:06:13) Jimmy31428: Oh, just a vulpix? (16:06:16) jrGEM: yes finally a nu battle (16:06:30) jrGEM: 4255 0163 6676 (16:06:34) Jimmy31428: Ok, I'll do that after I'm done on White (16:07:12) jrGEM: Mana, FC? (16:07:29) ManaPhione: 0904 5203 4422 (16:08:02) Nick: Well, my White fc is, 3911 3880 4319. (16:12:13) ManaPhione: waitin' (16:12:21) MawileMachina: I have college tomorrow, so I'm off now. Bye, people =) (16:12:31) jrGEM: wait (16:12:35) jrGEM: your dabomb (16:12:40) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (16:12:41) ManaPhione: no... (16:12:50) ManaPhione: This is manaphione (16:12:55) jrGEM: let me check fc (16:12:59) ManaPhione: he must have used my game against you (16:13:06) ManaPhione: we share games sometime. (16:13:30) jrGEM: oh (16:13:44) Nick: Hmm, Mana! Is that really you? (16:14:00) Nick: You're not acting like usuall. (16:14:07) ManaPhione: of course! (16:14:19) ManaPhione: what do you mean (16:14:45) ManaPhione: this is an outrage! (16:15:11) ManaPhione: blaaarrrrrgggggh (16:16:48) Nick: Well then, MANA, I MADE A NEW INTRO FOR WIFI BATTLING! (16:17:03) ManaPhione: yeah, i saw it. (16:17:16) Nick: How was it? (16:17:20) Nick: Crappy huh? (16:17:25) ManaPhione: what's with you and gliscor? (16:17:38) Nick: Gliscor is cute. <3 (16:18:09) ManaPhione: it's so... (16:18:14) ManaPhione: Purple (16:18:46) Nick: Phione is so... GIRLY! (16:18:48) jrGEM: ah (16:20:05) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:20:15) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:20:20) ManaPhione: hmph! (16:20:29) Nick: ;D (16:21:04) Nick is getting rid of music in intro, for something new. (16:21:24) jrGEM: aw (16:21:47) Nick: Why, that music is terrible. (16:22:01) Nick: It's about friendship, and helping eachother! (16:22:08) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (16:22:13) ManaPhione: it's about hope! (16:22:23) ManaPhione: it's about dreams! (16:22:26) Nick: ,____, (16:22:32) The_Shinigami: ¬_¬ (16:23:10) Nick: ^ Exactly (16:24:12) Nick: be are be (16:28:09) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos has been logged out (Timeout). (16:29:30) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (16:29:34) Prof. Oak: Rolitika has been logged out (Timeout). (16:30:23) klaywaffle: Does the chat always have to be dead everytime I come back from school? (16:32:00) jrGEM: it's not that dead like last week (16:32:58) ManaPhione: maybe. (16:32:59) jrGEM: wow good match 1-1 (16:33:04) ManaPhione: we have school too. (16:33:24) jrGEM: wow mis click ftl (16:33:50) jrGEM: miss click cost me game (16:34:08) jrGEM: nvm (16:34:42) jrGEM: mana u carried psychic? (16:34:46) ManaPhione: keckleon is too good of a special wall. (16:34:50) ManaPhione: no (16:34:56) jrGEM: oh (16:35:06) ManaPhione: Sleep powder, Agility, Baton Pass, Bug Buzz (16:35:10) jrGEM: i failed when i recovered i thought i had protect (16:35:14) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:35:14) jrGEM: oh (16:35:23) jrGEM: first turn wake save me (16:35:24) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:35:36) ManaPhione: that set is a godly passer (16:35:38) jrGEM: new pokes nu? (16:37:11) jrGEM: btw why did you switch in beginning? (16:38:20) ManaPhione: i was thinking that was a scarf butterfree (16:38:27) jrGEM: oh (16:38:28) ManaPhione: i didn't want to risk it (16:38:52) jrGEM: i need me a regirock (16:38:58) jrGEM: i mean a regiice (16:42:28) ManaPhione: hmmm (16:49:31) Nick is back! (16:50:21) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:58:20) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). 12/15/10 (20:43:26) jrGEM: toaster are you able to trade? (20:44:25) ToasterRampage: Yeah. (20:44:43) ToasterRampage: You didn't want nicknames on anything, did you? (20:44:45) jrGEM: so 150 pallets coming your way (20:45:16) klaywaffle: You could just trade him some of your pokemon in exchange for his (20:45:30) klaywaffle: That's what Shreyas does (20:45:31) ToasterRampage: Ok. (20:45:52) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (20:45:57) ToasterRampage: I don't buy any Pokemon I can breed for myself. (20:46:39) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (20:47:15) maizesmagikarp: Yea, can't imagine that Shreyas needs anymore Pallets... (20:48:57) jrGEM: people stopped buying from my shop (20:49:41) jrGEM: Well, everyone who buys from my shop just ask me directly they hardly post on the thread. (20:50:00) jrGEM: Toaster i'm ready (20:50:45) ToasterRampage: Ok, I'll be on soon. No nicknames, correct? (20:51:07) jrGEM: yeah (20:51:20) jrGEM: i don't like nicknames on my pokes (20:51:35) jrGEM: except for SlowQueen and if i ever get a Queendra (20:52:42) jrGEM: wait i might want to change drifblim (20:53:20) ToasterRampage: Ok, to... (20:54:57) jrGEM: Nvm ill just change his ev's once i get him. (20:58:10) DEZTROYA: you know pokefarm is pretty addicting (20:58:17) Straw: Hah (20:58:20) Straw: My debate teacher (20:58:24) Straw: just gave me a 100 on everything. (20:58:37) DEZTROYA: nice (20:58:47) Straw: The truth is, I didn't even do half of these. (20:59:52) Prof. Oak: Dave logs into the Chat. (21:00:11) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (21:00:34) Straw: Bro. (21:00:36) Straw: What is going down? (21:00:43) jrGEM: thanks (21:00:55) ToasterRampage: Yep (21:01:11) DEZTROYA: DEM LOLIES!!! (21:01:26) Dave: hey Dez (21:01:34) ToasterRampage: Oh yeah, so a kid got arrested for bringing a taser to school today. (21:01:36) The_Shinigami: DEM ROERIES (21:01:43) DEZTROYA: howdy dave/shini (21:01:53) Dave: Time also defied the masses and equated the Teaparty to the Beatles today (21:03:15) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (21:03:18) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (21:04:12) ToasterRampage: Hi klay (21:04:33) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (21:04:35) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (21:04:40) ToasterRampage: What's this about your Mudkip being stolen? (21:05:08) jrGEM: uunburden can be use with burn orb? (21:05:08) klaywaffle: Oh (21:05:28) klaywaffle: I gave jrGEM my mudkip so he can rebreed it with curse (21:05:33) klaywaffle: Dope (21:05:36) klaywaffle: Tyththt* (21:05:43) klaywaffle: Not jrGEM (21:05:59) klaywaffle: Thythth but yeah (21:06:05) klaywaffle: He left (21:06:35) jrGEM: i could have bread you it 12/16/10 (00:45:17) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (01:20:35) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (01:20:47) DEZTROYA: ... (02:05:14) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (02:34:19) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (02:34:22) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (06:23:46) Prof. Oak: Denvari logs into the Chat. (06:23:49) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (06:23:49) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (06:48:19) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (07:13:38) Prof. Oak: Denvari has been logged out (Timeout). (07:47:27) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 logs into the Chat. (08:19:47) Prof. Oak: Denvari logs into the Chat. (09:02:59) Prof. Oak: Denvari has been logged out (Timeout). (11:02:05) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (11:06:01) Prof. Oak: HoboBob logs into the Chat. (11:06:21) HoboBob looks around (11:06:24) HoboBob: hi (11:09:21) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (11:09:31) Jimmy31428: Hello (11:09:37) HoboBob: hey (11:11:23) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (11:12:14) GlaceonStation: Anyone hur? (11:15:46) The_Shinigami: I is. (11:15:51) The_Shinigami: I'm FREE. (11:15:58) GlaceonStation: Haishini (11:35:20) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (11:35:58) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (11:36:39) Straw: RP is up and going again. (11:41:47) Prof. Oak: HoboBob has been logged out (Timeout). (11:48:43) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (11:49:18) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (12:15:00) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (12:25:54) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (12:26:27) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (12:27:07) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (12:27:56) jrGEM: Anyone NU battle? (12:28:22) Jimmy31428: Well, considering nobody is even here... (12:29:12) jrGEM: I thought Straw might be here, but do you want to Nu battle Jimmy? (12:29:53) Jimmy31428: No... (12:30:04) jrGEM: Okay (12:32:25) Straw: I'm at school, bub. No WiFi. (12:32:35) jrGEM: oh (12:32:47) Straw: I would if I could (12:33:14) jrGEM: well ill continue to breed for mantine i got perfect one just wrong ability 29/12/21/31/31/31 (12:34:31) Jimmy31428: I have a Calm Mantine with Water absorb and IVs: 31/26/31/31/31/31 (12:35:40) jrGEM: I don't think I can breed that. (12:36:23) Jimmy31428: Annie bred it. (12:36:51) jrGEM: At most i can get 4 i'vs at 31, I don't know Annie (12:39:34) jrGEM: This is possibly my best Pokemon i ever bread. (12:39:52) jrGEM: Swellow Guts male lv 22 Jolly Hp 6/ Atk 252/ Spe 252 31/30/31/3/31/31 (12:46:45) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (12:47:32) MawileMachina: Hello? (12:47:46) jrGEM: hi (12:48:55) Straw: Yuh (12:52:01) MawileMachina: Oh cool, people. (12:57:08) The_Shinigami: >.> (12:57:09) The_Shinigami: <.< (12:57:17) The_Shinigami: Adell be trollen me on BW with a Garchomp. (12:59:34) Straw: Oh (12:59:45) Straw: Mawile, do you think (13:00:03) MawileMachina: Do I think? (13:00:21) Straw: Violet can give Locke/lend him a spheal? (13:00:50) MawileMachina: Yeah, sure. Is there a certain story you're going for? (13:01:29) Straw: No. I just like Ice types. (13:03:40) MawileMachina: Wonderbar (13:07:34) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (13:07:38) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (13:08:29) Straw: Ye (13:09:13) MawileMachina: well, just write a Post leading up to that and I'll get the Spheal thing sorted. (13:15:39) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (13:16:14) Straw: Sure. (13:30:11) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (13:35:05) MawileMachina: Hello, Shreyas (13:40:49) Shreyas: hi (13:41:08) Shreyas: lemme just hatch the egg I just obtained to make sure it has HP Grass ^^ (13:52:34) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (13:54:27) MawileMachina: Ok (13:55:43) jrGEM: How important is speed on a Mantine I just bread. Calm : 31/3/31/31/31/23 (13:56:20) MawileMachina: Base 70 (13:56:32) MawileMachina: Depends on what you are using it for (13:56:53) MawileMachina: I think 23 is fine, considering you have 31 everywhere else (13:56:55) jrGEM: Sleep talker (13:57:00) jrGEM: okay (13:57:18) MawileMachina: I think it's a great Mantine =) (13:57:42) jrGEM: okay thanks (14:01:54) jrGEM: Check my other eggs, Mantine Water Absorb Adamant: 31/13/31/30/31/31 made me mad (14:03:06) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (14:03:44) jrGEM: I'll add caterpie and mantine to my shop (14:04:55) MawileMachina: aah, that adamant one is so unlucky (14:12:00) jrGEM: I need to remake my trade thread, how do i get someone to delete it? (14:12:18) klaywaffle: EDIT (14:12:32) klaywaffle: Click the EDIT button (14:13:25) jrGEM: I want to have some post reserve, because i don't want the Pokemon list to be all over. (14:15:13) MawileMachina: You could always put links to each Pokemon List ^^ (14:15:28) klaywaffle: ^ (14:20:05) jrGEM: Well the Mantine that we agreed i use has hidden power electric 70 (14:20:09) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (14:20:38) jrGEM: and the adamant has hidden power eletric 68 (14:20:44) Shreyas: >.> messed up on Eevee had to start all over again (14:21:15) The_Shinigami: Again with the HPs on walls eh? (14:21:29) Shreyas: what? (14:21:44) Shreyas: Mantine... HP Electric... (14:21:44) The_Shinigami: what (14:21:45) jrGEM: lol (14:21:53) Shreyas: o.0 (14:21:57) jrGEM: shini you will have to teach me how to ev then (14:22:16) The_Shinigami: teach to EV train? (14:22:21) jrGEM: not ev I mean Teach me hwo to Pokemanz (14:22:21) The_Shinigami: I'm sorry I'm a bad teacher. (14:22:31) Shreyas: wait... did someone remove the picture limit per post? (14:22:34) jrGEM: i meant how to play the game (14:22:44) The_Shinigami: I have 0 patuence and will snap at any given opportunity. (14:23:10) jrGEM: I can deal with it I do live with 2 girls. (14:23:28) The_Shinigami: and I assume that everything that I know about what ever subject is at hand is common knowledge. (14:23:39) Shreyas: o lol the 10 pictures per post limit increased to 12 pictures per post (14:23:51) The_Shinigami: Like I got pissed off with some dude when he asked me to explain how Yugioh works. (14:24:09) Shreyas: hey Shini, how does Yugioh work? (14:24:14) jrGEM: Well i'm new to all this, i been playing Pokemon competitively for 2 weeks. I'm 10-10 (14:24:26) The_Shinigami: herp a derp derp that's not what I meant. (14:24:41) Shreyas: =p (14:24:48) The_Shinigami: I mean like when he didn't understand a part of it, I got pissed because I assumed that what I knew was common sense. (14:24:57) jrGEM: Like? (14:25:05) The_Shinigami: You wants to know more about Pokermons, learn by doing. (14:25:07) Shreyas: lol (14:25:31) Shreyas: jrGEM, you can learn about pokemon by researching o.0 (14:25:38) Shreyas: google. it works. (14:25:41) jrGEM: I did do hp electric on a wall, you scold me for it (14:25:42) The_Shinigami: I learnt how to EV train by myself, I learnt how to battle pretty much by myself and stoof. (14:25:50) The_Shinigami: Becaaaauuuuse (14:25:53) jrGEM: yeah ik how to ev train (14:26:02) jrGEM: i mean logical things (14:26:09) jrGEM: like no hp on walls (14:26:12) The_Shinigami: The thing about that is you don't realize that on a wall it's a bit redundant to have HP on a wall unless it was intended for something specific. (14:26:42) jrGEM: well smogon set has hidden power flying (14:26:47) The_Shinigami: Since they don't usually have attacking power, and even with a super effective hit you'll get a 140 base power move at best. (14:26:54) The_Shinigami: because HP flying is stab. (14:27:05) jrGEM: oh (14:27:06) The_Shinigami: So it's 135 base power. (14:27:29) The_Shinigami: You'd be better off putting a status move on a wall instead of a HP. (14:27:34) Shreyas: whats a base 135 power? (14:27:45) Shreyas: Toxic 8D (14:27:50) The_Shinigami: Unless you REALLY want to get rid of those Gyarados and other Mantine. (14:27:54) The_Shinigami: 105* (14:28:17) Shreyas: wait are you planning to use Mantine in OU? (14:28:28) jrGEM: So this is the Mantine I bread, tell me to if i should keep or throw away. (14:28:43) Shreyas: its up to you >.> (14:28:53) jrGEM: Calm Water Absord :31/3/31/31/31/23 (14:28:53) The_Shinigami: Not throw it away, just don't use hidden power on it unless you REALLY have a need for it. (14:29:18) The_Shinigami: If you can justify well why hp electric would benefit it in NU then more power to you. (14:29:32) MawileMachina: If you're going to throw it away, throw it my way XD (14:29:43) Shreyas: LOL (14:29:58) jrGEM: Well i'll use Hp electric for a couple of matches, ill tell you how it works out. (14:30:26) The_Shinigami: the thing is, you won't be hitting that many things in NU with HP electric. (14:30:29) Shreyas: so I need a list of winter theme pokemon. (14:30:39) Shreyas: so I can do a giveaway (14:30:41) The_Shinigami: Even against another Mantine I'd think toxic would be a better choice. (14:30:47) Shreyas: anyone with ideas, PM me (14:30:50) The_Shinigami: Don't quote me on that. (14:30:56) The_Shinigami: charizard. (14:31:13) The_Shinigami: charizard is obviously winter-esque. (14:31:28) Shreyas: Actually, Shini, its true. Mantine can take an HP Electric from another mantine and chances are the mantine you are using will get toxic'd anyway (14:31:29) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (14:32:06) The_Shinigami: Mantine vs Mantine. Unless your mantine has rest or somehow heal bell GTFO. (14:32:21) jrGEM: Shreyas move set is Rest, Sleep Talk, Surf , ( We are debating). (14:32:33) Shreyas: I say Toxic. (14:32:38) Shreyas: but, its up to you. (14:32:42) The_Shinigami: If you're going for all attacks, you'd be better off with ice beam. (14:32:46) jrGEM: Shini say toxic also (14:32:49) The_Shinigami: But a rest talking toxicer... (14:32:55) Shreyas: usually Toxic will be much more effective on a wall. (14:33:08) Shreyas: stall... (14:33:11) The_Shinigami: Yeeeeaaaaaaahhhh, but a rest talking toxicer... (14:33:23) Shreyas: I mean what else can a Mantine actually do? (14:33:27) jrGEM: yeah why i did nto want to have toxic (14:33:46) The_Shinigami: I'd just go for the regular 2 atk moves toxic protect me =/ (14:33:56) Shreyas: 80 Base SpA would not work when hitting opponents unless the move is stab'd... (14:33:58) The_Shinigami: but if you NEED to rest talk, more power to ya. (14:34:09) The_Shinigami: SUDDENLY (14:34:12) The_Shinigami: POLITOED (14:34:15) Shreyas: o.o (14:34:19) The_Shinigami: ENCORE (14:34:21) jrGEM: so toxic protect surf ice beam? (14:34:21) The_Shinigami: FFFFFUUUUU- (14:34:29) Shreyas: o right... (14:34:31) The_Shinigami: heyheyheyhey (14:34:35) Shreyas: @ jrGEM (14:34:42) Shreyas: that will work well (14:34:44) Shreyas: I hope. (14:34:46) The_Shinigami: I'm not pushing you into the decision, I'm saying just consider that. (14:34:55) The_Shinigami: ¬___¬ (14:34:59) jrGEM: Well push on.. (14:35:02) The_Shinigami: that's pretty much what I said too... (14:35:10) Shreyas: I really don't see why Mantine. I hate using tanks that do not have a reliable recovery... (14:35:13) jrGEM: I want your opinion why i asked.. (14:35:51) Shreyas: that too Stealth Rocks damage will hurt mantine hard. (14:36:08) Shreyas: and any tiny spark can take it down... (14:36:16) jrGEM: I want it to mix it up a bit, I don't like using the same team constantly. (14:36:40) jrGEM: The pokemon I carry on my NU team is Kecleon (14:36:41) Shreyas: I guess it is up to you... (14:37:31) jrGEM: Well mantine move can be switched, so ill try all my option until I decide on one. (14:39:02) The_Shinigami: I use walls without reliable recovery a lot of the time. (14:39:22) The_Shinigami: But mang, I'd have to say you'd be kinda better off using Politoed. (14:39:33) Shreyas: ^ (14:39:46) The_Shinigami: Since he's got a lot more options too. (14:40:01) jrGEM: i'll work on one. (14:40:04) The_Shinigami: +more attacking power IIRC (14:40:27) Shreyas: olol just noticed Dusklops is NU now (14:40:27) Shreyas: XD (14:41:04) MawileMachina: XD (14:41:11) The_Shinigami: ... (14:41:12) The_Shinigami: what. (14:41:26) The_Shinigami: Oh (14:41:30) The_Shinigami: clops, not noir. (14:41:37) Shreyas: XD (14:41:39) The_Shinigami: Oh that's good. (14:41:53) The_Shinigami: It only took them the whole of Gen IV to realize. (14:42:03) jrGEM: so guys what about noctowl? (14:42:15) The_Shinigami: Noctowl. (14:42:17) The_Shinigami: Hmm. (14:42:30) The_Shinigami: The hell if I know, it's one of the few Pokemon I've never used. (14:42:34) The_Shinigami: Not even in game. (14:42:52) jrGEM: lol' (14:43:01) Shreyas: Noctowl... I have gone against him many times (14:43:01) Shreyas: o.o (14:43:19) Shreyas: but all those times ended in Noctowl's failure... (14:43:35) jrGEM: oh okay so I waste my time. (14:43:56) The_Shinigami: iunno (14:44:04) The_Shinigami: NBZ used him pretty good back in the day. (14:44:11) The_Shinigami: but this is back in the day. (14:44:30) The_Shinigami: Plus, it's one of the-what two- Pokemon that can deal with Darkrai pretty well in Ubars. (14:46:09) Shreyas: Primeape is the other? (14:46:12) Shreyas: =3 (14:46:31) The_Shinigami: unless the Darkrai is scarfed (14:46:36) The_Shinigami: and runs psychic. (14:46:47) Shreyas: =/ (14:46:53) Shreyas: so no Dark Void? =3 (14:48:27) The_Shinigami: why'd anyone dark void a Primeape >.> (14:48:56) Shreyas: o as in Darkrai does not have Dark Void? (14:48:57) Shreyas: =3 (14:49:44) The_Shinigami: Naw, just as in every Primeape under the sun is scarfed and it's presence in ubers would make you want to just kill it fast. (14:50:09) MawileMachina: Shreyas, how's the Eevee going? (14:50:24) Shreyas: o wanna trade? (14:50:29) Shreyas: -3 I just got the eevee (14:50:40) MawileMachina: Yeah, if you're free ^_^ (14:50:54) Shreyas: =3 (14:51:20) Shreyas: if I recall Regice and Starmie? (14:51:20) MawileMachina: do you need my FC? (14:51:35) Shreyas: yup (14:51:37) MawileMachina: Yes, please (14:51:48) MawileMachina: I'll need yours too (14:51:59) Shreyas: 5114-0098-5693 (14:52:01) MawileMachina: 2364 9289 0899 (14:54:24) The_Shinigami: oman (14:54:35) The_Shinigami: Imma trying to make doubles teams for black and white (14:54:38) The_Shinigami: I think they'd do alright. (14:54:48) The_Shinigami: Except nobody plays doubles in black and white =/ (14:54:58) MawileMachina: =( (14:55:10) The_Shinigami: they be all like (14:55:12) The_Shinigami: WE MUST META (14:55:25) MawileMachina: XD (14:56:44) The_Shinigami: it's liek (14:56:49) The_Shinigami: my two leads (14:56:56) The_Shinigami: Stantler and Luxray (14:57:01) The_Shinigami: Double intimidate. (14:57:12) The_Shinigami: Stantler uses skill swap on Luxray (14:57:26) The_Shinigami: Quadruple intimidate. (14:57:35) MawileMachina: Does that work? (14:57:45) The_Shinigami: Yeah. (14:58:03) The_Shinigami: Traced, roleplayed and skill swapped intimidates always activate again. (14:58:09) MawileMachina: That is some crazy physical hate (14:58:16) The_Shinigami: IT GETS BETTER. (14:58:30) MawileMachina: GO ON. (14:58:47) The_Shinigami: because if they switch out any phys attackers on the first turn and replace them with more, the skill swapped intimidate gets the switch. (14:58:51) The_Shinigami: IT STILL GETS BETTER. (14:59:01) MawileMachina: XD (14:59:17) The_Shinigami: Luxray has a move called 'bark out' which hits both opponents in a double battle and lowers sp.atk (14:59:20) Shreyas: thanks for trading ^^ (14:59:30) MawileMachina: No Problem (14:59:47) MawileMachina: So, you sort have both areas covered (14:59:59) The_Shinigami: -ish (15:00:07) The_Shinigami: I doubt it'd work that well in ACTUAL play (15:00:16) MawileMachina: Well, yeah (15:00:16) The_Shinigami: so I'd have to actually battle to see how it goes. (15:00:20) Shreyas: lol shini that would be annoying. (15:00:27) The_Shinigami: -except nobody plays doubles. (15:00:45) The_Shinigami: but guys... (15:00:51) The_Shinigami: IT GETS EVEN BETTER STILL. (15:00:57) Shreyas: you still have teh VGCs? (15:01:01) MawileMachina: Go on. =) (15:01:32) The_Shinigami: After Stantler switches out, I send in Garchomp and discharge away with Luxray C:< (15:01:44) Shreyas: =3 (15:01:59) MawileMachina: XD (15:01:59) The_Shinigami: Pfft, I don't bother with VGC (15:02:05) The_Shinigami: It never interested me. (15:02:33) MawileMachina: It sounds positively evil. Shame you can't find someone to use it on. =( (15:02:54) The_Shinigami: Meh. (15:03:02) The_Shinigami: I had the same issue in Gen IV anyway. (15:03:07) Shreyas: its fun to beat someone twice as tall and twice as old as you are (15:03:15) The_Shinigami: But in Gen IV my doubles teams were diabolical. (15:03:18) Shreyas: they go all "I lost to a 12 year old" >.> (15:03:42) Shreyas: its funny actually, (15:04:07) The_Shinigami: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L?STjryLhPJ4 < this Marowak setup for instance was pretty well thought out and GLORIOUS. (15:05:02) Shreyas: LOL I remember killing that combo in 1 turn. (15:05:33) The_Shinigami: the way I don't. (15:05:49) Shreyas: Explosion team ftw (15:06:14) The_Shinigami: Still don't =/ (15:07:11) Shreyas: ah I thought of that Worry Seed idea, but with a Slaking (15:07:53) The_Shinigami: Everyone thought of it >.> (15:08:01) Shreyas: remember you follow me/ belly drum... I send out Metagross and Dusknoir and explode o.0 (15:08:04) The_Shinigami: But that wasn't the ultimate objective of the pair. (15:08:11) Shreyas: yeah well... (15:08:22) The_Shinigami: (21:06:14) The_Shinigami: Still don't =/ (15:08:40) The_Shinigami: half/all of that team had psych up. (15:08:41) Shreyas: what happens when you worry seed a pokemon that is asleep? (15:08:43) Shreyas: o.o (15:09:07) The_Shinigami: they were meant to chain pass on Marowak's belly drum stat >.> (15:09:25) Shreyas: o lol (15:10:53) The_Shinigami: idk (15:20:04) MawileMachina: It's a good battle (15:22:54) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (15:23:10) MawileMachina: Hello Toaster ^_^ (15:23:17) ToasterRampage: Hello (15:23:21) klaywaffle: Hi (15:24:07) ToasterRampage: Ooh, Mawile, I have your namesake ready. (15:24:24) MawileMachina: =3 (15:24:39) MawileMachina: How're the ivs and stuff? (15:25:08) ToasterRampage: One sec. (15:25:24) Shreyas: whats namesnake? o.o (15:25:53) klaywaffle: Obviously a NN (15:26:01) ToasterRampage: Mawile (15:26:32) ToasterRampage: Namesake, not namesnake. (15:26:42) Shreyas: olol (15:26:46) MawileMachina: Namesnake XD (15:28:13) The_Shinigami: Who's that Pokemon! (15:28:30) The_Shinigami: It's NAMESNAKE! "NAMESNAKE!" (15:28:54) MawileMachina: XD (15:29:04) ToasterRampage: Gadget, male, adamant 31/31/31/0/31/28 w/ Sucker Punch (15:29:27) klaywaffle: Well thank God. Finals are almost over and then Christmas Break (15:29:34) MawileMachina: Thank You. How much? ^_^ (15:30:04) Shreyas: o right which reminds me that I will have a new giveaway for christmas themed pokemon and need a list of 10 (15:30:04) Prof. Oak: Mario78 logs into the Chat. (15:30:07) ToasterRampage: 60. (15:30:19) ToasterRampage: Oh wait, this is your sixth. (15:30:25) ToasterRampage: So free. (15:30:25) klaywaffle: Stantler (15:30:28) klaywaffle: Delibird? (15:30:32) Shreyas: aside from Froslass, Abomasnow, and Stantler (15:30:35) MawileMachina: (15:30:58) Shreyas: well... something that can be used competitively (15:31:05) Shreyas: o STARMIE (15:31:15) Shreyas: Starie, Abomasnow, Froslass, Stantler (15:31:24) Shreyas: *Starmie (15:31:34) Shreyas: brb lunch, and PM me your ideas =D (15:31:45) klaywaffle: Regice? (15:31:55) klaywaffle: Jynx? (15:31:56) ToasterRampage: He has one. (15:32:51) MawileMachina: I'm in (15:33:39) ToasterRampage: Totodile (15:33:48) MawileMachina: XD (15:34:36) klaywaffle: Attach a Charcoal to each and everyone of them (15:34:41) klaywaffle: (15:34:46) MawileMachina: Thank you (15:35:07) ToasterRampage: You're welcome (15:35:42) klaywaffle: Santa is real (15:35:54) ToasterRampage: I saw him at the mall. (15:35:59) klaywaffle: I SAW HIM IN THE MALL YESTERDAY (15:36:10) ToasterRampage: N- (15:36:15) ToasterRampage: N- (15:36:15) klaywaffle: >.> (15:36:30) Mario78: and how could you have both seen him at the mall? (15:36:31) ToasterRampage: NINJA'D! (15:36:42) MawileMachina: XD (15:36:43) klaywaffle: Because (15:36:43) ToasterRampage: He is magical. (15:36:45) klaywaffle: He (15:36:48) klaywaffle: Has (15:36:52) klaywaffle: Flying Stantlers (15:37:03) Mario78: of course, how stupid of me (15:37:13) MawileMachina: Silly kids. Clearly he only appears at the rubbish shopping centre near where I live, in a tiny grotto hut. (15:37:16) ToasterRampage: Come on, man. (15:38:23) Mario78: i learned the truth at about age seven (15:39:12) ToasterRampage: I found out when we came back from Florida. (15:39:17) klaywaffle: Then who do you expect eats all those cokkies huh? your Mom and Dad? (15:39:40) jrGEM: I was told early on that my mom got me the presents (15:39:45) MawileMachina: And half that carrot? They ain't eating no raw carrot, that's nasty. (15:39:53) jrGEM: i never believed in santa (15:39:54) MawileMachina: =) (15:40:03) Mario78: Hey, I like raw carrots (15:40:14) klaywaffle: Hence, why he never visited you (15:40:26) ToasterRampage: Christmas had already passed, and we got home, I looked under the tree and saw nothing. (15:40:28) Mario78: that cuts deep (15:40:39) Mario78: brb my dog wants out (15:41:15) klaywaffle: I learned the truth about 7 years ago (15:41:21) klaywaffle: I was sad (15:41:29) klaywaffle: I was a very sad puppy (15:41:36) ToasterRampage: I was six, btw. About 30 minutes later, my mom said Santa came while I was downstairs. (15:42:04) ToasterRampage: And I said, "Bullsh*t" (15:42:13) MawileMachina: At 6 XD (15:42:13) klaywaffle: Tooth Fairy only took me awhile after I felt somebody's hand under my pillow (15:42:18) ToasterRampage: Again, I was six. (15:42:52) ToasterRampage: And deeply depressed. (15:43:25) klaywaffle: It's kinda sad that our own Mom and Dad would lie to us fir a couple of years (15:44:17) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (15:44:30) klaywaffle: Traitor! (15:44:43) klaywaffle: Pfft (15:44:43) Mario78: my goodness it's cold out (15:44:54) klaywaffle: Saying he had to eat lunch (15:44:59) MawileMachina: Surely it's far less frightening knowing that an all-knowing magical man who just breaks in doesn't exist? =) (15:45:04) klaywaffle: What a load of balogna (15:45:35) ToasterRampage: Oh, poo, it stopped snowing. (15:45:53) klaywaffle: He's climbin in your windows he's snatchin yall peoples up (15:46:08) klaywaffle: Climbing in your chimbneys* xP (15:46:08) MawileMachina: LOL that just came on my ipod XD (15:46:34) Mario78: well, he is not breaking anything, and not taking anything, so kids don't care as long as they get presents (15:46:42) klaywaffle: It's 72 degrees out here :l (15:47:26) MawileMachina: Its -2 here (15:47:54) klaywaffle: It's -70 here in Antartica (15:48:21) klaywaffle: Plenty of Leopard Seal fur to keep me warm (15:48:36) MawileMachina: 0_0 (15:48:42) MawileMachina: Cruel. (15:48:55) Mario78: I don't know how to respond to that (15:49:12) klaywaffle: You won't be saying that when you see what they do to penguins (15:49:15) klaywaffle: (15:49:59) klaywaffle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W?6wYy-YBkE0 (15:50:12) Mario78: what did penguins ever do to you? (15:50:38) klaywaffle: I said Seals (15:50:42) klaywaffle: Not penguins (15:52:04) MawileMachina: There is something so sad about seeing that lifeless Penguin body. (15:52:34) Mario78: well, with that image in mind i have to leave for a bit (15:52:36) Prof. Oak: Mario78 logs out of the Chat. (15:52:56) ToasterRampage: Uh-oh. (15:54:05) klaywaffle: ... (15:54:24) klaywaffle: He prolly left for someother reason (15:55:16) MawileMachina: I really hope you aren't uh-ohing at what I think you are uh-ohing at. XD (15:55:20) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (15:57:38) ToasterRampage: Shreyas, are you RNGing Gen V yet? (15:58:32) MawileMachina: I'm going now, bye (15:58:43) klaywaffle: bye (15:58:46) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs out of the Chat. (15:59:05) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (16:04:49) Shreyas: nope (16:04:56) Shreyas: I don't even have a gen V game (16:04:58) Shreyas: ;-. (16:05:00) Shreyas: ;-; (16:05:04) Shreyas: but I'm learning (16:07:49) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs into the Chat. (16:10:25) The_Shinigami: awwww (16:10:31) The_Shinigami: tpt, stuck in the past. (16:10:51) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (16:11:03) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (16:11:13) Shreyas: o.o (16:15:21) lucastcorrea: Let's study at uni derp!/fail revive (16:16:31) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (16:17:07) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs out of the Chat. (16:17:16) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs into the Chat. (16:28:45) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (16:28:45) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (16:28:47) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (16:28:56) Prof. Oak: WhiteSoxFan logs into the Chat. (16:28:59) jrGEM: Anyonw Nu battle? (16:32:10) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs out of the Chat. (16:41:18) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs into the Chat. (16:46:04) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (16:56:11) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs out of the Chat. (16:57:13) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs into the Chat. (16:57:34) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (16:57:51) lucastcorrea: It's still dead. (16:57:59) Shreyas: lol (16:58:22) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (16:58:49) DEZTROYA: yo (16:58:54) Shreyas: yo (16:59:00) Shreyas: =D (16:59:07) Prof. Oak: WhiteSoxFan has been logged out (Timeout). (16:59:10) Shreyas: hows your shop comin? (16:59:22) DEZTROYA: busy busy busy (16:59:31) Shreyas: lol (16:59:32) DEZTROYA: here check it yourself (16:59:38) Shreyas: =3 (16:59:50) DEZTROYA: https://sites.google.com/site/de?ztroyasarmada/xat-chatroom (16:59:57) DEZTROYA: this is where im going to have it at now (17:00:09) DEZTROYA: the webs site just doesnt work for me (17:00:26) Shreyas: o.o (17:01:07) Prof. Oak: S7atcat logs into the Chat. (17:01:34) DEZTROYA: s7atcat <3 (17:01:40) Shreyas: so many pokemon @.@ (17:01:47) S7atcat: <3 (17:02:05) DEZTROYA: I know right (17:02:09) lucastcorrea: Suddenly so many people popped up... (17:03:15) jrGEM: battle? (17:03:22) Shreyas: lol (17:03:28) Shreyas: jrGEM, what kind? (17:03:35) jrGEM: nu (17:04:00) Shreyas: =/ kinda want a standard ou atm (17:05:27) DEZTROYA: since the b/w pokemon sprites are better than the Dppt sprites I'm making a whole new set of pokemon sprites so far im on pikachu's number for kanto pokemon (17:05:41) Shreyas: o.0 (17:05:49) Shreyas: you make your own sprites? (17:05:57) DEZTROYA: not really (17:06:06) Shreyas: o.0 (17:06:18) Shreyas: o as in you put the pokemon and its evolution beside each other? (17:06:38) DEZTROYA: [snorlax sprite ~ m] (17:06:43) DEZTROYA: yeah like this (17:06:54) DEZTROYA: im making new ones with the bw sprites (17:06:59) Shreyas: o (17:07:12) DEZTROYA: lol cuddlebutt (17:07:19) Shreyas: XD (17:07:54) DEZTROYA: he haxes hard more than some of the jirachi's ive used (17:07:55) Shreyas: anyone want a standard OU battle? (17:12:10) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs out of the Chat. (17:16:00) Prof. Oak: S7atcat logs out of the Chat. (17:16:41) DEZTROYA: delibird mang (17:16:50) DEZTROYA: brb (17:16:50) Shreyas: o right... (17:17:13) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (17:17:19) Straw: Poof (17:18:37) Shreyas: [dawn what ~m] (17:19:14) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (17:21:34) Straw: LOOK INTO MY EYES AND IT'S EASY TO SEE (17:21:38) Straw: ONE AND ONE MAKES TWO (17:21:42) Straw: AND TWO AND ONE MAKES THREEEEEEEEEEE (17:21:47) Shreyas: [dawn what ~m] (17:22:01) Straw: NAY, WE'RE BUT MAN (17:22:13) Straw: THIS IS NOT (17:22:18) Straw: THE GREATEST SONG IN THE WORLD (17:22:31) Straw: NO, THIS IS JUST A TRIBUTE (17:23:40) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs into the Chat. (17:23:41) jrGEM: I need to breed me a standard OU team (17:24:06) The_Shinigami: the f*ck shreyas. (17:24:19) Shreyas: o.o (17:24:51) Prof. Oak: armhead logs into the Chat. (17:25:02) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 has been logged out (Timeout). (17:25:03) Shreyas: brb imma go rng abuse some stuffz (17:25:04) armhead: ? (17:25:12) Shreyas: ./ or not... (17:25:17) Shreyas: maybe... (17:25:20) Shreyas: brb (17:25:30) Prof. Oak: armhead logs out of the Chat. (17:25:38) Prof. Oak: armhead logs into the Chat. (17:27:30) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (17:30:35) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 logs into the Chat. (17:32:58) DEZTROYA: whar (17:33:02) DEZTROYA: WHAR (17:33:05) DEZTROYA: RAWR (17:33:58) jrGEM: *Scared face* (17:34:32) DEZTROYA: why is luxray sooooo SLOOOOOOOW (17:35:33) jrGEM: Because it was meant to be the hunted, not the hunter. (17:36:18) DEZTROYA: he has a cool shiny sprite (17:38:36) Prof. Oak: lucastcorrea logs out of the Chat. (17:40:38) jrGEM: I hate the fact that most Pokemon turn a greenish color when they are shiny. (17:43:07) armhead: they look really cool when they don't though. (17:44:27) Pwner1114: black charizard anyone? (17:45:11) jrGEM: Encore on politoed or refresh? (17:45:52) Pwner1114: ooh, that's a tough one. (17:46:31) Pwner1114: I guess if you need to rely on politoed for a wall refresh would be better. (17:48:18) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (17:50:22) jrGEM: is it possible to have both? (17:52:05) Straw: Let's play a game (17:52:10) Straw: Let's play talk about shit Straw cares abou. (17:52:17) Straw: *about (17:52:38) jrGEM: Like? (17:52:40) Pwner1114: They're both egg moves so probably not (17:52:59) Straw: Like Philosophy and Government. (17:53:02) Straw: Or DotA. (17:53:37) jrGEM: I heard DotA is like LoL (17:53:48) Straw: LoL is like DotA. (17:53:53) Straw: DotA came waay before LoL (17:54:50) jrGEM: How about that allegory of the cave by Plato. (17:55:16) jrGEM: That United State government seems corrupt yo me. (17:55:19) jrGEM: to** (17:55:36) DEZTROYA: its all corrupt and Fscked up (17:55:51) Shiny: jrGEM, if your knowledge of the US government is the rantings of those on the chat (17:56:00) Shiny: you have absolutely no knowledge of the US government. (17:56:46) Straw: Allegory of the Cave is entry levle. (17:56:47) Straw: level* (17:56:49) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (17:56:59) Straw: How about the Twilight of Idols by Nietzsche? There's a masterpiece (17:57:03) jrGEM: Well shiny I see you like the us government (17:57:12) Straw: Oh, hey Jew. (17:57:17) Shiny: it's better than most, worse than some. (17:57:21) Straw: I got the Galaxy News Radio. (17:57:31) jrGEM: What about the health care? (17:57:32) Straw: Fucking jizzing all over the place. (17:57:43) Shiny: what about the health care? (17:57:49) Straw: What about the health care/ (17:57:51) Straw: ?* (17:58:17) Straw: It's fine. (17:58:19) Shiny: 'hey guys, we're giving the health care that used to be exclusive to politicians to you all for free. just felt like doing that' (17:58:22) Shiny: how's that corrupt (17:58:30) Straw: Do you have problems with poor people getting health care? (17:58:52) Straw: If you do, you may log off. (17:58:57) Pwner1114: Galaxy News Radio? (17:59:32) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos logs into the Chat. (17:59:44) Straw: So Jew. (17:59:51) Straw: Should I get on Skype and give you the album? (17:59:52) jrGEM: hm i see you have never watched Sicko (18:00:02) Shiny: already have it (18:00:20) jrGEM: So how can you say the health care system is fair (18:00:21) Shiny: OHHHH (18:00:29) Shiny: jrGEM is talking about the pre-obama health care (18:00:36) jrGEM: yeah (18:00:39) Shiny: yeah that was pretty terrible (18:00:44) Straw: Have you ever watched Sicko? (18:00:47) Shiny: you should hear about the new stuff though (18:00:53) Straw: If you did, you'd know that (18:01:05) Straw: The new system is way better. (18:01:22) Straw: If you've seen anything OTHER THAN SICKO, you'd know that we have a new system. (18:01:23) jrGEM: I need to read up on it. (18:01:25) Shiny: hear about the west virginia judge, straw? (18:01:37) Shiny: said that somehow the new (17:58:57) Pwner1114: Galaxy News Radio? (17:59:32) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos logs into the Chat. (17:59:44) Straw: So Jew. (17:59:51) Straw: Should I get on Skype and give you the album? (17:59:52) jrGEM: hm i see you have never watched Sicko (18:00:02) Shiny: already have it (18:00:20) jrGEM: So how can you say the health care system is fair (18:00:21) Shiny: OHHHH (18:00:29) Shiny: jrGEM is talking about the pre-obama health care (18:00:36) jrGEM: yeah (18:00:39) Shiny: yeah that was pretty terrible (18:00:44) Straw: Have you ever watched Sicko? (18:00:47) Shiny: you should hear about the new stuff though (18:00:53) Straw: If you did, you'd know that (18:01:05) Straw: The new system is way better. (18:01:22) Straw: If you've seen anything OTHER THAN SICKO, you'd know that we have a new system. (18:01:23) jrGEM: I need to read up on it. (18:01:25) Shiny: hear about the west virginia judge, straw? (18:01:37) Shiny: said that somehow the new stuff is unconstitutional (18:01:39) Shiny: made me mad (18:01:45) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (18:02:05) Straw: He can suck my balls. (18:02:06) Shiny_Bagon: yay im back (18:02:56) Straw: Considering the fact that West Virginia was, historically, a state that chose not to break from the Union because they loved the loose interpretation of the Constitution, this seems pretty fucking hypocritical to me. (18:03:09) Straw: Next, Vegans will eat meat. (18:03:28) Prof. Oak: Dave logs into the Chat. (18:05:30) Straw: I actually don't like much governments, but if I had to pick, American government is pretty okay. (18:05:38) Straw: At least, under some people. (18:05:52) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (18:06:08) Straw: If the Jew or the Idiot aren't responding (18:06:13) Straw: Ima play some Vew Negas (18:09:12) Prof. Oak: MeowthMix logs into the Chat. (18:10:32) Shreyas: hi MM (18:10:44) MeowthMix: Waddup (18:10:52) jrGEM: hello (18:11:41) DEZTROYA: duh skai (18:17:16) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon has been logged out (Timeout). (18:17:35) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (18:18:33) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (18:18:47) Shiny_Bagon: I want to open my shop back up again (18:19:25) jrGEM: no one stopping you? (18:19:30) Shiny_Bagon: But how to get business (18:20:05) jrGEM: Well I opened a shop like 5 days after i made my presence known. (18:20:06) Shiny_Bagon: Thats the hard part (18:20:16) jrGEM: I get pretty decent bussiness (18:20:21) armhead: pay people to advertise? (18:20:42) klaywaffle: Lower prices (18:20:46) DEZTROYA: or get better stuff than the other shops (18:21:00) Shiny: so anyone remember their psat score? (18:21:02) jrGEM: Yes lower prices help also (18:21:04) DEZTROYA: stuff the other shops dont have (18:21:09) klaywaffle: Put better EVS (18:21:33) Shiny_Bagon: Ì have a couple good pokes like my shiny flawless starly, shiny flawless bagon, and my shiny flawless medicham (18:21:35) jrGEM: My shop has good iv's =D for low prices (18:21:50) klaywaffle: inb4toaster (18:21:53) jrGEM: i'm actually breeding for a medicham atm (18:22:29) Shiny_Bagon: oh hows that working out for you (18:22:53) jrGEM: well I'm giving it the eggs move atm. (18:24:03) Shiny_Bagon: i think if i add thepokes listed for about 35 palletts already ev'd plus my shiny timid hp grass 70 jolteon i can get business (18:24:32) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 leaves the channel. (18:24:41) Shiny_Bagon: then again thats just my opinion (18:24:41) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 enters the channel. (18:25:10) armhead: well, how do people get real money from people? (18:25:36) Shiny_Bagon: i also need a cloner unless toast is up for it again (18:25:57) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (18:26:43) Shiny_Bagon: im going to go eat i will be back in like 20 mins (18:26:55) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (18:31:05) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (18:33:43) Prof. Oak: Dave has been logged out (Timeout). (18:34:41) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs out of the Chat. (18:34:43) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (18:35:59) Shreyas: klay, think you can give me a standard OU battle ? (18:37:34) DEZTROYA: trying to test your team shreyas? (18:37:52) Shreyas: not the new one.Testing some new pokemon. (18:37:57) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos has been logged out (Timeout). (18:38:02) DEZTROYA: ah (18:38:11) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (18:38:59) Shreyas: and I am still playing through Diamond version for some pokemon to RNG abuse ... (18:39:31) DEZTROYA: the legends? (18:39:40) Shiny_Bagon: Shreyas how do i get my sid (18:39:40) Shreyas: yup (18:39:54) Shreyas: I have a pretty nice Shiny Careful spread for Dialga =3 (18:40:09) Shreyas: umm... catch a shiny or get an AR first... (18:40:09) Shiny_Bagon: i mean does anyone know how to get my sid (18:40:24) Shiny_Bagon: how (18:40:28) DEZTROYA: or you can trade me and i could get it for you (18:40:39) Shreyas: wait how do you do that, DEZ? (18:40:48) DEZTROYA: Pokesav (18:41:01) Shiny_Bagon: does the shiny have to have my ot (18:41:07) DEZTROYA: since i can connect my r4 memory chip to the computer (18:41:09) Shreyas: ... (18:41:40) Shreyas: is Dusknoir gonna get bumped down a tier? (18:41:43) Shiny_Bagon: ok ill try tomorrow thanks guys (18:41:44) klaywaffle: Not in the mood (18:42:02) klaywaffle: It's weird how everytime I get logged out It says I log in (18:43:21) Shiny_Bagon: ahhh my tv froze that keeps hapening i thought direct tv was good (18:43:49) Shreyas: anyone want a standard battle? (18:44:07) Shiny_Bagon: i just got a new phone yay (18:44:24) jrGEM: ill do it shreyas but my Ou team not that good. (18:44:54) Shreyas: ok then... (18:44:56) Shreyas: fc? (18:45:16) Shreyas: it looks like I have your fc (18:45:16) Shiny_Bagon: i would say yes but im kind of ev trainig things right now hey shreyas can you help me with my shop i want to open a new one and i need a cloner (18:45:22) Shreyas: so meet you online ^^ (18:45:36) Shreyas: umm... o.0 (18:46:03) Shreyas: do you have pokemon diamond or pearl? (18:46:47) Pwner1114: Battle anyone? (18:47:06) Shreyas: only if you were to show up about 2 minutes ago @.@ (18:47:13) Shreyas: LOL (18:47:18) Shreyas: after I battle jrGEM? (18:47:24) jrGEM: i think so (18:47:37) Pwner1114: Alright (18:47:46) Pwner1114: I'm in no rush (18:47:51) Shiny_Bagon: we can negotiate what percent of the profit you get now if you would like i have a shiny timid hp grass jolteon, shiny adament flawless medicham, and some more stuff i would sell/ trade for (18:47:59) jrGEM: let me get it shreyas just to be sure (18:48:12) Shreyas: my fc? (18:48:14) jrGEM: i only have one i;m not sure which game it is (18:48:16) jrGEM: yes (18:48:37) Shreyas: 5114-0098-5693 (18:49:46) jrGEM: yeah i had it (18:49:50) Shiny_Bagon: so is that a yes shreyas (18:49:57) Shreyas: not sure (18:50:36) Shreyas: cause after 2 weeks I am gonna close down may close down my shop until summer starts... mostly because I wont have much time, so for now... I'm sorry, I can't ;-; (18:51:17) Shiny_Bagon: ahhh im crying (18:51:44) jrGEM: Shreyas you have my fC? (18:52:01) Shreyas: yeah (18:52:13) Shiny_Bagon: can anyone else clone (18:52:25) jrGEM: I can clone (18:52:53) jrGEM: But my fee for cloning is i get a copy of the poke =D. (18:53:29) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (18:53:57) jrGEM: okay i'm all set (18:54:02) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 logs into the Chat. (18:54:02) Jimmy31428: Hello? (18:54:13) DEZTROYA: yo (18:54:14) Shreyas: hi Jimmy. (18:54:22) Shreyas: jrGEM, meet you online ^^ (18:54:28) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (18:54:31) jrGEM: Dez how is your shop doing? (18:54:44) jrGEM: Do you have a lot of work? (18:55:00) DEZTROYA: im getting it there (18:55:12) DEZTROYA: just trying to get these modifications finished (18:55:23) DEZTROYA: then i have to set up the Pokemon (18:55:26) jrGEM: okay when you are free tell me. (18:55:35) Shreyas: jrGEM, I am coming online (18:55:36) DEZTROYA: why did you need somehting? (18:55:44) Shiny_Bagon: hey jem ok i can do that but i need like 10 or 5 of each (18:55:48) Shreyas: online. ^^ (18:56:12) Pwner1114: hello Jimmy (18:56:35) Shreyas: whenever your ready... (18:56:45) jrGEM: Yeah Regiice. (18:56:51) Shiny_Bagon: hey dez do you have like a shiny garchomp or shiny flygon (18:56:58) Shreyas: gl/hf (18:57:06) jrGEM: same (18:57:10) jrGEM: i think i will need it (18:57:21) jrGEM: OU not my environment (18:57:36) Shiny_Bagon: which one is narrarating (18:58:04) DEZTROYA: Yes i do (18:58:09) DEZTROYA: I have lots of thing (18:58:26) Pwner1114: I'm dyin' for a battle. Is there anyone who'll oblige? (18:58:27) klaywaffle: Pwner1114 atill looking for a battle? (18:58:31) Jimmy31428: I'm surprised actually, that nobody has mentioned anything in my thread other than quickly grabbing the first available character. (18:58:40) Shiny_Bagon: a shiny garchomp or shiny flygon (18:58:58) Jimmy31428: Like, I post it asking for help with spriting, while offering NPCs to people if they want them, and I've got one guy saying he'll help. (18:59:01) Pwner1114: I have a few ideas if you're interested (18:59:02) jrGEM: Am i the second gym Jimmy? (18:59:18) Jimmy31428: I replied already (18:59:23) klaywaffle: I had an idea for a game (18:59:32) klaywaffle: But... (18:59:39) klaywaffle: It was a stupid idea (18:59:42) DEZTROYA: (OT:MattJ-25437) lv.50 (?) MattJ's Flygon Nature/Ability:Jolly/Levitate EV's:6 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe IV's:31/31/31/15/31/31 Moves:Earthquake|Fire Punch|Outrage|U-Turn (18:59:48) DEZTROYA: this one is shiny (18:59:54) Shiny_Bagon: hey jimmy do you have a shiny garchomp with good stats (19:00:16) klaywaffle: The idea was (19:00:24) Shreyas: AWWW (19:00:32) Shreyas: did not see that coming (19:00:33) Shreyas: >.> (19:00:39) Shiny_Bagon: oh dez gow about a shiny timid alakazam (19:00:41) Pwner1114: Hmm, should we take this talk about your game to a different chatroom? (19:00:49) Jimmy31428: Why in the world would I have one of those? (19:00:49) jrGEM: I smiled in real life (19:01:19) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (19:01:26) Jimmy31428: Oh, and jrGEM, looking back, I noticed that ToasterRampage DID ask first. (19:01:28) DEZTROYA: (OT:AKIRA-22284) Lv.1 (?) *Shiny* Mendokuse's Gible Nature/Ability:Jolly/Sand Veil Ev's:UT IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 Moves:Tackle|Outrage (19:01:32) DEZTROYA: this one is shiny (19:01:32) Shiny_Bagon: idk jimmy its just a question (19:01:38) DEZTROYA: but its a Gible (19:02:06) jrGEM: yeah ik why I made the big brother story up to save myself. (19:02:31) jrGEM: d/c (19:02:31) Shreyas: >.> (19:02:34) Jimmy31428: Dude, knowing me, it'd be a miracle enough that I have a Normal Garchomp. Asking me for a shiny one is just stupid. (19:02:38) jrGEM: was not me (19:02:43) Shiny_Bagon: ok do you want a shiny hp grass jolteon (19:03:00) Shreyas: >.> it is nintendo again (19:03:09) jrGEM: oh (19:03:16) jrGEM: btw i went for surf (19:03:21) Shiny_Bagon: ok sorry jimmy (19:03:24) Jimmy31428: Also, note that Roark and Byron, despite being brothers (I'm pretty sure it was father and son actually), have different types. (19:03:29) Shreyas: I switched to Vaporeon (19:03:31) Shreyas: o.0 (19:03:35) klaywaffle: Your father is the leader of Team Rocket He wants you to follow him in his footsteps and carry on his work On your 10th birthday you start off your adventure as a grunt and go to The TR proffesor who lets you choose 3 starters Zubzt,Ekans,, and Koffing you then start off on your journey you soon realize that you don't like the direction TR is going so you decide to turn on them and then fight your dad at the end (19:03:41) klaywaffle: It was a stupid idea (19:03:53) Jimmy31428: Look, if you want fighting types, I can fit you in somewhere else. (19:04:06) Shiny_Bagon: so dez do u want the jolteon (19:04:11) Pwner1114: Is your organization going to be Team then whatever you decide? (19:04:13) Jimmy31428: Besides, it's not a type that fits in particularly niely for the first part of the game. (19:04:15) jrGEM: Jimmy I dit want to be his son why I said brother, Ill pick a different type. (19:04:23) Shreyas: o and I has an HP Grass 70 Shiny Eevee (19:04:25) DEZTROYA: you want to trade i can sell you them for pallets (19:04:27) jrGEM: did not* (19:04:27) Shreyas: o,o (19:04:41) DEZTROYA: only 50p each (19:04:45) Straw: Dez (19:04:50) Straw: any news on those? (19:04:55) Shreyas: DEZ, YOU want a Jolteon? (19:05:25) jrGEM: Jimmy what types are available? (19:05:38) Shiny_Bagon: i dont have any more pallets (19:05:50) Jimmy31428: Also, Pwner, yes, the team name should be something that expresses their superiority to humans and Pokemon. (19:06:00) DEZTROYA: i dont need a jolteon :\ (19:06:10) Shreyas: =/ (19:06:14) Shiny_Bagon: dez you want a shiny timid hp grass 70 jolteon (19:06:18) Prof. Oak: MeowthMix has been logged out (Timeout). (19:06:25) DEZTROYA: and straw yeah i got some news but i havent seem them on today (19:06:26) Shreyas: do you want any pokemon other than smogon redistributables? (19:06:27) Shreyas: o.0 (19:06:39) DEZTROYA: i dont need any other pokemon (19:06:42) Jimmy31428: Any type that isn't taken for a gym. But as I've said a few times, I'd rather put you somewhere else. I'm trying to save my gym leader spots for people I want to go there. (19:06:45) jrGEM: Jimmy is dark okay? (19:06:57) Shreyas: =\ (19:07:00) jrGEM: oh okay (19:07:01) Pwner1114: Why don't we help him iron out the game first instead of trying to grab spots. That would probably help out a lot more. (19:07:10) Shreyas: hmm... should I make a shop on smogon... (19:07:22) Jimmy31428: Yes, it's getting incredibly irritating (19:07:25) Shiny_Bagon: how bout hmm... medicham shiny with adament nature (19:07:29) Prof. Oak: armhead has been logged out (Timeout). (19:07:38) jrGEM: I'm sorry (19:07:56) Jimmy31428: Funnily enough, I entered the chat saying "Everyone's trying to grab a spot and nobody's actually doing anything", and this is the conversation I end up in. (19:08:00) DEZTROYA: what kind of help you need jimmy im not a pro at those things @_@ but i'll see what i can do (19:08:28) Pwner1114: Ironic isn't it? (19:08:49) klaywaffle: If I could (19:08:57) klaywaffle: I would design the gym badges (19:08:59) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (19:09:02) Jimmy31428: I just want spriters, and ideas. Strangely enough, my Create-a-Pokemon thing seems to have been completely ignored. (19:09:07) klaywaffle: But I'm not an artist (19:09:22) Pwner1114: I have one idea for a pokemon (19:09:34) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (19:09:56) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (19:09:59) Jimmy31428: I thought coming up with new Pokemon would have been fun, but not one person seemed to even mention it. XD (19:10:00) DEZTROYA: spriting huh what would we have to do exactly? (19:10:29) DEZTROYA: I have a few ideas for pokemon I could draw them up for you (19:10:41) Jimmy31428: Well, the characters that you request need a sprite. (19:10:42) Shiny_Bagon: dez how bout shiny naive flawless bagon (19:10:59) DEZTROYA: I got that man (19:11:06) DEZTROYA: I have loads of them (19:11:21) Pwner1114: I've always wanted to see a dark/fighting type and when they came out with that new one I was dissapointed. I assumed that it would be similar to weavile in having high attack and speed but it's more defencive. (19:11:48) Straw: Because Weavile isn't broken if used correctly already. (19:11:51) Shiny_Bagon: ok shiny jolly taillow flawless (19:11:54) jrGEM: He is my favorite 5th poke (19:11:57) Straw: We give it higher defense and more defensive stat. (19:11:59) Straw: Okay, sure. (19:12:04) Straw: Your logic makes perfect sense. (19:12:33) Pwner1114: That's not what I ment (19:12:50) DEZTROYA: fine I'll take the Bagon and Tailow for Flygon and Gible sound like a deal I can clone you copies back (19:13:29) Shiny_Bagon: dez shiny flawless jolly taillow do u want one (19:13:35) Jimmy31428: A while ago, back when Corgon announced his non-existant production, I brought up the idea of dragon starters. I still want to stick to that idea, and I already have the concept of my Grass one. (19:13:56) Straw: >Starters with high stats (19:14:02) Straw: What. Unless you're talking inferape (19:14:10) jrGEM: So 4 starters like in Yellow? (19:14:12) Shiny_Bagon: yeah sure but when can we trade (19:14:33) Pwner1114: I'm talking about how the new dark/fighting isn't what I hoped. It is a defensive pokemon and I assumed that a pokemon with the dark and fighting type would be fast and powerful but have low defensive stats (19:14:42) DEZTROYA: now is okay Bagon (19:14:57) Shiny_Bagon: im bored (19:15:29) Shiny_Bagon: how bout tomorrow im ev'ing right now (19:15:29) Jimmy31428: I'm actually pretty happy with Zuruggu. But hey, if you have a good idea, I'll listen. (19:15:33) klaywaffle: A Grass/Dragon poke would be great (19:15:54) Straw: Dark/Fighting should have been like Zuruggu. (19:15:58) Pwner1114: If there was one pokemon in your game Jimmy it would be that, a fast and powerful dark/fighting type. (19:16:27) Pwner1114: *that I would want* (19:16:37) klaywaffle: What about Dual Moves? (19:16:37) Straw: It's a stall, which is what Dark is supposed to be, and it's got defense, which is what Fighting type was ideally for. (19:16:53) Straw: It's also got a lot of stat-decrease and annoyance, which is what dark is for. (19:16:59) klaywaffle: Like a Grass/Ground move (19:17:00) Straw: Zuruggu is definitely appropriate. (19:17:07) Straw: I don't know what you're smoking. (19:17:16) Straw: Klay, dual-type moves are fucking impossible to code. (19:17:25) Pwner1114: I'm not saying it's not appropriate (19:17:27) Shiny_Bagon: like memento i hate that attack (19:17:28) Jimmy31428: Besides, it looks like a chav. Perfect for a Dark/Fighting Pokemon. (19:17:36) Straw: ^ (19:17:40) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (19:17:45) Jimmy31428: Yes, what Straw said (19:18:09) Jimmy31428: Dual-type moves would be very difficult to code. (19:18:18) Shiny_Bagon: i will be back later (19:18:27) Jimmy31428: Types in general were a challenge, but I managed. (19:18:50) klaywaffle: Any idea on the region name? (19:18:54) Pwner1114: I'm not saying that I don't like zuruggu, it was just a thought okay? (19:19:15) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (19:19:17) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (19:19:25) Prof. Oak: greenmanaphy logs into the Chat. (19:19:54) Jimmy31428: No, but I do for the region map. (19:19:58) Straw: Klay, from a fanhacker to a consumer, fanhacking is like taking a clay model and changing it ever-so-slightly. (19:20:18) Straw: We can rearrange types, but if the game doesn't have dual-type moves already, consider having such an impossibility. (19:20:31) Pwner1114: What about a fire/electric type? (19:20:58) Straw: Hm. (19:21:03) Straw: That's possible. (19:21:24) Straw: I'm looking at a Pokemon that has a high speed and Sp. Atk. (19:21:25) Pwner1114: A plasma-like pokemon possibly (19:21:37) Straw: At the same time, it'd have some nice status-inflicting ability. (19:21:45) Straw: But it'll be like Weavile in terms of defense. (19:21:48) Jimmy31428: Yes, but this is a scratch production, not a hack. (19:21:53) Straw: Its best defense is offense (19:22:00) Straw: Oh, this is a scratch? (19:22:09) Pwner1114: x4 to ground though (19:22:12) Straw: Well, dual-type will still be fucking impossible (19:22:42) Jimmy31428: I said this before, and it I do say it in my thread too (19:23:10) Jimmy31428: But like I said, adding types in the first place was hard enough (19:23:18) Straw: I never did pay attention. (19:23:42) Pwner1114: I downloaded it and I can barely tell the difference (19:23:45) Jimmy31428: Besides, creating it from scratch allows me to do what I intend on doing with the evil organisation. (19:23:52) Pwner1114: Nice work (19:24:34) Jimmy31428: Plus, allows me to add an infinite number of Pokemon. (19:25:59) Pwner1114: The overworld is similar to gen 3, but when you get into a battle it feels like heartgold/soulsilver (19:26:19) Jimmy31428: See, since this team's goal is to harness Pokemon power as humans, I'm planning on some pretty crazy ending with the boss. And like I say, the fact it's from scratch allows me to do whatever I wish. (19:26:49) jrGEM: Jimmy you should the ??? type a story (19:27:00) jrGEM: give** (19:27:16) Jimmy31428: What? (19:27:31) Pwner1114: Team Overlord? (19:27:32) jrGEM: you know curse typing (19:27:39) jrGEM: add poke with that type (19:27:39) Pwner1114: No that's stupid (19:27:54) jrGEM: =..( (19:28:16) Pwner1114: Oh not your suggestion gem, mine (19:28:56) Jimmy31428: Nah, both (19:28:58) Jimmy31428: J/k (19:28:59) Prof. Oak: joec logs into the Chat. (19:29:19) Jimmy31428: technically, I could, but I won't. (19:29:20) Pwner1114: I gotta find a thesaurus (19:29:24) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (19:29:41) klaywaffle: I'm guessing all the grunts will have eevees? (19:29:57) joec: http://thesaurus.com/ (19:30:31) Jimmy31428: Well, something like that (19:31:45) klaywaffle: Lol (19:31:56) klaywaffle: This site gives stupid team names (19:31:59) klaywaffle: http://www.seventhsanctum.com/ge?nerate.php?Genname=mechateam (19:32:50) Pwner1114: Since they absorb the power of pokemon, they should have a variety of different types (19:33:00) klaywaffle: These are the Evil Organization ones (19:34:07) DEZTROYA: 0_0 joec AHHHHHHHHHHHH! (19:34:14) klaywaffle: Conquerers of Eternity is the only good one so far (19:34:27) joec: :o (19:35:00) DEZTROYA: whats the occasion (19:35:17) jrGEM: League Of Eternity (19:35:35) joec: I wanted to see all your bright shining faces (19:35:48) jrGEM: (19:35:51) joec: (actually i was just modding so I thought I'd pop in and say hi) (19:35:52) Pwner1114: I know you don't like it, but for the hell of it give farfetch'd an evolution. It is WAYYYY overdo for one (19:35:55) Jimmy31428: ^_^ (19:36:05) joec: lol (19:36:05) DEZTROYA: haha cool (19:36:18) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (19:36:39) joec: wow i talk about shining faces and look who pops in (19:36:43) Jimmy31428: I don't want to make any evolutions. (19:36:43) jrGEM: farfetcg'd will become a peacock. (19:36:52) joec has magic powahs (19:37:52) klaywaffle: Eeterity...no (19:38:07) klaywaffle: Eeveeternity? nah (19:38:21) Jimmy31428: Nah (19:38:25) jrGEM: Chronosyndicate (19:38:34) Jimmy31428: It's not based on Eevee, they just like Eevee. (19:38:45) klaywaffle: Ah (19:38:46) DEZTROYA: could heracross and pinser have pre- evo's i would love designing those (19:39:47) Jimmy31428: If you send designs for any Pokemon, I'll give them a look, and put them in if they're good. (19:39:55) Prof. Oak: jimj logs into the Chat. (19:40:24) Pwner1114: For a little side thing (maybe for getting a HM) have the player track down a pedo who kidnapped a child and have the pedo's pokemon be a drifloon (19:40:27) jimj: hey peeps. (19:40:55) Jimmy31428: Lol (19:41:22) Jimmy31428: I'm going to make a list of references actually. Some things that I can put in making fun of other games. (19:42:20) Pwner1114: Have Officer Jenny say "Arcanine use flamethrower" when she has a growlithe (19:42:22) jimj: Whos seen arcues and the jewel of life?? (19:42:39) klaywaffle: There should me a Jenny (19:43:01) klaywaffle: I don't like policemen (19:43:25) jimj: arceus* (19:43:52) Jimmy31428: I'll set the text for using false swipe to "[Pokemon name] finished off [opponent] with a false swipe!" (19:44:03) Pwner1114: Lol (19:44:38) Pwner1114: The English dub has so many mistakes (19:44:41) Jimmy31428: Abilities as well as moves like False swipe are going to be incredibly hard to put in. (19:45:10) Jimmy31428: Yay, my new video is up! ^_^ (19:46:40) jimj: hey straw! My good friend.... (19:47:05) Pwner1114: That reminds me, I should get to work on my next Sonic Adventure 2 part (19:49:34) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon has been logged out (Timeout). (19:49:34) Prof. Oak: greenmanaphy has been logged out (Timeout). (19:50:15) Pwner1114: Ooo, I just thought of something. It would be cool to see the important trainers (gymleaders, admins, etc.) to have pokemon with nicknames (19:50:32) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (19:51:18) DEZTROYA: i hate that feeling you get when you feel like something is in your ear but you cant get at it (19:51:28) Jimmy31428: Actually (19:51:30) Jimmy31428: I can do that (19:51:52) Shiny_Bagon: does anyone know why a weekaversery is important (19:51:54) jimj: HB pencil should do the trick deztroya (19:51:58) Straw: Use a q-tip (19:52:14) Pwner1114: Lol, you shouldn't have told me that you have a new video up. (19:52:16) Jimmy31428: Infact, I've set it to be able to store IV and EV spreads as well as even the Pokeball it's contained in. (19:52:29) klaywaffle: Lemmeguess (19:52:35) klaywaffle: ...1st? (19:52:39) Jimmy31428: It's my longest video so far. (19:52:43) DEZTROYA: im using a flat head screwdriver (19:53:06) jimj: haha (19:53:13) Shiny_Bagon: Dez that would be painful (19:53:58) Shiny_Bagon: Spongebob is pretty funny (19:54:16) jimj: Dpongebob is hilarious. (19:54:49) Prof. Oak: jimj logs out of the Chat. (19:54:57) Shiny_Bagon: What is the most used starter in wifi's (19:55:04) DEZTROYA: Jimmy i will start working on some pokemon designs and PM you some in a couple of days (19:55:15) klaywaffle: Infernape (19:55:40) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (19:55:43) Shiny_Bagon: I've seen swampert a lot (19:55:48) klaywaffle: and Swampert (19:56:39) Shiny_Bagon: yeah i'd say swampert (19:56:55) obito14: you guys talkin 5th gen or 4th? (19:57:12) Shiny_Bagon: 4th (19:57:22) obito14: oh ok (19:58:16) Shiny_Bagon: I never see raichu (19:59:05) DEZTROYA: since pikachu gets light ball people dont evolve it (19:59:22) DEZTROYA: its speed is still pretty high (19:59:29) Shiny_Bagon: Does anyone know what the song that goes, bang she shot me, bang bang she shot me, ic called (20:00:20) Shiny_Bagon: dont see pikachu either (20:00:55) klaywaffle: And thus (20:01:05) klaywaffle: There was NU (20:01:44) Shiny_Bagon: I just bred a shiny timid flawless porygon yeah!!!!! (20:02:49) Shiny_Bagon: I love breeding (20:02:49) Jimmy31428: I'm going to bed. (20:03:17) Shiny_Bagon: Why is chat dead (20:03:22) Pwner1114: Okay then, good night (20:03:24) klaywaffle: Night (20:03:26) Prof. Oak: jimj logs into the Chat. (20:03:48) Jimmy31428: Night! ^_^ (20:03:52) Shiny_Bagon: wat time is it over ther jimmy (20:04:05) jimj: See for pokemon red did anyone ever do the glitch to get mew? (20:04:10) jimj: or blue... (20:04:12) Jimmy31428: 2:03am. (20:04:15) klaywaffle: 2:03 (20:04:35) jimj: its 2:03 for me too. Where you guys from? (20:04:47) klaywaffle: Me? (20:04:51) klaywaffle: America? (20:04:52) Jimmy31428: United Kingdom. (20:04:55) klaywaffle: xP (20:04:59) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (20:05:05) klaywaffle: It's 6:04pm (20:05:07) jimj: anyone lol. (20:05:08) klaywaffle: Here (20:05:09) Jimmy31428: Klaywaffle, it's not 2am for you... (20:05:12) Straw: 8:05 (20:05:13) jimj: where abouts in the uk? (20:05:16) klaywaffle: ik (20:05:46) Jimmy31428: Birmingham. (20:05:58) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (20:06:04) jimj: oh cool> (20:06:12) Jimmy31428: You? 12/18/10 (14:41:05) Prof. Oak: Dodaitose rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (14:41:26) MawileMachina: But to save posts, should I post your answer? (14:41:41) Dodaitose: yes, i'm adding nothing to my sig! (14:42:26) Prof. Oak: furret9 logs out of the Chat. (14:42:55) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (14:43:14) Straw: Uh, sure. (14:43:27) Straw: I'll tell everyone on OOC that I've approved it (14:44:40) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (14:45:02) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (14:45:03) MawileMachina: Thank you, I wouldn't want to look like I'm God Modding (14:47:01) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA enters the channel. (14:47:05) MawileMachina: That wasn't a dig at anyone. (14:47:22) jrGEM: good game mana (14:47:42) Prof. Oak: Nick enters the channel. (14:47:46) MawileMachina: ''Locke gave a curt nod,'' < this ok? (14:47:48) jrGEM: rematch? (14:47:50) Dodaitose: i wasn't saying that (14:47:57) jrGEM: diff pokes (14:48:20) Straw: Sure. (14:48:22) DEZTROYA: brb (14:49:24) jrGEM: mana do you accept? (14:49:39) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (14:50:08) jrGEM: Nick want to do that nu battle? (14:50:54) Straw: What is this team? (14:51:08) Straw: I don't understand (14:51:24) Nick: I still gotta trade 4 more pokemon with DEZ. (14:51:29) DEZTROYA: no nick you need 3 (14:51:39) DEZTROYA: and ive been waiting online (14:51:39) jrGEM: okay (14:51:40) Nick: Oh... (14:51:59) DEZTROYA: straw good news (14:52:05) jrGEM: dez so 45 pallet for the heatran according to your weekly specials. (14:52:05) DEZTROYA: i got teh dunsparce (14:52:14) DEZTROYA: yes GEM (14:52:20) Straw: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS?SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (14:52:44) MawileMachina: Posted (14:52:50) jrGEM: okay ill send pallets now (14:53:01) DEZTROYA: i'll just train it and its not redis i got rights but no one else (14:53:13) Straw: Yeah. (14:53:13) Straw: I figured. (14:53:31) MawileMachina: If you want me to edit anything, Straw, just let me know, it is your character (14:53:34) DEZTROYA: okay Gem (14:53:52) Nick: I'm going in now. (14:54:13) Nick: Sorry about the wait. (14:55:18) Prof. Oak: furret9 logs into the Chat. (14:55:30) Straw: Okay. (14:55:43) Shiny: guys (14:55:45) Shiny: I had an idea (14:55:57) Shiny: for christmas, give out CDs with good music burned onto them (14:56:06) Shiny: and then my friends will learn good music (14:56:06) jrGEM: Dez btw what page are your other pokes? (14:56:10) Straw: Okay. (14:56:19) Straw: My friends already like my music (14:56:27) DEZTROYA: gem they are located offsite (14:56:38) furret9: what is your definition of good music shiny? (14:56:39) DEZTROYA: links are on th OP (14:56:49) MawileMachina: brb (14:56:52) Nick: On the 24th and 25th my family and I are going to bring food to the homeless shelter. (14:56:55) Dodaitose: Ain't to proud to beg! (14:56:58) Shiny: this stems from the fact that I know someone who claims to love music but so far the only band I've ever heard them talk about is Rascal Flatts and they've never heard The Beatles (14:57:01) Shiny: my definition is http://i302.photobucket.com/albu?ms/nn106/Zaktius/Screenshot2010-1?2-18at25423PM.png (14:57:26) Shiny: last ten songs on the CD are a medley (14:57:29) jrGEM: fc dez? (14:57:35) furret9: never heard the beatles!? (14:57:48) Dodaitose: baby baby! (14:57:48) Shiny: yeah (14:57:51) Shiny: it's crazy man (14:57:56) Prof. Oak: Stanky! has been logged out (Timeout). (14:58:31) jrGEM: 4255 0163 6676 (14:58:33) Nick: Thanks DEZ. (14:58:36) DEZTROYA: Gem can i trade you when i come back (14:58:45) furret9: i miss nick being dpod (14:59:07) Dodaitose: please don't leave me girl (14:59:15) jrGEM: okay can i have your fc (14:59:30) Prof. Oak: Dodaitose logs out of the Chat. (14:59:33) jrGEM: is that 200 special if i buy 6 pokes? (14:59:44) Nick: Why do you miss me being "DPoD"? (14:59:46) Prof. Oak: Dodaitose logs into the Chat. (14:59:58) jrGEM: Nick battle NU? (15:00:00) furret9: it wasnt so simple. (15:00:10) Nick: Sure, GEM. (15:00:20) Dodaitose: -ain't to proud to beg, the temptations (15:00:21) Nick: Let me get a charger. (15:02:25) furret9: i pieced together a furret .gif. (15:02:31) jrGEM: you adding poke you bought from dez to shop? (15:02:54) Nick: No. (15:03:09) Nick: I don't think he would be happy with that. (15:03:13) Straw: He can't. (15:03:17) jrGEM: oh (15:03:26) Straw: How do I distribute rights. Herp derp. (15:03:36) jrGEM: I want that heatran to actually make a decent ou team (15:03:39) Straw: When KLB posts (15:03:41) Straw: I will. (15:03:57) Straw: I NEVER GIVE YOU MY NUMBER (15:04:00) Straw: I'D* (15:04:06) Straw: I'D ONLY GIVE YOU MY SITUATIONS (15:04:13) Nick: GEM, can we battle in a few minutes. I need to check somestuff. (15:04:15) Straw: AND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INVESTIGATIONS (15:04:18) Straw: I BREAK DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWNNNN (15:05:01) furret9: oh no. my straw is i loops. (15:05:10) jrGEM: okay (15:05:11) furret9: *is in (15:05:18) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (15:07:10) Nick: What's up, Shini. (15:08:09) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (15:08:14) Nick: GEM, I'll be in the wifi room within 3 minutes. (15:08:23) Pwnemon: HOLY NUTSACK I have not been in here for the longest time (15:09:23) jrGEM: kay i'll be waiting (15:09:58) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (15:10:06) GlaceonStation: 0_0 (15:11:38) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (15:12:26) Nick: I'm going in now. (15:14:48) Nick: gl/hf (15:15:37) jrGEM: same (15:16:08) Nick: ._. (15:17:07) Nick: You keep getting fscking crits! >8( (15:20:04) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (15:20:33) Pwnemon: anyone here? (15:20:53) Nick: I don't think so... (15:21:46) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (15:23:57) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my logs into the Chat. (15:24:31) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (15:24:33) I'm_as_bad_as_my: hi (15:24:34) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (15:24:45) Nick: ._. (15:24:46) jrGEM: brock (15:24:50) jrGEM: i lobe you lol (15:25:06) Brock: Um, yeah? (15:25:25) jrGEM: That move u added to purugly classic (15:25:33) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (15:25:41) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (15:28:49) Nick: BG (15:28:55) jrGEM: BG (15:29:21) jrGEM: Which poke did you hate the most? (15:29:26) Nick: Anyone else wanna NU? (15:29:37) jrGEM: I can change team (15:29:50) Nick: You haxed me twice with your damn Purugly. (15:29:53) Prof. Oak: Dodaitose has been logged out (Timeout). (15:30:02) jrGEM: lol they dint really matter (15:30:10) NightmareNick: how does purugly do hax? (15:30:11) Nick: Then whiscash out speeds Pikachu? WUT? (15:30:22) jrGEM: he a boss (15:30:25) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (15:30:25) NightmareNick: scarfcash (15:30:35) jrGEM: no (15:30:36) Nick: It was life orbed... (15:30:41) NightmareNick: or it's +1 (15:31:02) jrGEM: how much speed ev do you run? (15:31:14) jrGEM: check your pikachu out (15:31:23) Nick: I think it is 252. (15:31:32) jrGEM: no most likely not (15:31:40) jrGEM: i can show you the whishcash (15:31:51) Nick: Its fine. (15:31:57) jrGEM: 29/31/20/29/31/31 (15:32:16) jrGEM: maybe you have bad speed iv (15:32:21) Nick: But what really pissed me off was that Hi Jump Kick never missed. (15:32:38) MawileMachina: How did the Whiscash do? (15:32:38) The_Shinigami: bawwwwwwwwwww (15:32:47) jrGEM: One miss equals medicham death (15:32:54) Pwnemon: Dood (15:33:03) Pwnemon: Hi jump kick has 85 accuracy (15:33:04) Nick: Ha! Who would use a Pikachu with bad speed IV? (15:33:06) jrGEM: he missed vs manaphione he lost 85% of its hp (15:33:11) Pwnemon: it's not like sheer cold or something (15:33:11) jrGEM: no 90 (15:33:25) jrGEM: it has 90 acc (15:33:37) NightmareNick: it would suck to miss HJK on T-tar. (15:33:40) NightmareNick: Just saying. (15:33:44) jrGEM: idk how i outspeed then (15:33:46) maizesmagikarp: sheer cold saved my butt on more than one occasion (15:33:52) jrGEM: i dint get a dd and i dont run scarf (15:34:01) NightmareNick: Sheer cold = banned move. (15:34:01) jrGEM: my whiscash is not hacked (15:34:07) jrGEM: so it might be pikachu (15:34:08) The_Shinigami: (21:33:46) maizesmagikarp: sheer cold saved my butt on more than one occasion Wat. (15:34:10) The_Shinigami: gtfo (15:34:24) Nick: Eh, oh well. Let's just forget about it. (15:34:37) Pwnemon: I was making a mention to the thirty accuracy portion of the move (15:34:38) jrGEM: no (15:34:50) jrGEM: i think something wrong with pikachu (15:35:06) NightmareNick: lolno (15:35:09) Nick: Nothing is wrong with Pikachu. (15:35:12) jrGEM: can you check pikachu for me (15:35:16) Nick: I got it from DEZ. (15:35:16) NightmareNick: There's something wrong with DPoD's head. (15:35:37) jrGEM: it's bothering me now. (15:35:47) Nick: Omg, can we forget about it, please? This is stupid... (15:35:58) jrGEM: Okay sir (15:36:06) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (15:36:31) MawileMachina: Nick: Omg, can we forget about it, please? This is stupid... Hiding something? XD (15:36:39) jrGEM: sorry for the purugly hacks (15:37:04) Nick: lolno, mawile! (15:37:04) The_Shinigami: Was the Wiscash Nicks? (15:37:14) The_Shinigami: Lol 500 speed (15:37:18) jrGEM: no.. (15:37:26) jrGEM: it;s the one i bread (15:37:32) Pwnemon: mawile (15:37:35) The_Shinigami: i like bread. (15:37:37) Pwnemon: are you a girl (15:38:17) MawileMachina: No, I'm not. (15:38:48) Pwnemon: what this is lies (15:38:58) MawileMachina: XD (15:39:24) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (15:39:40) Nick: Mawile is a boy? I've been told he was a girl. Stop confusing me!!!!! (15:39:47) Prof. Oak: furret9 has been logged out (Timeout). (15:40:07) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (15:40:12) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (15:40:12) MawileMachina: I'm female. (15:40:33) Trogdor: No wonder everybody nominated you for everything~ (15:40:40) Nick: Wait... (15:40:56) MawileMachina: Everything? (15:41:03) Pwnemon: oh so you want to be specific between girl/woman now? (15:41:18) Pwnemon: Okay, /barbara boxer/ (15:41:21) MawileMachina: Nah, I'm a boy, Pwne. (15:41:34) Nick: STOP GOING BACK AND FORTH! (15:41:44) Nick: Now I can't tell! (15:41:57) Pwnemon: Mawile is a girl (15:41:59) Trogdor: Henceforth Mawile Machina is transexual. (15:42:10) MawileMachina: XD (15:42:13) Trogdor: Anybody who says otherwise will be declared wrong and frowned upon. (15:42:23) jrGEM: My NU tiers seems decent, what tier should I breed now OU or UU? (15:42:24) Trogdor: Until proof can be provided. (15:42:26) Nick: ._. (15:42:43) The_Shinigami: Mawile is a digiman (15:42:51) MawileMachina: ^ (15:43:02) The_Shinigami: they have no gender. (15:43:19) The_Shinigami: Yes I'm talking to you furries out there. RENAMON IS NOT A WOMINZ. (15:43:21) Nick should use Pikachu against a Hippowdon. (15:43:24) Nick: :3 (15:43:26) Trogdor: No gender... OR BOTH GENDERS? (15:43:33) The_Shinigami: Sick b*stards. (15:43:44) jrGEM: So Angewoman can be a boy wdf? (15:43:50) jrGEM: Angemon can be a girl ? (15:43:52) MawileMachina: I didn't know Digimon were genderless. (15:43:59) jrGEM: Lies (15:44:04) jrGEM: they have gender (15:44:08) MawileMachina: The More You Know~ (15:44:10) The_Shinigami: no. (15:44:30) The_Shinigami: They don't breed, they reincarnate >.> (15:46:05) jrGEM: So leomon can come back after devidevilmon killed him yes... (15:46:05) Pwnemon: I'm trying to find MM on How Do You Look thread (15:46:41) The_Shinigami: They all come back >:C (15:46:55) The_Shinigami: They turn die, turn into eggs and show up somewhere else (15:47:42) Straw: Yes (15:47:44) Straw: Internet fixed (15:47:56) jrGEM: Gratz (15:48:06) jrGEM: Leomon death was tragic.. (15:48:07) Pwnemon: hey straw (15:48:19) Straw: Pwne's stalking you. (15:48:19) Straw: Oh, Mawile? (15:48:28) Pwnemon: did you give up on that story? (15:48:43) Straw: Nah. (15:48:46) MawileMachina: Yes? (15:48:48) Straw: It just takes (15:48:50) Straw: bloody 6 months (15:48:54) Straw: Did KLB post yet? (15:48:55) Pwnemon: Can I read what you have? (15:48:59) MawileMachina: Yes, he did (15:49:08) Straw: Super (15:49:10) MawileMachina: It tags you, too (15:49:13) Straw: Uh, maybe later. (15:49:41) MawileMachina: Trogdor, is Brock banned from chat? He can't log into it. (15:52:03) jrGEM: Battle for charity seems to be fun. (15:53:01) Straw: The internet (15:53:05) Straw: company called me (15:53:09) Straw: and asked a few questions (15:53:11) Straw: now, onto posting (15:54:41) MawileMachina: Pwne, are you still going through the 'How do you look' thread? (15:55:03) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (15:55:03) Pwnemon: no (15:55:39) MawileMachina: Good. (15:56:00) MawileMachina: Cos I'm not on there. (15:56:01) Straw: Did you delete your picture? XD (15:56:05) Straw: Oh. (15:56:06) Straw: Hey, uh KLB (15:56:09) Pwnemon: Suspicions raised, search resumed (15:56:16) MawileMachina: XD (15:56:21) Straw: Can I make a few casual assumptions on the post about your character? (15:56:30) Straw: I'm about to go Sherlock on KLB's character. (15:56:32) Straw: If he consents (15:56:53) Straw: If he's afk, I don't know. (15:59:27) MawileMachina: What sort of assumptions? (15:59:56) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (16:00:00) Straw: Like (16:00:11) Straw: the fact his character's hand is soft (16:00:13) Straw: the fact that his character is nervous (16:00:27) Straw: and a few more (16:01:04) MawileMachina: Learning about her by shaking her hand? Very Sherlock. (16:01:23) Pwnemon: DOD GAMN (16:01:35) Pwnemon: Mawile really /isn't/ on that thread (16:01:36) MawileMachina: And also Jimmy Kudo in Case Closed, but we won't talk about that. XD (16:04:35) Straw: Yeah (16:06:55) Straw: So (16:06:58) Straw: I'm about to post that. (16:07:28) MawileMachina: If KLB objects, you can always Edit. (16:10:27) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (16:10:36) MawileMachina: It's a little bit quiet. (16:10:46) Pwnemon: yeah (16:10:58) The_Shinigami: oman (16:11:07) KLB: Too quiet... (16:11:14) Pwnemon: no (16:11:27) The_Shinigami: KLB, have you employed his roleplay driven ESP again? (16:11:29) KLB: (23:56:30) Straw: I'm about to go Sherlock on KLB's character. (16:11:33) KLB: Go for it Straw (16:11:40) KLB: How did I do that? (16:11:46) MawileMachina: Green light (16:12:24) KLB: Shini, explain youself... (16:12:29) KLB: Where did I use ESP? (16:12:30) Straw: Posted (16:12:40) Pwnemon: I don't see it (16:12:45) The_Shinigami: but whai? (16:14:01) MawileMachina: Oh wow. Clocked. (16:14:07) KLB: Well, snap. How do I respond to THAT post (16:14:53) Pwnemon: Bucked in the futt (16:15:07) Pwnemon: the only logical course is denial (16:15:22) Straw: I really really like (16:15:27) Straw: writing stuff like that. (16:15:28) Pwnemon: how could a socially awkward person tell their biggest secret to someone they just met? (16:15:43) KLB: Wait, Amy doesn't have tanned skin. In fact, it's more pale (Despite me not mentioning that) (16:15:43) Pwnemon: deny and walk away blushing. Avoid violet for rest of day (16:16:22) KLB: Yeah, I know. She's been denying it until now, she wont stop. But he just nailed it flat on the head. (16:16:29) Straw: Oh, I'll fix it (16:16:36) MawileMachina: I really like writing Lily. She's nasty, and it's a bit fun. (16:16:44) Pwnemon: you asked how to respond (16:16:45) Pwnemon: I told you (16:16:47) KLB: Well, truthfully, if she walks away, it'll be more suspicious (16:17:08) Pwnemon: she's socially awkward (16:17:20) Straw: Fixed. (16:17:21) Pwnemon: she'd be so embarrassed she would have no choice (16:17:24) MawileMachina: Especially around boys. (16:17:26) KLB: Kk (16:17:35) KLB: Yeah. This post is going to be tricky (16:17:52) KLB: There's definitly going to be blushing, I can tell you that (16:18:01) KLB: * definitely (16:18:08) KLB: I always miss the 'e'... (16:18:20) Pwnemon: at least you don't use an "a" (16:18:51) KLB: Yeah, that much is true (16:18:53) The_Shinigami: ugh... (16:18:57) The_Shinigami: I've got a lot to read. (16:19:12) Straw: So (16:19:21) The_Shinigami: Since I havn't really read the RP since yesterday and youz guys have been busy >:/ (16:19:36) Pwnemon: I had three pages to read (16:19:45) Pwnemon: because I hadn't been on since wednesday (16:19:53) Pwnemon: it goes a lot quicker than it would seem (16:20:00) MawileMachina: It's heavily implied that Violet is staring at Amy. If that helps, KLB. (16:20:15) The_Shinigami: But I'm talking about my problems >:C (16:20:23) The_Shinigami: I'm the focus here! (16:20:29) MawileMachina: XD (16:20:52) Straw: HAH (16:21:04) Pwnemon: Narcissist? What's that mean (16:21:06) Pwnemon: ? (16:21:28) Straw: http://www.xkcd.com/810/ (16:21:37) The_Shinigami: clearly i was 130% srs. (16:21:44) Pwnemon: I saw that one (16:21:52) Pwnemon: I love xkcd so much (16:23:07) KLB: I think my post is fitting. (16:23:53) Straw: Let me (16:23:53) Pwnemon: You leave, /then/ you eat (16:23:55) Straw: finish this match (16:23:56) Pwnemon: do it right KLB (16:23:59) Straw: and I'll post (16:24:41) MawileMachina: Do you want to post next, Straw? (16:24:58) MawileMachina: And I like this one http://www.xkcd.com/813/ (16:25:16) KLB: Pwn, it's my character. This is what she would do. She's respectful at the very least. (16:25:23) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (16:25:54) KLB: If she puts her food down to eat with someone, she'll eat there regardless of how awkward. (16:26:14) Pwnemon: My favorite (16:27:02) Pwnemon: KLB (16:27:09) Pwnemon: I'm just asking you to be realistic (16:28:02) KLB: I am. I just asking that you let me make the final decisions after I ask for you opinion. (16:28:49) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (16:30:20) KLB: Dammit. A belch is stuck in my esophagus... (16:30:36) KLB: Aaaahhh (16:33:09) KLB: I dun gone and killed da chat... (16:35:50) The_Shinigami: Yes. (16:35:55) The_Shinigami: Yes you dun did. (16:37:14) jrGEM: Hello (16:37:27) MawileMachina: Hello (16:37:54) Straw: Okay (16:37:55) Straw: so (16:37:59) Straw: I'm just going to post (16:38:19) MawileMachina: Ok. (16:38:36) KLB: (00:11:27) The_Shinigami: KLB, have you employed his roleplay driven ESP again? What did you mean by this? (16:38:37) MawileMachina: Then I will. (16:39:24) The_Shinigami: I doubt there was a hidden meaning in there. (16:39:45) Pwnemon: but I see no examples of the ESP (16:40:05) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (16:40:20) DEZTROYA: ESPN (16:40:35) MawileMachina: Hello, DEZ (16:40:51) KLB: Yeah. What Pwn said. Why did you say that...? (16:40:58) DEZTROYA: whats going on? (16:41:20) Straw: Posted. (16:41:50) jrGEM: dez, can we do the trade soon or you are busy/ (16:41:59) The_Shinigami: I saw MM say that you read her personality just by shaking her hand and remembered back to the last RP when you did something like that with the Pokemon. (16:42:05) KLB: Wait, Straw... Are you ESPing now? (16:42:26) KLB: Or did I miss someone telling Locke that Amy likes Archeology...? (16:42:34) The_Shinigami: I was asking to see if it were the same kind of situation >Dwelling on this is lol. (16:42:37) MawileMachina: Violet told him (16:42:46) Pwnemon: I think you meant, "Charlie, did I offend?" (16:42:56) KLB: Okee. Just making sure (16:42:56) MawileMachina: She suffers from word vomit. (16:43:01) Pwnemon: not Violet (16:43:22) KLB: ^ (16:43:42) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (16:44:15) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (16:44:20) Straw: I meant Violet. (16:44:25) MawileMachina: I'll post now. Unless you want to, KLB? (16:44:26) Straw: Because Amy's obviously not talking. (16:44:44) Straw: Uh, Violet told Locke. (16:44:52) KLB: Wait... Then why did he ask if he offended Violet...? (16:45:04) Straw: Did I offend, Violet? (16:45:10) DEZTROYA: i have to wait for quite a bit (16:45:17) Pwnemon: he meant, "Violet, did I say something offensive to Charlie" (16:45:18) MawileMachina: He's asking Violet if what he said was offensive to Charlie. (16:45:18) The_Shinigami: oman (16:45:27) Straw: Implying that he meant- yeah (16:45:28) Nick: 0_0 (16:45:29) KLB: Oh, missed the coma. (16:45:35) Straw: HERP HOW DO I TYPED WORDS DERP (16:45:40) The_Shinigami: I hate RPG games where moves only hit like 50% of the time by default. (16:45:49) DEZTROYA: well i'll catch you guys later straw will you be here later so i can get you that dunsparce im almost done trading it (16:45:52) Pwnemon: D&D tactics (16:45:59) Straw: Sure. (16:45:59) Pwnemon: rraaargh (16:46:03) KLB: "I want to eat Gramma" vs "I want to eat, Gramma" Situation. (16:46:12) Straw: ^ (16:46:29) DEZTROYA: *Training (16:46:56) KLB: You wanna post first Mawile...? (16:47:33) MawileMachina: Yeah, Violets is going to ask if you are or not. Should I do this? (16:48:14) KLB: Are or not what? A girl, or offended? (16:48:23) MawileMachina: A girl (16:48:25) Pwnemon: a girl of course (16:48:32) MawileMachina: Sorry, too vague there. (16:48:45) The_Shinigami: ugh (16:48:59) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (16:49:03) The_Shinigami: I'll post after I finish playing this bit, Monster Rancher is trollin me >:/ (16:49:17) Nick: Shreyas. (16:49:26) Shreyas: =D (16:49:29) Pwnemon: Monster rancher? (16:49:42) jrGEM: nick what is dez fc? (16:49:43) Pwnemon: Not FFIV? (16:49:47) Pwnemon: Not mirror's Edge (16:50:02) Pwnemon: Does a new game troll you every time you're on chat? (16:50:04) The_Shinigami: FFIV never trolled. (16:50:11) The_Shinigami: They just took the piss. (16:50:17) MawileMachina: XD (16:50:29) Straw: Aw yeah (16:50:32) Shreyas: what should I do with my pallets? o.o (16:50:35) Straw: playing Rise of Legends (16:50:46) Pwnemon: eat them (16:50:48) Pwnemon: obv (16:50:54) The_Shinigami: Mirror's edge WAS troll- you're an unarmed little gurl avoiding police with guns and jumping from building to building with precision. (16:51:02) The_Shinigami: Sreyas (16:51:03) Shreyas: as in who should I give it to? (16:51:04) Shreyas: o.o (16:51:09) Shreyas: yes? (16:51:15) NightmareNick: buy mew dolls to troll dez (16:51:20) The_Shinigami: you're asking as if there's anything to do WITH pallets. (16:51:27) Pwnemon: More like Troller's edge amirite (16:51:28) Shreyas: not really. (16:51:36) Shreyas: they are useless to me. (16:51:43) Nick: GIVE ME YOUR PALLETS! (16:51:45) Pwnemon: give them to me (16:51:47) Shreyas: So, I want to give them away. (16:51:52) Pwnemon: because I'm your bff (16:52:02) Straw: I will take them (16:52:04) Shreyas: O.o (16:52:13) Straw: and distribute them to every member on TPT (16:52:14) Straw: 1 by 1 (16:52:15) Nick: Shreyas, I would do anything for you. (16:52:16) The_Shinigami: I say you don't give them to anyone and just keep them to troll people. (16:52:21) Straw: 1 pallets by 1 pallets (16:52:23) Shreyas: imma give 10,000 away. And, use the rest for a Mew. (16:52:25) Nick: You know that. (16:52:28) Shreyas: LOL (16:52:40) Shreyas: or I should keep them? (16:52:46) Trogdor: Quick: what's the mass of a cubic metre of water? (16:52:46) Shreyas: hmm... (16:52:49) jrGEM: Give some to me =D (16:53:03) Pwnemon: a kilogram right? (16:53:08) Nick: Hey, they are your pallets. You do what you want with them. (16:53:21) jrGEM: you can give me 200 so i can buy dez team =D (16:53:22) KLB: (16:53:24) NightmareNick: ^DPoD is acting innosant for the munny (16:53:25) Pwnemon: or no, ten kilos (16:53:37) KLB: Oh mah gawd (16:53:41) Nick: lolno, Nick, I am ni! (16:53:43) KLB: Dat is epoch! (16:53:44) Trogdor: Metric Ton you derps (16:53:51) Nick: *not! (16:53:58) KLB: BLeh to you too: http://www.nerdcore.de/wp/wp-con?tent/uploads/2010/12/rubikscube.j?pg (16:53:59) Trogdor: I am dissapoing with amerikkun edjumacashun (16:54:12) Pwnemon: you're right trog (16:54:14) The_Shinigami: Who is this random girl and what is she doing in my monster ranch. (16:54:24) The_Shinigami: B*TCH GTFO. (16:54:28) Pwnemon: why in the hell wouldn't we learn a system of measurement not used in our country (16:54:28) NightmareNick: Trog, your dissapointed with amerikkun evarythang (16:54:40) Pwnemon: it just makes no sense (16:55:28) Nick: ^ Because I CREATED THE NEW SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT! BAHAHAHAHAHA! (16:55:41) Pwnemon: lolno (16:55:47) The_Shinigami: regulate your derpage Nick. (16:55:49) The_Shinigami: Please. (16:55:55) Nick thinks he needs to STFU and GTFO! (16:56:03) Pwnemon: yes you do (16:56:05) Trogdor: Yes please (16:56:19) Trogdor: I mean seriously I'd choose Pwnemon over most of these derps (16:56:19) Nick: Merry Christmas everyone! (16:56:24) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (16:56:29) Trogdor: In fact I might vote for him as most improved (16:56:39) Shreyas: o.o (16:56:50) The_Shinigami: I say we make like a derp meter for every single member. (16:56:50) NightmareNick: Who's winning Most Improved anyways? (16:56:56) Shreyas: TPTA... almost forgot about that. (16:56:57) Trogdor: (although I'm still waiting for him to sincerely tell me that human activities are negatively impacting the environment) (16:57:00) MawileMachina: He has improved. I voted for him. (16:57:01) The_Shinigami: Anyone who's over a 6.5 can't log into chat. (16:57:05) KLB: If I screw up, then improve my self really quickly, will I become most improved? (16:57:15) Trogdor: But Shini i'm a full 10 (16:57:22) Trogdor: and no KLB (16:57:29) The_Shinigami: NO U IZN'T (16:57:30) Pwnemon: Trog (16:57:35) NightmareNick: KLB, you just derped and go back to your original state so you gained nothing... (16:57:37) MawileMachina: Who's first to get a derp meter, Shini? (16:57:43) The_Shinigami: one eleven exclamation mark! (16:57:44) Pwnemon: of course human activities negatively affect our planet (16:57:55) Pwnemon: I just don't believe in global warming (16:57:55) Trogdor: You have my vote. (16:58:04) Trogdor: AND MY AXE. (16:58:09) Pwnemon: deforestation and extinction of species are real (16:58:20) Shreyas has no idea who to vote for. (16:58:21) Trogdor: As are glaciers melting (16:58:24) Trogdor: and sea level rise (16:58:25) The_Shinigami: not this. (16:58:27) The_Shinigami: Just. (16:58:30) The_Shinigami: Not this. (16:58:43) KLB: What Pwn is saying is what I've been saying the whole time... (16:58:48) Trogdor: OH WAIT HURP THAT'S JUST MY OPINIUN BECAUSE I HEARD THAT ON NBC NEVERMIND. (16:58:51) NightmareNick: S7at's gonna win newbie of the year (16:59:00) Trogdor: Of course (16:59:01) The_Shinigami: God dammit. (16:59:06) Trogdor: who else would? (16:59:09) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (16:59:22) Pwnemon: stat has that so in the bad (16:59:24) Pwnemon: bag* (16:59:26) Trogdor: the trogs7at duo could potentially win every award (16:59:30) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (16:59:35) Pwnemon: unless all the noobs vote for mawile (16:59:35) KLB: Glaciers may be melting, and the water level may be rising, but guess what. They just discovered that water freezes (16:59:41) The_Shinigami: what the BLOODY HELL. (17:00:17) Pwnemon: (Not saying you're bad, Mawile, just saying they can't appreciate the win that is s7atcat) (17:00:36) KLB: Actually, let's not get in to another argument over the environment. We do it too often, and too many people get pissed (17:00:50) Pwnemon: KLB (17:00:51) Trogdor: Especially yours truly. (17:00:52) The_Shinigami: yeah. (17:00:57) The_Shinigami: that's a brilliant idea. (17:01:05) Trogdor: But seriously a more sustainable world would bring no bad for anybody. Just consider that. (17:01:05) The_Shinigami: I wish I came up wi- OWAIT. (17:01:08) Pwnemon: your derp meter just hit a large influx (17:01:15) Trogdor: /ending with that (17:01:36) Shreyas: =/ (17:01:47) The_Shinigami: "VEGETA! WH-" "No, f*ck off." (17:02:02) KLB: I really dun get herps and derps... Which are the herps and which are the derps? (17:02:15) Pwnemon: they're interchangable (17:02:25) Pwnemon: you have to read it in context (17:02:26) The_Shinigami: if you need to ask, you're derping by default. (17:02:33) Pwnemon: although hurp is always bad (17:02:41) Pwnemon: derp can be bad as well, or it can be good (17:02:59) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (17:03:06) Trogdor: hurpderp is the worst. (17:03:18) Trogdor: Which is why derpmeter is always on maximus. (17:03:25) KLB is really confused... (17:03:56) Pwnemon: this is the point (17:04:56) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (17:05:11) KLB: I think I'mma go to bed (17:05:27) MawileMachina: I'm posting really soon (17:06:02) KLB: I think I'mma not go to bed (17:06:13) MawileMachina: Posted. (17:06:25) MawileMachina: I changed my mind, she's not going to ask him (17:08:38) MawileMachina: *her (17:10:47) Pwnemon: bee are bee dinner (17:11:22) KLB: Posted (17:11:40) KLB: Ah post fastly~ (17:12:50) KLB: Trog's Friend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E?Vh15aUt8-c (17:13:54) MawileMachina: Straw, are you posting? (17:14:23) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (17:15:05) Prof. Oak: MeowthMix logs into the Chat. (17:15:09) Straw: a (17:15:11) Straw: uh (17:15:13) Straw: Hmm (17:15:42) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (17:16:12) MawileMachina: I could, if you don't want to (17:16:15) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (17:16:56) Straw: Toasted (17:17:11) MawileMachina: ? (17:17:40) KLB: Wit' Cheese!!! (17:19:10) Straw: Posted. (17:22:54) Pwnemon: what type of heir is thaT? (17:23:00) Pwnemon: Hair* (17:23:12) MawileMachina: Posted (17:24:08) Pwnemon: you guys are too fast (17:24:59) Straw: Sorry. (17:25:02) Straw: Gotta keep up. (17:25:10) Pwnemon: I'm keeping up (17:25:20) Pwnemon: I'm more concerned about people named kalylia (17:25:41) Straw: She's caught up (17:26:04) Pwnemon: oh (17:26:18) Pwnemon: it's just that usually she has a sort of server lag (17:26:36) Pwnemon: whenever we need a plot post, she won't do it for the longest time (17:27:02) Straw: That's why I'm the other owner. (17:28:56) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (17:29:09) jrGEM: aw dez left (17:29:22) Nick is back. >8D (17:30:20) Nick: o_O No one says anything? (17:30:32) Pwnemon: chat is dead (17:30:33) Nick: I feel a disturbance in the chat... (17:30:37) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (17:30:38) Pwnemon: deal w/ it (17:30:45) jrGEM: aw shini left (17:30:56) Nick: This always happens when I leave. (17:30:59) KLB: Should I do it? (17:31:10) KLB: Break the wall of the character's image? (17:31:18) jrGEM: Maybe you should be a partay starter..... (17:31:25) jrGEM: Start the partay nick (17:31:39) MawileMachina: Up to you. You could drag it out a bit more, so its more dramatic (17:31:46) KLB: It seems like the most logical thing to do, despite the fact that I want to hold on to the charade a little longer (17:31:53) Straw: Do what you want. (17:31:58) MawileMachina: ^ (17:32:00) KLB: Oh trust me. It's plenty dramatic (17:32:01) Nick: Who wants to NU? (17:32:04) Nick: UU? (17:32:08) Nick: OU? (17:32:42) Shreyas: Uber? (17:32:52) Nick: That sounds, fun? (17:32:53) jrGEM: Ill uber (17:32:57) Straw: Starcraft? (17:33:00) Straw: What? (17:33:00) jrGEM: i just need 6 pokes (17:33:04) Shreyas: actually I just threw in the idea. (17:33:07) Nick: Ubers sounds fun. (17:33:19) Nick: I know. (17:33:22) jrGEM: I don;t have 1 uber poke eved (17:33:39) jrGEM: don't (17:33:42) Nick: I can FINALLY use the deoxys I got today! (17:33:43) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (17:33:47) Brock: Yay! (17:33:54) Brock: Mawile I got it to work! (17:33:54) Nick: Brock. (17:33:55) jrGEM: hey brock (17:33:56) KLB: Here goes. (17:33:57) Brock: (17:34:00) MawileMachina: (17:34:16) Brock: Thanks a bunch Trogdor~ (17:34:58) Brock: Oh, and Shreyas, do you remember the Politoed and Manetric I bought from you? (17:35:12) NightmareNick: Switcheroo Manectric <3 (17:35:17) KLB: I dun posted (17:35:40) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (17:35:48) Nick: Brock, when I'm done playing UBERS, do you wanna UU? (17:35:48) The_Shinigami: >:C (17:35:53) The_Shinigami: I'm not playing this anymore. (17:35:55) Brock: Nah. (17:36:02) Brock: I'm kinda tired right now. (17:36:12) NightmareNick: Which Monster Rancher you playing Shini? (17:36:12) Nick: ._. (17:36:33) KLB: Playin' whut? (17:36:49) The_Shinigami: DS (17:36:50) Nick: My dog is such a loveable oaf! (17:37:06) The_Shinigami: The game where 78% accuracy for you = 20% (17:37:18) The_Shinigami: and 35% accuracy for your opponent = 99% (17:37:19) NightmareNick: lol (17:37:28) KLB: That sounds really stupid... (17:37:36) Nick: Rofl! (17:37:43) The_Shinigami: It wouldn't be as bad if there WASN'T A TIME LIMIT. (17:38:09) The_Shinigami: Seriously, even if they're miles weaker than you, if they hit you ONCE for 3 hp and keep dodging your hits they'll win (17:38:31) KLB: It sounds like it's not worth playing, or better yet, it sounds like it's worth tossing out the window (17:39:30) The_Shinigami: BUT WAIT (17:39:31) Nick: GEM, I is waiting in WiFi room. = (17:39:32) The_Shinigami: THERE'S MORE. (17:39:39) Nick: *=\ (17:39:55) The_Shinigami: There's like an bility or trait or some sh*t that has a chance of making a monster survive with 1hp. (17:39:59) Straw: Hm (17:40:02) jrGEM: i don't have ubers lol (17:40:03) Straw: Did Mawile go afk? (17:40:09) The_Shinigami: This one fight, it activated. (17:40:15) jrGEM: but ill grab a random team (17:40:17) Straw: I think it's about time for Mia to come out (17:40:35) The_Shinigami: Then I went from full hp, to being KO'd by a 1hp evasive b*stard >:C (17:40:44) MeowthMix: Hey, Shini (17:41:01) The_Shinigami: Yooo. (17:41:13) MeowthMix: Is there a specific name for the kind of British accent she has? (17:41:20) MawileMachina: No, I'm here (17:41:40) Straw: I think (17:41:46) Straw: I'll have Mia fight Violet. (17:41:52) jrGEM: okay going in (17:42:11) The_Shinigami: See, just as you American guys probably think you don't have accents, I don't think she has an accent. (17:42:21) Straw: 1 says you win, 2 says I do. (17:42:22) The_Shinigami: Goddamit I wana fight someone >:C (17:42:31) Prof. Oak: Straw rolls 1d2 and gets 1. (17:42:32) MawileMachina: Lol, Violet's going to have her arse handed to her (17:42:34) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (17:42:37) Straw: Awesome. (17:42:44) redtwist1: hi guyd\s (17:42:45) Brock: Hi redtwist. (17:42:47) redtwist1: guys (17:42:54) jrGEM: Nick BG (17:42:56) Nick: Redtwist! My Pittsburgh buddy. (17:42:56) MawileMachina: Oh wow. XD (17:42:58) Straw: Violet wins. (17:43:04) Nick: GL. (17:43:07) Nick: HF (17:43:13) Nick: You know what BG means? (17:43:14) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (17:43:17) jrGEM: i will need it (17:43:22) Straw: bad game (17:43:23) redtwist1: um yah hi (17:43:24) Pwnemon: bad game (17:43:28) MeowthMix: Well, I know that there are different accents people have in different parts of America, so I figured it was the same in the UK. (17:43:30) jrGEM: bad game i already the out come (17:43:50) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (17:43:53) The_Shinigami: Well (17:44:00) redtwist1: i just got done trainig a plusel (17:44:07) Nick: UN EV TRAINED UBERS FTW! (17:44:35) jrGEM: lol (17:44:36) The_Shinigami: there's Cockney and there's other miscellaneous British accents. (17:44:38) redtwist1: with wish/toxic/thunderbolt/encore (17:44:38) The_Shinigami: Wait. (17:44:39) jrGEM: u should have told me (17:44:45) jrGEM: i would have use mines also (17:44:47) Pwnemon: Cockney (17:44:49) The_Shinigami: WHO BE PLAYING UBERS AND NOT TELLING ME. (17:44:49) Pwnemon: lolol (17:44:54) MawileMachina: Is KLB still here? (17:45:05) MawileMachina: I'm about to post (17:45:13) redtwist1: if your using ubers shini's on the case (17:45:14) The_Shinigami: I don't find it funny because people who speak cockney are jokes already (17:45:17) The_Shinigami: Lollz (17:45:24) The_Shinigami: NONONONO. (17:45:31) MeowthMix: The accent she has is mah favorite. :3 (17:45:38) Nick: I <3's Deoxys. (17:45:39) The_Shinigami: I want to roflstomp the yard with my ubers. (17:45:53) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (17:45:56) redtwist1: oh (17:45:57) Brock: Sorry (17:46:00) jrGEM: time to pary u have a ho-oh (17:46:07) Pwnemon: His Pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard (17:46:14) Nick: I am playing UBERS. :d (17:46:30) The_Shinigami: I CHARRENGE YOU TO AN UBER BATTLE! (17:46:41) Brock: Ooo (17:46:45) Brock: Shini vs ??? (17:46:49) redtwist1: it's a good thing i play nu/roullete (17:46:50) MawileMachina: Posted! (17:46:52) Straw: A uber (17:46:55) Nick: When I is done battling GEM. (17:47:03) Brock: Ok then. (17:47:07) Pwnemon: nice grammar straw (17:47:08) Brock: Which Uber? (17:47:08) redtwist1: shini go foflstomp nick (17:47:20) redtwist1: please (17:47:33) Nick: Shut up! (17:47:52) redtwist1: (17:47:57) Nick: Literally, I'll go to your house and roflstomp you! >=/ (17:48:02) The_Shinigami: Nothin' to is but to do it. (17:48:08) Brock: I'm hungry. (17:48:19) jrGEM: Go eat silly.. (17:48:20) redtwist1: then i'll throw a book at u (17:48:23) Brock: Lol. (17:48:25) redtwist1: nick (17:48:33) Brock: There is nothing here. (17:48:34) Nick: I'll throw a brick! (17:48:42) jrGEM: oh (17:48:42) Brock: Except popcorn. (17:48:45) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (17:48:51) Nick: Oh shi- He dosen't know that I is DPoD. (17:48:52) Brock: Which I can't eat. (17:48:55) redtwist1: which i'll block with my book (17:49:02) Brock: Because Braces. (19:24:54) Nick: GEM, I'm going in now. (19:25:03) jrGEM: i have like the same method for all my team (19:25:08) Prof. Oak: Stanky! has been logged out (Timeout). (19:25:13) Brock: I just bring whatever the F*** I want and hope it works (19:25:15) The_Shinigami: Straw I just saw the Amy Exposition. (19:25:21) jrGEM: atm i think my second nu team is the best (19:25:24) NightmareNick: I watched Kwandaoren66's vid on how to make a team then I actually decided not to throw random stuff in a team. (19:25:29) klaywaffle: Battle anyone? (19:25:38) Brock: Same here Nick, (19:25:50) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (19:25:50) Brock: Thats why I want to make a anime based team of.. (19:26:05) Brock: Shini, you like this anime, and so do I. (19:26:12) Brock: Soul Eater! (19:26:14) Brock: :3 (19:26:31) MawileMachina: What do you think, Shini? (19:26:36) jrGEM: wd fudge (19:26:40) jrGEM: lum berry (19:26:47) The_Shinigami: I lol'd (19:26:48) Nick: I'll battle when I'm done, Klay. (19:26:59) The_Shinigami: In the words of Touma (19:27:03) MawileMachina: XD (19:27:11) The_Shinigami: You "shattered his illusion" HARD. (19:27:19) Nick: AHHHH! (19:27:26) maizesmagikarp: Oh, yeah! (19:28:30) Prof. Oak: TRTRoy logs into the Chat. (19:29:15) TRTRoy: Hey guys (19:29:29) Brock: Nick upload a battle in that <3 new quality. (19:29:45) Nick: Me? (19:29:51) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (19:29:56) Brock: No, (19:30:00) Brock: Other Nick. (19:30:03) Nick: :o (19:30:34) jrGEM: what luck (19:30:52) klaywaffle: Anyone get this riddle? (19:30:55) klaywaffle: I am found in a case.I take flight but do not leave the ground.What am i ? (19:30:57) Straw: Boasted (19:31:08) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (19:31:11) klaywaffle: Electrike's game (19:31:16) klaywaffle: Am bored (19:32:00) Nick: Hitmonchan is NU, right? (19:32:07) jrGEM: yeah (19:32:08) klaywaffle: UU (19:32:12) klaywaffle: Wait (19:32:20) Nick: :o (19:32:25) jrGEM: no Nu check (19:32:30) klaywaffle: Was thinking lee (19:32:40) Nick: It's NU. (19:32:43) jrGEM: http://www.smogon.com/dp/pokemon?/hitmonchan (19:32:55) Nick: I see that... (19:33:04) Nick: My computer takes forever to load... (19:33:35) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:34:14) Nick: I want a special attacking hitmonchan for lulz. (19:34:24) jrGEM: lol (19:35:40) jrGEM: fk (19:35:41) jrGEM: i lose (19:35:48) Nick: SLEEP CLAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (19:35:54) jrGEM: mb ill run (19:35:56) Nick: >8O (19:36:04) Nick: DONT RUN! (19:36:07) jrGEM: ill let u kill rapidash or run? (19:36:16) Nick: Just switch pokemon. (19:36:20) jrGEM: ill go for will wisp (19:36:27) Nick: Until I wake up!. (19:36:28) MawileMachina: Coasted (19:36:29) jrGEM: until u wake up (19:36:32) Nick: NO NO WISP! (19:36:44) jrGEM: so what? (19:36:47) Nick: Oh... (19:36:53) jrGEM: okay now its fair (19:36:53) MawileMachina: But it's a bit short. The battle can start now. How are we doing this? (19:36:53) maizesmagikarp: santa clause = no delibird D (19:37:06) Nick: :idiotface: (19:37:10) jrGEM: lose rapidash stupidly (19:38:30) klaywaffle: Need battle (19:38:39) klaywaffle: Dying from lack of pokemonpwningness (19:40:05) Nick: This stall is really annoying. (19:40:20) jrGEM: has to be done (19:41:22) Nick: I want to choke your fscking stailling Kecleon! (19:41:32) jrGEM: lol (19:42:19) klaywaffle: I was about to troll his kecleon (19:42:21) Nick: What are you trying to do?! I don't understand this stall! (19:42:26) klaywaffle: Untill he fled >:l (19:42:45) jrGEM: kecleon kills gastrodon (19:42:55) Nick: O.O NOW I KNOW! (19:42:57) klaywaffle: Take advantage of Color Change (19:43:03) klaywaffle: >.> (19:43:13) klaywaffle: Use Ground type move (19:43:17) klaywaffle: Then Surf (19:43:33) klaywaffle: Them ground then water (19:43:34) Nick: He toxiced me then started to SUB! (19:43:40) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (19:43:51) klaywaffle: it's called using your noodle (19:44:45) jrGEM: earthquake was the only use full attack you had (19:45:04) jrGEM: hitmonchan out speed pikachu (19:45:26) Nick: You do realize you're scarfed, right? (19:45:28) jrGEM: sleep clause dint matter cause you got to kill rapidash with no damage to your self (19:45:32) jrGEM: yeah i am (19:45:41) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (19:45:59) Nick: That was a retarded battle. (19:46:14) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (19:46:16) jrGEM: Sorry Kecleon is my most hated pokemon (19:46:16) Nick: GG (19:46:16) klaywaffle: Finished? (19:46:21) klaywaffle: Okay (19:46:26) jrGEM: GG (19:46:27) klaywaffle: Now somebody battle me (19:46:34) MawileMachina: jrGEM, what's it's spread? (19:46:44) jrGEM: We should have a NU tourney (19:46:53) MawileMachina: I was thinking of getting a Kecleon (19:46:54) jrGEM: let me check (19:46:59) Straw: Time to go to (19:46:59) jrGEM: hitmonchans right (19:47:03) Straw: Another channel, Machina. (19:47:40) jrGEM: give me one sec mawile (19:47:45) Nick: Klay, standard? (19:47:52) Brock: You know what. (19:47:52) MawileMachina: I'll wait, jrGEM (19:47:53) klaywaffle: Of course (19:47:56) Brock: I've decided. (19:47:59) jrGEM: i think it is standard (19:48:05) jrGEM: not sure (19:48:08) Prof. Oak: Straw leaves the channel. (19:48:09) Brock: To quit pokemon for a while. (19:48:18) Nick: :o (19:48:22) Nick: NO! (19:48:23) jrGEM: no brock (19:48:29) Nick: YOU STAY HERE! (19:48:33) jrGEM: you never battled me you cant quit (19:48:34) Nick: ;-; (19:48:35) Brock: I'm going to refresh myself (19:48:36) MawileMachina: Ok, well thanks for telling me (19:48:37) Nick: Don't go! (19:48:42) Brock: NOT FOREVER (19:48:45) Brock: GOD (19:48:45) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina leaves the channel. (19:48:53) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami leaves the channel. (19:48:55) Brock: Just for about 2 weeks. (19:48:56) jrGEM: yeah it's standard (19:49:06) Nick: BUTHEAD, YOU ARE GOOD! IT TAKES PRACTICE! (19:49:13) jrGEM: Okay have fun during your vacation (19:49:17) Nick: YOU'LL BECOME BETTER! (19:49:18) jrGEM: Yes (19:49:20) Brock: So I can practice building teams. (19:49:23) Brock: GOD (19:49:29) Brock: STOP FREAKING OUT (19:49:29) jrGEM: Brock do what i do (19:49:37) Brock: JUST FOR 2 WEEKS OH MY GOD (19:49:56) Brock: Oh and Btw (19:50:02) Nick: You need battles to to practise your built teams. (19:50:05) jrGEM: lead, physical wall, special wall, Special sweepeer, physical sweeper, scarf poke (19:50:19) maizesmagikarp: anyone have a game boy micro? (19:50:31) Brock: I'm watching Kwandorent66's video about team building. (19:50:33) jrGEM: It works pretty good for me (19:50:38) Brock: I'm going to form a OU team. (19:50:41) jrGEM: i already watched it (19:50:53) jrGEM: I need to build mines also (19:50:54) klaywaffle: GOD dark get in wifi (19:50:59) Brock: Then Practice, Practice, Practice (19:51:03) jrGEM: the ou poke i have are unbalanced (19:51:05) klaywaffle: And wth are shini and the others doing? (19:51:11) jrGEM: do what i did (19:51:24) jrGEM: I watched video for 6 month until i got my wifi together (19:51:43) klaywaffle: My DSI is almost dead (19:51:46) klaywaffle: hurry (19:51:48) Brock: I'll stay here and chat though. (19:51:53) Brock: Just not battle. (19:52:14) jrGEM: i started with casadorperfect, killernacho, haydunn,xenon, no i'm at Kwandorent66 (19:52:19) Nick: Get a charger! (19:52:33) jrGEM: now** (19:52:45) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami enters the channel. (19:53:02) jrGEM: those are pretty much my fav battlers, i usually breed pokemon cause of them and how they use them. (19:53:14) Prof. Oak: RayTalkers logs into the Chat. (19:53:23) Brock: Hi Ray. (19:53:26) Nick: Is it obvious that I just throw stuff together? (19:53:33) Brock: So. (19:53:40) Brock: I want to become really good. (19:53:45) jrGEM: i never battled brock so i would not know (19:53:46) RayTalkers: hey (19:53:48) Brock: Like REALLY REALLY Good. (19:53:57) Brock: I'm Terrible Jr. (19:54:01) jrGEM: first of brock (19:54:09) klaywaffle: Azelf Pwnage in (19:54:11) jrGEM: pick 1 tier you want to be good at (19:54:14) klaywaffle: ...3 (19:54:15) klaywaffle: ...2 (19:54:17) klaywaffle: ...1 (19:54:19) jrGEM: I picked Nu (19:54:20) Brock: OU (19:54:27) Brock: I really want to get into it. (19:54:34) jrGEM: OU so now you pick a lead (19:54:38) Nick: o.O (19:54:48) Brock: Jirachi (19:54:54) Brock: I like him as a lead. (19:55:01) jrGEM: you have swampert,azelf, machamp, metagross etc. (19:55:01) klaywaffle: I'm not that greedy to det up 3 nasty plots (19:55:15) klaywaffle: 1 is okay with me (19:55:16) Brock: So I have Jirachi. (19:55:23) jrGEM: what type of jirachi (19:55:30) jrGEM: set up? (19:55:36) Brock: Lead, Stealth Rock Jirachi (19:55:41) Brock: Here (19:55:46) Brock: I wrote the set down (19:55:51) jrGEM: now pick a wall (19:55:54) Brock: Jirachi@Jolly Evs: 252 atk, 252 speed, 4 def Moves: Stealth Rock, Body Slam, Iron Head, U-turn (19:56:01) Brock: ^Good? (19:56:07) klaywaffle: 1 HP? (19:56:09) jrGEM: but make sure not to have 2 much of the same type (19:56:13) Nick: HOLY SHI-!!!!! (19:56:14) Brock: Brb (19:56:21) Brock: Ok. (19:56:22) Nick: 11 HP. (19:56:31) klaywaffle: Oh wth (19:56:37) klaywaffle: I had Grass Knot (19:56:42) klaywaffle: But whatevs (19:56:49) Brock: Now, according to E-lo, I need to put a pokemon that resists jarichis weaknessess. (19:56:51) klaywaffle: Grassknot would've not do as much (19:57:06) klaywaffle: Is that mine's or DEZ? (19:57:10) Brock: Ground, Fire (19:57:19) Brock: What resists Ground and Fire. (19:57:29) Brock: Swampert? (19:57:58) klaywaffle: Flygon (19:58:45) klaywaffle: Azelf sweep (19:58:51) klaywaffle: KO'd 3-4? (19:59:15) Nick: o.o I want that Azelf. (19:59:40) klaywaffle: O.O (20:00:05) klaywaffle: Meh (20:00:06) klaywaffle: you have two (20:00:27) jrGEM: brock (20:00:27) klaywaffle: left I have 5 (20:00:35) Nick: I got rid of the Timid one. (20:00:37) jrGEM: you cant revolve a team around a lead (20:14:11) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (20:14:16) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina leaves the channel. (20:16:13) Nick: Ugh, Klay explaining stuff is booooooring! (20:17:03) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (20:17:31) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my logs into the Chat. (20:21:20) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (20:24:12) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (20:27:06) Prof. Oak: RayTalkers has been logged out (Timeout). (20:28:39) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp has been logged out (Timeout). (20:28:41) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (20:36:10) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (20:37:04) Prof. Oak: Brock leaves the channel. (20:37:11) Prof. Oak: Brock enters the channel. (20:37:14) Prof. Oak: Nick leaves the channel. (20:37:20) Prof. Oak: Nick enters the channel. (20:38:27) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle leaves the channel. (20:38:30) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle enters the channel. (20:38:32) Brock: There. (20:38:39) Brock: Now I just need people to rate my team (20:39:51) Nick: There is a thread for that... (20:40:03) Brock: I just posted. (20:40:04) Brock: Duh. (20:40:21) NightmareNick: gimme team now (20:40:28) Nick: Bi*ch don't give me that attitude! (20:40:43) Brock: Go check it out Nick. (20:41:03) NightmareNick: link me (20:41:15) Brock: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?t=10857 (20:44:03) Nick: Good team. (20:44:12) Brock: Really? (20:44:17) Brock: Or are you just saying that. (20:44:28) Nick: No really. It is good. (20:44:37) Brock: Thanks! (20:54:45) jrGEM: gj (20:54:54) Nick: Wut? (20:54:57) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (20:55:04) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina leaves the channel. (20:55:19) jrGEM: dez left never traded me heatran QQ. (20:55:39) Nick: He might be back later. (20:55:44) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (20:55:46) Nick: He's usually on at night. (20:56:02) Nick: It's about 7:00 PM in CA. So yeah. (20:56:03) jrGEM: I'm not worried (20:56:21) jrGEM: I dint breed anything today... (20:56:35) Shiny: aaaall things must pass (20:56:38) Brock: I just 6-0'd someone on PO with my new team (20:56:39) Shiny: all things must pass away (20:56:51) Shiny: oh, george harrison (20:56:55) Shiny: you had the best solo career (20:56:59) jrGEM: What is PO? (20:57:11) Brock: Pokemon Online (20:57:20) jrGEM: oh (20:58:08) jrGEM: Anyone have a shaymin with hidden power ice? (20:59:44) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (21:00:20) Prof. Oak: WhiteSoxFan logs into the Chat. (21:00:49) Nick: I don't. (21:03:56) Prof. Oak: Stanky! logs into the Chat. (21:04:34) NightmareNick: I have a HP fire one (21:06:17) NightmareNick: @Brock I have some changes you could do (21:06:33) Brock: Post it on the thread (21:10:26) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (21:18:40) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (21:18:49) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina leaves the channel. (21:19:20) NightmareNick: Why'd MM leave =p (21:19:22) NightmareNick: =O (21:19:39) Brock: Ooo (21:19:46) Brock: I like those changes nick. (21:19:48) Brock: Clever. (21:19:58) Nick: =O (21:20:07) Brock: Not you. (21:20:10) Brock: Other nick. (21:20:16) Brock: I'm going to edit that now ;D (21:20:18) Nick can now come up with a counter team. (21:21:45) NightmareNick: oh (21:21:56) NightmareNick: if your gonna make vappy a Special Wall w/ Acid Armor (21:22:02) NightmareNick: try this as a moveset (21:22:04) Brock: Yes? (21:22:07) Brock: Ok (21:22:10) Brock: Post it (21:22:18) NightmareNick: Wish/Toxic/Acid Armor/Surf (21:22:27) Brock: Cool (21:22:31) NightmareNick: or (21:22:37) Brock: Acid Armor increased DEF right? (21:22:42) Brock: Or SpD? (21:22:48) NightmareNick: Wish/Protect/Toxic/Surf if you need defense (21:22:52) NightmareNick: dont* (21:23:00) NightmareNick: AA = +2 defense (21:23:05) Brock: (21:23:10) Brock: I like the first set. (21:23:13) Brock: Thanks! (21:23:52) NightmareNick: np (21:24:04) NightmareNick: do you wanna test it against my OU team? (21:24:11) NightmareNick: we'll battle on PO if needed... (21:24:25) Brock: Yeah! (21:24:32) Brock: Lemme make the adjustments. (21:24:54) NightmareNick: Brock maek a skype (21:25:01) Nick: Battle anyone? (21:25:14) Brock: I can't skype. (21:25:23) Brock: My computer doesn't work with it. (21:26:26) jrGEM: nick what type? (21:26:56) jrGEM: Or did we battle to much today? (21:28:35) Brock: What Server you on Nick? (21:29:04) Brock: Im on the smogon university one. 12/19/10 (06:43:37) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (06:43:37) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (06:43:37) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (06:43:37) Prof. Oak: MeowthMix has been logged out (Timeout). (06:43:37) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (07:20:49) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (07:20:52) Prof. Oak: KeishiroSan has been logged out (Timeout). (09:20:30) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (09:20:36) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (09:23:06) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (09:34:43) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (09:45:00) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (09:54:04) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (09:55:04) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (09:55:14) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (10:05:22) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (10:15:38) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (10:23:41) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (10:23:49) Brock: Hi (10:25:04) jrGEM: hello (10:25:29) Brock: Sooo, whats everybody up to? (10:27:16) klaywaffle: Oh ggod (10:27:21) klaywaffle: Now somebody battl me (10:27:39) Brock: Not me (10:27:59) klaywaffle: Need to test out my new team (10:28:06) jrGEM: ev training my heatran and flygon (10:28:08) Brock: Battle Jr. (10:28:18) jrGEM: what type (10:28:27) klaywaffle: Standard (10:28:45) jrGEM: Brock what tier? (10:29:32) klaywaffle: He wasn't talking to you (10:29:38) Brock: What? (10:29:43) klaywaffle: He was telling me to battle you (10:30:15) jrGEM: (11:28:080 Brock: Battle Jr.------- So what does that mean klay? (10:30:29) jrGEM: Fail brackets (10:30:30) klaywaffle: He meant that I should battle you (10:30:36) jrGEM: oh (10:30:51) klaywaffle: To make it more clear (10:31:00) klaywaffle: Brock: Klay, battle jrGEM (10:31:11) jrGEM: you want to? (10:31:19) klaywaffle: Idc (10:31:24) klaywaffle: Who I face (10:31:28) jrGEM: give me 2 min (10:34:58) klaywaffle: Been 3 minutes =l (10:35:55) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (10:36:09) NightmareNick: Hi. (10:36:14) klaywaffle: Yo (10:36:22) Brock: Hi Nick. (10:36:26) jrGEM: okay klay ready (10:36:39) klaywaffle: Yeah (10:36:46) klaywaffle: Logging on (10:36:59) klaywaffle Online (10:37:01) NightmareNick: Brock do you want to do that PO battle now? (10:37:16) NightmareNick: to test your team. (10:37:27) klaywaffle: PO...? (10:37:39) Brock: Sure (10:37:49) Brock: Go to the smogon university one. (10:38:20) Brock: Nevermind, go to the second server (10:39:18) klaywaffle: Sorry (10:39:24) klaywaffle: But I HAVE TO DO THIS (10:40:11) klaywaffle: Wow really sorry (10:40:19) NightmareNick: I'm at the second one brock (10:40:32) NightmareNick: I don't see yer name. (10:40:33) Brock: I'm editing the team (10:40:38) klaywaffle: I'm just substituting then protecting (10:40:57) klaywaffle: MOAR SPEED BOOST (10:41:06) NightmareNick: go to Pokemon Online server (10:41:20) Brock: I can't. (10:41:24) Brock: It asks me for a password, (10:41:28) Brock: and I don't know it. (10:42:26) NightmareNick: Go to PokemonBattleCenter then (10:42:37) Brock: Alright (10:42:38) NightmareNick: the second one is in spanish .-. (10:43:04) NightmareNick: Brock change to 4th gen (10:43:38) Brock: Hold on 1 moment (10:43:47) NightmareNick: ;-; (10:44:04) Brock: Challenge me (10:44:09) Brock: :3 (10:44:43) NightmareNick: Change your gen to 4th gen .-. (10:44:53) NightmareNick: Go to Team Builder then change your gen. (10:45:00) Brock: Ok.... (10:48:27) jrGEM: klay (10:48:36) jrGEM: with no guard does protect fail? (10:48:51) klaywaffle: Yeah (10:48:55) klaywaffle: No (10:49:01) jrGEM: ? (10:49:08) klaywaffle: Even with No guard protect can't fail (10:49:24) jrGEM: so we can be here all day... (10:49:53) klaywaffle: Untill I run out of speed boost I'll baton pass (10:50:46) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (10:53:27) jrGEM: watch this fail (10:55:17) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (10:56:08) jrGEM: hate ninjask with a passion (10:56:19) NightmareNick: Meh (10:56:29) NightmareNick: Ninjask aren't too bad. (10:56:41) jrGEM: now when it stalls you (10:56:43) klaywaffle: They're easy to knock out (10:56:43) Brock: Priority (10:56:45) NightmareNick: I hate dragonite and metagross w/ a passion. (10:56:48) Brock: IS YOUR FREIND (10:56:57) jrGEM: god have mercy on my soul lol (10:57:10) NightmareNick: Brock, Imma put together a new team and test it (10:57:41) Brock: .- (10:58:20) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (10:58:33) GlaceonStation: 0_) (10:58:39) GlaceonStation: *0_0 (10:59:06) jrGEM: -.- (10:59:06) klaywaffle: OH LORD (10:59:17) klaywaffle: HOW MANY DYNAMIC PUNCHES DO YOU HAVE? (10:59:27) jrGEM: klay (10:59:29) jrGEM: be happy (10:59:38) jrGEM: that was my last one (10:59:57) klaywaffle: Out of protects (10:59:58) jrGEM: i saved my last 2 dynamic punch cause i knew nijask will pp stall me (11:00:11) jrGEM: die u stupid bee (11:00:49) jrGEM: i could have had a 6-0 if i dint miss click lol (11:01:30) klaywaffle: Watch as I now tear through your team (11:01:38) klaywaffle: .-. (11:01:42) Brock: I restarted my pearl. (11:01:44) Brock: :3 (11:01:49) klaywaffle: BG (11:01:49) jrGEM: oh no (11:01:52) klaywaffle: 4-0 (11:01:54) jrGEM: never mind that 6-0 (11:02:39) klaywaffle: Jask doesn't have an offensive attack (11:02:42) jrGEM: let get the score down (11:02:55) jrGEM: i was going to explode on your protect (11:03:07) jrGEM: this team was not have bad (11:03:13) klaywaffle: lol (11:03:18) klaywaffle: Except (11:03:21) jrGEM: im glad i decide to save machamp he really came thro (11:03:25) klaywaffle: I ran out of protects (11:03:31) jrGEM: lol (11:03:39) klaywaffle: I think I might take out Kingler (11:04:33) jrGEM: celebi and suicune were good walls (11:04:47) jrGEM: they walled pretty much everything you baton passed 2 (11:04:53) klaywaffle: Shouldn't have gave you suicune >:l (11:05:25) jrGEM: lol (11:05:28) jrGEM: or celebi (11:05:40) klaywaffle: I didn't give you celebi (11:05:43) jrGEM: nvm celebi (11:05:57) jrGEM: but most likely i would not have bought them me being cheap and all. (11:06:24) klaywaffle: Should I keep or take out Rampardos? (11:07:04) GlaceonStation: ooh yeah (11:07:10) klaywaffle: His defences and special defence will ruin my Baton Pass Team (11:07:23) GlaceonStation: ................oooo (11:10:15) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (11:11:22) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (11:13:07) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (11:13:13) Brock is playing through pearl (11:13:53) GlaceonStation: o (11:13:54) GlaceonStation: ooo (11:14:38) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (11:14:49) PokeLord: (11:15:01) Brock: Hi pokelord (11:15:08) PokeLord: Hola. (11:15:31) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs out of the Chat. (11:18:36) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (11:18:46) jrGEM: hi (11:24:27) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (11:26:18) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (11:26:28) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (11:27:10) ToasterRampage: Hey, want a Chinchou? (11:27:23) NightmareNick: lolya (11:27:39) jrGEM: for free? (11:28:00) ToasterRampage: No, it was for the shop. (11:28:17) jrGEM: what egg moves? (11:28:27) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (11:28:54) NightmareNick: Chinchou gets crappy egg moves tbh (11:29:38) ToasterRampage: I just put Surf Toxic Thunderbolt and Ice Beam on, and was too lazy to delete them. (11:29:44) jrGEM: yeah he does just checked (11:30:02) jrGEM: offensive? (11:30:37) NightmareNick: Lanturn =/= offensive .-. (11:30:55) jrGEM: it can be a wall (11:31:28) NightmareNick: Wall =/= offensive... (11:31:34) jrGEM: yeah (11:31:39) NightmareNick: It's more commonly a tank (11:31:45) jrGEM: He should be NU (11:31:49) NightmareNick: <-- is the lanturn expert (11:31:52) jrGEM: so i can make a wall lanturn (11:32:15) NightmareNick: Reason why he's UU... (11:32:29) ToasterRampage: 125 base HP (11:32:33) NightmareNick: Volt Absorb with Water/Electric typing is only 2 weaknesses (11:32:37) jrGEM: I no nothing about lanturn so you win NN (11:32:59) jrGEM: All i know about lanturn is i use one to beat the game (11:33:16) ToasterRampage: Plus it's awesome (11:33:53) NightmareNick: Awesome is an insult to lanturn's magnificence (11:34:02) Brock: Hey again (11:34:04) jrGEM: lol (11:34:26) jrGEM: hi again (11:34:37) ToasterRampage: I'm online. (11:34:58) ToasterRampage: Btw, we need to do this quickly. (11:36:07) ToasterRampage: Gah, I need to go. (11:36:20) GlaceonStation: oo ooo oo (11:43:13) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (11:43:15) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (11:43:25) GlaceonStation: ohyeahmwamwamwa (11:48:36) jrGEM: poor gallade had a tumor in his hip (11:50:24) GlaceonStation: ooooooooooo (11:51:50) NightmareNick: I wish gallade was a wee bit faster (11:52:55) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (11:53:03) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (12:00:22) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (12:01:22) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (12:01:22) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (12:21:52) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (12:29:40) Pwnemon: Hey Straw (12:29:45) Pwnemon: If you're in here... (12:30:01) Pwnemon: who the heck won Violet vs. Mia? (14:19:49) Straw: Dabomb doesn't anymore (14:19:57) Pwnemon: oh really? (14:20:03) GlaceonStation: Prof. Oak: Ignored Users: Brock (14:20:06) GlaceonStation: jk (14:20:06) NightmareNick: Dabomb finally grew a sense of reality (14:20:07) Pwnemon: I haven't been on in a couple weeks, so I assumed he did (14:20:13) Brock: Hey D: (14:20:13) Straw: Ye (14:20:21) Pwnemon: that's music to my sore ears (14:20:31) Straw: Shiny_bagon is ignored (14:20:51) Pwnemon: he's banned (14:20:54) Straw: Brock (14:20:54) Pwnemon: why is he on ignore (14:21:01) Straw: Have common sense (14:21:03) GlaceonStation: Not anymore (14:21:11) Brock: I really hate lag, (14:21:19) Straw: If I answered your question the first time (14:21:21) Brock: Screws up my post >:C (14:21:23) NightmareNick: He got banned again? (14:21:30) NightmareNick: He was here earlier IIRC. (14:21:40) Straw: I wouldn't have you on ignote (14:21:45) Prof. Oak: RocketGruntCaiti has been logged out (Timeout). (14:21:46) Straw: *ignore (14:21:52) Brock: You never know. (14:22:00) Straw: iPHONE I WILL END YOU (14:22:07) Brock: Just curious ;P (14:22:23) Pwnemon: iphone isn't /all that bad/ (14:22:39) GlaceonStation: Lol if Straws ignored me, I won't get RAEGed at when I say: (14:22:47) Straw: I hate making typos (14:22:47) GlaceonStation: i luv u 2 straww (14:23:11) Brock: Um. (14:23:17) Pwnemon: this sums up the iphone (14:23:46) Straw: I'm in service, you fruitcake (14:24:03) Straw: I can't watch youtube (14:24:33) Prof. Oak: Stanky! logs into the Chat. (14:24:45) Stanky!: Hola (14:24:51) Brock: Hi (14:25:03) Straw: English. (14:25:21) Stanky!: eh? (14:25:49) NightmareNick: Pwnemon that vid is genius XD (14:27:15) GlaceonStation: Straw ain't watchingme yay (14:27:39) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (14:27:43) Pwnemon: Oh my god, i think I'm going to go chop off my own dick now (14:27:45) GlaceonStation: Has anyone kept me off ignore here? (14:27:46) Pwnemon: yes, i think i will (14:27:58) Brock: Wtf? (14:28:00) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (14:28:04) Pwnemon: i don't want my children growing up in a world populated with dipshits like you (14:28:20) Brock: FSKING LAG (14:28:23) NightmareNick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F?L7yD-0pqZg (14:28:25) NightmareNick: Watch it (14:28:30) GlaceonStation: oh thats nice. (14:28:31) NightmareNick: You'll die of laughter. (14:28:44) Straw: Wne (14:28:47) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (14:28:47) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (14:28:49) Straw: *Pwne (14:28:55) Pwnemon: it can grant up to three wishes, even if one of the wishes if for an iphone (14:28:57) Pwnemon: what? (14:28:58) Straw: What just happened? (14:29:10) ToasterRampage: Just get a vasectomy. (14:29:12) Pwnemon: I'm quoting that youtube vid (14:29:28) GlaceonStation: CAN ANYONE OUT THERE HEAR MEEEEE? (14:29:31) Brock: Toasterrrrrrr (14:29:32) Straw: Oh (14:29:44) Pwnemon: mesa hear yousa (14:29:57) Pwnemon: now mesa annoy yousa with jarjar binks voice (14:30:21) ToasterRampage: Yeeeees? (14:30:21) GlaceonStation: Oh, nice that not everybody has ignored me (14:30:31) Brock: (15:30:00) Prof. Oak: Added Pwnemon to the ignore list. (14:30:38) Brock: ;D (14:30:39) Pwnemon: D: (14:30:48) Brock: Just kidding (14:30:52) Brock: :3 (14:30:57) Pwnemon: If I actually believed that for a second I deserve to die (14:31:14) Brock: ;D (14:31:39) GlaceonStation: (20:31:12) Prof. Oak: Ignored Users: Pwnemon (14:32:47) ToasterRampage: Ok. (14:32:58) NightmareNick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=?UAOtC9QfXac&feature=channel (14:33:04) NightmareNick: some wierd sequel I guess.... (14:35:28) Pwnemon: that one may have been better (14:35:33) Pwnemon: but not really (14:41:25) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (14:42:48) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (14:49:13) ToasterRampage: Whee. (12:30:54) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (12:30:56) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (12:31:49) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp has been logged out (Timeout). (12:33:28) Pwnemon: because Poe never fainted and neither did Tangerine (12:33:33) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (12:39:45) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (12:40:00) Pwnemon: hi maizes (12:40:24) maizesmagikarp: hi (12:45:45) Prof. Oak: KeishiroSan logs into the Chat. (13:01:19) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (13:03:42) Shiny: IT'S TIME FOR A DEBATE: Which beatle will be the last one alive? (13:03:52) Pwnemon: Ringo (13:03:55) Pwnemon: NO (13:03:55) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (13:03:58) GlaceonStation: John Lennon (13:03:58) Pwnemon: JOHN LENNON (13:04:02) GlaceonStation: oh wait... (13:04:10) Pwnemon: darn blippin' ninja (13:04:54) Shiny: I'm voting Paul. Owls tend to live for a long time. (13:05:40) Pwnemon: I bet 100 pallets ringo outlives paul (13:05:57) Shiny: deal. (13:06:18) GlaceonStation: i bet everyone heres pallets John is the first to die. (13:06:24) GlaceonStation: GIMME GIMME (13:06:28) Pwnemon: let GlaceonStation be the witness to our bet (13:06:42) Shiny: alright, glaceon (13:06:45) Shiny: gimme your pallets. (13:06:48) GlaceonStation: OK,if you want... (13:07:03) Shiny: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pau?l_is_dead paul died in 65 (13:07:13) Shiny: actually 66 (13:07:46) Pwnemon: get owned bro (13:07:57) maizesmagikarp: ))) (13:09:05) maizesmagikarp: opinion on game boy micro? (13:09:50) Shiny: didn't it come out after the DS? (13:09:55) Shiny: who would buy that? (13:10:07) Pwnemon: an idjiy (13:10:10) Pwnemon: idjit* (13:10:57) GlaceonStation: gigity evolves into gigigity (13:11:07) NightmareNick: DPoD would buy it. (13:11:13) NightmareNick: Obviously. (13:11:40) Pwnemon: lol (13:11:53) Pwnemon: does /anybody/ like dpod? (13:12:48) GlaceonStation: I kinda like him. But in an unequal community, my vote makes no difference whatsoever (13:13:29) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (13:13:59) Shreyas: hello. (13:14:13) GlaceonStation: sup (13:14:42) Shreyas: ... (13:14:50) NightmareNick: O hey shreyas (13:14:55) GlaceonStation: lol (13:14:57) Shreyas: hello ^^ (13:15:08) GlaceonStation: noone likes chav talk (13:15:24) Shreyas: what is this conversation about DPoD o.o (13:15:38) Pwnemon: does anybody like him (13:15:57) Shreyas: he is just annoying at times. (13:16:12) Shreyas: other than that... he is not BAD bad, (13:16:14) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (13:16:24) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (13:17:33) Pwnemon: he's probably the most arrogant person ever (13:17:54) NightmareNick: Who? (13:18:00) Pwnemon: dpod (13:18:07) NightmareNick: Naw (13:18:09) NightmareNick: Dabomb is (13:18:14) GlaceonStation: how is he arrogant... (13:18:16) jrGEM: Does anyone like jrGem? (13:18:27) NightmareNick: I like gems (13:18:29) NightmareNick: liek Diamonds (13:18:30) Pwnemon: he thinks he can outwrite straw (13:18:57) Pwnemon: Also, he once said he's in algebra one because everyone else in his school is so stupid they can't make classes that suit his level (13:19:29) NightmareNick: 8th grade Algebra 1? (13:19:38) NightmareNick: That's what I'm in .-. (13:19:43) GlaceonStation: 0)_(0 (13:19:49) Shreyas: I was in that in 8th grade (13:19:50) Shreyas: ... (13:19:54) NightmareNick: There's some 8th grade Geometry kids in our school..... (13:19:56) Pwnemon: I was in geometry (13:19:58) Shreyas: the higher math class is Geometry... (13:20:09) Shreyas: Pwnemon is smrt =O (13:20:09) Pwnemon: it's actually so much easier (13:20:13) NightmareNick: I didn't get to take the 7th grade algebra test (13:20:26) Shreyas: I am taking Geometry this year .-. (13:20:29) Pwnemon: that /could/ be due to the fact that my Alg. 1 teacher failed so hard she got fired after one year (13:20:40) Shreyas: XD (13:20:41) GlaceonStation: and this has loads to do with dpod... (13:20:43) NightmareNick: olol? (13:21:30) Shreyas: o and how many people follow this when making an RMT? (13:21:35) Prof. Oak: KeishiroSan has been logged out (Timeout). (13:21:59) Shreyas: o.o (13:22:23) jrGEM: What if Dpod comes in? (13:22:36) NightmareNick: I think like no one? (13:22:54) GlaceonStation: I don't even post there. I don't need the Pwnemons of the world telling me my teams sh*t (13:23:15) NightmareNick: GST (13:23:21) NightmareNick: Don't use wierd moves (13:23:40) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (13:23:58) GlaceonStation: Gst, how did you know that? (13:24:08) Pwnemon: Hint: one move of each type is good enough coverage (13:24:27) NightmareNick: Your profile pic (13:24:34) jrGEM: Always carry a fighting poke (13:24:46) GlaceonStation: I didn't know you were on youtube (13:24:56) Pwnemon: also, next time someone does a grammar fail I'm posting the grammar guide I saw on another site (13:25:14) NightmareNick: Another site? (13:25:16) GlaceonStation: i liek caek (13:25:29) NightmareNick: I thought we were the only website to use correct grammar. (13:25:40) Pwnemon: I mean things like, "my teams sh*t" (13:25:46) Pwnemon: Seriously (13:25:48) jrGEM: i liekz teh ceak aIzo (13:26:05) The_Shinigami: herp a derp derp. (13:26:06) Pwnemon: if pixelated animals can actually go to the bathroom I will be astounded (13:26:14) The_Shinigami: Grammar isn't the be all and end all. (13:26:25) The_Shinigami: i played digimanz on the DS (13:26:27) The_Shinigami: they went toilet. (13:26:45) NightmareNick: digimanz is on the DS? (13:27:00) The_Shinigami: yes. (13:27:05) NightmareNick: =O (13:27:23) NightmareNick: I thought they stopped making dem games long ago. (13:27:28) GlaceonStation: Mylifes f**ing sh*t (13:27:34) Pwnemon: they did (13:27:38) NightmareNick: Yes it is now gtfo. (13:27:45) Pwnemon: YOU DID IT GLACE (13:27:52) The_Shinigami: They never really stopped >.> (13:28:00) Pwnemon: YOU LEFT OUT THE APOSTROPHE IN LIFE'S. (13:28:06) Pwnemon: I MUST POST GUIDE (13:28:18) GlaceonStation: lllllllllloooooooooooooooooollll?llllllll i tried (13:28:19) NightmareNick: Oh no. D: (13:28:39) NightmareNick: We're all doomed by other websites teaching us incorrect grammar. (13:28:55) NightmareNick: We're in the 1% that tries to use grammar correctly. (13:29:07) Pwnemon: not really (13:29:07) Pwnemon: you'd be surprised (13:29:16) Pwnemon: we have the worst grammar of most any forum (13:29:23) The_Shinigami: NO. (13:29:26) The_Shinigami: This is lies. (13:29:37) GlaceonStation: Does any1 hav a pikchu? (13:29:37) NightmareNick: We'd be first if it weren't for people like GST. (13:29:37) The_Shinigami: I've been to AA, T-Flare etc. (13:29:43) The_Shinigami: They pretty much don't care. (13:29:51) NightmareNick: AA is BS (13:29:51) The_Shinigami: I DO NOT HAV PIKCHU. (13:30:10) NightmareNick: WTF IS A PIKCHU! /caps (13:30:24) GlaceonStation: no1 (13:30:37) Pwnemon: Correction (13:30:38) jrGEM: it's a pikmin dress as a pikachu duh.. (13:30:43) Pwnemon: Any forum worth going to* (13:30:46) NightmareNick: Lol no (13:31:05) The_Shinigami: I don't mind grammar mistakes, but replacing words for number is annoying as f*ck. (13:31:20) NightmareNick: (13:31:26) The_Shinigami: numbers* (13:31:31) NightmareNick: Obviously a "Pikchu". (13:31:38) GlaceonStation: i luv u 2 shini (13:31:59) The_Shinigami: (11:30:14) Prof. Oak: Added GlaceonStation to the ignore list. (13:32:21) NightmareNick: He just said he loves you. (13:32:34) NightmareNick: But more like "I luv u". (13:32:46) GlaceonStation: They can't capitalise either. That's really annoying too (13:32:57) GlaceonStation: *. (13:33:44) Shreyas: brb (13:33:58) The_Shinigami: .. (13:33:59) Pwnemon: capitalization error is like the sole grammar thing that doesn't drive me through the roof (13:34:09) The_Shinigami: When'd Shreyas get here? (13:35:04) NightmareNick: A while ago. (13:35:07) Pwnemon: about half hour ago (13:35:23) Pwnemon: 22 minutes to be exact (13:35:32) The_Shinigami: lolharrypotter (13:35:47) The_Shinigami: Just saw an ad. The fandom makes me lol still. (13:35:56) GlaceonStation: lolol, pwnemon, you never posted that thing. (13:36:25) Pwnemon knows (13:36:35) Pwnemon: couldn't be arsed (13:37:03) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (13:37:36) Pwnemon: but did you know that dpod honestly did not know that apostrophes were used for possessive until I told him? (13:38:13) GlaceonStation: and he thinks that he's clever... (13:38:22) The_Shinigami: This is why I have little hope for anyone who happens to be under the age of 15 now. (13:38:42) Pwnemon: What if I was thirteen? (13:38:58) Pwnemon: I'm actually ashamed to be the same age as dpod (13:39:11) The_Shinigami: I knew this when I made that statement. (13:39:13) GlaceonStation: saems (13:39:27) The_Shinigami: I think of you all as a collective. (13:39:38) GlaceonStation: Even though Im a year younger (13:39:39) The_Shinigami: And collectively I have no hope for you guys. (13:39:42) Pwnemon cries (13:40:23) GlaceonStation: is dead now Shini has brushed him away like a spec of dust. (13:40:48) Pwnemon: you fail at action commands (13:41:03) The_Shinigami: ...wat (13:41:14) Pwnemon: also your sentence is minus one k (13:41:14) GlaceonStation: ? (13:41:42) The_Shinigami: okaaayy... (13:41:49) Pwnemon: unless you mean to abbreviate special, you misspelled speck (13:42:34) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (13:42:57) GlaceonStation: Oh yeah. Im getting it confused with the shortened form of Speculate (13:45:31) NightmareNick: Hate Mozilla Firefox >:l (13:45:51) Pwnemon: how could you (13:45:52) Pwnemon: gtfo (13:45:56) Pwnemon: now (13:46:11) The_Shinigami: firefox is pretty annoying. (13:46:35) jrGEM: Google chrome (13:46:45) Pwnemon: well if you hate it that much, why don't you use INTERNET EXPLORER? (13:46:52) Pwnemon: yeah. that's what I thought (13:46:53) The_Shinigami: I use Chrome. (13:46:54) Prof. Oak: RocketGruntCaiti logs into the Chat. (13:46:55) jrGEM: ie suck so slow (13:47:06) RocketGruntCaiti: hello (13:47:12) NightmareNick: hi (13:47:19) jrGEM: hi (13:47:40) maizesmagikarp: chrome ftw (13:47:42) GlaceonStation: haiiiiiiiii (13:47:48) Pwnemon: I use safari (13:47:54) Pwnemon: mostly because I can't be arsed (13:48:04) Pwnemon: It still works fine (13:48:05) jrGEM: I have never tried safari (13:48:13) GlaceonStation: I use IE (13:48:17) RocketGruntCaiti: man i am sleepy (13:48:28) Pwnemon: GST, leave (13:48:29) jrGEM: good night (13:48:35) GlaceonStation: Yes, i'm a bad person (13:48:40) Pwnemon: get a better browser or we'll kill you (13:48:57) GlaceonStation: BUT PUT UP WITH IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE (13:49:00) jrGEM: Ie is possibly the worst invention created. (13:49:08) NightmareNick: lolno (13:49:15) Pwnemon: No, vista is (13:49:18) NightmareNick: Obamacare is. (13:49:28) jrGEM: I have vista it's not that bad. (13:49:31) GlaceonStation: I actually have safari, which is the sad part. (13:49:44) Pwnemon: Windows seven and XP are both better than vista (13:49:51) Pwnemon: I'd actually prefer ME (13:50:03) Pwnemon: seeing as it can play GUBBLE and WONDERLAND (13:51:07) GlaceonStation: I use windows 95 (13:51:25) Pwnemon: I lol'd (13:51:38) Pwnemon: that operating system is three years older than you (13:51:42) NightmareNick: gtfo your dinosaur PC. (13:51:46) RocketGruntCaiti: What is this?................I don't even......... (13:52:52) GlaceonStation: I'm kidding, currently I am sitting in front of my Vista (13:54:25) GlaceonStation: ...and I killed the chat (13:54:50) Pwnemon: this is just a typical awkward silence (13:55:02) Pwnemon: ...I hope (13:55:09) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (13:55:21) GlaceonStation: Not anymore (13:55:25) Pwnemon: hey straw (13:55:35) Pwnemon: Who the heck one in Mia vs. Violet? (13:55:50) NightmareNick: Time for Straw to tell GST that he needs newer stuff. (13:55:52) Pwnemon: Poe and Tangerine both lived as far as I could tell (13:55:55) Straw: I'm at church. What a laugh. (13:56:14) NightmareNick: Glaceon, what kind of DS do you have? (13:56:26) Straw: Violet did. (13:56:50) Pwnemon: i thought so but I didn't quite know (13:56:54) GlaceonStation: DS lite, which I never use, and a DSi XL (13:57:06) Straw: I said Poe fainted (13:57:14) Pwnemon: The XL is a size of a small laptop (13:57:16) NightmareNick: DS Lite > all other DS'. (13:57:29) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (13:57:36) Straw: Nick, who's GST? (13:57:36) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (13:57:39) Shreyas: back (13:57:43) NightmareNick: Glaceon (13:57:51) GlaceonStation: Not if it has a line of pixels that fail to light up (13:57:57) NightmareNick: GSTPorge is his Youtube name so I refer to him as GST. (13:58:05) Straw: He needs to get the fuck out (13:58:19) GlaceonStation: Who are you on youtube Nick? (13:58:36) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (13:58:42) NightmareNick would rather not be stalked. (13:58:46) Pwnemon: The last mention I see of poe is Violet inflicting minor damage (13:59:10) Straw: The only reason I hate church is the fact I can't smoke. (13:59:17) Straw: Otherwise, it'll free food. (13:59:26) Straw: Yeah but (13:59:36) Straw: It was hit with mega discharge. (13:59:41) Shreyas: usmoke? (13:59:49) Straw: it's free food* (13:59:56) Pwnemon: you're like, what, 17? (14:00:06) Shreyas: o.o (14:00:15) Straw: Got a problem with peofo (14:00:39) Pwnemon: Got a problem with illegal drug use (14:00:49) Straw: people wmoking?* (14:01:03) NightmareNick: What about medical marijuana? (14:01:21) NightmareNick: Probably spelled that wrong... (14:01:30) Pwnemon: nope (14:01:38) Pwnemon: spelled it right (14:01:41) NightmareNick: Yacon? (14:01:47) NightmareNick: Bacon? (14:01:56) GlaceonStation: Bacon, yah (14:02:25) Straw: I recently turned 18 (14:02:27) Straw: So (14:02:34) Straw: It's whatever (14:02:35) Pwnemon: oh so you did (14:02:40) Pwnemon: then I have no problem with it (14:02:51) Pwnemon: although it's not exactly the healthiest thing (14:03:01) Straw: Well, I'm technically 16 and a half (14:03:09) GlaceonStation: I lurve bacon (14:03:17) GlaceonStation: It's amazing (14:03:23) Pwnemon: that sounds more like what i thought (14:03:26) Straw: But for some reason all documents say I was born in '92 (14:03:48) NightmareNick: My school record says my birth date is like October 18th 1998... (14:03:49) Straw: It ain't illegal, but I'm physically underaged. Yoy dig? (14:03:49) Pwnemon: lul (14:04:04) Straw: You* (14:04:19) NightmareNick: Having babies isn't allowed till 18 but there's a show about Pregnant 16 year olds... (14:04:31) Pwnemon: whaddaya mean it's not allowed? (14:04:36) Straw: I was born in '94. Silly America. (14:04:36) Pwnemon: is you dumb (14:04:48) Pwnemon: dum* (14:05:02) Straw: It varies for states. (14:05:17) Straw: In some, legal consent age is 16 (14:05:20) Pwnemon: If you're pregnant, it's always legal to have a baby (14:05:28) NightmareNick: Europe IIRC. (14:05:41) NightmareNick: Well, it's advised not to Pwnemon. (14:05:49) NightmareNick: Should of rephrased it. (14:05:53) ToasterRampage: Well duh (14:05:55) GlaceonStation: Im bored. im gonna guess who Nick is on youtube (14:06:11) Pwnemon: for example in Maryland anyone 14 or older can have sex with anyone no more than six years older than them (14:06:25) NightmareNick: o= (14:06:31) GlaceonStation: fiveoclockia? nope... (14:06:35) Straw: So yeah (14:06:51) Straw: I'm 16.5, but I can smoke (14:07:17) Pwnemon: and vote (14:07:26) Pwnemon: did you vote in the midterms? (14:07:29) Straw: Drivers license error. (14:07:42) Straw: I ain't a citizen. (14:07:46) GlaceonStation: sumerzet, possibly (14:07:49) Straw: Green card. (14:07:50) GlaceonStation: Tay3456we3. Yep, thats it. (14:08:00) Pwnemon: oh well then (14:08:17) Straw: Would have (14:08:25) Pwnemon: Korean citizen? (14:08:41) Straw: No. Vatican. (14:08:48) Straw: What do you think? (14:08:49) Pwnemon: oh (14:08:57) Pwnemon: well sorrrry (14:09:12) GlaceonStation: Nicks kept quiet (14:09:31) GlaceonStation: That means I have it right! Whooo! (14:09:52) NightmareNick: lolwrong (14:10:27) Pwnemon: anyway, with your driver's license lying and stuff, can't you apply for citizenship? Or do you not want to? (14:10:41) GlaceonStation: Are you my friend on youtube, Ive been wondering that... (14:10:43) Straw: I can. (14:10:51) Straw: But they might catch me then (14:11:03) Straw: So I'm waiting til I'm actually 18. (14:11:19) Straw: By then, they'll have fixed it themselves (14:11:43) Straw: In fact (14:11:49) Straw: I sent a mail about it (14:12:08) Straw: As soon as the local gas stations stopped asking for ID (14:12:20) Pwnemon: lol (14:12:31) Straw: Well, tobacco shops. I don't smoke cigs. (14:12:32) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (14:12:38) Straw: I smoke out of a pipe. (14:12:50) GlaceonStation: Ah, Noobswinaccount, or MLJUMARU (14:12:50) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (14:12:50) Pwnemon: then with your luck they'll catch you smoking outside school or something and you'll be arrested (14:13:23) NightmareNick: Trog will appear out of nowhere and save Straw. (14:13:37) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (14:13:42) Brock: Hi (14:13:48) Straw: Most likely not, Pwn. (14:13:52) NightmareNick: Hello. (14:14:03) Pwnemon: with my luck i would (14:14:06) Straw: I drive my brother's car (14:14:07) Brock: Still playing through pearl. (14:14:12) Brock: ;P (14:14:19) Straw: It has HARVARD ALUMNI bumper stickers (14:14:24) NightmareNick: My luck sucks. (14:14:32) Brock: Why? (14:14:39) Straw: So if I'm not completely stupid (14:14:41) NightmareNick: I brought my DSi to school. (14:14:45) NightmareNick: Got stolen. (14:14:46) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (14:14:47) Straw: I'll look 18 and up (14:14:51) Pwnemon: because his brother was harvard alumni (14:14:52) Brock: ._. (14:15:07) Brock: So no more wifi battling? D: (14:15:10) Pwnemon: I brought my ipod to school friday (14:15:17) NightmareNick: I have a DS Lite... (14:15:23) Brock: Oh. (14:15:24) Pwnemon: didn't get taken (14:15:26) Pwnemon: the batter died (14:15:29) Brock: Well you could have said that. (14:15:32) Pwnemon: battery* (14:15:33) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (14:15:40) NightmareNick: I didn't really care since I don't like the DSi (14:15:45) Pwnemon: (15:14:06) Straw: I drive my brother's car (14:15:46) Straw: I bring everyhing to school (14:15:54) Straw: They never get stolen (14:16:21) NightmareNick: Philipinos aren't well liked... (14:16:37) GlaceonStation: OK, enough. Thats just plain spam. (14:17:03) Pwnemon: who's spamming? (14:17:12) ToasterRampage: Him. (14:17:16) Brock: *cough* (14:17:23) GlaceonStation: (20:17:14) Prof. Oak: Added GlaceonStation to the ignore list. (14:17:41) Straw: Who's him? (14:17:49) Brock: Glaceon. (14:17:50) Pwnemon: I should just come in one day, put everybody on ignore, and start talking (14:17:55) maizesmagikarp: i bring my gba sp w/ sapphire and a link cable to school everyday (14:18:02) Pwnemon: just gotta make sure people are in chat first (14:18:15) Straw: I have so many people on ignore. (15:12:33) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (15:12:33) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (15:12:38) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (15:13:28) ToasterRampage: Oh thank god, I'm not alone. (15:13:47) Pwnemon: you never were (15:18:11) NightmareNick: You didn't play "ToasterRampage talks to himself" =O (15:19:18) ToasterRampage: Oh yeah. (15:19:39) ToasterRampage: I was doing Algebra II homework (15:20:03) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (15:20:15) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (15:20:26) Nick: Uhhhhhh... (15:20:33) Pwnemon: heho! (15:20:34) NightmareNick: I'll be taking Algebra II in tenth grade.. (15:20:36) Heho: Best signature still doesn't exist. >:l (15:21:17) Heho: I will kill all of you over and over until it does. (15:21:23) NightmareNick: Anyone with gtfo in their signature gets Heho's nomination... (15:22:07) Nick: >:l Last time I let Corgon make me a signature... (15:22:08) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (15:22:09) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (15:22:24) Nick: Herro thar (15:22:39) jrGEM: hello (15:24:07) Heho: Seriously. Everyone go spam Mix's profile with requests for signature of the year. I need it. We need it. Humanity needs best signature. Lives are at stake. We must pull together noobs and old fags, and make this happen. (15:24:29) Heho: It's of utmost importance. (15:24:46) Pwnemon: everybody (15:24:51) Pwnemon: Do it (15:25:02) Pwnemon: then nobody nominate heho (15:25:32) Nick: Ahaha! (15:25:41) Nick: This idiot on TV... (15:25:55) Nick: Uh, *sigh* nevermind... (15:26:21) ToasterRampage: Idiots on TV? (15:26:23) Heho: ... (15:26:38) Heho: I tried to come up with a response... (15:26:40) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (15:26:49) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (15:26:49) Pwnemon: that's NEVER happened before (15:26:53) Brock: STILL PLAYING THROUGH PEARL (15:26:56) Brock: WTF (15:26:57) NightmareNick: I never knew there were idiots on TV D= (15:27:03) Heho: But I'm just gonna go with a prompt. GET THE HELL OUTTA MY CHAT. (15:27:33) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (15:27:35) Heho: :o (15:27:42) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (15:27:44) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (15:27:52) Heho: Whats this? My average posts per day went up to .70 F*CK YEAR (15:27:55) Brock: See what you did Heho. (15:28:06) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (15:28:12) Brock: Nevermind. (15:28:16) Heho: Samn (15:28:20) Heho: *Damn (15:28:33) Nick: :trollface: (15:28:38) Shiny_Bagon: I'm bored.... (15:29:01) Pwnemon: mine has hovered at 3.5 for a while (15:29:03) Heho: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?member.php?u=45 (15:29:09) Heho: GET ON IT (15:29:27) Heho: Seriously, it's nothing without best signature. (15:29:36) Shiny_Bagon: ok I'll see. (15:29:53) Pwnemon: oh god SHINY BAGON (15:30:16) Heho: I'm sure there are loads of members who are disappointed that we don'- HOYL Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge cake (15:30:30) Heho: FREDSIQWRNFIRFNIOERVGN (15:30:33) Shiny_Bagon: My friend changed the date on his ds so day caught on the pokemon is like 2098 (15:30:38) Heho: BURN IT (15:31:00) Heho: DOUSE IT WITH BOILING OIL (15:31:25) Shiny_Bagon: Lol (15:31:39) Heho: GTFO. (15:31:48) ToasterRampage: I SEE YA DRIVING DOWN THE STREET WITH THE GIRL I LOVE AND I'M LIKE (15:31:51) Heho: RIGHT F*CKING NOW. (15:31:54) ToasterRampage: FSCK YOUUUUUU (15:31:58) ToasterRampage: HOO HOO HOO (15:32:01) Heho: SHINI GIT IN HURRR (15:32:18) Shiny_Bagon: What's a good pokemon to use in nu battles? (15:32:40) Nick: I is proud to have posted. XP (15:32:46) Heho: GTFO-a-mon. (15:32:58) Brock: Heho. (15:33:01) Heho: or F*ckuachu (15:33:07) Brock: Do you have a problem? (15:33:14) Heho: Yes. (15:33:17) ToasterRampage: Spinda. (15:33:22) Heho: I got 99 problems. (15:33:23) ToasterRampage: Do it. (15:33:28) Brock: List them. (15:33:39) Brock: I gotta here this. (15:33:43) Heho: Dammit (15:33:49) Shiny_Bagon: That's not what I meant but..........Why don't you GTFO (15:33:49) Heho: You got me there (15:34:09) Nick: I want to make a funny. But in the end, I'll probably fail. Worth a try though. (15:34:22) Heho: Oh yeah (15:34:24) Nick: HEHO, GTFO or STFU!!! (15:34:32) Nick: ;P (15:34:35) Heho: I had a tremendous I idea f-THE F*CK (15:35:03) Shiny_Bagon: I agree with Nick. (15:35:03) Brock: HEHO IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAY GTFO ON THIS WEBSITE (15:35:09) Heho: ^ (15:35:10) Brock: SO GTFO (15:35:17) Nick: NO NO AGREEING WITH ME! (15:35:22) Heho: F*CK (15:35:46) Shiny_Bagon: I think me and Nick just said it. (15:35:48) ToasterRampage: GTDO (15:35:49) Heho: Anyway, Tremendous Idea for a thread. (15:35:59) Heho: Get the duck out? (15:36:09) Heho: How about GTLO? (15:36:15) Heho: Get the Led out (15:36:22) Heho: >:L (15:36:29) Nick: Get the d*ck out? (15:36:30) Pwnemon: Nick and Shiny Bagon, GTHO (15:36:33) Brock: THATS A MARIO PARTY GAME (15:36:40) Brock: Get the led out. (15:36:48) Heho: ... (15:36:58) Shiny_Bagon: How about DTF (15:37:33) Nick: I find it funny how I made a joke and people take it serious... *cough* Pwnemon & Shiny_Bagon *cough* (15:37:36) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (15:37:39) Shiny_Bagon: Pwnemon STFU.... Please. (15:37:48) Brock: Mawile! (15:37:54) MawileMachina: Hello (15:38:03) Brock: Hi. (15:38:04) Pwnemon: nick, I honestly mean gtfo (15:38:07) Heho: Shiny_Bagon you're a nuisance to this site. Please, we're all better off without you. (15:38:09) MawileMachina: What's happening? (15:38:17) Nick: Make me! ;P (15:38:22) Heho: Don't make me get Troggers in hurr. (15:38:23) Brock: Arguments. (15:38:26) Shiny_Bagon: What's up Mawile? (15:38:30) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (15:38:30) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (15:38:43) The_Shinigami: Aha... (15:38:53) MawileMachina: Not much.. (15:39:04) Nick: o.O (15:39:10) Heho: Thank Jesus Shini's back to help resore order. (15:39:15) Heho: *restore (15:39:15) Pwnemon: Hey, it's mawile who is a girl! (15:39:36) Heho: IIIIII'MMMMM AAA GGGGGIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLL?LLL (15:39:39) The_Shinigami: who's being a problem here? (15:39:43) The_Shinigami: Is it Nick >:C (15:39:46) Shiny_Bagon: I don't feel like leaving Heho, but hears an idea how abourt you leave. (15:39:53) Pwnemon: Shiny Bagon and Nick (15:40:02) MawileMachina: Pwne, are you available to trade? I ordered a Skarmory ages ago, then forgot (15:40:05) The_Shinigami: yes, hears an idea. (15:40:09) Pwnemon: (16:39:46) Shiny_Bagon: I don't feel like leaving Heho, but hears an idea how abourt you leave. LOL (15:40:12) Nick: WTF am I doing? (15:40:16) The_Shinigami: hears an idea (15:40:17) Pwnemon: sure mawile (15:40:19) The_Shinigami: hears (15:40:27) Heho: That might be Sig worthy pwn. (15:40:42) The_Shinigami: lrn2englishlanguage (15:40:48) Heho: Just barely. (15:41:21) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (15:41:30) Heho: ^ (15:41:34) Brock: He left. (15:41:37) Heho: Damn it brock (15:41:39) The_Shinigami: how about YOU leave! (15:41:48) Brock: SORRY HEHO (15:41:48) Pwnemon: Abourt* (15:41:54) Heho: olololololololololol (15:41:55) Nick: ._. (15:41:57) Brock: There. (15:41:57) ToasterRampage: And the crowd goes wild. (15:42:00) Brock: Happy now? (15:42:08) Heho: Never. (15:42:15) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (15:42:16) Heho: I'll be forever alone. (15:42:19) Pwnemon: he haet u (15:42:23) The_Shinigami: I'm happy. (15:42:26) The_Shinigami: F*CK. (15:42:26) Heho: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (15:42:26) Brock: Me? D: (15:42:28) Nick: My Chex Mix spilled on teh floor,,, (15:42:38) The_Shinigami: Y U DO THIS. (15:42:38) Nick: *... (15:42:51) Pwnemon: Fuc to the K power (15:43:10) Brock: :o (15:43:14) Heho: I think professor oak might have popped a blood vessel in my eye... (15:43:18) Brock: No math please, it's winter break. (15:43:27) Heho: With one god damn message (15:43:36) The_Shinigami: Prof Oak: bringer of bad news. (15:43:48) NightmareNick: 2 + 2 = 4 (15:44:00) Brock: You just ruined my life. (15:44:03) Shiny_Bagon: (15:44:05) Heho: Kill the messenger. (15:44:24) The_Shinigami: Recent studies have shown that 2+2 is actually 1.3463472 (15:44:38) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (15:44:46) Nick: Brock, when does your Christmas Break start? (15:44:56) Brock: It started 2 days ago. (15:45:03) Pwnemon: mine doesn't start till thursday (15:45:06) The_Shinigami: It's because of something to do with space badgers, but I won't go into detail. (15:45:08) Nick: :o When does it end? (15:45:18) Brock: In leik. (15:45:18) The_Shinigami: You guys are still in school? (15:45:23) Pwnemon: also mawile, I have to go to a church christmas play soon. sorry no trade (15:45:23) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (15:45:23) Brock: January 6. (15:45:31) The_Shinigami: oman, I finished last Thursday, I was very pleased. (15:45:32) Shiny_Bagon: My break starts monday (15:45:43) Pwnemon: MINE ENDS JAN 3 WHAT IS THIS I WILL FLIPPING SUE (15:45:45) The_Shinigami: >doesn't care. (15:45:56) Nick: Mine starts Wendsday and ends the January 3rd... (15:46:06) klaywaffle: My sister gets 1 month off =/ (15:46:13) Heho: Shini, the Germans are sending Dachshunds into space to fight the space badgers.... (15:46:19) Nick: =/ (15:46:20) klaywaffle: I get 2 weeks (15:46:22) Brock: Shinigami doesn't care about anything. (15:46:23) Shiny_Bagon: .............. (15:46:29) Brock: He is the death god. (15:46:37) Heho: ................................?.................................?.................................?.................. (15:47:11) Heho: U Mad Bagon? (15:47:11) The_Shinigami: Dachsunds? Are they MAD? This will ruin the fabric of reality itself! (15:47:25) Pwnemon: Question (15:47:41) Heho: Germans? Yes, they are. (15:47:48) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (15:47:51) Shiny_Bagon: NO. WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (15:48:03) Pwnemon: OVER DRAMATIC (15:48:16) Heho: Magnets? How do they work? (15:48:51) Heho: Bagon, I have a question for you. (15:48:55) Nick: Really, leave the guy alone. It isn't worth typing over. =| (15:49:11) Pwnemon: do I agree with nick? (15:49:12) The_Shinigami: Orrrr (15:49:16) Pwnemon: WHAT WORLD IS THIS (15:49:16) Heho: Do you know? (15:49:20) Shiny_Bagon: They use electrmagnetic force to pull in metal objects... (15:49:20) The_Shinigami: we could do what we wants. (15:49:25) Nick: He trys to be friendly and you guys have to be b*tch's! (15:49:28) Heho: The muffin man? (15:49:37) Pwnemon: okay now I stopped agreeing (15:49:41) The_Shinigami: Bagon, that was a silly answer. (15:49:45) The_Shinigami: trys. (15:49:46) The_Shinigami: lol (15:49:55) Heho: Bagon, you're actually wrong. (15:49:56) Pwnemon: not only did you HORRIBLY F*CK UP THE GRAMMAR IN THAT SENTENCE (15:49:59) Pwnemon: you're also wrong (15:50:15) Heho: They actually use the power of miracles. (15:50:27) The_Shinigami: I don't hate on grammar or spelling errors really, I just lol at people who make really stupid spelling/grammar errors. (15:50:30) Heho: That was on a snapple cap. (15:50:33) Brock: Nick there not B*tch's(Whatever those are). (15:50:37) Pwnemon: B*tch's (15:50:41) Pwnemon: lozzle (15:50:44) Brock: There kidding around. Haha. (15:50:50) The_Shinigami: Bitches and whores. (15:50:54) Brock: Get it? Haha. (15:51:03) Brock: Ha... (15:51:04) Pwnemon: There (15:51:07) Shiny_Bagon: Who lives on Drurry Lane ? correct me if I spelled Drury wrong. (15:51:08) Pwnemon: lozzle (15:51:09) Brock: ._. (15:51:29) Pwnemon: you could at least spell it the same way both times (15:51:33) Heho: Shini, I think you should take this one. (15:51:56) Heho: Drury lane is in England so it's very appropriate. (15:52:06) The_Shinigami: pffffffffffffft (15:52:10) The_Shinigami: I dunno the place. (15:52:29) Heho: OH F*CKING WELL I'M GIVING YOU A CHANCE. (15:52:50) Heho: Christ. (15:52:51) The_Shinigami: Imma too lazy to Google itttt (15:53:10) Heho: Y U NO GOOGLE?!?! (15:53:31) Pwnemon: gtg homework (15:53:46) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (15:54:04) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (15:54:31) The_Shinigami: wait... (15:54:45) The_Shinigami: All that's important about the place is that it has a theatre or some crap. (15:55:06) Heho: Aaaanndd? (15:55:10) Shiny_Bagon: ....... (15:55:32) The_Shinigami: Is this Beatles related. (15:55:39) The_Shinigami: I'm like half sure that it is now. (15:55:59) Heho: Not to my knowledge... (15:56:15) Heho: We just went over this. It's a f*cking childrens song. (15:56:17) The_Shinigami: Then what's the bug deal about the place >:C (15:56:39) Heho: It's where... (15:56:46) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (15:56:51) Heho: The applesauce guy lives >: D (15:57:09) The_Shinigami: applesauce guy... (15:57:11) The_Shinigami: waaaat (15:57:19) Heho: DO YOU KNOW THE APPLESAUCE GUY WHO LIVES ON DRURY LAAANEE (15:57:37) Heho: YES I KNOW THE APPLESAUCE GUY THE APPLESAUCE GUY THE APPLESAUCE GUUYY (15:57:53) Heho: Yeah I got nothin. (15:57:54) The_Shinigami: Oh... (15:58:13) Heho: It's where the f*cking muffin man lives. Weren't you paying attention? (15:58:20) The_Shinigami: >:/ (15:58:24) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (15:59:11) The_Shinigami: My early school teachers weren't so hot on nursery rhymes that weren't Humpty Dumpty. (15:59:42) Heho: :l (15:59:47) Heho: You have no soul. (16:00:02) The_Shinigami: And the guy that was fond of Humpty Dumpty was only interested in it because he claimed that it "expressed how cruel and ironic life is" (16:00:32) ToasterRampage: How is it ironic? (16:00:57) The_Shinigami: the f*ck if I remember his explanation in it's entirety. (16:01:01) Shiny_Bagon: I'm bored.... (16:01:10) The_Shinigami: I could even be remembering that particular quote wrong. (16:01:13) Heho: > (16:02:29) Heho: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?member.php?u=45 I'm starting a campaign for best signature. Go nag Mix. (16:02:41) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (16:04:09) Shiny_Bagon: Apa Apa Apa (16:04:57) Brock: Brb Shower. (16:05:24) Shiny_Bagon: I hate Victoria justice (16:05:50) ToasterRampage: ...who/what? (16:06:12) Heho: ^ (16:10:50) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon has been logged out (Timeout). (16:11:12) ToasterRampage: Oooook. (16:11:24) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (16:11:34) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina has been logged out (Timeout). (16:11:34) Shiny_Bagon: All your tears will dry (16:12:10) ToasterRampage: When you hand me the key to a shiny new Australia? (16:13:03) Shiny_Bagon: .....Whispers to whoever is here, What's he talking about? (16:13:46) ToasterRampage: I didn't expect you to get that reference. (16:14:18) Shiny_Bagon: Hey toast what type of music do you like? (16:14:40) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (16:15:03) MawileMachina: Pwne, I need your FC (16:15:26) ToasterRampage: Pretty much anything that's not rap. (16:15:43) Shiny_Bagon: My fc uh.... 7767 3212 8890 (16:15:57) ToasterRampage: Pwn is AFK. (16:16:05) Nick: o.O (16:16:11) Nick: By my pets! (16:16:14) Shiny_Bagon: Are you serious you don't like Eminem.. (16:16:15) MawileMachina: I thought he might be. Ah well (16:16:15) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (16:17:09) ToasterRampage: Music is like candy. It's good, but you have to throw out the (w)rappers. (16:17:18) MawileMachina: XD (16:17:24) MawileMachina: Amen. (16:18:15) Shiny_Bagon: Lol, but you don't like the song not afraid, oooh look up bang bang by knaan on youtube it's cool. (16:19:29) Shiny_Bagon: Can i change my name to zap2? (16:19:41) MawileMachina: Ask a mod (16:19:48) klaywaffle: .-. (16:19:58) klaywaffle: zap2? (16:20:08) klaywaffle: Ask an admin (16:20:08) Shiny_Bagon: I will. (16:20:27) klaywaffle: Mod's don't have the powah (16:21:14) Shiny_Bagon: You know ZapDOS Zap2, MolTRES Mol3, ArticUNO, Artic1 (16:21:51) klaywaffle: wut? (16:22:06) ToasterRampage: I get it. (16:22:17) klaywaffle: I get it, but... (16:22:35) Shiny_Bagon: Numbers in Spanish Uno=1 Dos=2 Tres=3 (16:22:40) klaywaffle: ik (16:22:59) klaywaffle: :l (16:23:06) Brock: Back. (16:23:39) Shiny_Bagon: Get it.... Toast want to open the shop back up? (16:23:50) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (16:24:47) ToasterRampage: Mmmmm... (16:24:51) ToasterRampage: Nah. (16:25:33) Shiny_Bagon: Please I got new stuff.... (16:25:40) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (16:26:40) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (16:27:44) Shiny_Bagon: Toast.... (16:27:52) Shiny_Bagon: (16:28:04) Shiny_Bagon: (16:28:52) ToasterRampage: I don't have enough time for two shops :/ (16:29:35) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (16:29:35) Brock: Aww. (16:29:54) Brock: Roserade with Sleep powder and Spikes is illegal D: (16:30:04) Brock: I was planning on breeding one. (16:30:09) Shiny_Bagon Runs (16:31:09) Shiny_Bagon: Just clone me like 4 of each and we go 50/50 just like old times (16:31:59) Shiny_Bagon Will start crying if toast says no. (16:32:22) ToasterRampage: I know. I'd rather not have that obligation. (16:32:28) ToasterRampage: Oops. (16:32:35) ToasterRampage: Get your hankyz (16:32:47) ToasterRampage: *hanky. (16:33:15) MawileMachina: Is it possible to get both Swift and Nasty Plot on Meowth? (16:33:25) Shiny_Bagon Is crying...... (16:33:37) Brock: Yup (16:34:00) ToasterRampage: Yeah, it is. (16:34:14) MawileMachina: Super (16:34:23) Shiny_Bagon: oooh hey can you breed me an abra with all 30's or better must have 31 in sp.atk and speed (16:34:40) ToasterRampage: Oh, on Meowthmix? I dunno. (16:34:47) ToasterRampage: WTF? (16:35:15) ToasterRampage: iPod just corrected Meowth into Meowthmix. (16:35:32) Shiny_Bagon: WTD (16:35:34) klaywaffle: aha (16:35:36) klaywaffle: xD (16:35:52) Shiny_Bagon: LOLOL (16:36:44) MawileMachina: Could someone breed me a Timid Meowth, with Nasty Plot? (16:37:08) Brock: You know what they say, all toasters breed pokemon. (16:37:10) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (16:37:14) Shiny_Bagon: I can for 40 pallets (16:37:24) ToasterRampage: You cannot get Swift onto Meowth. (16:37:35) MawileMachina: Tutor (16:37:42) MawileMachina: Plat/HG/SS (16:37:43) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (16:37:51) ToasterRampage: *bred it on. (16:38:00) The_Shinigami: give it hp normal 60. (16:38:06) The_Shinigami: that's totally possible. (16:38:16) Shiny_Bagon: Ill do it mawile want it to have good ev's or (16:38:58) Heho: Shini do eeet http://pallettribune.com/forums/?member.php?u=45 (16:39:06) Shiny_Bagon: Iv's (16:39:56) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (16:40:06) Shiny_Bagon: NO!!!!! (16:40:12) The_Shinigami: what am I s'posed to do on MM's page? (16:40:15) MawileMachina: 20 Pallets, and you have a deal. Good IV's, too. (16:40:41) MawileMachina: I think he wants you to agree with the 'Best Sig' Award. (16:40:51) Heho: ^ (16:40:53) Shiny_Bagon: what!!! 35 (16:41:04) MawileMachina: 21. (16:41:06) Heho: It's necessary oh so necessary. (16:41:08) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (16:41:44) The_Shinigami: Okats, I posted. (16:41:46) ToasterRampage: 7! (16:42:00) NightmareNick: HP normal <3 (16:42:01) Heho: I have a feeling you disagreed with me... (16:42:10) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (16:42:25) Heho: Good man. (16:42:38) The_Shinigami: Lol, I didn't disagree. (16:42:58) ToasterRampage: Heh, "wilf dire" (16:43:02) Shiny_Bagon: Uhhhh. 30 and you provide a moewth (16:43:03) Heho: That's why I said good man (16:43:53) Heho: Anyone else who agrees with me, please post. (16:44:30) Heho: LOL (16:44:46) Heho: I didn't get that for a second there Shini... (16:45:00) Shiny_Bagon: i agree (16:45:22) The_Shinigami: hey the 'wilf dire' threw me off too. (16:46:14) Shiny_Bagon: Anyone want to have a sippy cup. (16:46:45) MawileMachina: Let me just see if I have a Meowth. (16:47:36) Shiny_Bagon: Who can clone? (16:48:03) MawileMachina: I have a female Persian. Will that do? (16:48:43) Shiny_Bagon: Sure by when do you need it. (16:49:31) MawileMachina: No rush, I'm online pretty often. (16:50:17) MawileMachina: You need this Persian then? (16:50:18) Shiny_Bagon: Nick do you want to be my cloner for my shop you get 30% profit. Or make me an offer. (16:51:12) Heho: Not here. (16:51:24) Shiny_Bagon: Yeah, MM give me like 10 mins then we can trade then by about tomorrow or a couple of hours you can get it. (16:51:29) Heho: Unless you're referring to Nightmare (16:51:48) MawileMachina: Ok. I'd also like it to have the Technician Ability. (16:52:34) Shiny_Bagon: i was referring to nightmare. (16:54:00) Heho: Oh yes. DPoD Nick shall be referred to as DPoD to Avoid confusion. He's of a lower rank on the Nick tier. (16:54:39) Heho: Nightmare is a Lieutenant. While DPoD is a Corporal. (16:54:46) Shiny_Bagon: lol (16:54:50) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (16:55:24) Shiny_Bagon: Well can you clone heho? (16:55:36) Heho: .... (16:55:38) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (16:55:39) maizesmagikarp: another Heho? I'm not sure we can handle that (16:55:53) Heho: He's asking me If I can clone pokemon. (16:56:04) maizesmagikarp: i know (16:56:12) ToasterRampage: Bahaha (16:56:12) Heho: Nope. (16:56:16) Heho: I cannot. (16:56:34) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (16:57:39) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (16:58:19) Shiny_Bagon: Maizes can you clone (16:59:21) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (16:59:21) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (16:59:40) Heho: Nightmare would be a Lieutenant so I'd be somewhere around a Major or a Lieutenant Colonel. (17:00:15) MawileMachina: In the army of Nicks? XD (17:00:29) Shiny_Bagon: I would be commanding China to kill you all! (17:00:53) Heho: No. The Federal Army of the National Federalist republic of Nicks. (17:01:09) Heho: Or NFRN (17:01:13) MawileMachina: Ah. I forget the Official Title. (17:01:48) Heho: We're an Official TPT Micronation. (17:02:22) Shiny_Bagon: So mawlie want to trade now whats your fc mine is 2708 8506 4404 (17:02:23) Heho: We're at war with Trogdrussia (17:02:41) MawileMachina: How's the war going? (17:02:41) Heho: Or Trogdoria (17:02:50) Heho: I'm not sure what he calls that crap hole. (17:03:02) MawileMachina: XD (17:03:08) Shiny_Bagon: Are we winning? (17:03:11) MawileMachina: I'll just get my FC for you now, Bagon (17:03:29) MawileMachina: 2364 9289 0899 (17:03:44) Heho: Meh his army is Quadruple the size of ours.. :l (17:03:48) Shiny: I'm sure the Grande Kingdom of Helen Island will defeat both of these factions (17:03:49) Shiny: at once. (17:04:04) Heho: Bagon... you're name is Nick...? (17:04:08) Heho: *your (17:04:46) Shiny_Bagon: Yes... (17:05:03) Heho: >:l (17:05:17) Heho: You're not in the Army. (17:05:27) Shiny_Bagon: So how are we doing against Trogdrussia? (17:05:38) MawileMachina: Ah, that's mean. XD (17:06:11) Heho: Oh did I say we were at war with them? I meant we were allied. (17:06:16) Heho: Very Allied. (17:06:41) Heho: It's Shiny's nation we waged war on. (17:06:49) Shiny_Bagon: MawileMachinaJust because I stabbed my commanding officer (Heho) now I can't come back. (17:06:49) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (17:07:03) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (17:07:24) Heho: Yeah. Bagon was exiled. (17:07:57) MawileMachina: I'm online, Bagon (17:08:04) Heho: After we bombed the hell outta Marblopolis we built a naval base and a prison. (17:08:29) MawileMachina: Any prisoners? (17:08:39) Heho: Oh yes. (17:08:48) Shiny_Bagon: Better off exiled than ending up with only one leg after I stabbed you Heho. (17:08:48) MawileMachina: =) (17:08:57) Heho: Marbl is a POW (17:09:12) Shiny_Bagon: Give me a sec to go on mm (17:09:18) MawileMachina: I haven't seen him around in a while, clearly that's why. (17:09:31) MawileMachina: Any one else? (17:10:32) Heho: I'm not sure if Troglantis will aid us in our war against Shinyland. (17:10:48) Heho: Or something something Helen island (17:10:58) Heho: I can't scroll up. (17:11:27) MawileMachina: Grande Kingdom of Helen Island (17:11:48) Heho: Yeah... Shinyland. (17:12:11) Heho: Bagon took shelter there. (17:12:21) Heho: He has an army of Shiny dopplegangers. (17:12:25) MawileMachina: Traitor. (17:12:29) Shiny: hey mawile (17:12:36) Shiny: wanna join the GRANDE KINGDOM? (17:12:59) Heho: WAIT A MINUTE (17:13:31) Heho: Aren't you already a citizen of LondoBrismcshire? (17:13:53) Heho: AKA Bloody Hell Island (17:14:06) Heho: Shini's their leader. (17:14:26) MawileMachina: Yeah, I'm sort of from there. Sorry. (17:14:41) Heho: ^ (17:14:41) MawileMachina: Tea and Crumpets, and all that. (17:14:53) Shiny: we allow immigrants! (17:15:17) Heho: They're riddled with aids. (17:15:30) Heho: Stay with LondoBrismcshire (17:16:00) Heho: We're allied with them as well. (17:16:00) MawileMachina: XD (17:16:29) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (17:16:33) Heho: And when Shiny says "Immigrants" he actually means "Slavery". (17:16:46) MawileMachina: How awful. (17:16:49) NightmareNick: And Drug Cartels to suppy him/ (17:16:54) NightmareNick: . (17:17:09) Shiny: when heho says any word he actually means 'I am a sexist jerkface' (17:17:21) MawileMachina: XD (17:17:24) Heho: Y'see? (17:17:41) Heho: He's trying to start a scuffle :l (17:17:55) ToasterRampage: Toastropolis is just kind of there. Like Canada. (17:18:05) NightmareNick: "Y'see?" doesn't look like "'I am a sexist jerkface'". (17:18:24) ToasterRampage: Exactly. He's very crafty. (17:18:27) Shiny: (17:17:41) Heho: I am a sexist jerkface I am a sexist jerkface I am a sexist jerkface I am a sexist jerkface I am a sexist jerkface I am a sexist jerkface :l SEE WHAT I MEAN? (17:18:32) Heho: Thank you Nick. I considering you a promotion. (17:18:50) NightmareNick: No, I'd rather Shiny to gtfo. (17:18:54) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (17:18:56) NightmareNick: (17:19:01) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (17:19:19) NightmareNick: Poor Loudred is surrounded by Toasters D: (17:19:33) Shiny: nick (17:19:35) Shiny: I have to say something (17:19:43) Shiny: I.. I'm pregnant (17:19:45) ToasterRampage: We have strippers, but the classy kind. (17:19:45) Shiny: you're the father (17:19:52) MawileMachina: *gasp* (17:20:00) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (17:20:09) NightmareNick: Oh hell no D:< (17:20:20) NightmareNick: I am not paying Child Support. (17:20:28) Shiny: HEHO'S FACTION HATES SINGLE MOTHERS (17:20:30) NightmareNick calls a lawyer. (17:20:35) Shiny: WOULD YOU SUPPORT THESE HEATHENS? (17:20:37) Heho: (15:19:45) Shiny: I support the killing of innocent chimney swipes, LondoBrisMcshire has a lot of those. (17:20:50) ToasterRampage: Dun dun DUN (17:20:59) MawileMachina: How could you, Shiny? D: (17:21:01) Heho: *sweeps (17:21:03) NightmareNick: How could you kill such poor souls D: (17:21:08) Shiny: (17:20:37) Heho: I don't know how to spell 'sweeps' (17:21:26) Heho: Deniiieeeddd (15:21:01) Heho: *sweeps (17:21:40) NightmareNick: (17:21:48) NightmareNick: Would you kill this chimney sweep? D: (17:21:52) Shiny: you know what? (17:21:55) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (17:22:08) Shiny: those chimney swipes were stuck in their horrible economic position (17:22:12) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (17:22:20) Heho: Shiny would. (17:22:21) Shiny: would you rather they live a life in poverty, slowly dying of tuberculosis? (17:22:22) MawileMachina: Is she from LondoBrisMcshire? (17:22:44) Heho: GENOCIDE (17:22:51) NightmareNick: Stating that all chimney swipes are in povery AND have tuberculosis (17:22:55) Heho: I CALL THE GENOCIDE CARD (17:23:18) Shiny: I've never met a chimney swipe who did so because they didn't need money (17:23:48) Shiny: furthermore, the dust from chimney swiping causes tuberculosis, as well as its brother disease, tuberculimerositis. (17:24:13) Heho: (15:23:1 Shiny: I SUPPORT THE TESTING OF TRANSDIMENTIONAL TRAVEL ON CHIMNEY SWEEPS AND GOATS (17:24:28) Shiny: LOOK HEHO (17:24:36) Shiny: IF YOU KNOW A BETTER WAY TO TRAVEL BETWEEN DIMENSIONS (17:24:41) Shiny: THEN I WANNA HEAR IT (17:24:52) NightmareNick: Video games. (17:24:52) Heho: Potatoes. (17:24:53) Shiny: BECAUSE IT SEEMS A LOT BETTER THAN GOATS RIDING CHIMNEY SWEEPS (17:24:54) Heho: Use Potatoes. (17:24:57) ToasterRampage: The only disease in Toastropolis is Toastuberculosis. (17:25:04) Shiny: WE ALREADY TRIED THAT (17:25:11) Shiny: THE CHIMNEY SWEEPS JUST ATE THEM (17:25:14) Heho: Haha no. (17:25:19) Shiny: DANGET HEHO (17:25:21) NightmareNick: Shiny (17:25:22) ToasterRampage: And some residents have complained of having too much Toastosterone. (17:25:22) Shiny: I'M A SCIENTIST (17:25:24) Heho: There are no Potatoes in Shinyland. (17:25:26) Shiny: NOT AN ORPHAN (17:25:34) NightmareNick: your brain is the size of a potato so what do you know :l (17:25:36) Heho: None. (17:25:37) Shiny: WE HAVE TO DO THINGS RIGHT (17:25:40) Shiny: FOR THE GOOD OF THE WORLD (17:25:42) Shiny: FOR THE GOOD OF (17:25:44) Shiny: HUMANITY (17:25:58) Shiny: AND HUWOMANITY (17:25:59) Shiny: BECAUSE HEHO'S SEXIST (17:26:09) NightmareNick: Humanity is screwed already so no point in saving it. (17:26:14) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon has been logged out (Timeout). (17:26:18) Heho: >:l (17:26:20) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (17:26:23) Shiny: NICK HATES HUMANS (17:26:32) Shiny: AND HUWOMANS (17:26:46) Shiny_Bagon: Mawile nasty plot is not an egg move he learns it at 38 (17:26:49) MawileMachina: They should take some Oestrotoast (17:26:52) Heho: WELL YOU KNOW WHAT SHINY? (17:27:01) Shiny: NOPE (17:27:05) NightmareNick: To save some time how about Hu[wo]mans? (17:27:06) Shiny: BECAUSE I'M A SCIENTIST (17:27:09) Shiny: YOU CAN'T KNOW ANYTHING (17:27:16) NightmareNick: lolno (17:27:18) Shiny: YOU CAN ONLY THINK IT. (17:27:23) Shiny_Bagon: So just a timid with good iv's (17:27:27) MawileMachina: Oh yeah. Just breed it Timid with Technician. (17:27:31) NightmareNick: Shiny_Bagon (17:27:34) Shiny_Bagon: ok (17:27:40) Shiny_Bagon: good iv's too (17:27:44) NightmareNick: Tell your twin to gtfo. (17:27:52) MawileMachina: Of course. (17:28:07) Heho: (15:24:36) Shiny: IF YOU KNOW A BETTER WAY TO TRAVEL BETWEEN DIMENSIONS (17:28:08) The_Shinigami: I say the both of them do. (17:28:10) Shiny: HU[WO]MANS IS A TERM INTENDED TO SUBJUGATE GENDERS (17:28:23) Heho: (15:24:36) Shiny: IF YOU KNOW A BETTER WAY (17:28:33) NightmareNick: Heho (17:28:33) Shiny: AND SEPARATE US (17:28:37) Heho: (15:24:36) Shiny: IF YOU KNOW (17:28:43) Shiny: WITH [s. (17:28:53) Shiny: HEHO I AM SPEAKING TO YOU (17:28:55) Heho: (15:24:36) Shiny: KNOW (17:28:56) NightmareNick: I think DPoD [MIGHT] know a better way than Shiny's plans (17:29:01) Shiny: SO I USE YOUR TERMINOLOGOY (17:29:16) Shiny: NOT TERMINOLOGY (17:29:20) Shiny_Bagon: nick can you clone for my shop you get 40% (17:29:20) Heho: Implying that you can Know something >:l (17:29:21) Shiny: THAT'D BE STUPID (17:29:24) Shiny: TERMINOLOGOY (17:29:36) NightmareNick: I can't clone, sorry. (17:29:46) NightmareNick: DPoD can. (17:29:47) Shiny_Bagon: Prof. Oak: Error: Connection status: 12152 (17:30:51) NightmareNick: (18:30:16) Prof. Oak: Added Shiny to the ignore list. (17:30:59) Shiny_Bagon: ok mawile can you pay me with a flame orb, facade and a choice scarf and a choice band (17:31:12) Heho: lol wut? (17:31:19) Heho: You can't add shiny to the Ignore list. (17:31:22) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (17:31:25) Heho: He's SHINY. (17:31:26) Shiny: pffff (17:31:30) ToasterRampage: It's not allowed. (17:31:31) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (17:31:43) Shiny: I thin he thought we were being serious (17:31:47) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (17:31:56) Heho: He'll nuke your small villages. (17:32:05) Shreyas: what happened? (17:32:08) Shiny: oh, all the time (17:32:11) Shiny: like this other day (17:32:13) Shiny_Bagon: ok ill be back later (17:32:14) Heho: And throw dead chimney sweeps at your citizens. (17:32:14) Shiny: this guy looked at me funny (17:32:18) NightmareNick: I put Shiny on mah ignore list... (17:32:20) Shiny: and I was like 'hey, I don't like that' (17:32:22) Shiny: and he kept walking (17:32:23) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (17:32:32) Shiny: and I then nuked his village (17:32:33) MawileMachina: Those poor, poor chimney sweeps.. (17:32:34) Shiny: and I was like (17:32:35) Shiny: hah (17:32:38) Shiny: I nuked your village. (17:33:08) ToasterRampage: One day, I'm going to sell my own brand of cereal. (17:33:30) ToasterRampage: And the prize in every box will be a baby. (17:33:41) Shiny: fantastic. (17:33:45) Brock: What will it be called? (17:33:47) ToasterRampage: To teach kids about responsibility. (17:33:49) Shiny: but what if they eat the prize on accident? (17:34:18) ToasterRampage: Aborti-O's. (17:34:21) NightmareNick: A real baby? (17:34:22) Heho: OH AND DID I MENTION HE'S...a minnesotan? :o (17:34:23) Shiny: you know I've always been afraid of accidentally eating the prize inside (17:34:26) Brock: XD (17:34:33) NightmareNick: Aborti-O-ns. (17:34:43) MawileMachina: omg, Aborti-O's XD (17:35:25) NightmareNick: My cereal will be called (17:35:34) NightmareNick: "DO NOT EAT" (17:35:40) Heho: Did I mention Shiny is allied with Toastopia? (17:35:43) NightmareNick: If you eat is you'll get AIDS. (17:35:52) NightmareNick: it* (17:36:19) Heho: AND WORST OF ALL (17:36:24) Heho: HE'S A SQUID. (17:36:43) Shiny: my cereal will be the cremated remains of humans, because they just taste great (17:36:48) NightmareNick: Dam (17:36:56) NightmareNick: I thought he was a squirrel... (17:37:05) Shiny: squid (17:37:06) Shiny: squirrel (17:37:08) Shiny: same thing (17:37:22) MawileMachina: My cereal contains just the right amount of chemicals to make you grow extra body parts. (17:37:32) Heho: I rest my case. (17:37:43) Brock: My Cereal is better than all of yours. (17:37:49) Brock: Its a box of rocks. (17:38:41) Brock: See you guys are speechless. (17:38:41) ToasterRampage: Then I'll branch out and start selling Sugar Frosted Conception Flakes. (17:38:50) Heho: Seeying as the NFRN has a large annual Potato crop, we use potatoes in a majority of foods. (17:39:02) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (17:39:42) ToasterRampage: I may start including baby related goods. (17:39:46) Heho: Shinyland however, outlawed the sell of potatoes. For fear of "Federalist Potato farmers" (17:40:13) Heho: DID I MENTION THEY'RE REPUBLICANS? (17:40:39) ToasterRampage: Like carving knives. (17:41:18) Prof. Oak: Mira logs into the Chat. (17:41:28) MawileMachina: Hello (17:41:32) Mira: Heeyyy (17:41:32) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (17:41:43) DEZTROYA: OMG its mira (17:41:46) Heho: HE BROUGHT REINFORCEMENTS!!! (17:41:49) MawileMachina: Hello, DEZ (17:41:54) Mira: OMG, It's DEZ (17:42:09) ToasterRampage: You probably have no idea what we're on about. (17:42:25) Brock: Hi DEZ. (17:42:40) DEZTROYA: hello everyone else (17:42:48) DEZTROYA: no mods (17:42:54) Shiny: hey, mira, tell nick he's a jerkface (17:42:59) Brock: Nope. (17:43:11) Mira: ._. Ookay? (17:43:12) Shiny: and then tell him <3 (17:43:33) Heho: DEZ (17:43:38) Brock: Oh a member I've never met! (17:43:43) Heho: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?member.php?u=45 Add your thoughts. (17:43:44) Brock: Hi Mira! (17:43:46) Shiny: he put me on ignore so I felt like sending him a message (17:43:55) Mira: Yo. : P (17:44:29) Heho: Oh and Mira add yours as well. (17:44:42) Mira: Whut? (17:44:48) Mira: o.o (17:45:10) Heho: Link. Tell mix your want an award for best Signature. (17:45:19) Heho: We need sie support. (17:45:30) Mira: I honestly don't really care, but fine. ;P (17:45:42) Heho: Thank you! >:3 (17:46:24) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (17:46:29) Mira: XD I haven't been on the chat/forums in a while. (17:46:37) DEZTROYA: ./thoughts added (17:46:37) Heho: Either Dez died, or he's writing a really long winded statement. (17:46:48) Heho: olol (17:47:23) Heho: Wait who payed you? (17:47:30) Heho: *paid (17:47:30) DEZTROYA: no one (17:47:36) DEZTROYA: i just wanted to say that (17:47:40) Heho: Wait (17:47:47) Heho: Which payed is the right paid? (17:48:20) DEZTROYA: the 2nd one (17:48:23) DEZTROYA: fix (17:48:28) Heho: kk (17:49:15) Heho: I think 8 members is sufficient in changing his mind. (17:49:39) Heho: He probably just forgot. (17:49:45) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (17:49:50) Heho: Dez is Trog on skype? (17:49:56) DEZTROYA: idk (17:50:05) DEZTROYA: let me check (17:50:11) Heho: Thanks. (17:50:27) Brock: Wow DEZ (17:50:33) Brock: Your shop is huge ._. (17:50:46) DEZTROYA: why thank you (17:51:20) Brock: I've been trying to save my pallets, but I'm going to order something ._. (17:51:54) DEZTROYA: My "shop" is Ginormous (17:52:13) DEZTROYA: im actually updating im adding like 40+ new pokemon (17:52:21) Brock: Wat (17:52:25) Heho: Is he on? (17:52:27) Brock: I need more pallets. (17:52:35) Brock: (Because you all know I can't breed) (17:52:41) DEZTROYA: oh yeah he isnt online hehp (17:52:42) Brock: (And I'm lazy) (17:52:43) DEZTROYA: *heho (17:53:08) klaywaffle: Brock (17:53:15) Brock: Hm? (17:53:15) klaywaffle: Just wait every Friday (17:53:23) klaywaffle: (17:53:25) Brock: Why? (17:53:35) Heho: Hm thanks (17:53:47) klaywaffle: (You get 50 pallets every Friday) (17:53:59) Brock: Oh Yeah XD (17:54:03) DEZTROYA: that = 1 pokemon (17:54:17) DEZTROYA: so you can get a pokemon every week (17:54:22) Brock: I have 98 pallets ._. (17:54:23) ToasterRampage: Klay, do you still want your Sneasel? (17:54:41) Brock: Who is willing to donate 2 pallets ;D (17:54:57) Mira: brb dinner (17:55:01) klaywaffle: I don't have enough pallets (17:55:16) ToasterRampage: Ok. (17:55:20) klaywaffle: Just post in a thread other than off-topic side (17:55:21) Brock: Isn't in 6 pokes for 200 or something? (17:55:30) klaywaffle: And you get two pallets (17:55:34) Brock: In your shop DEZ? (17:55:37) Brock: Ok klay. (17:55:38) Brock: Thanks~ (17:55:47) klaywaffle: Buy 2 get 3rd one free I think (17:55:50) DEZTROYA: wow i guess its too confusing (17:56:06) klaywaffle: http://www.pallettribune.com/for?ums/showthread.php?p=188778#post1?88778 (17:56:06) Brock: Oh! (17:56:15) klaywaffle: ^ post in this thread (17:56:19) DEZTROYA: i guess i hav to work on my shop's intro (17:56:54) DEZTROYA: the OP needs work (17:56:56) Brock: Now I can get two pokemon. (17:56:59) Brock: ;D (17:57:25) DEZTROYA: $Pokemon Prices$ $-Non-Redis = 100p $-Semi-Redis =75p $-Fully-Redis = 50p buy 5 Fully Redistributable get 1 free (17:57:35) DEZTROYA: how is that confusing (17:57:49) Heho: Idk what a Redi is... :l (17:57:51) DEZTROYA: maybe its because you guys dont understand whats what (17:58:04) Heho: Oh wait (17:58:18) DEZTROYA: Redi is short for Redistributable (17:58:47) Heho: I dunno what a Redistributable is either. I assume it has something to do with redistributing rights...? (17:59:13) klaywaffle: He made it simple (17:59:24) DEZTROYA: yes (18:00:11) ToasterRampage: I just told MM to add the award. (18:00:11) Heho: Well, I'll be back when Mix adds a Best Sig award. (18:00:27) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:00:57) klaywaffle: Who does have the best sig? (18:01:13) ToasterRampage: I dunno. (18:01:31) DEZTROYA: it will be a fight against heho, SHiny, Ducky, and other people (18:02:05) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (18:02:10) Nick: (18:02:16) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (18:02:27) DEZTROYA: im going to go finish updating so i can add those pokemon today (18:02:38) PokemonChamp21: morning all (18:02:54) Nick: You're adding more pokemon? Oh ma god... (18:02:54) ToasterRampage: Night for me. (18:03:03) klaywaffle: 40 moar (18:03:11) MawileMachina: Even later night for me. (18:03:44) Nick: o.O I don has enough Pallets... (18:03:53) Brock: I have 100 (18:04:00) Brock: I'm ordering pokemon right now ^_^ (18:04:06) PokemonChamp21: MM i thought you were in British land (18:04:12) ToasterRampage: Forty different species? Or just versions of different types. (18:04:25) ToasterRampage: ? (18:04:38) DEZTROYA: 40 differnt pokemans (18:05:56) PokemonChamp21: lol I swear Dez you could open several shops in the forums with all the mon you got (18:06:06) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (18:06:10) MawileMachina: I am in Britishland. (18:06:22) MawileMachina: 12.06 AM (18:06:24) PokemonChamp21: well its morning here bud xD (18:06:25) redtwist1: i want money (18:06:48) redtwist1: it's 7 pm in pittsburgh (18:06:59) Nick: (18:07:17) PokemonChamp21: Nick you need pallets? (18:07:17) DEZTROYA: yeah thats true Champ but think of all the hassle of trading i would explode (18:07:17) redtwist1: fine 7:07 (18:07:35) Prof. Oak: Mira logs out of the Chat. (18:07:48) redtwist1: dez how did u get crap lodes of money (18:08:02) DEZTROYA: im broke man (18:08:15) DEZTROYA: i have like 25 cents here on my desk (18:08:37) redtwist1: <,< (18:08:43) DEZTROYA: lol (18:09:02) redtwist1: um okay well almost christmas (18:09:14) PokemonChamp21: I got £800 in my bank account and i get paid £790 again on the 23rd (18:09:14) redtwist1: r u guys excited (18:09:44) Nick: Klay, you're being a PEE PEE HEAD! (18:09:48) Nick: :o (18:09:57) Brock: DEZ I ordered some stuff! :3 (18:10:02) redtwist1: hmmm i dont have a job cause im only in middle school (18:10:25) Nick is going to look at DEZ's shop for moar shtuff. (18:10:51) redtwist1: but i get $20 a week from my granpa for doing nothing (18:10:52) DEZTROYA: brock i'll get to you when i finish updating (18:10:59) Brock: Ok! (18:11:11) Brock: I ordered two guys so that is 100 pallets right? (18:11:25) redtwist1: my granpa gives me alot of money (18:11:34) Nick: Red twist! Quiet with your money! I is poor and don't want to hear about it! (18:11:51) redtwist1: oh sorry (18:12:07) ToasterRampage: DEZ are you adding 40 different species of pokenums, or 40 different varieties? (18:12:28) PokemonChamp21: different mon (18:12:33) PokemonChamp21: he said earlier (18:12:52) DEZTROYA: both (18:13:18) DEZTROYA: there are some duplicates of some of the same species (18:13:20) DEZTROYA: like 2 pinsirs and 2 luvdiscs (18:13:41) redtwist1: oh i have a ludisc with 31 in all iv's (18:13:50) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (18:13:50) redtwist1: i trained it for nu (18:13:58) ToasterRampage: Pssh what luck. (18:14:01) PokemonChamp21: watching Die Hard while munching on chocolate digestives = win (18:14:14) redtwist1: it was a timid on (18:15:18) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (18:15:32) redtwist1: i want to make an adament choice band luvdisc with aqua jet (18:15:47) redtwist1: see how that works out (18:16:32) redtwist1: um are people mad at me (18:16:40) redtwist1: ? (18:16:44) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (18:16:52) PokemonChamp21: i have no beef against ya (18:17:44) DEZTROYA: everyone is just getting coffee at the same time (18:18:07) redtwist1: oh im gonna go get some root beer than (18:18:17) redtwist1: trololololol (18:19:19) redtwist1: any one want a standard battle? (18:19:27) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (18:19:52) redtwist1: or nu? (18:20:20) redtwist1: please (18:21:18) redtwist1: no one's in the mood to battle? (18:21:45) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (18:21:57) Nick: I love luvdisc. It is so strong. It can take a crawdaunt anyday! (18:22:07) jrGEM: lol (18:22:16) jrGEM: luvdisc for uber (18:22:19) redtwist1: nick can u battle nu (18:22:29) Nick: lolyeah. (18:22:37) redtwist1: okay (18:22:37) jrGEM: red lets do a quick battle (18:22:38) ToasterRampage: Don't be ridiculous. (18:22:40) jrGEM: so i can forfeit (18:22:47) jrGEM: and u get win for yesterday when i crashed (18:22:52) ToasterRampage: Luvdisc shouldn't be Uber. (18:23:05) ToasterRampage: Everyone knows why it isn't. (18:23:05) redtwist1: but i just challenged nick (18:23:13) jrGEM: oh okay (18:23:24) ToasterRampage: Delibird DEZTROYS IT. (18:23:37) Nick: Toaster, you're ruining the joke. =/ (18:23:59) redtwist1: k nick meet u in the rroom (18:24:09) Nick: kk (18:24:18) jrGEM: odv that Spinda should be uber (18:24:37) DEZTROYA: Caterpie can 2hko luvdisc (18:25:03) redtwist1: luvdisk gets ice beam (18:25:07) Nick: Farfetch'd is to strong for OU. (18:25:14) Nick: and UBER... (18:25:23) ToasterRampage: Besides, with Unown running around, Luvdisc is really outclassed. (18:25:26) NightmareNick: Farfetch'd is a disgrace. (18:25:29) PokemonChamp21: Adamant, Bug Bite and life orb caterpie Dez??? (18:25:40) NightmareNick: lolno (18:25:41) redtwist1: we have to make somthing above uber (18:25:51) NightmareNick: Choice Band PokeChamp.... (18:25:52) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (18:25:59) jrGEM: Magikarp is always the way to go. (18:26:11) Nick: RED!!! (18:26:24) Nick: -_- (18:26:24) Nick: Battle time... (18:26:42) Nick: There is always an error when we battle. Why is that? (18:26:58) redtwist1: i dunno (18:27:25) Nick: I'm not waiting forever. (18:27:26) ToasterRampage: Incredible coincidence. (18:27:46) Nick: Dude, you have to respond. (18:28:06) Nick: ._. (18:28:48) redtwist1: i responded (18:28:52) Nick: Frigit!! (18:29:07) Nick: There is always a problem when we battle. (18:29:27) Nick: Voice Chat, off... (18:29:29) PokemonChamp21: NN dont Life Orb and Choice Band pretty much double your attack power (but 1 locks in a move and the other does 10% recoil damage)? (18:29:42) NightmareNick: no... (18:30:01) NightmareNick: Choice Band raises your attack by 50% (18:30:03) redtwist1: im hosting (18:30:09) NightmareNick: Life Orb raises it by 30% (18:30:12) Nick: VOICE CHAT OFF!!!!!!! (18:30:35) redtwist1: yes (18:30:42) Nick: There we go......... (18:31:03) PokemonChamp21: ahhh cheers for the correction NN :-D (18:31:34) redtwist1: ha (18:34:17) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (18:37:39) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (18:37:47) Pwnemon: is chat alive? (18:38:03) PokemonChamp21: im alive (18:38:12) Nick: I love owning you with Pikachu, Redtwist. (18:38:14) PokemonChamp21: how you doing bud? (18:38:15) Pwnemon: well then hi (18:38:21) Pwnemon: just fine (18:38:42) Pwnemon: Sorry to tell you but in Randall Munroe's perfect world Shini could not be a member of this site (18:39:08) PokemonChamp21: er? (18:39:14) PokemonChamp21: why? (18:39:39) Pwnemon: THE EVIDENCE (18:40:32) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (18:40:44) redtwist1: im getting swept by a picachu (18:40:45) PokemonChamp21: lol (18:41:00) PokemonChamp21: Nasty Plot Pika? (18:41:01) Nick: My SURFING Pikachu. (18:41:21) redtwist1: come on perfect iv luvdisc (18:41:22) Nick: lolno It isn't a Nasty Plot Pika. (18:41:30) klaywaffle: DEZ'S SURFING PIKACHU (18:41:47) klaywaffle: (18:41:47) Pwnemon: LUVDISC RAPES PIKACHU. OBV (18:42:02) redtwist1: finally luvdisc killed pikachu (18:42:06) Nick: Aww! You only killed Pika becuz Poison. (18:42:22) NightmareNick: Pikachu use surf, wat? (18:42:32) NightmareNick: Why does it need surf? (18:42:52) Nick: *sigh* YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE WRATH OF REGICE! (18:42:52) Brock: Once I get my pokemon from DEZ, I want to battle :3 (18:43:07) redtwist1: my last pokemon have no chance against regice (18:43:15) NightmareNick: =P (18:43:18) Brock: Not NU though. (18:43:23) Prof. Oak: WhiteSoxFan logs into the Chat. (18:43:34) NightmareNick: Finally someone who uses regice over regirock (18:43:35) WhiteSoxFan: newbs (18:43:45) Nick: What nature is this luvdisc? (18:43:56) NightmareNick: modest (18:43:58) redtwist1: lol timid (18:44:04) NightmareNick: :l (18:44:07) klaywaffle: Yo redtwist (18:44:08) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (18:44:13) Nick: That explains... (18:44:13) redtwist1: luvdisc survived thunderbolt (18:44:14) klaywaffle: I battle ye next (18:44:27) Nick: Regice isn't an attacker. (18:44:31) NightmareNick: Luvdisc survive a move? wat? (18:44:32) Nick: It is a wall. (18:44:41) NightmareNick: Correction (18:44:44) NightmareNick: It's a TANK. (18:44:53) Nick: :o (18:44:54) redtwist1: it's still funy (18:45:01) NightmareNick: 100 base spec.A isn't a wall >_> (18:45:14) PokemonChamp21: hey pwnemon why arnt you on skype? (18:45:17) Brock: Lol Redtwist (18:45:21) Nick: Well, if it's so funny, how am I still 4-0ing your ass? (18:45:28) redtwist1: what (18:45:29) Brock: You have some originality using luvdisk XD (18:45:37) Brock: Er. (18:45:38) NightmareNick: No (18:45:43) Brock: Luvdisc (18:45:45) NightmareNick: He's just being retarded as usual... (18:45:56) Brock: Thats mean... (18:46:05) Nick: I miscluck for fun! (18:46:06) redtwist1: thats rude (18:46:10) Nick: *misclick (18:46:18) NightmareNick: DPoD (18:46:23) redtwist1: nightmarenick (18:46:27) NightmareNick: Chickens are the only thing to miscluck (18:46:42) klaywaffle: No (18:46:49) klaywaffle: Hens can miscluck too (18:46:54) redtwist1: now your just making fun of me (18:46:56) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld has been logged out (Timeout). (18:47:00) redtwist1: mick (18:47:04) redtwist1: nick (18:47:08) NightmareNick: wut? (18:47:14) Nick: I forgot to use Sleeptalk -_____- (18:47:32) Nick is stupidz. (18:47:39) redtwist1: u could kill me but u just keep playing around (18:47:41) Brock: Red If you win I will award you with 20,000 dollars. (18:47:41) Nick: What? (18:47:42) NightmareNick agrees (18:48:10) Nick: Brock, we both know that you has no munniez. (18:48:14) redtwist1: stupid relicanth isn't doing crap to regice (18:48:21) Brock: Your right. (18:48:26) Nick: I'm just letting the kid kill his own regice. (18:48:33) Nick: *relicanth (18:48:40) Brock: Red. (18:48:43) Brock: Please win. (18:48:48) NightmareNick: (16:48:14) redtwist1: stupid relicanth isn't doing crap to regice wat (18:48:50) redtwist1: i hope earthquake kills (18:48:54) Nick: He killed his own pokemon. (18:48:58) NightmareNick: Relicanth can OHKO regice with Head Smash :l (18:49:05) redtwist1: no crit (18:49:23) redtwist1: i dont have headsmash on it (18:49:30) klaywaffle: olololo (18:49:42) Nick: I win 4-0. :3 (18:49:44) redtwist1: klay do u want to nu battle (18:49:56) klaywaffle: No (18:50:05) Nick: >:l (18:50:07) klaywaffle: Standard (18:50:08) NightmareNick: Wat (18:50:14) NightmareNick: Get Head Smash on it then (18:50:14) Nick: :o (18:50:15) redtwist1: okay (18:51:51) redtwist1: my lead is gona suprise you (18:51:57) Brock: Is DEZ afk? (18:52:19) Nick: Red, what klay is about to do may make you cry. >:3 (18:52:39) Brock: Oh hush. (18:52:40) redtwist1: um (18:52:50) Brock: I'm pretty sure Red will do fine. (18:52:59) klaywaffle: WTH? (18:53:06) redtwist1: i'll try (18:53:07) klaywaffle: Why did you leave? (18:53:18) redtwist1: com error (18:53:32) klaywaffle: Make the challenge (18:53:44) redtwist1: k (18:54:01) klaywaffle: Click X >.> (18:54:43) redtwist1: now 4 my awzome lead (18:55:27) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (18:56:51) redtwist1: plusel is my favorite pokemon evah (18:58:44) Brock: Red what is the score? (18:58:55) redtwist1: 6-6 still (18:59:15) redtwist1: my plusel encored ninjask on substitute (18:59:24) Brock: ;D (18:59:37) redtwist1: so it's losing health (18:59:50) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (19:00:09) redtwist1: now im killing ninjask (19:00:18) redtwist1: 6-5 (19:00:25) redtwist1: me (19:00:25) klaywaffle: Don't get too excited (19:00:36) klaywaffle: Ninjask is real easy to knock out (19:00:48) redtwist1: i killed your lead with a plusel how can i not be (19:01:00) Pwnemon: It's sort of the crappiest lead evar (19:01:01) Brock: Red does your plusle have a nickname? (19:01:19) redtwist1: it's a smiley face (19:01:24) Nick: You plusle is annoying... (19:01:28) Brock: ;D (19:01:34) Nick: But, it died... (19:01:55) Brock: Red can we battle after I get the pokemon I ordered from DEZ? (19:02:21) redtwist1: i still need to finish HW sorry i can't (19:02:28) Brock: D: (19:02:35) Nick: >:l (19:02:38) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (19:02:51) redtwist1: sorey (19:02:54) redtwist1: sorry (19:03:04) Brock: It's fine. (19:03:45) Nick: l:< (19:05:21) Nick: What if explosion flinched the opponent? (19:05:43) redtwist1: why would it matter (19:06:26) Nick: I have hot Chocolate! (19:06:37) Nick: Hey, anyone up for a OU battle? (19:06:46) Brock: No. (19:06:56) redtwist1: 6-4 (19:07:00) Nick: >:l (19:07:00) Brock: I need to wait for DEZ. (19:07:13) Brock: RED ARE YOU WINING? (19:07:20) Brock: :o (19:07:21) redtwist1: yes (19:07:26) redtwist1: by allittle (19:07:43) klaywaffle: I still have my reasons (19:07:48) Brock: I swear my mouth just dropped 32 inches. (19:07:59) klaywaffle: Ninjask died from encore sub (19:08:08) klaywaffle: Registeel got burned (19:08:13) redtwist1: plusel is awsome (19:08:28) Brock: Do you still have plusle out? (19:08:31) Nick: Your plusle is a thing of HAX! (19:08:37) redtwist1: no (19:08:47) Brock: Awww. (19:08:56) redtwist1: how is encore hax? (19:09:34) Nick: : (19:09:38) Nick: >:l (19:09:59) redtwist1: 5-3 (19:10:21) Nick: So that means there was a 5-4/ (19:11:54) klaywaffle: Why the hell did you go for Flash Cannon? (19:13:22) redtwist1: 4-3 (19:13:37) Nick: ._. (19:13:42) redtwist1: wait nick areu and klay skyping (19:14:00) Nick: lolno. (19:14:03) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (19:14:25) Brock: Why do you always say "lolno"? (19:14:25) redtwist1: nooo (19:14:28) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (19:14:30) Prof. Oak: WhiteSoxFan has been logged out (Timeout). (19:14:30) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (19:14:34) Brock: You could simply say no. (19:14:42) Pwnemon: bye (19:14:43) Nick: I is on my DSi. (19:14:47) klaywaffle: Yes (19:14:50) klaywaffle: Yes, we are (19:14:53) redtwist1: i thought i could outspeed (19:15:13) Nick: >8O Klay, you idiot! (19:15:24) redtwist1: 2-3 (19:15:31) redtwist1: im scared (19:15:37) Nick: :o (19:15:47) redtwist1: stupid zapdos (19:16:08) redtwist1: shower will put u in ur place (19:16:11) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:16:38) The_Shinigami: ugh. (19:16:40) redtwist1: yah (19:16:41) The_Shinigami: Text speak. (19:16:50) Brock: SHINI! (19:17:01) The_Shinigami: wat (19:17:04) Brock: PUT SOME DARN EXCITEMENT IN THIS CHAT (19:17:16) Nick: I love you :3 (19:17:21) redtwist1: 2-2 (19:17:22) The_Shinigami: i don't see the need. (19:17:41) Brock: It's boring.... (19:17:41) Brock: D: (19:17:52) The_Shinigami: Is that that weird Zapdos that doesn't even have heatwave. (19:18:09) Nick: Yes! :3 (19:18:12) klaywaffle: No (19:18:27) klaywaffle: Mine haz Heat Wave (19:18:38) Nick: Mine dosen't. (19:18:46) The_Shinigami: I was clearly talking to you. (19:18:58) The_Shinigami: Since you clearly put up the picture of a Zapdos and not Nick. (19:19:03) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (19:19:09) The_Shinigami: Then again, my recollection skills could be wrong. (19:19:15) klaywaffle: Yeah (19:19:40) Nick dosen't understand what Shini says. (19:19:41) redtwist1: i might beat klay (19:19:46) Brock: DEZ? You there? (19:20:25) The_Shinigami: Of course you didn't understand. (19:20:28) Nick: Guys, I have a saddening announcement! (19:20:33) The_Shinigami: I forget who my audience is sometimes. (19:20:38) klaywaffle: After all these body slam (19:20:40) Nick: >:l (19:20:48) klaywaffle: I never got a single paralyze (19:20:52) Shiny_Bagon: What? (19:20:57) Nick: Ahaha! (19:21:07) redtwist1: pew (19:21:15) Nick: I AM QUITTING POKEMON! FOREVER!!!! (19:21:26) klaywaffle: Bad joke is bad (19:21:41) klaywaffle: Seriously (19:21:49) klaywaffle: 6 Body slams and no paralyze (19:21:50) Nick: not joke isn't joke. (19:21:51) klaywaffle: wut? (19:21:56) The_Shinigami: Pointless information is pointless. (19:22:00) Brock: ^ (19:22:03) The_Shinigami: Seriously. (19:22:19) Prof. Oak: Flaafy222 logs into the Chat. (19:22:32) The_Shinigami: I seriously think that people forget that this is just a game, not a religion. (19:22:42) The_Shinigami: Inb4 "POKEMON IS SRS BUSINESS" (19:22:43) Flaafy222: Hiyaz (19:22:45) Shiny_Bagon: Why are you quitting Nick? (19:22:48) redtwist1: r u kidding (19:22:55) Brock: Shini, pokemon is srs biz (19:23:00) redtwist1: u know what (19:23:19) Nick: Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh I quit becuz I realize I am not a kid anymore. :3 (19:23:31) klaywaffle: Bad move (19:23:34) The_Shinigami: Clearly following up something I say is the epitome of humor. (19:23:44) redtwist1: so many legendarioes (19:23:58) The_Shinigami: I am not a kid anymore. :3 Aha... (19:24:04) The_Shinigami: AHAHAHAHAHAHA. (19:24:10) The_Shinigami: Skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. (19:24:11) Nick hopes you guys realize I am being sarcastic. (19:24:27) Brock: Hehe. (19:24:28) redtwist1: GG i got to go (19:24:40) klaywaffle: Olololo (19:24:44) klaywaffle: He d/c'd (19:24:47) Nick: Winnar? (19:24:54) klaywaffle: Me (19:24:57) Shiny_Bagon: So? Who cares, I thought the same way, until I had my first wifi then I was just trying to beat everyone and ended up getting more losses than wins.... But thats another story. (19:24:58) Nick: KLAY! IS THE WINNER! (19:24:58) The_Shinigami: It didn't matter either way to me =/ (19:24:59) klaywaffle: 2-1 (19:25:05) klaywaffle: It was supposed to be 2-0 (19:25:05) The_Shinigami: So obvious sarcasm was ignored. (19:25:17) klaywaffle: But when Ice punch froze nite (19:25:26) klaywaffle: He d/c'd (19:25:38) The_Shinigami: "when ice punch froze nite" (19:25:54) The_Shinigami: What weak ass Pokemon used ice punch on a Dragonite and didn't kill it. (19:26:05) klaywaffle: Regirock (19:26:19) Shiny_Bagon: IKR (19:26:26) The_Shinigami: Oh lawd, that Regirock needs some balls. (19:26:44) Nick agrees. (19:26:50) klaywaffle: Ev's:252 HP/6 Atk/252 Spl.D (19:26:55) klaywaffle: =/ (19:26:58) The_Shinigami: Plus. (19:27:04) Nick: I have the same Regirock. =/ (19:27:10) The_Shinigami: What possessed you to not use the rock move anyway ¬__¬ (19:27:12) klaywaffle: But, Seriously (19:27:19) The_Shinigami: since /STAB/ (19:27:25) Shiny_Bagon: They don`t have balls they have pebbles. (19:27:43) klaywaffle: Arceus made a button called Flee (19:28:02) klaywaffle: Don't have a Rock move (19:28:04) Shiny_Bagon: BRB (19:28:17) Nick: That thing is used to much on Serebii. :3 (19:28:23) The_Shinigami: There is no button called "flee" (19:28:33) klaywaffle: Run (19:28:38) klaywaffle: same thing >.> (19:28:43) Nick: Run =/= Flee (19:28:54) The_Shinigami: There we go. (19:29:11) The_Shinigami: Well he's right. (19:29:21) The_Shinigami: 'F' is really close to 'R' (19:29:56) The_Shinigami: -On the Keyboard (19:30:08) Nick: It is... (19:30:11) Brock: Gosh. (19:30:52) Brock: Where the heck is DEZ? (19:30:58) The_Shinigami: Not here. (19:31:23) Brock: ._. (19:31:25) Nick: AFK! (19:31:37) Brock: Um. (19:31:43) Brock: I kind of knew that. (19:31:51) Nick: Away from keyboard... (19:31:54) Nick: O.o (19:32:03) Brock: I know what that means. (19:32:15) Nick has a swolen gland in his neck. ;-; (19:32:26) The_Shinigami: Suddenly (19:32:30) The_Shinigami: Rankurusu (19:32:32) Brock: ... (19:32:33) The_Shinigami: EVERYWHERE. (19:32:41) Nick: NOOOOO! (19:32:41) The_Shinigami: PURASUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (19:32:50) Nick: THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! (19:33:07) Brock: Nick. (19:33:24) Brock: Let Shini finish. (19:33:40) The_Shinigami: the moment's gone. (19:34:18) Nick: Brock. (19:34:28) Nick: Shut the f*ck up! (19:34:44) Brock: Nah. (19:34:46) Nick: Have a nice day. (19:34:51) Nick: :3 (19:34:53) Brock: I'd rather not. (19:35:05) Nick: >:l (19:35:26) Nick: You better shut up or I won't let you pet my dog for Christmas! (19:35:42) Brock: I really don't care. (19:35:49) Nick: :o (19:35:53) Nick: >:o (19:36:04) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (19:36:05) Nick: You are going to die. (19:37:02) The_Shinigami: ¬__¬ (19:37:10) The_Shinigami: ¬_______________¬ (19:37:43) klaywaffle: I went on this online friendship detector (which I don't believe in at all) and it said shini and dpod2 have %20 love (19:37:51) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (19:37:56) Brock: More like 0%. (19:37:57) Nick: ¬__> (19:38:06) NightmareNick: Brock lolno (19:38:11) NightmareNick: -100% (19:38:12) Brock: Actually. (19:38:19) Brock: What nick said. (19:38:30) Nick: ¬___¬ (19:38:34) The_Shinigami: do not immitate. (19:38:35) klaywaffle: Brock and dpod2 %35 (19:38:42) Brock: NO (19:38:44) Brock: WAY (19:38:45) Nick: That is discusting! (19:38:59) The_Shinigami: discusting? (19:38:59) NightmareNick: wut about me and someone? (19:39:02) Brock: More like 0.00001%. (19:39:02) Nick: Brock may feel that way, but not I. (19:39:10) klaywaffle: Shini and Brock 35 (19:39:17) Brock: Yeah. (19:39:18) NightmareNick: Shini (19:39:22) NightmareNick: It's called (19:39:28) Brock: Me and Shini don't irritate each other. (19:39:31) Brock: Unless. (19:39:39) klaywaffle: 35 between you and shiny (19:39:40) NightmareNick: Darkpitofdoomican (19:39:49) Nick: >:o (19:39:49) klaywaffle: oh (19:39:51) Brock: He has a secret club called "The Brock haters" (19:39:55) klaywaffle: you said shini xD (19:39:56) NightmareNick: Teh language of incorrection. (19:40:10) NightmareNick: WHAT ABOUT ME > (19:40:19) NightmareNick feels like a loner (19:40:24) klaywaffle: %20 love between nn and shini (19:40:29) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon has been logged out (Timeout). (19:40:30) Brock: Nick your my Bud. (19:40:37) Nick: No! (19:40:43) Nick: I am your Brother! (19:40:46) The_Shinigami: what? (19:40:48) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (19:40:49) Nick: not your bud! (19:40:49) Brock: NOT YOU (19:40:51) Brock: Does that make you feel happy? (19:40:55) klaywaffle: %20 between nn and dpod (19:41:05) The_Shinigami: I've benn referenced, why? (19:41:05) Brock: Other Nick. (19:41:08) Nick: >:] (19:41:29) klaywaffle: Using your real names will make the meter chances higher (19:41:35) klaywaffle: So... (19:41:37) NightmareNick: gimme website nao (19:41:37) Nick: NN is my smaller clone! (19:41:40) klaywaffle: Nicholas and Nikolas (19:41:55) NightmareNick: (17:41:37) Nick: NN is my smaller clone! (19:41:58) NightmareNick: Lolno (19:42:03) klaywaffle: Oshi- (19:42:04) Shiny_Bagon: Brock I am your father! (19:42:05) Brock: Bet you you can't guess my name. (19:42:12) klaywaffle: Nicholas and Nickolas have %85 (19:42:21) BraveNewWorld: This place... (19:42:23) Nick: :o (19:42:25) NightmareNick: Dude (19:42:30) NightmareNick: Spell my name right or gtfo (19:42:34) Nick: ;-; (19:42:50) NightmareNick: N I C H O L A S is how you spell my name. (19:43:11) klaywaffle: Your skype name and yt name is Nickolas1747 (19:43:11) Nick: N I C H O L A S is my name aswell. (19:43:31) NightmareNick: Because I felt like typing that. (19:43:36) Shiny_Bagon: I don't have to all I know is that I made a mistake with your mother and to tell you the truth I don't remember her name. (19:43:46) Brock: My real name is Sally. (19:43:50) NightmareNick: I don't call you Cradily... (19:43:54) Brock: So ha. (19:44:01) NightmareNick: Lolno Brock (19:44:04) NightmareNick: Your real name is (19:44:21) Nick: Ashley! (19:44:25) NightmareNick: Kcorb (19:44:32) Brock: No, It's Sally. (19:44:53) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (19:45:25) Shiny_Bagon: DPOD/Nick can you clone/be my cloner for the shop i'm opening youget 50% profit (19:45:32) Nick: lolno. (19:45:54) The_Shinigami: Toot toot Sonic Warrior~ (19:45:57) DEZTROYA: bagon i will (19:46:03) Brock: DEZ (19:46:06) Brock: FINNALY (19:46:14) DEZTROYA: I'll clone for you for 50% of profit (19:46:22) DEZTROYA: Shush brock (19:46:26) NightmareNick: Dez, what is your goal with getting a crap ton of pallets? (19:46:27) DEZTROYA: im not done updating (19:46:35) Brock: D: (19:46:39) DEZTROYA: Nick the goal is simple (19:46:41) Brock: Can I at least pay? (19:46:46) NightmareNick: Mew Dolls? (19:46:47) klaywaffle: Prolly spending them on moar mew dolls (19:46:47) DEZTROYA: be richer than all of you (19:46:49) Nick: Huh? Oh... (19:47:09) NightmareNick: Dez, you've proved that point already I fink. (19:47:43) Nick: I want to become the V_b (19:47:47) Nick: *V_B (19:48:05) Nick: Then I will be rich! Bwahahahahahahaha! (19:48:52) DEZTROYA: no see i will have more to gloat about (19:48:54) NightmareNick: What is a V_B? (19:48:59) DEZTROYA: you pwns (19:49:26) Nick: V_B = Viridian_Bank (19:49:35) klaywaffle: Victor Bobmanuel (19:49:58) Nick: ¬________¬ (19:50:06) Shiny_Bagon: Nick so what was your answer to my question? (19:50:21) Nick: *facepalm* (19:50:33) Nick: Do you know how to read? (19:50:37) NightmareNick: Isn't Rin the viridian bank? (19:50:52) NightmareNick: Rin and Ria always confuse me @_@ (19:51:06) Shiny_Bagon: No it's because my internet left for a while... (19:51:09) Nick: You're not the onlt one. (19:51:15) Nick: NO! (19:51:21) Nick: DEZ said he would. (19:51:35) Shiny_Bagon: Ahhhh (19:51:52) DEZTROYA: you lost a deal dpod you could have used those profits to buy my shit (19:51:57) The_Shinigami: LOL noobs insulting noobs because of their noobiness. (19:52:10) Shiny_Bagon: You did Dez? I don't remeber asking you? (19:52:28) The_Shinigami: Oh great, another noob- I MEAN HI DEZ. (19:52:38) Nick: AHHHHH! You're right, DEZ. (19:52:39) NightmareNick: Noobs who insult noobs based on who is more nooby than the other noob but in reality they're both noobs. (19:52:42) DEZTROYA: Bagon i'll do it fotr 50% of your profits (19:52:51) Brock: ~Shinigami~ (19:52:54) Nick: No I will, DEZ! (19:53:02) klaywaffle: Nick (19:53:06) DEZTROYA: so everything you sell i get half of it (19:53:09) Nick: I'm on more. I don have a life... (19:53:11) klaywaffle: Do you really think S_B (19:53:14) NightmareNick: DPoD (19:53:15) The_Shinigami: ... Yes? (19:53:21) NightmareNick: IIRC you said NO! (19:53:27) NightmareNick: So stfu or gtfo. (19:53:30) Brock: Nothing. (19:53:30) Nick: ^ (19:53:36) Nick: ._. (19:53:44) Brock: I just felt like putting someones name with The ~ line after it. (19:53:49) Shiny_Bagon: Umm... Deal thanks Dez, I will probably give them to you tomorrow after I'm donegiving them the move sets. (19:53:55) Nick: Shiny_Bagon, I've always been nice. (19:54:02) Brock: Ha! (19:54:12) Nick: >:o RAEG!!!!! (19:54:12) Brock: Thats funny Nick. (19:54:44) Nick: Brock, go in a hole and STFU AND DIE! ¬__¬ (19:54:46) The_Shinigami: ...? (19:54:51) Brock: See (19:54:53) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:55:03) Brock: Your just supporting my point :3 (19:55:07) DEZTROYA: Z needs to evolve crimson into Charizard (19:55:18) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (19:55:27) The_Shinigami: You all saw it, but none of you have proof. (19:55:29) DEZTROYA: if he doesnt i wont stand a chance against Straw's characters pokemon (19:55:47) klaywaffle: Saw what? (19:56:06) NightmareNick: Dez, when will the semi-redi list be done? (19:56:18) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (19:56:27) NightmareNick: No one would give a damn 8P (19:56:43) Nick: 8O (19:56:49) Nick: Really? (19:56:56) Nick: I didn't know that! (19:56:59) The_Shinigami: oh good lawd. (19:57:05) Nick: *inputs the sarcasm* (19:57:10) Shiny_Bagon: So dez what should we call the shop? (19:57:11) The_Shinigami: Old Sonic songs = awesome as f*ck. (19:57:24) The_Shinigami: But you kiddies probably won't remember that stuff, it was before your time. (19:57:31) DEZTROYA: Call it whatever you want Im just your cloner (19:57:34) NightmareNick: I DEZTROY BAGONS (19:57:44) NightmareNick: BEST F*CKING NAME EVAR (19:58:08) DEZTROYA: DEZTROYA owns this shop too! (19:58:14) DEZTROYA: Name it that (19:58:15) Nick: There is a member of this site, sitting right next to me. Who is it? (19:58:28) The_Shinigami: Marbl. (19:58:30) Shiny_Bagon: How about "Going Out Of Business" (19:58:32) NightmareNick: It's stfuORgtfo (19:58:33) The_Shinigami: Wait no that's silly. (19:58:45) The_Shinigami: Because you're an extension of Marbl's consciousness. (19:58:52) DEZTROYA: lol (19:58:58) Brock: Hehe (19:58:59) NightmareNick: Isn't Marbl a troll or something? (19:59:03) Nick: Who is Marbl? (19:59:08) NightmareNick: I heard he's not well liked... (19:59:09) Brock: Yes (19:59:14) klaywaffle: "I will Destroy ya if you don't buy from here >:C" (19:59:16) The_Shinigami: don't play dumb with me boy. (19:59:18) Brock: He is A Troll. (19:59:24) The_Shinigami: You know who Marbl is, because he is you. (19:59:30) The_Shinigami: Or you are part of him. (19:59:39) Nick: NO! I AM NOT! (19:59:46) Nick: -_____- (20:00:03) Nick: I am even DPoD on youtube. (20:00:04) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (20:00:07) The_Shinigami: You're kinda like a... growth. (20:00:17) Nick: How am I this little idiot? (20:00:17) redtwist1: aaaaauuuuuuughh (20:00:21) klaywaffle: Marbl12345678910 (20:00:23) DEZTROYA: Marbl has improved alot this time around he managed to clone himself and become various members of the site (20:00:25) The_Shinigami: But a metaphorical one. On his consciousness. (20:00:26) NightmareNick: (17:59:39) Nick: NO! I AM NOT! (17:59:39) Nick: YES! YES I AM! *fixed (20:00:26) Shiny_Bagon: Seriously I suck at coming up with names so can someone help me? (20:00:28) klaywaffle: His real name? (20:00:38) redtwist1: im so annoyed (20:00:44) The_Shinigami: Marbl split himself into many pieces (20:00:45) Brock: Why? (20:00:50) The_Shinigami: Just like the dragonbals. (20:00:51) NightmareNick: Name 4 wat (20:00:57) NightmareNick: Name for what? (20:01:03) The_Shinigami: Or that Harry Potter Voldermort sh*t (20:01:19) redtwist1: my math homework is gay and i cant figure it out (20:01:24) DEZTROYA: Marbl is your FATHER dp0d (20:01:35) Nick: No, I'm a Hooker, not a Marbl! (20:01:38) The_Shinigami: Noooo. (20:01:39) redtwist1: i need to put flashcards on my ipod (20:01:42) Nick: o.O (20:01:44) klaywaffle: NNNOOOOOOOO (20:01:52) redtwist1: and i donnt know how (20:01:53) Nick: I did not just say that... (20:01:59) klaywaffle: Oh wait (20:02:00) klaywaffle: Shini >.> (20:02:00) Nick: Noooooooooooo! (20:02:02) Shiny_Bagon: No marbl is his mother! (20:02:09) NightmareNick: Here's a fact. (20:02:13) redtwist1: whos marbl (20:02:21) NightmareNick: All the Harry Potter movies suck @$$. (20:02:21) Nick: SB, you're marbl! (20:02:22) klaywaffle: You (20:02:26) The_Shinigami: dpod is one of Marbl's many tentacles that was severed from his body when Sir Trogdor temporarily vanquished him. (20:02:31) Nick: You. (20:02:42) DEZTROYA: So is shiny bagon (20:02:50) redtwist1: oh god i gotta kill myself (20:02:52) DEZTROYA: we have little marbl's running around (20:03:09) Nick: DEZ could be a Marbl. (20:03:15) The_Shinigami: Shinybagon is Marbl's ass that was severed from his body when Sir Trogdor temporarily vanquished him. (20:03:16) NightmareNick: Am I considered a Marbl? (20:03:16) Shiny_Bagon: I'm not your mother! (20:03:22) klaywaffle: I was a piece of Marbl's breakfast that ran away (20:03:24) DEZTROYA bans Dp0d from shop (20:03:30) Nick: So could Shini, Klay, NightmareNick. (20:03:32) redtwist1: puts a gun to jis head (20:03:36) Nick: :o (20:03:44) Nick: ;-; (20:03:57) NightmareNick: Lol being banned from his shop is the worst shop ban evar. (20:04:09) Nick: ^ (20:04:11) DEZTROYA: i'll unbann you if you admit you are marbl (20:04:20) redtwist1: puts a gun to glooms head (20:04:23) Nick: I am not MARBL! (20:04:28) Brock: DEZ, I'm going to start ordering from your shop. (20:04:28) klaywaffle: Pay him 1,000 pallets (20:04:33) The_Shinigami: ADMIT IT FIEND. (20:04:33) NightmareNick: Shingami, am I considered a Marbl? (20:04:39) Nick: >:o (20:04:39) klaywaffle: Oh also screencap the moment (20:04:42) Brock: Because there are lots of stuff I want. (20:04:46) The_Shinigami: i don't really know you well. (20:04:52) klaywaffle: Or (20:04:54) The_Shinigami: ./can't say. (20:05:00) klaywaffle: Quote it in a sig (20:05:01) Brock: What about me Shini. (20:05:04) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (20:05:06) Nick: But I'm not Marbl... (20:05:11) Brock: I'm not bad right D: (20:05:11) The_Shinigami: Saaame answer. (20:05:11) Shiny_Bagon: Shinghami you act tough here, butin your videos you have this little weak a** voice. (20:05:18) The_Shinigami: YOU'RE NOT MARBL. (20:05:18) Nick: ;-; (20:05:20) Brock: Ok. (20:05:26) redtwist1: shini i haven't heard you say anything mildly threatening yet (20:05:41) NightmareNick: Bcuz he's not american Bagon so stfu. (20:05:41) DEZTROYA: Shini is tired (20:05:42) The_Shinigami: Oooh Shiny, you got me, I'm SCURRED. (20:05:56) redtwist1: ^^ new record (20:05:57) Nick: lol (20:06:16) Nick: I love Shini's sarcasm. (20:06:16) NightmareNick: Shinghami Sounds like Chinese Ham 0.o (20:06:29) The_Shinigami: The fact that you'd even watch my videos bothers me. (20:06:29) Nick: o.0 (20:06:45) redtwist1: shini makes videos (20:06:45) The_Shinigami: I might just delete 'em all and move ship just to pas under your radar. (20:06:52) The_Shinigami: because you SCURR me to no end. (20:06:55) NightmareNick: He obviously faps to your voice. (20:07:07) Brock: Yeah Red. (20:07:19) Brock: He is ShinigamiNTW on youtube. (20:07:22) redtwist1: i should be featured in a video as someone you battle and beat 5-0 (20:07:29) Shiny_Bagon: I don't Shiny Clamperl did. (20:07:31) Nick: Brock is going to die now. (20:07:47) Brock: Pfft. (20:07:48) The_Shinigami: I don't upload 5-0's unless they were full of win. (20:07:54) DEZTROYA: why is ash going to shoot him (20:08:00) The_Shinigami: 5-0s usualy aren't =/ (20:08:05) Nick: I'll bake you in baked beans, blud! (20:08:06) Brock: Probably. (20:08:15) Brock: blud? (20:08:15) NightmareNick: 5-0's mean you just got owned (20:08:24) NightmareNick: 6-0's mean you probably got swept (20:08:27) redtwist1: oh then how about 3-0 if i put up a good figh (20:08:29) NightmareNick: 1-0's are full of win. (20:08:44) redtwist1: t (20:08:50) The_Shinigami: I rarely ever get 1-0s >.> (20:08:55) DEZTROYA: lets play a game guys whoever can come up with the most words from my username can get a Flawless Shiny flareon (20:09:06) The_Shinigami: Either I sweep, get swept or get HAX'D THE F*CK OUT. (20:09:18) DEZTROYA: Send PM's to me on teh forums to enter (20:09:23) DEZTROYA: 1 PM per person (20:09:25) The_Shinigami: Luck in RPG games seriously pisses me off >:C (20:09:29) Nick: :d (20:09:35) redtwist1: hmmm u should meet my new plusel then (20:09:38) Shiny_Bagon: So I call it "We Destroy Bagons" (20:09:49) The_Shinigami: OH NOES (20:09:53) The_Shinigami: IT'S SHINY BAGON AGAIN (20:09:58) The_Shinigami: I STILL SCURRED (20:09:59) Brock: DEZ, tell me when you are done editing. (20:10:00) redtwist1: encore annoyingness (20:10:09) NightmareNick: Very first RPG game I ever played. (20:10:12) NightmareNick: Okage. (20:10:28) NightmareNick: I was like 7 at the time I think. (20:10:43) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (20:11:01) The_Shinigami: ok, I can relax now. (20:12:05) redtwist1: oh i want to be in a video im gonna challenge u to gym battle in acouple days (20:12:10) Nick: uGH, i FEEL LIKE POOPY! NIGH! (20:12:18) DEZTROYA: pokemon was my first RPG and Forst game i ever played (20:12:23) The_Shinigami: owait (20:12:25) The_Shinigami: LOL (20:12:28) redtwist1: wait are all gym battles standard (20:12:37) The_Shinigami: I just remembered, I don't upload Gen IV battles anymore. (20:12:55) redtwist1: (20:13:05) redtwist1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawawawawaawaaw (20:14:19) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (20:14:44) redtwist1: well im gonna beat u in the worst way possible (20:14:56) redtwist1: luvdisc (20:15:18) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (20:15:23) redtwist1: dundundunduuuuuuuuuuuuuun (20:15:27) NightmareNick: No (20:15:40) NightmareNick: Getting swept by a Shuckle w/out trick room is worse. (20:15:41) The_Shinigami: You're going to challenge a grass/ground team with a Luvdisk? (20:15:57) The_Shinigami: You should probably not even joke like that. (20:16:02) redtwist1: umm yah (20:16:07) redtwist1: ? (20:16:30) redtwist1: i guess bringing plusel is out of the quesion (20:16:33) NightmareNick: Shini's Wild Card is Scizor I think (20:16:50) NightmareNick: His team would get Ice Shard'd to death 0.o (20:17:11) redtwist1: so pack fire/flying (20:17:15) The_Shinigami: yes. (20:17:30) redtwist1: time to get prepaired (20:17:43) Brock: That would be a counter team, which would be not counted. (20:17:48) The_Shinigami: (02:17:11) redtwist1: so pack fire/flying Go on, you do that. (20:17:49) NightmareNick: You can't bring counter teams redtwist (20:17:54) redtwist1: turns on the song rockyIV (20:18:03) NightmareNick: Shini (20:18:09) The_Shinigami: Not only would it not be counted, you'd be as good as banned. (20:18:14) NightmareNick: His brain is to little to realize most grounds can set up rocks (20:18:26) The_Shinigami: It won't be official, but I'd always be "busy" when you ask to battle. (20:18:27) redtwist1: oh (20:18:55) redtwist1: wait where are the rules even i need to reed them (20:19:10) DEZTROYA: I brought mewtwo to battle Shini and he is always "BUSY" (20:19:11) Brock: Yes there are rules. (20:19:13) The_Shinigami: check the rules thread. (20:19:18) The_Shinigami: You might find the rules there. (20:19:23) DEZTROYA: now (20:19:30) redtwist1: okay brb (20:19:47) The_Shinigami: I was OK with the Mewtwo Dez, but when you brought MISSINGNO INTO IT. (20:20:06) The_Shinigami: I couldn't tolerate it any more. (20:20:12) DEZTROYA: what hes legit (20:20:38) DEZTROYA: so what if he used shadow void and put your whole party to sleep (20:20:39) The_Shinigami: My Torterra wa coughing up master balls for days >:C (20:20:39) NightmareNick: Missingno wat (20:21:06) NightmareNick: Shadow Void wtf is tat? (20:21:22) klaywaffle: Dark void (20:21:23) The_Shinigami: it's Missingno's signature move. (20:21:26) klaywaffle: ? (20:21:31) The_Shinigami: >Puts all your team to sleep. (20:21:44) NightmareNick: Is defensive rotom any good? (20:21:46) klaywaffle: Sleep Clause >:C (20:21:52) NightmareNick: Rotom Forme that is? (20:21:57) The_Shinigami: >Puts all pokemon in your opponent's PC into "sleeping beauty status" (20:22:14) The_Shinigami: "Sleeping beauty" status: b*tch aint waking up. (20:22:15) DEZTROYA: changes Shiny pokemon purple (20:22:34) NightmareNick: lolololol (20:22:50) NightmareNick: I like missingno XD (20:22:58) redtwist1: so basicly what i learned is to bring a normal team (20:22:59) The_Shinigami: Turns your in game mother into a Kakuna. (20:23:05) redtwist1: to gym battles (20:23:42) The_Shinigami: And lastly, you can't select 'New game'. Ever. (20:24:05) NightmareNick: I once brought a team of pokemon that is weak to S7at's team for a gym battle :l (20:24:49) redtwist1: so shini basicly if i challenge u i cant use a counter team and everything else is normal (20:25:17) NightmareNick: You can use 1 or 2 pokemon that counter iirc (20:25:17) The_Shinigami: Use what ever you want. (20:25:29) NightmareNick: Just not an entire F*cking team of counter pokes (20:25:33) The_Shinigami: If I see it as an overall counter team, then NO REMATCH, LOL. (20:26:00) NightmareNick: Shini he could bring a team of rock pokes and you'd say "Counter team now gtfo". (20:26:24) redtwist1: so a team like moltress/golem/lumineon/cacturne (20:26:36) The_Shinigami: If he brought a team or rock pokes... wouldn't that be a reverse counter team..? (20:26:39) DEZTROYA: Bring 5 charizards (20:26:51) DEZTROYA: and lugia (20:26:51) The_Shinigami: Yes redtwist. (20:26:59) The_Shinigami: Tell me your team, I will counter accordingly. (20:27:08) NightmareNick: Red (20:27:21) NightmareNick: How about bringing a team of magikarps against a team of Jolteons (20:27:29) NightmareNick: That's basically what you just said. (20:28:10) redtwist1: okay alraria/bronzong/crvine/mesprit/?infernape/lucario (20:28:27) NightmareNick: Carnivine? Wat? (20:28:28) DEZTROYA: lol (20:28:43) The_Shinigami: wait (20:28:47) The_Shinigami: what the f*ck. (20:29:04) The_Shinigami: It's worse in the fact that that kinda is a counter team still... (20:29:17) redtwist1: oh (20:29:22) NightmareNick: Ape and Mesprit are the only counters rly (20:29:35) The_Shinigami: Then we have Zong. (20:29:41) NightmareNick: ./turns on grammar. (20:29:43) DEZTROYA: updating is SUCH A pain (20:29:45) The_Shinigami: Then we have Altaria resisting Stabs. (20:30:00) redtwist1: well i dont use these pokemon just kind of a random team (20:30:13) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (20:30:34) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (20:30:37) NightmareNick: Red (20:30:41) NightmareNick: How about this team (20:30:50) DEZTROYA: shini how about this team Swampert, Heatran, Zapdos, Snorlax, Flygon, Starmie (20:30:59) Brock: DEZ are you updating your shop? (20:31:07) DEZTROYA: no (20:31:08) The_Shinigami: That's fin- HOLD ON A SECOND. (20:31:10) DEZTROYA: and yes (20:31:16) redtwist1: nick why do u hate me? (20:31:35) DEZTROYA: this takes time brock (20:31:38) NightmareNick: Heatran : Golem : Rhyperior : Magnezone : Kabutops : Omastar (20:31:42) Brock: Um. What do you mean? (20:31:52) NightmareNick: Best team against Shini right there. (20:31:55) DEZTROYA: but my dad is calling me to do chores at the same time (20:32:16) Brock: Are you gonna be on tomorrow? (20:32:18) The_Shinigami: wtf Golem?? (20:32:39) The_Shinigami: wtf Magnezone? (20:32:40) NightmareNick: They're all x4 to your STAB moves 8P (20:33:12) The_Shinigami: Golem and Zone aren't problems, really. Lol. (20:33:20) DEZTROYA: most likely (20:33:31) DEZTROYA: yeah just stop by tomorrow brock (20:33:36) The_Shinigami: Then again, Rhyperior puzzles me too. (20:33:40) Brock: Ok (20:33:50) Brock: I'd like to pay now if you don't mind. (20:33:55) Brock: 100 pallets correct? (20:34:23) redtwist1: i know luvdisc is basicly going to count as one less pokemon but i probably will anyway (20:34:42) The_Shinigami: ... (20:34:42) redtwist1: bring it (20:34:44) The_Shinigami: Seriously? (20:34:50) redtwist1: yah (20:35:12) redtwist1: it's fast so it serves a use (20:35:20) The_Shinigami: You really don't want to self enforce any handicaps against the Gaia gym... (20:35:25) The_Shinigami: fast? (20:35:33) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld has been logged out (Timeout). (20:35:41) klaywaffle: 40 sp attck (20:35:44) klaywaffle: = (20:35:47) klaywaffle: Useless (20:36:08) klaywaffle: Even with specs (20:36:26) redtwist1: um (20:36:43) redtwist1: okay i'll consider not bringing it (20:36:53) DEZTROYA: why didnt 5th gen bring a water sandstreamer (20:37:07) DEZTROYA: then i would be a rainstorm user (20:37:19) ToasterRampage: The only possible way GF could make Luvdisc useful is if they gave it Wonder Guard. (20:38:30) redtwist1: im gonna make another luvdisc thats going to be adament choice band with aqua jet for nu (20:38:51) redtwist1: it's gonna suck but allwell (20:38:51) The_Shinigami: the only possible way they could make Luvdisc good is if they gave it mischievous heart and destiny bond. (20:39:00) klaywaffle: Adamant is just as worse (20:39:12) ToasterRampage: Use a Floatzel if you want a physical water NU Pokemon. (20:39:22) The_Shinigami: just as worse isn't even Engrish. (20:39:31) Brock: Or a Dragon Dance Lapras (20:39:39) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (20:39:46) ToasterRampage: It's better than Luvdisc in every way possible. (20:40:07) redtwist1: my current is timid 252 speed 4 sp atk 252 hp (20:40:20) klaywaffle: Curse Wailord (20:40:25) redtwist1: yah but it's fun (20:40:29) NightmareNick: Red (20:40:30) klaywaffle: But I prefer Special Wailord (20:40:44) redtwist1: what now nick (20:40:58) redtwist1: what do u want now (20:41:00) DEZTROYA: ima leave the chat while i update kay (20:41:00) NightmareNick: That set seems almost better than 252 HP 252 DEF 6 SPEC.D Shedinja :l (20:41:49) redtwist1: what ever (20:42:07) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (20:42:12) klaywaffle: Also 2nd time you D/C'd in battle >:C (20:42:41) redtwist1: me (20:42:47) The_Shinigami: I've used NFEs in standard play, and I'm not even going to touch Luvdisc (20:43:00) klaywaffle: I've used Grovyle (20:43:25) redtwist1: well i didn't meen to klay i had to go and do HW (20:43:25) NightmareNick: I used to use a team of NFE's in NU (20:43:36) klaywaffle: CLICK RUN (20:43:49) NightmareNick: Yanma, Haunter, Kadabra, Magmar, Electabuzz, Gabite (20:43:49) redtwist1: sorry (20:43:50) Straw: Wait (20:43:55) Straw: Which o- yeah. (20:43:58) NightmareNick: But Gabite is NU now... (20:44:35) redtwist1: how ever did garchomp get uber (20:44:48) Brock: Who is this CosbyKid guy? (20:45:02) klaywaffle: Haunter and Golbat are also NU now (20:45:08) NightmareNick: They are? (20:45:25) klaywaffle: Yeah (20:45:31) klaywaffle: Been for a week (20:45:33) redtwist1: snubull wreks in nfe (20:45:55) NightmareNick: Kadabra is so OP. (20:45:56) NightmareNick: And kadabra isnt 0.o (20:45:59) The_Shinigami: (02:17:11) redtwist1: so pack fire/flying These guys are commonplace in NU. (20:46:15) NightmareNick: Ugh lag (20:46:54) redtwist1: oh come on dont be meen (20:47:09) The_Shinigami: Wait (20:47:11) The_Shinigami: what the bloody hell. (20:47:43) The_Shinigami: I meant to quote this:(02:43:49) NightmareNick: Yanma, Haunter, Kadabra, Magmar, Electabuzz, Gabite (20:47:59) redtwist1: oh okay (20:49:38) klaywaffle: How long has Monferno been in NU? (20:50:02) Straw: How did Garchomp get uber? (20:50:08) Straw: Let's see (20:50:19) Straw: Synergy with Sand Stream (20:50:27) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs out of the Chat. (20:50:35) Straw: Setting up with 1 SD means easy sweep (20:50:42) Straw: Only real counter fast enough is WEAVILE (20:50:51) Straw: but then again, Jolly Natured Garchomp I believe outspeeds it (20:50:54) Straw: Yeah. (20:51:15) The_Shinigami: Cloyster was also considered a pretty effective counter. (20:51:24) The_Shinigami: Especially against the sub sets. (20:51:30) Straw: Adamant Weavile can't outspeed Garchomp if it's Jolly, yes. (20:51:34) Shiny: Glaceon. (20:51:35) Straw: Cloyster, yes. I forgot. :C (20:51:39) Shiny: GLACEON GLACEON GLACEON (20:51:45) Straw: Fuck Glaceon. (20:51:56) Shiny: kills garchomp every day of the day (20:52:01) The_Shinigami: icicle spear's first hit takes out the sub, the second hit takes out the berry, the rest just fjck it up. (20:52:17) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (20:53:10) redtwist1: so shini how many people beet your gym so far (20:53:21) NightmareNick: A billion. (20:53:36) The_Shinigami: I think less than 5 beat the first one. (20:53:39) redtwist1: he probably loves to here that (20:53:48) redtwist1: oh (20:53:49) klaywaffle: 0 for gaia (20:53:53) The_Shinigami: and nobody's beaten this one yet. (20:53:55) redtwist1: um (20:54:34) redtwist1: well (20:55:14) redtwist1: is there an easier gym to start at that i mighy actually win at (20:55:46) The_Shinigami: lol we're not ranked. (20:56:35) redtwist1: there has to be someone thats alittle closer to my level (20:56:35) NightmareNick: Who's gonna win Best Battler you think? (20:57:06) redtwist1: that i might have a chance at beating (20:57:16) The_Shinigami: If you think pretty low of yourself, then I wouldn't bet on it. (20:57:24) The_Shinigami: Considering they're Gym leaders and all. (20:57:46) redtwist1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauguhhuhbgbhjgh bfv (20:58:06) redtwist1: i need to get better (20:58:23) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick has been logged out (Timeout). (20:58:24) klaywaffle: Why wouldthey be gym leaders if they're as low as you? (20:58:27) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (20:58:35) NightmareNick: Tired of Mozilla Firefox (20:58:46) NightmareNick: Makes me hurp n' derp. (20:59:00) The_Shinigami: Well that's a pretty bad way to word it Klay. (20:59:09) NightmareNick: Is it possible to get lower than Red? (20:59:38) redtwist1: (20:59:45) NightmareNick: Owait (20:59:54) NightmareNick: Shiny_Clamperl + Shiny_Bagon are worse (21:00:08) Brock: You guess are pretty harsh. (21:00:10) Brock: Cut the kid some slack. (21:00:20) NightmareNick: guys* (21:00:25) The_Shinigami: Who? (21:00:30) The_Shinigami: The Shiny Duo? (21:00:32) Brock: Nick and Klay (21:00:36) redtwist1: brock we're like the same age (21:00:37) NightmareNick: He's better than the people on roblox I'd say that. (21:00:46) The_Shinigami: I believe in letting things slide, but those two don't learn. (21:00:46) Brock: I know. (21:01:12) The_Shinigami: People who don't learn/choose not to learn are lower than scum in my eyes (21:01:28) Brock: True. (21:02:22) redtwist1: wow (21:03:43) The_Shinigami: In all honesty, I'm more lenient than I want to be. (21:07:19) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (21:08:13) The_Shinigami: What up Trogdor?! (21:08:31) redtwist1: hey trogdor (21:09:33) redtwist1: um well (21:09:50) ToasterRampage: Ok... (21:10:26) ToasterRampage: I just found out my neighbors house caught fire because of her Christmas tree. (21:10:49) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (21:11:30) ToasterRampage: Normally, this would be sad. However, the reason her house burned down was because she put lit candles on it. (21:11:47) ToasterRampage: And then walked away. (21:12:10) redtwist1: well guys thnx for a cool chat goodnight (21:12:39) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs out of the Chat. (21:15:38) Straw: Oh yeah (21:15:45) Straw: I got a (21:15:51) Straw: Bose Headphone (21:19:24) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (21:19:56) jrGEM: I heard bose head phone are bad.. (21:20:24) Straw: From? (21:20:47) jrGEM: They are more about advertising then they are about the product itself. (21:20:56) Straw: Because the professionals that play rock music for money that I know all love Bose. (21:21:05) Straw: And they're not even sponsored by Bose. (21:21:29) Shiny: I use skullcandy (21:21:48) Shiny: entirely because they cost $10 and they haven't broken yet so (21:21:50) Straw: (21:20:47) jrGEM: They are more about advertising then they are about the product itself. The same can be said about every fucking headphone company out there. (21:21:51) ToasterRampage: Meeeeeee too. (21:21:55) Straw: Ah. (21:22:01) Straw: I have my Skullcandy. (21:22:12) Straw: I just use it as a backup because it never breaks. (21:22:12) NightmareNick: Straw, more like every company that isn't non-profit. (21:22:16) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (21:22:16) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (21:22:29) Shiny: there aren't any non-profit headphone companies (21:22:31) Straw: More like every company that is for profit. (21:22:35) Shiny: that'd just be silly (21:22:39) Straw: HERP DERP HOW DO I KNOWED WORDS MEANINGS (21:22:39) NightmareNick: I know. (21:22:49) Straw: Retardspeak is fun. (21:22:53) ToasterRampage: My earbuds have broken about 15 times. (21:23:06) NightmareNick: have broke* (21:23:09) jrGEM: This guy in my speech class did a speech about how bose is horrible company. (21:23:14) ToasterRampage: Plus they get tangled if I put them down even for a second. (21:23:23) jrGEM: An how other company provide more for less of teh cost. (21:23:24) Straw: >This guy in my speech class. (21:23:34) Straw: Totally professional, that guy. (21:23:34) Shiny: before my current ones I had broken a pair of headphones each month (21:23:43) jrGEM: He had good information (21:23:51) jrGEM: which he got from a lot of people (21:24:02) Straw: Overrides all professional opinions from an actual professional band that has used variety of headphones for actual money. (21:24:04) Straw: Sure. (21:24:14) jrGEM: we researched it it was not out of his head... (21:24:25) Straw: Tea Partiers sometimes has good information. (21:24:35) jrGEM: but you are entitled to your opinion i cant change it. (21:24:41) Straw: Heck, BIRTHERS (cue laughter) have some good information. (21:24:59) Straw: I just can't fathom how your friend's research overrides professional experiences. (21:25:35) Shiny: birthers are just hilarious (21:26:09) Straw: You've just undermined about 3 alternative rock bands, but whatever. (21:26:28) Straw: Your friend's half-assed research he's done in probably under 3 hours is better than months of experience. (21:26:31) Straw: We'll go with that. (21:26:38) Shiny: pff (21:26:38) Straw: Shainy. (21:26:45) Shiny: who does three hours of research on a speech? (21:26:49) Straw: I'm in love with Holy Frag Grenades. (21:27:00) Shiny: I got through five minutes of speech on on research (21:27:02) Straw: I do over 30 hours of research on my debate cases, bro. (21:27:12) Shiny: yeah (21:27:12) Straw: If I don't hit at least 30 hours, I don't take the case to the tournament. (21:27:14) Shiny: but you're smart (21:29:38) Straw: Dude, HAND FRAG GRENADE (21:29:40) Straw: <3 (21:29:46) Straw: HOLY FRAG GRENADE* (21:29:54) Straw: THAT THING EXPLODES LIKE MINI NUKES (21:30:11) jrGEM: I'm not going to argue with you cause you don't care of anyone opinion but yourself. (21:30:52) Straw: I actually care for opinions. (21:31:00) Straw: Just not some people's. (21:31:28) Straw: Especially not some person who just did a speech on a headphone company for a, and I laugh out loud, speech class. (21:31:33) Straw: Who the hell needs that anyway? (21:31:50) Shiny: I'd expect holy frags to be hard to escape (21:31:50) Straw: Also, Ad Hominem doesn't fly. (21:32:20) Straw: That's why you throw it down a long ramp. (21:32:45) Straw: And watch as your enemies run up, see the grenade, try to swerve, and die in a FIERY DEATH (21:33:01) Shiny: pfff (21:33:51) Straw: Oh, and Cazadors are (21:33:55) Straw: the scariest thing ever. (21:36:27) Shiny: crap (21:36:33) Shiny: I have a project I gotta turn in tomorrow (21:36:43) Shiny: and my partner did the video, I did the audio (21:36:48) Shiny: they sent it to me (21:36:56) Straw: Ah (21:36:56) Shiny: they spelled the word 'challenging' incorrectly (21:36:59) Shiny: I told them this (21:37:01) Straw: Have fun (21:37:06) Shiny: so they went to fix it (21:37:10) Shiny: this was an hour ago. (21:37:14) Shiny: I haven't heard back (21:37:20) Shiny: I think they fell asleep. (21:37:30) Straw: Shainy (21:37:38) Straw: I just crippled a Cazador's wing (21:37:41) Straw: it outspeeds me still (21:37:44) Straw: What the fuck is this? (21:37:55) Shiny: I dunno what a cazador is (21:38:02) Shiny: shoot it a lot (21:38:10) Straw: Inb4Sparta (21:38:22) Straw: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Ca?zador (21:38:40) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (21:40:00) Shiny: aim for the head (21:40:12) Straw: Yeah. (21:40:15) Straw: Decapitate it (21:40:19) Straw: or (21:40:31) Straw: preemptively throw a Holy Grenade (21:43:21) ToasterRampage: Gogogogo (21:44:45) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 logs into the Chat. (21:52:43) Straw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P?5M04_qkRdY (22:00:37) Pwner1114: I hate Cazadors. They are always in packs, they're fast, they poison, and they hit like trucks. (22:00:39) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (22:04:18) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (22:04:30) Straw: Yeah. (22:04:33) Straw: Oh dude. (22:04:36) Straw: You play New Vegas? (22:04:37) Straw: BOSS (22:04:46) Straw: I sided with myself the first walkthrough. (22:04:51) Straw: Screw everyone. (22:05:07) Straw: I'm going to kill House, kill Caesar, and give the NCR a big middle finger. (22:05:19) Pwner1114: NCR, I felt that was for the good guys (22:05:28) Straw: Ah. (22:05:31) Straw: I felt that my way was the only way. (22:05:46) Straw: Because if you really talk to the locals (22:05:49) Straw: no one likes the NCR. (22:05:54) Straw: They're there uninvited. (22:06:14) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (22:06:22) DEZTROYA: lets punch people guys (22:06:25) Pwner1114: If you piss them off though you wont be able to go to many towns (22:07:11) Brock: why Dez? (22:07:28) Pwner1114: cuz we're boss (22:07:29) NightmareNick: Bcuz fun (22:07:42) NightmareNick: Lets punch babies (22:08:06) Pwner1114: I do that when Im angry not for pleasure (22:08:09) DEZTROYA is still updating (22:08:16) DEZTROYA: this takes forever (22:08:39) NightmareNick: Brock (22:08:41) NightmareNick: UU? (22:08:50) Brock: Nah (22:08:56) NightmareNick: D:< (22:09:01) Brock: I'm still playing through pearl. (22:09:18) Pwner1114: It's late dude, be reasonable (22:10:11) NightmareNick: Me and Brock our buddies (22:10:15) NightmareNick: are* (22:10:19) Brock: Yup :3 (22:10:44) Pwner1114: Im a a best buddy? :3 (22:11:04) NightmareNick doesn't really know you. (22:11:07) Brock: I do. (22:11:16) Brock: We battled in the tourney member? (22:11:19) Prof. Oak: Flaafy222 has been logged out (Timeout). (22:11:37) Pwner1114: Yes I do. Damn Slowbro. (22:11:43) NightmareNick: Winter starts on Tuesday. (22:11:44) Prof. Oak: TRTRoy logs into the Chat. (22:11:46) Brock: Hehe. (22:11:51) TRTRoy: Hey guys (22:11:55) Brock: Hi. (22:11:56) jrGEM: hi (22:12:19) Brock: Trust me Pwner, If I wouldnt of had slowbro, I would have lost. (22:12:35) NightmareNick: Slowbro + CM = D: (22:12:49) Brock: Mine dosen't have CM. (22:12:49) TRTRoy: Slowbro is a beast (22:12:50) Pwner1114: Tell me about it... (22:12:54) DEZTROYA: Troy when can i join TR (22:13:28) TRTRoy: ;;hands application;; as soon as we do a background check and this is filled out (22:13:57) DEZTROYA: I have never commited a crime in my life (22:13:58) Pwner1114: Uh oh (22:14:08) TRTRoy: oh you will (22:14:32) jrGEM: Plz don't steal my pokemanz. (22:14:51) TRTRoy: oh they will be stolen, and you wont know it.. (22:15:41) jrGEM: Lets make a deal i give you pikachu And i keep the rest of my pokemanz. (22:15:54) TRTRoy: i dont need that rat (22:15:58) TRTRoy: i have 10 of them (22:16:07) TRTRoy: J/J are idiots (22:16:10) Pwner1114: We want mudkip (22:16:32) TRTRoy: Dont need Mudkips (22:16:39) Pwner1114: everyon leiks mudkip (22:16:53) TRTRoy: I'm in the Legendary catching business (22:16:56) DEZTROYA: what we need is Purple Charmanders (22:17:15) NightmareNick: Better get missingno ready then. (22:17:27) TRTRoy: if there is a purple Charmander i'll take it (22:17:28) Pwner1114: PINK CHARIZARD! (22:17:39) jrGEM: I can always choke my red charmander until he turns purple.. (22:17:48) TRTRoy: then he will be dead (22:17:53) Pwner1114: Too far (22:17:59) jrGEM: but he will be purple (22:18:03) Pwner1114: Wayyy too far (22:18:07) Brock: Don't take my Misdrevus D: (22:18:07) TRTRoy: and Charmander meat is all sulfuric tasting... (22:18:16) jrGEM: Pwner so were can we buy the paint? (22:18:22) DEZTROYA: (Whispers) Someone do a Recolor quick!!! (22:18:24) jrGEM: oh nvm ill catch a smeargle (22:18:24) NightmareNick: Easy. (22:18:31) NightmareNick: It's called, (22:18:33) Pwner1114: Home Depot (22:18:34) NightmareNick: Home Depot. (22:18:42) Pwner1114: I win (22:18:46) jrGEM: It's called Smeargle silly (22:18:48) NightmareNick: lolnou (22:18:56) NightmareNick: Smeargle can't paint (22:19:07) NightmareNick: Smeargle only plays drums (22:19:08) TRTRoy: man im hungry.... (22:19:11) klaywaffle: Smeargle can sketch (22:19:32) DEZTROYA: thats about it (22:20:50) DEZTROYA: he sketches alot http://i206.photobucket.com/albu?ms/bb144/DEZTROYA/RedisBanner.gif (22:21:32) jrGEM: Ni think i can do the trade now. (22:21:43) klaywaffle: Shini wont fall tournament? (22:21:50) klaywaffle: About time it finished (22:21:58) jrGEM: NN**** (22:22:51) NightmareNick: MMk (22:22:54) NightmareNick: I just payed. (22:23:27) TRTRoy: so im on formspring http://formspring.me/WebHeadStud?ios (22:26:57) jrGEM: I'm on (22:27:06) TRTRoy: ask me questions it will be fun (22:27:13) ToasterRampage: Nick, can you do Chinchou after? (22:29:18) Brock: Nick what poke did you buy? (22:29:28) jrGEM: lol (22:30:16) TRTRoy: hahaha (22:31:04) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (22:34:31) Prof. Oak: Stanky! logs into the Chat. (22:37:26) TRTRoy: hmmm i think i might have some Trix.... (22:38:05) TRTRoy: i once drew a comic where i gave the rabbit Trix and he blew up after eating them... (22:38:27) DEZTROYA: ha (22:40:15) ToasterRampage: DEZ, are you all done editing? (22:40:19) TRTRoy: it was cool. ive been thinking about re-doing it (22:40:33) DEZTROYA: kinda (22:40:56) Brock: =/ (22:41:00) DEZTROYA: i still have more to go but im going to do that tomorrow at the moment i am adding the new pokeon to the master list (22:41:10) Brock: :o (22:41:14) ToasterRampage: Ok (22:41:47) Straw: Okay. (22:41:48) Straw: So (22:41:49) Straw: so (22:41:55) Straw: My guild just lost a match. (22:41:56) Straw: Fucking hell. (22:41:57) DEZTROYA: and done (22:42:10) DEZTROYA: https://sites.google.com/site/de?ztroyasarmada/pokemon-master-list (22:44:17) DEZTROYA: its at the bottom ._. (22:44:23) DEZTROYA: after Infernape (22:44:30) DEZTROYA: its start at slowpoke (22:44:57) DEZTROYA: (OT:MattJ-25437) lv.1 (?) MattJ's Slowpoke Nature/Ability:Relaxed/Own Tempo EV's:UT IV's:31/7/31/30/31/3 Moves:Yawn|Tackle|Me First|Disable (22:45:10) DEZTROYA: that one any pokemon after him is new (22:46:12) Brock: Could we trade now c: (22:46:19) jrGEM: how much are most of the pokes 50 pallets? (22:46:34) DEZTROYA: all the ones on that list are 50p (22:46:40) DEZTROYA: and sure Brock we can trade (22:46:52) Brock: Alright. (22:46:57) jrGEM: oh splendid.. (22:47:03) Brock: So 100 pallets for the Flygon and Shaymin? (22:47:15) DEZTROYA: yes brock that is correct (22:47:16) jrGEM: Brock (22:47:32) jrGEM: Cause i realize the mistake you made (22:47:34) jrGEM: flygon is actually 45 pallets (22:47:34) Brock: Ok (22:47:44) Brock: What? (22:47:48) jrGEM: it's in the weekly special (22:47:49) DEZTROYA: OMG hes right (22:47:57) DEZTROYA: good catch GEM (22:48:00) Brock: So 95 pallets? (22:48:07) DEZTROYA: that flygon is on the special (22:48:09) Brock: Thanks GEM ^_^ (22:48:11) DEZTROYA: yes (22:48:12) jrGEM: sorry dez lol (22:48:19) DEZTROYA: its okay (22:48:34) DEZTROYA: im not used to the specials yet i just started that (22:48:41) jrGEM: but ill be ordering alot of pokes from you so you will more then the 5 pallets you lost. (22:48:59) Brock: Just Payed :3 (22:49:02) jrGEM: Is there a new special tomorrow? (22:49:36) Brock: Excpect me to but the Jirachi on Friday :3 (22:49:55) DEZTROYA: Yeah I'll Change the specials every Monday (22:50:05) jrGEM: I'm goign to buy a blissey (22:50:15) Brock: God, DEZ. (22:50:23) jrGEM: okay ill see tomorrow add that blissey lol (22:50:24) jrGEM: calm nature one (22:50:24) Brock: Expect me to come to your shop (22:50:28) Brock: Every day. (22:50:32) jrGEM: same (22:50:37) Brock: I LOVE IT (22:52:16) Brock: Lemme get two derps. (22:52:21) Brock: Then I'll meet you on wifi (22:55:32) Brock: Signing on (22:55:34) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (22:56:20) DEZTROYA: bring a 3rd derp brock (22:56:28) Brock: Why? (22:56:36) DEZTROYA: just do it (22:56:43) Brock: Ok... (23:00:04) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 has been logged out (Timeout). (23:00:57) jrGEM: Yep tomorrow i'm going to troll people with a blissy (23:01:07) Brock: XD (23:01:13) NightmareNick there's an app for blissey (23:01:22) jrGEM: lol' (23:01:38) NightmareNick: It's called (23:01:42) NightmareNick: Fat Hoes. (23:01:52) Brock: XD (23:02:08) jrGEM: haha (23:02:21) Brock: :o (23:02:39) NightmareNick: I carry things for blissey though (23:02:43) Brock: I didnt pay for the kingdra though... (23:02:55) NightmareNick: Dez is nice (23:03:10) NightmareNick: He was nominated by Dave. (23:03:13) Brock: Huh? (23:03:16) jrGEM: It's a special buy 2 make dez happy (23:03:23) Brock: Hehe (23:03:31) Brock: Thanks a bunch DEZ! (23:03:39) NightmareNick: There's a reason (23:03:59) NightmareNick: Dez make you happy, you go back to his shop and he make moar munniez. (23:04:05) Brock: I feel bad now... (23:04:12) NightmareNick: Simple concept really (23:04:14) Brock: D: (23:04:21) Brock: True., (23:04:34) Brock: I'm buying the Jirachi Friday ;D (23:04:37) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (23:04:37) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (23:04:38) NightmareNick: It's a rare thing though (23:04:44) Brock: Thanks a BUNCH DEZ! (23:05:08) jrGEM: I wonder what nature xenon moltres is (23:05:33) Brock: Hey Nick (23:05:44) NightmareNick: wat (23:05:47) Brock: Now I can Troll you with a Kingdra >;D (23:05:50) Brock: Payback >:3 (23:05:50) NightmareNick: It's bold (23:05:55) NightmareNick: IIRC. (23:06:02) Brock: No (23:06:13) Brock: The one he gave me was a Naive one (23:06:33) Brock: With Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, Outrage, and Waterfall (23:07:02) NightmareNick: Mine is Jolly (23:07:09) Brock: ._. (23:07:18) NightmareNick: Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Outrage, Iron Head. (23:07:18) Brock: I hate your kingdra XD (23:07:19) jrGEM: mines is jolly (23:07:28) NightmareNick: Iron Head is there for teh lawlz (23:07:34) Brock: Mine is Shiny ;D (23:07:41) jrGEM: so is mines (23:07:41) NightmareNick: .... (23:07:50) NightmareNick: Kingdra > Shiny kingdra (23:07:55) NightmareNick: Shiny Kingdra is ughlee (23:07:56) jrGEM: i have 5 shinies (23:08:03) Straw: I like how I get (23:08:04) Brock: It's pink :3 (23:08:05) Straw: 4-0-2 (23:08:11) jrGEM: teh 3 best slowqueen and flygon (23:08:13) Straw: right after I get 0-7-0 (23:08:13) Brock: Hm? (23:08:15) Straw: Only. (23:08:27) Straw: the 0-7-0 was with my guild (23:08:32) Straw: and 4-0-2 was solo queue (23:08:34) NightmareNick: My favorite shiny is probably Shaymin <3 (23:08:48) Brock: I just got a Shiny Flygon (23:08:50) Straw: Call me (23:08:52) Brock: It looks really cool (23:08:55) Straw: mainstrea, but Gyarados. (23:08:59) Straw: mainstream* (23:09:28) ToasterRampage: Shiny Shaandera is awesome (23:09:31) Prof. Oak: Stanky! has been logged out (Timeout). (23:10:07) Straw: How about them shiny garchomps? (23:10:10) Straw: ;D (23:10:15) Brock: I need to send shaymin over to plat so I can finish it's moveset ;P (23:10:22) Brock: Shiny Garchomp? (23:10:27) Brock: What does it look like? (23:10:34) jrGEM: Fav shiny is dustox (23:10:52) Brock: I like Zangoose (23:10:55) Brock: Shiny (23:10:59) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (23:11:46) Straw: Shiny Garchomp. (23:11:56) Straw: It's almost exactly the same as regular. (23:14:33) ToasterRampage: Sure. (23:14:48) Brock: Meet you on wifi (23:15:38) DEZTROYA: ./ Charizard is teh Bestest Shiny pokeman evar (23:15:53) Brock: Hehe (23:16:50) Brock: Meet you on wifi toast (23:17:17) DEZTROYA: Nick was it you that asked about the Semi-Redis section earlier (23:17:39) jrGEM: nick how do you know xenon moltres is bold and let me look on dez shop for one (23:18:10) DEZTROYA: (OT:ANAHI-13850) Lv.50 Wolfen11's Moltres Nature/Ability:Bold/Pressure Ev's:UT IV's:30/18/27/10/31/31 Moves:Fire Spin|Agility|Endure|Flamethrower (23:18:29) DEZTROYA: Bold moltres (23:19:07) NightmareNick: Ya it was me (23:19:49) Brock: I have chocolate milk ^_^ (23:19:56) DEZTROYA: ah well I'll see when i can get it up I have some new ones i want to add but if you want a quick list here http://deztroya.webs.com/deztroy?asredis.htm (23:21:33) NightmareNick: That Blaziken is nice 8D (23:21:41) NightmareNick: Is it NNable? (23:21:54) DEZTROYA: yeah (23:22:09) NightmareNick: how much is it? (23:22:29) DEZTROYA: 75p for those (23:22:30) jrGEM: that blissy with counter has seismic toss? (23:22:37) DEZTROYA: no (23:22:43) DEZTROYA: just counter (23:22:46) NightmareNick: I'll take that blaziken <3 (23:23:31) DEZTROYA: thats fine nick did you want a nickname (23:23:47) NightmareNick: Renton (23:24:04) DEZTROYA: UT or EV'd? (23:24:05) Brock: gl hf Toaster! (23:24:17) ToasterRampage: And you. (23:24:48) NightmareNick: EV'd (23:24:51) jrGEM: omg (23:24:52) jrGEM: regis (23:25:17) NightmareNick: jrGEM is it common for you to get "excited" when you see regis? (23:25:39) jrGEM: yes (23:25:58) jrGEM: i been looking for UT regis (23:26:12) jrGEM: except regigigas he seems bad (23:26:21) NightmareNick: jrGEM you want to know what Dez's shop doesn't have? (23:26:39) DEZTROYA: Kricitune (23:26:43) NightmareNick: Too bad, it already has everything. (23:26:54) DEZTROYA: i dont have kricitune (23:26:54) NightmareNick: You no have a krickitune? (23:27:04) DEZTROYA: I hate krickitune (23:27:10) NightmareNick: No one does (23:27:25) NightmareNick: I've faced one kricitune in my NU days (23:27:27) ToasterRampage: Tee hee. (23:27:31) NightmareNick: Wanna know what it did? (23:27:38) jrGEM: nothing (23:27:41) DEZTROYA: bide (23:27:44) Brock: Tee hee (23:27:47) NightmareNick: It did something... (23:28:02) Brock: ._. (23:28:17) NightmareNick: It was a set-up fodder for Belly Drum Magmortar <3 (23:28:18) ToasterRampage: Uxie <3 (23:28:25) jrGEM: regirock more def then Spf? (23:28:33) NightmareNick: Yaa (23:28:53) jrGEM: okay so blissy and that non shiny regirock (23:29:02) jrGEM: idk why but i rather have a non shiny then a shiny (23:29:09) NightmareNick: Regirock = 80/200/100 Registeel = 80/150/150 Regice = 80/100/200 (23:29:26) NightmareNick: jrGEM (23:29:31) Brock: That did a lot (23:29:44) NightmareNick: Those two are both weak to fighting... (23:30:04) DEZTROYA: 4211-2436-9263 (23:30:09) jrGEM: they wont be in the same team (23:30:09) NightmareNick: I like how a lot of walls are weak to fighting xP (23:30:14) ToasterRampage: I don't expect this to kill. (23:30:17) ToasterRampage: Oh yeah. (23:30:24) jrGEM: that is so true (23:30:28) NightmareNick: Dez, why'd you post yer FC? (23:30:37) DEZTROYA: so we can trade (23:30:43) DEZTROYA: you no wanna trade? (23:31:01) jrGEM: I'm goign to buy tomorrow dez i have to go (23:31:20) DEZTROYA: thats okay Gem (23:31:27) NightmareNick: mmmk (23:31:33) NightmareNick: Imma pay now (23:31:37) NightmareNick: 75 correct? (23:31:47) DEZTROYA: yes senior (23:32:05) ToasterRampage: Lolfue (23:32:12) NightmareNick: That's junior to you ;D (23:32:16) ToasterRampage: *loldie (23:32:19) Brock: ._. (23:32:29) ToasterRampage: Maybe not, though. (23:32:33) ToasterRampage: Yep. (23:32:49) NightmareNick: lol (23:32:54) NightmareNick: I have a Quiet Mankey with Anger Point xP (23:33:02) NightmareNick: How ironic. (23:33:08) Brock: poop (23:33:25) NightmareNick: 5156 8096 8098 (23:33:30) ToasterRampage: Pshaw. It's my Sceptile. (23:33:43) NightmareNick: I have a SD Sceptile (23:33:55) NightmareNick: They're pretty good (23:33:59) ToasterRampage: As do I. (23:35:12) ToasterRampage: Is that Specs or Scarfed? (23:35:28) Brock: Guess ;P (23:36:52) Prof. Oak: TRTRoy has been logged out (Timeout). (23:37:08) NightmareNick: What nature is it? (23:37:37) DEZTROYA: thedigimon? (23:37:49) NightmareNick: no the sceptile (23:38:11) Brock: Crap (23:38:12) ToasterRampage: Oops. (23:38:29) ToasterRampage: This still has Agility XP (23:38:38) DEZTROYA: oh yes (23:38:44) DEZTROYA: 2,051p (23:39:25) ToasterRampage: D-d-d-death fodder! (23:39:41) Brock: Hehe (23:40:17) ToasterRampage: Poo I misclicked (23:42:11) Brock: Your not scarfed? (23:43:41) ToasterRampage: Wow you ho (23:43:53) ToasterRampage: Get confused >: (23:44:04) Brock: No (23:44:30) ToasterRampage: burn and die (23:44:43) Brock: XD (23:44:44) ToasterRampage: Bwahahaha. (23:45:50) ToasterRampage: Freeze and die. (23:46:12) ToasterRampage: What's your last? (23:46:28) Brock: Manetric (23:47:00) ToasterRampage: -_- (23:48:12) ToasterRampage: I demand a freeze or crit. (23:48:56) ToasterRampage: There. (23:49:00) Brock: Check mate (23:49:22) ToasterRampage: O RLY. (23:49:31) Brock: Yeah (23:49:35) Brock: Really (23:49:46) ToasterRampage: SUDDENLY DELIBIRD RAPID SPIN (23:49:57) Brock: Hehe (23:50:05) Brock: <3 Specs Manetric (23:50:15) Brock: GG Toast (23:50:15) ToasterRampage: Hax makes me mad. (23:50:25) ToasterRampage: Oh well. GG (23:50:30) Brock: There was no hax (23:50:43) Brock: Not that I can remember. (23:51:02) Brock: Except me now being confused :3 (23:51:09) ToasterRampage: You got 1 turn where you hit yourself. (23:51:19) ToasterRampage: I will complain about that. (23:51:23) Brock: Well you got a crit. (23:51:24) Brock: :3 (23:51:27) ToasterRampage: WAAAAAAAAAAAA (23:51:32) Brock: Which did matter actually. (23:51:44) Brock: I would have lived and killed you off with ice beam. (23:51:49) Brock: Bucz lefties. (23:52:17) Brock: Toaster do you have a youtube? (23:52:20) ToasterRampage: Tri Attack was doing more than a third... (23:52:27) ToasterRampage: No. (23:52:36) Brock: :3 (23:52:37) Brock: You should get one. (23:52:48) ToasterRampage: Meh. (23:52:50) Brock: Well it was a good battle never the less. (23:53:26) ToasterRampage: Bitching about hax is more than admitting to being outplayed. (23:53:34) ToasterRampage: *more fun (23:53:48) Brock: Well don't >:C (23:54:13) ToasterRampage: Tooooo laaaaaaaate. (23:54:21) Brock: D: (23:54:29) NightmareNick: Congratulations! Your account is now enabled for uploads longer than 15 minutes. Click the Upload button below to select a video. (23:54:34) NightmareNick: Woopty fricken doo. (23:54:43) Brock: HEY NO FAIR >:C (23:55:01) Brock: Oh and I one my first battle in like 32432 years. (23:55:19) NightmareNick: (23:55:32) Brock: I used a yanmega. (23:55:39) Brock: Just to make you happy, (23:56:22) ToasterRampage: Nick, want to trade now? (23:56:38) Brock: Specs Manetric <3 (23:57:02) NightmareNick: Hmm (23:57:09) NightmareNick: I used both of those before (23:57:17) NightmareNick: Does Manectric have Switcheroo? (23:57:23) Brock: Nick did you get your Blazkin? (23:57:25) Brock: No (23:57:29) NightmareNick: gtfo. (23:57:41) Brock: It has HP grass, Overheat, Charge Beam, and Thunder Bolt (23:57:46) NightmareNick: It NEEDS switcheroo for a choiced set :< (23:57:57) Brock: Meh. (23:58:01) ToasterRampage: The reason I lostis because I forgot to nickname my Porygon-Z (23:58:13) ToasterRampage: *Lost (23:58:15) Brock: No (23:58:15) NightmareNick: ugh (23:58:23) NightmareNick: I have to get a crap ton of BP now... (23:58:23) Brock: It's because politoed is awesome. (23:58:28) ToasterRampage: To Error 404. (23:58:28) NightmareNick: 48 D: (23:58:33) Brock: BP? (23:58:42) Brock: Battle points? (23:58:49) Brock: Why do you need it ._. (23:58:52) NightmareNick: ya (23:58:59) NightmareNick: For Superpower (23:59:08) Brock: Oh (23:59:23) NightmareNick: I currently have...5. (23:59:37) Brock: Looks like you have a goal. (23:59:45) NightmareNick: stfu (23:59:53) NightmareNick: Derp (23:59:57) Brock: Sorry... 12/20/10 (00:00:02) NightmareNick: Too lazy to get BP (00:00:17) NightmareNick: BP grinding =/= fun (00:00:37) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (00:00:45) ToasterRampage: Suuuuuuure it is. (00:01:25) ToasterRampage: Along with watching Two Girls One Cup. (00:03:31) ToasterRampage: Sleepy time now. (00:03:52) NightmareNick: Bai Bai Toaster (00:04:05) NightmareNick: Don't let the microwaves get you now (00:04:18) ToasterRampage: Thanks. (00:04:19) Brock: Bye Home Toasting Appliance. (00:04:56) ToasterRampage: Now I will have nightmares. (00:05:10) ToasterRampage: No pun intended. (00:05:22) Brock: Toaster. Don't leave. (00:05:26) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs out of the Chat. (00:05:29) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (00:05:39) NightmareNick: 0.o (00:05:54) Brock: Toaster! My love <3<3 (00:06:04) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs out of the Chat. (00:06:37) Brock: See ya there. (00:13:10) Straw: All right (00:13:12) Straw: Guild match (00:15:11) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (01:22:37) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick has been logged out (Timeout). (01:23:09) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (01:57:46) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (01:58:10) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs out of the Chat. (02:37:46) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (02:57:33) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (02:57:55) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (03:11:55) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (03:32:13) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (03:49:47) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (04:43:13) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (05:48:43) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (05:48:51) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (08:42:25) Prof. Oak: cosbykid logs into the Chat. (08:42:44) cosbykid: yo (08:42:53) cosbykid: (08:43:31) cosbykid: hey (08:43:50) Prof. Oak: cosbykid rolls 1d6 and gets 3. (08:50:18) cosbykid: yo wow nobodys on (08:59:18) Prof. Oak: cosbykid has been logged out (Timeout). (08:59:21) Prof. Oak: cosbykid logs into the Chat. (09:01:29) cosbykid: (09:01:41) cosbykid: what s tht (09:20:45) maizesmagikarp: hi (09:21:01) cosbykid: yo (09:21:42) cosbykid: Do you have a flawless ditto (09:22:06) maizesmagikarp: no (09:22:25) cosbykid: darn... (15:56:55) MawileMachina: UT, please (15:57:06) Pwnemon: sa;hfbdawlbvperwigblcxz (15:57:16) Xonmeän: So, my NES collection is coming along very nicely. (15:57:22) Xonmeän: <3 retro games. (15:57:34) MawileMachina: That's nice. What games do you have? (15:58:02) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (15:58:07) Prof. Oak: furret9 has been logged out (Timeout). (15:58:27) Shreyas: brb (15:58:37) NightmareNick: Hi Trog. (15:58:39) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (15:58:57) Xonmeän: Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Zelda 2, Startropics 2, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2, Rygar, Nightshade, Metal Storm, Exitebike, Kirby's Adventure, Bomberman (15:59:07) Xonmeän: ...and The Little Mermaid. (15:59:17) Pwnemon: lol (15:59:18) NightmareNick: wut (15:59:27) MawileMachina: Clearly the jewel in the crown. (15:59:44) Xonmeän: Found it at Goodwill for $0.50 (15:59:58) Xonmeän: It was in very good condition. (15:59:59) Pwnemon: Can't beat that! (16:00:15) MawileMachina: That's a great find (16:00:20) NightmareNick: It looks funny grouped with all those fun action games (16:00:31) Pwnemon: Know what pisses me off? (16:00:39) NightmareNick: Cresselia? (16:00:45) Pwnemon: When they count /Wii Sports/ as a game? (16:00:52) Pwnemon: game.* (16:01:12) NightmareNick: Wii Sports is supposedly the #1 sold Wii game... (16:01:22) Xonmeän: That's only because it was sold along with the Wii. (16:01:30) NightmareNick: Exactly. (16:01:31) Pwnemon: seriously (16:01:45) Pwnemon: it's like saying, "YOU GET THE WII WITH THREE FREE BUTTONS!" (16:01:58) NightmareNick: =O (16:02:03) Xonmeän: Still doesn't beat what the original NES came with. (16:02:04) NightmareNick: My dream came true <3 (16:02:15) Pwnemon: I literally almost raped someone when I read that it took Mario Bros's title as highest selling game (16:02:39) NightmareNick: The PS2 is the #1 most sold console. (16:02:57) Brock: Bye guys! (16:03:01) Pwnemon: that was before the xbox took most its fans (16:03:03) Brock: See yall Tomorow. (16:03:08) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (16:03:09) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (16:03:15) MawileMachina: Bye. (16:03:15) NightmareNick: o_O (16:03:22) Shreyas: back. (16:04:20) Xonmeän: So I went to this Brawl tournament last week. (16:04:30) Xonmeän: Got my ass handed to me. (16:04:41) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän logs out of the Chat. (16:04:53) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän logs into the Chat. (16:05:02) Xonmeän: Apparently there were people from Smashboards there. (16:05:16) Pwnemon: ouch (16:05:23) NightmareNick: Are they like people who play Brawl all day and all night? (16:05:34) Pwnemon: sounds like the number one way to go out though (16:05:41) DEZTROYA: brawl is their life (16:05:45) Pwnemon: Against someone from Smashboards (16:05:58) Xonmeän: At the very least I won one match... the best part, Falcon mirror. lol (16:06:13) NightmareNick: (16:06:17) Xonmeän: I saw the guy pick Captain Falcon and I just said, "It's on now" (16:06:25) Pwnemon: lol (16:06:32) Pwnemon: I hate Falcon (16:06:34) MawileMachina: XD (16:06:37) Pwnemon: can't use him for the life o me (16:06:39) Xonmeän: I don't main Falcon, but he's one of my favorites to use regardless. (16:06:40) NightmareNick: I like how people think spamming falcon punch is the best way to go. (16:07:01) Pwnemon: ^Dumb people (16:07:12) NightmareNick: Ex: DPoD. (16:07:29) Pwnemon: As I said, dumb people (16:07:50) Pwnemon: My fave brawlers are Bowser and Game and Watch (16:07:57) Xonmeän: There were very few Meta Knights there, interestingly enough. (16:08:10) DEZTROYA: i run Falcon you guys callin me dumb (16:08:10) Pwnemon: Ike I'm super good with, but he's just overused (16:08:15) Xonmeän: In fact, a Sonic player made it to the semi's. (16:08:24) Pwnemon: OOOOH SONI (16:08:27) Pwnemon: SONIC* (16:08:28) Xonmeän: Ike? Overused? lol (16:08:30) Pwnemon: I LOVE HIM TOO (16:08:34) NightmareNick: Ike, OP. (16:08:42) Xonmeän: Ike is anything but. (16:08:45) Pwnemon: synonyms (16:08:59) NightmareNick: I like Ice Climbers 8D (16:09:03) Pwnemon: anyway, I'm super boss with sonic (16:09:11) Xonmeän: Good Ice Climbers are amazing to watch. (16:09:13) Pwnemon: I bet anybody here I could beat with Sonic (16:09:19) Pwnemon: I love Ice Climbers (16:09:19) Xonmeän: Chain grab for the lulz (16:09:41) Pwnemon: sonic mirror* (16:09:47) NightmareNick: When they announced Sonic in brawl this was the people. (16:09:50) NightmareNick: fdkjgslkrejg;ejglehgpq (16:10:02) Xonmeän: I would see your bet if it was feasibly possible, Pwnem (16:10:23) Pwnemon: what, you're good with sonic? (16:10:38) NightmareNick: Peach got the biggest derp in Brawl from Melee. (16:10:52) Xonmeän: Good? Nah. Competent. Surely. That and I love playing against people who actually have skill, win or lose. (16:11:06) Pwnemon: I used to use sonic exclusively (16:11:09) Xonmeän: I can't stand playing against people who suck. It's so boring. (16:11:13) Pwnemon: my brother would too (16:11:20) Xonmeän: Sonic was the first character in Brawl I used. (16:11:25) Pwnemon: so ninety percent of my brawling with sonic is sonic mirrors (16:11:31) Xonmeän: lol (16:11:39) Pwnemon: Do you have a Wii set up for Wifi? (16:11:50) Xonmeän: I don't even own one. lol (16:11:57) Xonmeän: I truly wish I did, though. (16:12:05) Pwnemon: well gosh darnit that would have been fun (16:12:28) Pwnemon: I haven't played in years because my friend got bored and he was my only good competition (16:12:29) Xonmeän: I think it would have been. I have a friend with a Wii, but I'm not sure about his Wifi setup. (16:13:22) Xonmeän: Oh well. Ce'st la vie. (16:13:31) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (16:13:31) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 has been logged out (Timeout). (16:13:41) NightmareNick: o_O (16:14:06) Xonmeän: Nice. Double time-out. (16:14:31) Shreyas: o Xonmeän, you still want the pokemon you ordered from my shop? (16:14:41) DEZTROYA: KIRBY AIR RIDE~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!! (16:14:53) Pwnemon: oh love that game (16:14:59) Xonmeän: Huh? Yeah, sure. I don't remember what I asked for, but I actually do have consistent Wifi access right now. (16:15:07) Pwnemon: but I'm in a rut where I can't get the rest of the achievements (16:15:23) Shreyas: Xonmeän- My Mewtwo, Lugia, Palkia, Groudon, Aron, and Rotom for his 250 pallets (16:15:45) Xonmeän: Oh yeah! I was planning on making a VGC'10 team. (16:15:54) Xonmeän: Completely irrelevant now, though. (16:16:00) Shreyas: xD (16:16:05) Shreyas: but do you still want it? (16:16:07) Pwnemon: It's gen V exclusive double battle (16:16:08) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (16:16:15) Xonmeän: Yeah. Sure thing. (16:16:15) DEZTROYA: yup (16:16:24) DEZTROYA: only Gen V (16:16:25) Xonmeän: Let meh get mah stuffz. (16:19:11) Straw: It's not Gen V exclusive according to the rules. (16:19:16) Straw: That's only Smogon's rules. (16:19:22) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (16:19:29) Pwnemon: really? (16:19:30) DEZTROYA: no (16:19:36) Straw: Why I picked this hero on DotA, I will never know. (16:19:37) redtwist1: hi guys (16:19:38) DEZTROYA: it really is only Gen V pokemon (16:19:44) Straw: Actually, League of Legends now. (16:19:48) Pwnemon: I thought it said those were the VGC rules (16:19:49) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän logs out of the Chat. (16:19:59) Straw: What. (16:19:59) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän logs into the Chat. (16:20:08) Straw: I heard that that's just what Smogon was doing (16:20:11) DEZTROYA: Pokemon VGC 2011 Rules are out in Japan! The rules for Japan and the Video Game Championships 2011 have been released! We have received confirmation from our Japanese sources and they are indeed the rules. A basic rundown of the rules are as follows: * Black/White are the games used in the tournament. * Isshu pokemon ONLY ( Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genosect are banned). This means no traded pokemon in from older games. * No two of the same pokemon can be used. * Two of the same item cannot be used. * Each match is a double battle. The rules aren't clear as to whether it's bring 6 choose 4 as it was in past years. * Auto-leveling will be in effect for Pokemon above lv. 50. If the Pokemon is above lv. 50, it will be lowered to level 50 but keep it's moves. If it's below level 50, there will be no change. (16:20:12) Shreyas: 5114 0098 5693 (16:20:13) redtwist1: brock are u there (16:20:33) Xonmeän: I was talking about VGC'2010. (16:20:44) DEZTROYA: this isnt from Smogon (16:20:53) DEZTROYA: but the VGC site SkarmBliss (16:20:56) NightmareNick: Why'd they ban Victini (16:21:08) Xonmeän: Because they do that. (16:21:13) MawileMachina: Pwne, I need your FC (16:21:13) redtwist1: does anyone want to battle nu? (16:21:17) Straw: Because it's an event pokemon (16:21:19) Straw: and they're BAD (16:21:31) Shreyas: Xonmeän, I needz your fc o.o (16:21:46) NightmareNick: Wasn't Heracross banned at one point? (16:21:52) Xonmeän: Give me about 5-10 min. I need to catch some trade fodder. (16:22:02) Xonmeän: Heracross was never banned in VGC or Smogon. (16:22:07) Shreyas: o ok (16:22:21) redtwist1: nightmarenick want an nu battle? (16:22:32) Pwnemon: oh my fc (16:22:37) NightmareNick: Uhh sure (16:22:38) Xonmeän: I did hear a rumor about a Japanese competitive community that had banned Heracross, though. (16:22:39) Pwnemon: 4512 3495 7768 (16:22:44) NightmareNick: Lemme throw together a team. (16:23:09) MawileMachina: 1377 4277 8860 is mine. (16:23:11) redtwist1: do i have ur fc? (16:23:38) Pwnemon: I swear my mom finds the perfect times to tell me to get off (16:23:41) Pwnemon: gtg (16:23:57) DEZTROYA: Im going to work on my Pokemon for my thread I'll catch you guys later (16:24:03) MawileMachina: lol, bye (16:24:23) Xonmeän: Anyone here have a VGC 2010 team? (16:24:32) Shreyas: =D (16:24:41) redtwist1: nnick hers my fc if u dont have it 1549 1285 5098 (16:24:43) Shreyas: I did (16:24:52) Xonmeän: Did, or still do?\ (16:25:12) Shreyas: I still do, but they are scattered in my games (16:25:13) Shreyas: xD (16:25:33) Xonmeän: Shame. I actually found VGC rather fun. (16:25:59) Shreyas: so did I (16:26:03) Shreyas: =D (16:26:07) Xonmeän: It was... different. (16:35:44) ToasterRampage: Teru is online...? (16:35:53) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän logs into the Chat. (16:36:18) redtwist1: u only beat 1 pokemon (16:36:45) redtwist1: and your just haxxing me 2 death (16:36:50) NightmareNick: paraflinch <3 (16:37:01) MawileMachina: Maybe his brother logged on as him to sort something? (16:37:40) redtwist1: i would have killed that stupid yannama if it didn't crit my plusel (16:37:53) ToasterRampage: Can you RNG abuse pokewalker pokemon? (16:38:01) ToasterRampage: Probably not? (16:38:09) NightmareNick: I have HP ground <_> (16:39:00) MawileMachina: ? (16:39:19) redtwist1: when is this gay yanama gonna die (16:39:35) NightmareNick: yanma = troll (16:39:35) MawileMachina: ¬__¬ (16:39:38) klaywaffle: Yanma? (16:39:48) NightmareNick: lolya (16:40:12) klaywaffle: I was like what's yanama? (16:40:39) redtwist1: holy shi (16:41:08) NightmareNick: vileplume <3 (16:41:21) redtwist1: this battle was so dumb i was haxxed so many times (16:41:47) redtwist1: let see how much plusel wil do (16:41:51) ToasterRampage: (17:39:35) MawileMachina: ¬__¬ (16:42:01) ToasterRampage: Agreed. (16:42:09) NightmareNick: Lol there (16:42:11) MawileMachina: (16:42:20) The_Shinigami: Oh dear God. (16:42:26) The_Shinigami: >Playing Sonic rush. (16:42:31) NightmareNick: you got a crit ¬__¬ (16:42:32) The_Shinigami: WTF IS THIS LAST SPECIAL STAGE I DON'T EVEN (16:42:45) MawileMachina: XD (16:42:51) Xonmeän: Sonic does even. (16:43:12) redtwist1: wow what does it take to be good cause you were just so lucky this whole match (16:43:26) redtwist1: misclick (16:43:27) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (16:43:44) Nick: My god! I thought I wouldn't get out alive!!!! (16:43:45) Xonmeän: Luck, metagame awareness and teambuilding skill. (16:43:52) ToasterRampage: How is a misclick luck? (16:43:57) Xonmeän: That is all that is needed in Pokemon. (16:44:07) NightmareNick: Dude (16:44:24) NightmareNick: We've both gotten crits and I got a flinch (16:44:46) NightmareNick: And the flinch was from paraflinch :l (16:45:52) redtwist1: what ever i would have done better in this if all my pokemon wer'nt haxxed to death by yanama (16:46:29) ToasterRampage: I'm going to quote what I said last night. (16:46:44) NightmareNick: Its Yanma's job to hax you. (16:46:47) The_Shinigami: Seriously, wtf is this even. (16:46:56) ToasterRampage: Bitching about hax is more fun than admitting to being outplayed. (16:47:10) NightmareNick: ^ (16:47:26) redtwist1: fine i'll shut up than (16:47:29) NightmareNick: gg anyways (16:47:33) NightmareNick: 6-0 (16:47:52) klaywaffle: Okay now someone battle me (16:48:01) ToasterRampage: Ok. (16:48:07) MawileMachina: That course is insane. (16:48:13) Nick: How does Yanma Hax? (16:48:21) The_Shinigami: i knooowww (16:48:25) ToasterRampage: What tier? (16:48:29) The_Shinigami: + I suck with stylus controls too. (16:48:35) redtwist1: air slah flinch (16:48:37) The_Shinigami: So I got all the other emeralds. (16:48:41) The_Shinigami: And then THAT happened (16:48:44) NightmareNick: Red (16:48:44) klaywaffle: Standard (16:48:46) MawileMachina: XD (16:48:52) NightmareNick: I could of brought a Dunsparce :l (16:49:00) NightmareNick: Too bad I don't have one D: (16:49:13) NightmareNick: Now those things can hax you. (16:49:29) The_Shinigami: + You have to go through a bloody hard level just to even GET to the special stage point. (16:49:47) The_Shinigami: +You've pretty much got one shot. (16:49:54) The_Shinigami: Per run* (16:50:10) redtwist1: so any one for standard (16:50:12) The_Shinigami: why do games like doing this to me. (16:50:17) Nick: I am. (16:50:20) MawileMachina: That is ridiculous. (16:50:20) The_Shinigami: lol I'll standard. (16:50:38) Nick: Let Shini play with you. ^_^ (16:50:39) MawileMachina: And, yeah, I've noticed a pattern. (16:50:40) The_Shinigami: And then this guy makes a video all like "YOU ALL SUCK. (16:50:48) The_Shinigami: It's not his intention, but still. (16:50:51) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän logs out of the Chat. (16:50:53) Nick: Cuz my arm hurts right now... (16:51:04) The_Shinigami: When a game beats me, I admit it. (16:51:10) Nick: And I think I'm having a stroke. =/ (16:51:12) NightmareNick: Are you still at the library screaming in agony? (16:51:20) The_Shinigami: Because that level pretty much molested any hope I had. (16:51:21) Nick: lolno (16:51:24) redtwist1: okay (16:51:27) Nick: I am HOME!!!! (16:51:35) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän logs into the Chat. (16:51:40) NightmareNick: With your grandpa? (16:51:46) Nick: o.O (16:51:53) Xonmeän: What game Shini? (16:51:58) Nick: He's eating with the family. (16:52:03) The_Shinigami: Sonic rush. (16:52:04) Nick: So no pr0nz now. (16:52:04) klaywaffle: Stroke is when an arttery in your brain bursts (16:52:05) NightmareNick: Sonic Rush I think (16:52:07) The_Shinigami: It's all going kewl (16:52:11) Xonmeän: lol (16:52:15) The_Shinigami: and then BAM- last emerald stage. (16:52:17) Xonmeän: I'm currently trying to beat Ninja Gaiden. (16:52:20) The_Shinigami: I was like (16:52:27) Xonmeän: Trying is the key word. (16:52:27) The_Shinigami: WTF IS THIS MY STYLUS CAN'T KEEP UP. (16:52:37) NightmareNick: olol (16:52:41) The_Shinigami: Just looking at that game hurts me. (16:52:43) Xonmeän: Reminds me of when I played Trauma Center. (16:52:56) Xonmeän: That game is just not kind to lefties. (16:53:00) The_Shinigami: And this is why I never attempted to play Ninja Gaiden. (16:53:16) Xonmeän: I'm at stage 3. (16:53:30) Xonmeän: When people say they hate the eagles in that game, they aren't kidding. (16:53:32) redtwist1: okay shini do u really want to battle (16:53:36) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (16:53:39) redtwist1: ? (16:53:59) The_Shinigami: Kay. (16:54:15) Xonmeän: At the very least, there are unlimited continues. (16:54:22) Nick: I haz some fruit juice. :3 (16:54:23) The_Shinigami: I heard that game's like 10x harder than Mirror's edge. (16:54:37) Xonmeän: Only 10x? (16:54:37) The_Shinigami: I played Mirror's Edge and the game buttraped me. (16:54:45) The_Shinigami: I'm not touching Ninja Gaiden. (16:54:46) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (16:55:02) Xonmeän: I know where I can get a copy of Battletoads. xD (16:55:09) Xonmeän: Try your hand at that one. lol (16:55:15) The_Shinigami: What tier redtwist? (16:55:24) The_Shinigami: hellz to the no. (16:55:26) redtwist1: standard i guess (16:55:50) The_Shinigami: So OU right? (16:56:00) redtwist1: yah (16:56:18) redtwist1: not a gym battle (16:56:21) Nick: With redtwists luck, he's gonna be 7-0 (16:56:37) Nick: 'd (16:56:40) The_Shinigami: Kyogre check... (16:56:41) MawileMachina: HA. (16:56:47) MawileMachina: Nah. (16:57:03) redtwist1: thnx for the support nick (16:57:09) Nick: One of his pokemon are going to turn on him. (16:57:20) NightmareNick: Nick stfu (16:57:26) Nick: No problem. (16:57:35) The_Shinigami: oman (16:57:37) NightmareNick: If you can believe you can achieve ;D. (16:57:40) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (16:57:43) The_Shinigami: I havn't used this guy in a WHILE. (16:57:52) Nick: Sorry, I'm in an insulting mood today. (16:57:59) NightmareNick: Then gtfo. (16:58:07) Nick: >:3 (16:58:57) ToasterRampage: Klay, are you around still? (16:59:10) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (16:59:12) klaywaffle: Oh battle later (16:59:26) The_Shinigami: Dear crap, I don't know if this guy was supposed to be in this team or this one... (16:59:29) The_Shinigami: PFFT AH WELL. (16:59:33) The_Shinigami: FC? (16:59:38) ToasterRampage: Oh. (16:59:48) PokemonChamp21: evening all (16:59:55) NightmareNick: Shini bring a team of Infernapes (17:00:17) redtwist1: im in the room (17:00:22) The_Shinigami: suddenly, Arceus. (17:00:25) The_Shinigami: wait (17:00:38) The_Shinigami: I don't even have your FC =___= (17:01:22) redtwist1: my bad 1549 1285 5098 (17:01:26) The_Shinigami: Ok, something is SERIOUSLY wrong here. (17:01:57) redtwist1: what im not leading with my plusel or luvdisc? (17:02:11) Nick: luvdisc. AHAHAHAHA! (17:02:21) The_Shinigami: wat? (17:02:38) Nick: Careful Shini, luvdisc is so strong. :3 (17:02:45) redtwist1: acts like he didn't say anything (17:03:07) The_Shinigami: ... (17:03:13) The_Shinigami: You're all strange... (17:03:24) PokemonChamp21: ah man not al that luvdisc stuff again (17:03:41) The_Shinigami: Dude, you're a chick. (17:03:45) redtwist1: okay time to get 8-0ed by shini (17:03:54) redtwist1: im really a boy (17:04:09) The_Shinigami: Surprisingly, I'm pretty bad at OU. (17:04:09) redtwist1: i miscliked at the start of game (17:04:16) ToasterRampage: while I'm waking for Klay, does anybody else want a standard? (17:04:45) PokemonChamp21: i would if i could Toast (17:04:53) PokemonChamp21: sorry (17:05:06) The_Shinigami: LO lead Mesprit? (17:05:13) The_Shinigami: this is strange. (17:05:17) ToasterRampage: Why can't you? (17:05:34) PokemonChamp21: router set to WPA (17:05:39) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (17:05:40) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (17:05:49) PokemonChamp21: can only battle on PBR (17:05:51) redtwist1: lol i fail so bad (17:06:19) The_Shinigami: life or Tentacruel... wuuuut. (17:06:37) ToasterRampage: Ok...anybody else? (17:06:44) PokemonChamp21: is he life orb spamming? (17:09:01) The_Shinigami: these pokes are... odd to say the least. (17:09:13) redtwist1: um (17:09:34) redtwist1: im sorry if i dont listen to smogon (17:09:52) ToasterRampage: Ok... (17:10:09) The_Shinigami: Three Poison types on the same team? (17:10:12) The_Shinigami: Dang... (17:10:15) PokemonChamp21: what do you mean odd? as in redtwists is using his own move sets? (17:10:16) Prof. Oak: cosbykid logs into the Chat. (17:10:26) ToasterRampage: Just because it isn't a Smogon set does not make it cool and original and good. (17:10:30) The_Shinigami: Naa, it's like... (17:10:35) The_Shinigami: They're just odd. (17:11:02) The_Shinigami: I've made my own movesets for the most part, and have seen quite a lot of 'original' sets. (17:11:05) redtwist1: thnx thats exactly what i like to here about my move sets (17:11:07) PokemonChamp21: yay DEz is on (17:11:32) ToasterRampage: If they're useful or just really funny, then they are fine. (17:11:56) The_Shinigami: still, the whole three poisons on one team thing is bothering me. (17:12:04) ToasterRampage: But if they're like...wall pikachus or something I will be mad. (17:12:06) PokemonChamp21: like my Mixed Gyarados (17:12:23) The_Shinigami: mixed gyara, excuse me. (17:12:49) PokemonChamp21: you remember my Gyarados with Flamethrower (17:13:49) ToasterRampage: Are you Misty now? (17:14:04) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (17:14:08) redtwist1: i have roserade (17:14:28) The_Shinigami: And obviously I want you to switch it in when Tenta goes down. (17:14:28) redtwist1: why set up toxic spikes (17:14:31) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (17:14:52) The_Shinigami: To dictate your switch. (17:15:18) The_Shinigami: then again, I changed plan. (17:16:01) The_Shinigami: I should really just throw surf on this guy... (17:16:04) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (17:16:50) PokemonChamp21: lol nah i just liked my Gyarados taking on Scizor, Forttress and Metagross other Steel types abit better. (17:17:15) The_Shinigami: F*CK. (17:17:23) The_Shinigami: I just realized what I messed up on. (17:17:33) cosbykid: heyshreyas (17:17:36) redtwist1: okay (17:17:54) Nick: I should breed for a Flawless Impish Armaldo. XP (17:17:55) cosbykid: I posted on your thread. (17:17:56) Shiny_Bagon: Mawile haven't had any luck with the breeds mm the closest i've gotten is jolly 31/30/29/31/3/30 (17:18:35) redtwist1: hey i remember him from my first battle with u (17:18:59) The_Shinigami: Why did you switch out? (17:19:04) Shiny_Bagon: Battle with who red? (17:19:14) PokemonChamp21: red v Shini (17:19:23) redtwist1: i messed up i regreted it as soon as i did it (17:19:27) The_Shinigami: And keep in mind, I have a lot of Pokemon with the same names, because lazy. (17:20:04) MawileMachina: Ok, Bagon, keep going XD (17:20:08) redtwist1: o crap (17:20:24) Shiny_Bagon: So shreyas you were interested in the timid flawless Porygon (17:20:29) The_Shinigami: And that is how I know you faced a different Infernape, lol. (17:20:43) PokemonChamp21: Bagon thats still a very good IV spread, better than anything Iv ever done (17:21:14) Shiny_Bagon: Yeah but it's not timid so.. (17:21:20) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (17:21:41) The_Shinigami: EQ Machamp, what the bloody hell? (17:21:56) redtwist1: oh what a waist of an empoleon (17:22:13) PokemonChamp21: sounds like your really struggling Shini (17:22:25) The_Shinigami: Naw, I'm winning. (17:22:28) ToasterRampage: Yeah, that Empoleon is fat. (17:22:39) The_Shinigami: His choice in moves is just confusing me... (17:22:47) The_Shinigami: Ah well (17:22:48) The_Shinigami: GG. (17:22:49) redtwist1: come on mesprit do some damgae (17:22:54) redtwist1: damage (17:23:06) PokemonChamp21: lol thats pokemon is all about, (17:23:11) redtwist1: dont die (17:23:18) redtwist1: GG (17:24:00) redtwist1: i slightly improved 0-4 this time (17:24:23) ToasterRampage: Twist, wanna battle? (17:24:32) Nick: olololololol (17:24:36) redtwist1: sure i guess (17:24:39) The_Shinigami: You could say that pokemon is all about being original and that, but when you start coming up with some redundant results then you can't really justify your choiced. (17:24:40) Nick: My sister fell. (17:24:42) The_Shinigami: Choices* (17:24:54) The_Shinigami: The problem with this team was that I had two scarfers on it. (17:25:06) Shiny_Bagon: Buy from my shop please (17:25:19) The_Shinigami: D-Nite was meant to be in Rachi's spot, but I didn't notice until I saw two pokes had scarfs. (17:25:28) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (17:25:48) ToasterRampage: Actually, scratch that. (17:25:56) PokemonChamp21: yeah well you know me Shini, i dont like more than 1 of the same item in a team (17:25:57) The_Shinigami: If Dabomb logs in within 10 minutes of you logging in, I'll hold you responsible. (17:26:06) ToasterRampage: Mana, do you want an OU? (17:26:30) Nick: ANYONE WANNA BATTLE?! (17:26:33) ManaPhione: sure... (17:26:40) redtwist1: i want to do OU (17:26:45) Shiny_Bagon: Ou yay! (17:26:52) ManaPhione: we have each other's FC's right? (17:27:03) Nick: I am battling, klay now. (17:27:08) ToasterRampage: I believe so. (17:27:24) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (17:27:37) The_Shinigami: But switching in an Empoleon on an Infernape wasn't exactly the best decision you could have made... (17:27:38) redtwist1: who do i battle (17:28:04) redtwist1: yah i could have gone to machamp (17:28:04) Shiny_Bagon: Shreyas you want the porygon from my thread? (17:28:38) PokemonChamp21: wow the Man City and Everton match was dirty as hell (17:28:44) The_Shinigami: Also, I COULD have switched into my last to keep the score 5, but I wasn't bothered much. (17:29:15) ToasterRampage: I'm on. (17:29:28) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (17:29:30) The_Shinigami: Be thankful I'm not a score whore lol *unless it's a Gym battle, then I'll score whore to hell* (17:29:56) redtwist1: pokechamp want to ou attle (17:29:59) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (17:30:01) ManaPhione: this, will be, an awesome, battle (17:30:26) Shiny_Bagon: Ou yay! (17:30:28) PokemonChamp21: i will if you got PBR (17:30:33) The_Shinigami: misuse, of, commas, lol (17:30:34) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs out of the Chat. (17:30:55) redtwist1: i do but do we have to battle on pbr (17:31:14) The_Shinigami: oman, i remember the wii. (17:31:33) Prof. Oak: Shiny_Bagon logs into the Chat. (17:31:33) PokemonChamp21: i can only battle on PBR for the moment (my step dads router is set WPA) (17:32:19) PokemonChamp21: does anyone know if Black and White can use WPA over Wifi now? (17:32:29) redtwist1: my sister is playing the wii and she said n to me using it (17:32:41) redtwist1: even though it's mine (17:33:07) redtwist1: oh i have to go do homework cya guys (17:33:14) Shiny_Bagon: I just bred a great ambipom jolly 30/31/31/29/31/31 (17:33:39) PokemonChamp21: take off the head to her Barbie and fill it with Tomato ketchup and cook it in the microwave to get even then redtwist (17:33:49) MawileMachina: That's a great Aipom (17:33:54) Prof. Oak: Xonmeän has been logged out (Timeout). (17:34:01) ToasterRampage: What ability? (17:34:04) Shiny_Bagon: lol (17:34:14) PokemonChamp21: a friggin great aipom (17:34:24) The_Shinigami: breeding ambipom = possible. (17:34:47) Shreyas: Shiny Bagon, I bred an aipom 31/31/31/x/31/31 w/o RNG (17:34:47) Shreyas: xP (17:34:50) The_Shinigami: I bred a Dragonite the other day. Knew Draco meteor and all. (17:35:01) The_Shinigami: Guise. (17:35:04) PokemonChamp21: ^ nice (17:35:05) Shiny_Bagon: Runaway (17:35:23) The_Shinigami: I bred a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Dusknoir, and I've never even tried to use RNG. (17:35:25) The_Shinigami: GG. (17:35:26) Nick: I love paralyzing ambipoms! (17:35:41) ToasterRampage: Lol (17:35:50) Shreyas: I've bred myself a 3/1/0/8/31/0 (17:35:55) Shreyas: magikarp (17:35:56) ToasterRampage: You won't die though (17:35:59) Shreyas: beat that . (17:36:08) Shiny_Bagon: I don't rng if i did I would have mawile's meowth by now (17:36:09) The_Shinigami: wut. (17:36:09) ToasterRampage: Easy. (17:36:22) PokemonChamp21: Sheyras i had a latios similar to that once (17:36:22) ToasterRampage: 0/0/0/0/0/0 Delibird. (17:37:02) Shreyas: =O (17:37:05) maizesmagikarp: lawl (17:37:06) Shreyas: o no you did-n' (17:37:22) PokemonChamp21: 0 iv delibird. epic (17:37:24) ToasterRampage: On purpose. (17:38:25) PokemonChamp21: oooooooo (17:38:25) Shiny_Bagon: I also bred an adament tediursa today 31/31/31/30/30/31 but no luck with meowth (17:38:45) PokemonChamp21: ^ ouch (17:39:52) ToasterRampage: Lolcrit (17:39:57) Shiny_Bagon: I now have no person that has bought from my thread (17:40:25) cosbykid: sheyra wassup (17:40:27) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (17:40:51) PokemonChamp21: no Wifi means my pallets are building up again, 1,750 something pallets now (17:40:57) PokemonChamp21: need to spend them (17:41:26) Shiny_Bagon: Buy from me!!! (17:41:31) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (17:42:04) PokemonChamp21: lol would like to but i cant buy until i move out (17:42:19) The_Shinigami: well, a mirror reflects the invisable sound waves givin off my the light sprectrum to produce color, :3 (17:59:56) ManaPhione: who should get the agility, marowak or magmortar? (18:00:01) ManaPhione: i couldn't decide. (18:00:04) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (18:00:23) Pwner1114: marowak is a boss (18:00:27) ToasterRampage: Magmortar, at that point. (18:00:49) ToasterRampage: Marowak would have been easier to counter. (18:00:50) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (18:01:02) ManaPhione: Venemoth is the best agility passer next to smeargle (18:01:16) ManaPhione: in my weirdo opinion (18:01:17) Pwner1114: It's still a boss (18:01:35) ToasterRampage: Buizel is a good agility passer... (18:01:41) ManaPhione: if only my magmortar had HP Ice (18:01:50) ManaPhione: venemoth haz teh sleep powder (18:02:15) ManaPhione: i have an octillery. should I use that? (18:02:27) ToasterRampage: Relying on sleep isn't the best of ideas. (18:02:33) ToasterRampage: YES. (18:02:34) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs into the Chat. (18:02:37) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick has been logged out (Timeout). (18:02:42) ToasterRampage: YES YES. (18:03:44) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:03:44) ToasterRampage: Is that even a serious question? (18:03:49) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 has been logged out (Timeout). (18:04:14) ToasterRampage: It's f*cking Octillery. (18:04:24) Heho: Who? (18:04:36) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (18:04:44) Prof. Oak: Lusterlatios logs into the Chat. (18:04:46) ToasterRampage: Octavian. (18:04:49) ManaPhione: okay... (18:04:59) ManaPhione: Octillery is a boss though (18:05:01) MawileMachina: Bob is better. (18:05:11) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs out of the Chat. (18:05:14) Heho: (18:05:26) Heho: Who could you not love this guy? (18:05:36) Heho: *how (18:06:07) Heho: Hm... where in the hell is Mix? He's been gone for at least a week. (18:06:18) ToasterRampage: Octavian and any male duck are the best neighbours. (18:06:26) klaywaffle: He came to chat 2 days ago (18:06:43) Heho: >:l (18:06:47) ToasterRampage: And now my iPod is Brittish. (18:06:56) MawileMachina: (18:07:15) PokemonChamp21: nothing wrong with being british (18:07:27) Heho: LondoBrismcshirish? (18:07:52) PokemonChamp21: er? (18:08:18) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (18:08:34) MawileMachina: XD (18:08:39) klaywaffle: [3:55:20 PM] Nick Ballash: Shreyas likes me. (18:08:51) MawileMachina: *LondoBrisMcshire (18:09:07) ManaPhione: His name is BALLAS (18:09:11) Nick: *Klay (18:09:12) Heho: Mawile (18:09:17) MawileMachina: I know (18:09:17) ManaPhione: who put dat H there (18:09:19) ToasterRampage: Klay, does now work? (18:09:21) The_Shinigami: No cursing kids. (18:09:24) MawileMachina: I just realised (18:09:39) Heho: People from LondoBrisMcshire are LondoBrisMcshirish (18:09:50) MawileMachina: I know (18:09:59) Heho: Sorry I didn't read (18:10:06) PokemonChamp21: i dont get it (18:10:08) Nick: Klay, you also admitted that you have BUTT CANCER! (18:10:25) klaywaffle: ._______. (18:10:29) ToasterRampage: Reading is overrated. (18:10:30) Nick: >:3 (18:10:40) Pwner1114: Don't be trollin' (18:10:57) ToasterRampage: Toooooooo laaaaaaaaaate. (18:10:59) Heho: Mawile would you like the explain the name of your country? (18:11:04) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (18:11:17) PokemonChamp21: hey Dez (18:11:22) Heho: Ooh look a Mexican tree (18:11:26) DEZTROYA: howdy champ (18:11:38) ToasterRampage: And a sudden hush fell over the chat. (18:11:48) MawileMachina: LondoBrisMcshire is where we are from, PokemonChamp (18:11:52) Heho: It says mix was last active today at 3pm... (18:11:52) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (18:12:11) Heho: I guess he just decided not to address us in any way. (18:12:13) PokemonChamp21: ........ kay (18:12:17) MawileMachina: Whereas Heho rules the Army of Nicks. I forget the offical name (18:12:34) Heho: the NFRN (18:12:35) The_Shinigami: Nick is Marbl. (18:12:37) The_Shinigami: Remember. (18:12:46) The_Shinigami: Well one of Marbl's severed tentacles. (18:12:53) Heho: National Federal Republic of Nicks. (18:12:56) Nick: Shini, I am not this motha effing marbl! (18:13:01) Heho: I recent kicked out DPoD. (18:13:02) DEZTROYA: its raining and i want to go swimming in the pool (18:13:03) PokemonChamp21: what the infamous banned MArbl (18:13:10) The_Shinigami: God dammit. (18:13:13) MawileMachina: It's a long and elaborate joke, PokemonChamp. You sort of had to be there (18:13:19) The_Shinigami: You don't amount to Marbl. (18:13:20) Heho: *Recently. (18:13:27) The_Shinigami: You're but a fraction of him. (18:13:40) The_Shinigami: Deal w/ it. (18:13:41) Heho: Shini is it true that you're the leader of LondoBrisMchshire? (18:13:51) ToasterRampage: I miss him. (18:13:52) Prof. Oak: cosbykid has been logged out (Timeout). (18:13:53) The_Shinigami: heavens no. (18:14:04) Heho: Lies (18:14:26) PokemonChamp21: MM guess i had to be lol xd (18:14:27) ToasterRampage: I wasn't even here for Marbl. (18:14:37) PokemonChamp21: ^ same (18:14:37) ToasterRampage: What a shame. (18:14:54) Heho: There are only 4 Official TPT nations. The rest are unnofficial micronations (18:15:06) ToasterRampage: The experience would have made me stronger. (18:15:17) Heho: Like Deztroya Island. (18:15:22) Prof. Oak: NightmareNick logs into the Chat. (18:15:26) Nick: I am in the nation od Old and Forgotten. (18:15:26) PokemonChamp21: lol (18:15:39) Nick: *of (18:15:39) DEZTROYA: Deztroya Island is teh best (18:15:41) Heho: Because Deztroya wouldn't join anyone elses. (18:15:44) MawileMachina: Didn't Shiny have his own faction? (18:15:46) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (18:15:55) Heho: Yes he Did. (18:16:02) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (18:16:02) MawileMachina: And Trogrussia/Trogdoria/Troglantis? (18:16:04) Shiny: it's got like (18:16:08) Shiny: a twelve page thread of people (18:16:11) ToasterRampage: I thought it was DEZTROYASLAND (18:16:22) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (18:16:28) Heho: The Four official Nations are the NFRN,Trodoria,Shiyland, and LondoBrisMcshire (18:16:34) Nick: There is also: Nick's Land. (18:16:36) Shiny: not Shiyland (18:16:47) Shiny: it's called The Grande Kingdom of Helen Island (18:16:48) Nick: Because that's where all the idiots come and see me. (18:16:49) The_Shinigami: Nick, you are part of Marbl republic. (18:16:52) Heho: Its Shinyland for short. (18:16:54) The_Shinigami: You are but a town. (18:16:55) Heho: Deal with it. (18:16:56) PokemonChamp21: is this all in a thread somewhere in the forums? (18:17:05) ToasterRampage: No. (18:17:06) MawileMachina: Noo. (18:17:06) Heho: Nope (18:17:16) Shiny: the only real one with a real thread is the Grande Kingdom. (18:17:17) DEZTROYA: Naw (18:17:21) Heho: We made this up in the chat yesterday, I've yet to make a thread. (18:17:24) Nick: :o (18:17:40) Shiny: so heho (18:17:43) PokemonChamp21: lol shame i missed out yesterday then (18:17:52) Shiny: the Grande Kingdom is an island in northern canada (18:17:56) Shiny: australia (18:18:01) Nick: Who's island am I on? (18:18:02) Shiny: and australia's section of antartica (18:18:17) MawileMachina: The island of forgotten memes. (18:18:34) Shiny: HEY GUYS (18:18:39) Shiny: REMEMBER FIRIN MAH LAZORS (18:18:40) Shiny: nope. (18:18:57) The_Shinigami: I heard Vegeta just sits on the sandy beaches, wishing someone would ask him what something's power level is. (18:18:57) ToasterRampage: Toastropolis is located wherever Sealand is located. (18:19:36) Shiny: so I'm gonna make a map of this (18:19:43) Shiny: where's NFRN? (18:20:04) Heho: NFRN is shaped like a Donut in the Indian ocean (18:20:09) Shiny: ok (18:20:11) Prof. Oak: TRTRoy logs into the Chat. (18:20:16) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (18:20:20) TRTRoy: Hey guys (18:20:28) ToasterRampage: Hi (18:20:30) MawileMachina: Is it just you and NightmareNick, Heho? (18:20:34) MawileMachina: Hello (18:20:48) PokemonChamp21: so im guessing im part of the LondobrishMcshire land or what ever then? (18:21:02) Heho: DPoD is one of our Subordinates. (18:21:14) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:21:32) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:21:50) ToasterRampage: Meowthy is online. (18:21:53) Heho: Anyone who is British is automatically from LondoBrismcshire (18:22:04) Heho: No exceptions. (18:22:20) Heho: Unless their name is Nick. Then they can choose. (18:22:34) PokemonChamp21: okay gotcha (18:22:38) Nick: Wut? (18:22:41) Heho: Trodoria is underwater shiny. (18:23:04) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (18:23:28) TRTRoy: blah (18:23:45) ToasterRampage: Wait, I thought NFRN was in the shape of a trollface, not a donut. (18:23:52) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (18:24:08) Shiny: okay (18:24:11) Heho: It changes shape. (18:24:16) Shiny: so what are the factions and their land claims? (18:24:24) Heho: Hm. (18:24:50) PokemonChamp21: wow this is so random but funny (18:25:02) Heho: NFRN gets Germanic Europe. Netherlands, Germany, Czech Rep., etc. (18:25:26) Heho: I changed my mind. (18:25:45) Heho: LondoBrisMcshire gets the U.K. (18:25:54) ToasterRampage: Duh (18:25:59) Heho: Trodoria gets Russia obviously (18:26:13) Shiny: I get canada and australia (18:26:22) Heho: Yerp. (18:26:34) Shiny: and northern europe (norway) (18:26:49) Prof. Oak: cosbykid logs into the Chat. (18:26:51) Heho: Oh and Trodoria also gets Denmark (18:27:05) Heho: And Finland if you'll allow it. (18:27:08) ToasterRampage: I demand The Bahanas. (18:27:13) Prof. Oak: armhead logs into the Chat. (18:27:20) ToasterRampage: *Bahamas (18:27:43) ToasterRampage: Or at least one of them. (18:27:51) ToasterRampage: A Bahama. (18:27:57) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (18:28:04) Heho: The U.S, Asia, Antarctica shall be claimed by new nations that enter the UNTPT (18:28:16) Heho: or the United nations of The Pallet Tribune. (18:28:21) cosbykid: this is gonn asound ooby but how do i give sheyras 50 pallets? (18:28:48) Prof. Oak: cosbykid leaves the channel. (18:29:16) Heho: Also South America and Africa if Anyone wants those, but they have to become an official nation. Which can be obtained by 3/4 vote in favor from the UNTPT (18:29:47) Prof. Oak: cosbykid enters the channel. (18:29:55) Heho: Oh and NFRN also gets Italy (18:29:55) Shiny: alright, Heho (18:30:02) Shiny: start the UNTPT thread (18:30:26) Heho: Eh... I'll se what I can do... (18:30:28) Heho: *see (18:30:35) Shiny: also what color should NFRN be (18:30:48) ToasterRampage: I will work on the Toastropolis flag. (18:30:53) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (18:31:17) ToasterRampage: Red and gold. (18:31:21) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (18:31:39) Shiny: I already used red and gold for trog and me respectively (18:31:43) Shiny: choose something else (18:31:59) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (18:32:01) ToasterRampage: Asparagus piss green. (18:32:14) Shiny: for toastropolis? ok (18:32:29) ToasterRampage: Of course. (18:33:30) TRTRoy: mmmm tacos (18:33:30) TRTRoy: tacopolis (18:33:42) MawileMachina: Is the LondoBrisMcshire flag the same as the normal UK Flag? (18:33:44) Shiny: heeho what should NFRN's official color be? (18:33:52) Heho: Uhh (18:34:34) Heho: 1 sec (18:34:40) ToasterRampage: The most hideous shade of orange possible. (18:34:49) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld has been logged out (Timeout). (18:34:57) Shiny: orange looks too much like gold (18:35:05) Shiny: I've used orangish gold, red, green and blue so far (18:35:10) Heho: (18:35:30) ToasterRampage: Either obnoxiously bright, or just disgusting looking. (18:35:30) Heho: The colors of the Netherlands (18:35:48) ManaPhione: red white and blue is sooo OU (18:36:07) ToasterRampage: Yellow. (18:36:12) Shiny: heho (18:36:15) Shiny: choose /a/ color (18:36:48) ToasterRampage: But orange invokes violet tendencies. (18:36:58) ToasterRampage: *violent (18:37:04) Shiny: violet? ok (18:37:18) MawileMachina: I'm off now, I look forward to seeing this thread tomorrow XD (18:37:22) MawileMachina: Bye (18:37:27) ToasterRampage: Bye (18:37:36) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (18:37:38) Heho: I diiiidd (18:37:44) Shiny: oh also can I have the middle east? (18:37:49) Heho: No. (18:37:55) Shiny: aww (18:38:19) Heho: That would give you too much of a military advantage. (18:38:21) Heho: Yuo (18:38:37) Heho: You've already got countrys on both Hemispheres (18:39:04) Heho: You can have the Phillipines or somethign (18:39:59) Heho: Or New Zealand (18:40:02) Shiny: I don't have a country in the southwest hemisphere (18:40:09) Shiny: can I have peru? (18:40:52) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (18:40:55) Heho: Okay, but I get Madagascar and part of Africa (18:41:00) Shiny: ok (18:41:50) Heho: We can't make any more land Negotiations without representatives of Both LondoBrisMcshire and Trogdoria (18:42:07) Shreyas: wut. (18:42:31) Heho: I'm just gonna call them Britainland because I don't feel like typing LondoBrisMcshire (18:42:57) ToasterRampage: LBMites (18:43:15) Shiny: http://i302.photobucket.com/albu?ms/nn106/Zaktius/worldmap.jpg how's this? (18:43:16) Heho: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?p=188851#post18885?1 (18:43:53) Shreyas: what is that for? (18:44:42) Heho: Looks good so far. (18:44:51) Shiny: alright (18:44:52) Heho: I'll put it on the thread (18:44:53) Shiny: put it in the thread (18:46:26) Heho: Good idea on adding the West coast (18:46:32) Heho: To Trogdora (18:46:41) Heho: *Trogdoria (18:46:54) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (18:47:00) Heho: Only thing is, they don't get sweden (18:48:22) klaywaffle: I demand Southern Asia (18:49:20) Heho: You're not a nation (18:49:26) Heho: Shuddup (18:49:34) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA has been logged out (Timeout). (18:49:34) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 has been logged out (Timeout). (18:49:34) Prof. Oak: Lusterlatios has been logged out (Timeout). (18:49:36) Heho: Shiny you don't get Alaska (18:49:52) Heho: Trogdoria does. (18:50:00) Heho: No no (18:50:07) Heho: It doesn't belong to anyone (18:51:46) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (18:54:19) The_Shinigami: lol demanding nations. (18:55:53) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (18:56:21) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (18:57:46) Prof. Oak: armhead has been logged out (Timeout). (19:00:51) Prof. Oak: cosbykid has been logged out (Timeout). (19:03:17) Shiny: you said it was ok (19:04:38) Heho: Who me? (19:05:06) Heho: About Alaska? (19:09:53) Prof. Oak: TRTRoy has been logged out (Timeout). (19:23:03) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:36:23) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (19:36:28) Straw: Why is (19:36:33) Straw: Anarchy of Straw not on the map? (19:46:33) Prof. Oak: Heho has been logged out (Timeout). (19:48:36) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 logs into the Chat. (19:50:15) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (19:50:40) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (19:50:54) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (19:52:30) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (19:54:21) NightmareNick: gtfo. (19:55:06) Shreyas: umm... thats not nice o.o (19:55:10) Dabomb: ikr (19:55:30) Dabomb: do i pay you now? (19:55:31) NightmareNick: I broke the silence (19:55:37) Shreyas: XD (19:55:40) Shreyas: me? (19:55:44) Shreyas: o right for the trade. (19:55:47) Dabomb: yeah (19:56:08) Shreyas: you can pay me any time and that is when you get added on the pending list and I only trade with people on the pending list (19:56:10) Shreyas: ... (19:56:17) Shreyas: so you can actually pay anytime. (19:56:27) Dabomb: ok i will pay right now (19:57:30) Dabomb: just payed you wanna trade now (19:57:46) Shreyas: surel. (19:57:56) Dabomb: k let me get my dsi (20:00:27) Dabomb: back (20:00:57) Dabomb: fc? (20:01:10) Shreyas: just a sec. lemme get everything cloned and ready (20:01:20) Dabomb: kk (20:01:31) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (20:02:09) Prof. Oak: Dave logs into the Chat. (20:03:23) Dabomb: tell me when your done (20:09:31) Shreyas: 5114 0098 5693 (20:09:35) Shreyas: yours? (20:09:37) Shreyas: ohi Dave (20:10:24) NightmareNick: Hey Dave. (20:10:34) Dabomb: 2451 1480 9602 (20:11:22) Prof. Oak: cosbykid logs into the Chat. (20:11:28) Straw: Oh God (20:11:33) Straw: This team (20:11:36) Straw: >No tanks (20:11:39) Straw: >No supports (20:11:43) Straw: I sense KS everywhere (20:12:02) cosbykid: Sheyras do you have that flawless modest jirachi ready? (20:12:14) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs out of the Chat. (20:12:22) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (20:12:28) Shreyas: after I trade w/ Dabomb k? (20:12:37) Dabomb: Shreyas going in (20:12:47) cosbykid: kk thanks. ummm how o i pay? (20:12:50) Shreyas: o and you need to give me the pallets before trading. (20:12:56) Shreyas: I explained that to you. (20:12:58) cosbykid: *DO (20:13:16) cosbykid: How do you whisper (20:13:38) cosbykid: I changed to modest because i want to run calm mind sub. (20:13:40) NightmareNick: click somene name then Send private message (20:13:49) cosbykid: OH> (20:14:04) cosbykid: So i pay by pressing donate? (20:14:08) Shreyas: wut up with the inappropriate nickname? (20:14:19) Dabomb: um that was mt cousin (20:14:21) cosbykid: ME? (20:14:24) Dabomb: mt* (20:14:30) Dabomb: me* (20:14:47) NightmareNick: Andy, yes. (20:16:29) cosbykid: Its quiet today... (20:16:54) NightmareNick: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kaka?shiBallZ (20:16:58) NightmareNick: Best (20:17:13) NightmareNick: Channel (20:17:17) NightmareNick: Evar. (20:18:36) Dabomb: Shreyas do we have to trade like 1 more pokemon after this (20:18:44) Shreyas: 2 actually (20:18:51) Dabomb: ok (20:18:52) Shreyas: you ordered 8 items and 7 pokemon (20:19:24) cosbykid: Ummm, how do i get pallets... (20:19:35) Shreyas: and Dabomb, what is your review about my shop and services, etc. (20:19:38) Dabomb: oh ok so i am you give me a pokemon i take item then give back or you give pkoemon i keep it (20:19:55) Shreyas: you keep the pokemon. (20:20:09) Dabomb: i think it is really good and ok (20:20:22) cosbykid: I like it to.. (20:20:24) Dabomb: not good AMAZING (20:20:30) Shreyas: ^.^ (20:20:43) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 has been logged out (Timeout). (20:21:01) NightmareNick: You don't ask me D: (20:21:02) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (20:21:16) NightmareNick crawls in the corner, puts on a dunce cap and cries. (20:21:28) Shreyas: so NightmareNick, what do you thing about my shop? (20:21:31) Shreyas: o.o (20:21:44) cosbykid: LOLZ O_O (20:21:56) NightmareNick: Shreyas > Dez (20:22:07) Dabomb: no need to get you filthy tear all over my carpet GET OUT (20:22:10) NightmareNick: Now let me cry in peace D: (20:22:16) Dabomb: jk (20:22:17) Shreyas: =D (20:22:46) Shreyas: that is like the first time I actually heard that XD (18:21:56) NightmareNick: Shreyas > Dez (20:22:52) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (20:23:26) NightmareNick: RNG Projects for 50 pallets, wtf gets better than that? (20:23:28) cosbykid: (20:23:42) Shreyas: xD (20:23:48) Dabomb: blaziken does! (20:23:55) cosbykid: How Do i gt pallets? (20:23:59) cosbykid: *get (20:24:01) Shreyas: o which reminds me, I need to open up my Legendary RNG abuse service. (20:24:07) NightmareNick: Ask shreyas (20:24:13) Shreyas: I'll do that later in the year (20:24:16) NightmareNick: He's a billionaire (20:24:25) cosbykid: <----------- Epic squirtle (20:24:25) Shreyas: XD (20:24:57) Shreyas: you sell things. (20:25:01) cosbykid: Sheyras are you done? (20:25:02) NightmareNick: WTH do you do with all those pallets? (20:25:09) Shreyas: such as artwork, pokrmon, or anything creative (20:25:26) Dabomb: he is a ealibii for you AMAZING services (20:25:34) Dabomb: Celibii (20:25:41) NightmareNick: You COULD sell your virginity if you were that desperate... (20:25:42) Shreyas: =D thanks! (20:26:04) Prof. Oak: TRTRoy logs into the Chat. (20:26:08) TRTRoy: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?p=188856#post18885?6 (20:26:25) TRTRoy: shiny legendary beast download dates (20:26:35) TRTRoy: and movie 13 tv premiere date! (20:26:53) NightmareNick: (20:27:02) cosbykid: Gloom (20:27:04) NightmareNick: Crown Beasts will be now worth zip. (20:27:16) cosbykid: I almost got one (20:27:27) Dabomb: Catoon netwotk yeahhh (20:27:28) cosbykid: I have a legit movie 10 celebii (20:28:28) Shreyas: so do I :awesome: (20:28:31) Shreyas: actually 2 o.o (20:28:40) TRTRoy: of course CN (20:28:53) Dabomb: its always there (20:28:53) TRTRoy: they own the rights to broadcast it on tv (20:28:54) cosbykid: Its a special sweeper Nasty plot (20:29:09) Dabomb: THANKS Shreyas (20:29:18) Shreyas: no problem ^^ (20:29:27) Shreyas: o and cosbykid, Adamant or Modest Jirachi? (20:29:41) NightmareNick: both lawlz (20:30:01) cosbykid: Modest please (20:30:15) Shreyas: ^.^ cool. (20:30:24) cosbykid: Fc??? (20:30:48) NightmareNick finds himself shopping alot at shreyas' shop (20:30:58) Shreyas: just a sec. lemme get everything ready ^^ (20:31:27) Dabomb: cya guys11!! (20:31:48) Shreyas: 5114-0098-5693 (20:32:02) NightmareNick: Syberia's [Modest] Ditto [JPN] 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 [HP Dark 70] (20:32:03) Shreyas: bye Dabomb. (20:32:07) NightmareNick: What a taunting ditto (20:32:17) Shreyas: XD (20:32:46) cosbykid: kk mine is 3224 0570 2567 (20:33:02) Prof. Oak: Dave has been logged out (Timeout). (20:33:04) NightmareNick: that ditto makes all the other ditto's sad face (20:33:10) NightmareNick: It's like (20:33:13) NightmareNick: a black guy (20:33:18) NightmareNick: in a crowd of white guys (20:33:21) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (20:33:51) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (20:34:29) NightmareNick: Oh no he didnt >=0 (20:34:36) cosbykid: im goin n wifi (20:34:48) cosbykid: *in (20:34:50) Shreyas: xD (20:35:33) cosbykid: I dont c u in... (20:36:11) Shreyas: I see you o.o (20:36:18) Shreyas: come back online. (20:36:26) cosbykid: kk i am (20:36:30) NightmareNick: Cosby (20:36:40) NightmareNick: U DUNT C HIM BCUZ U HAVE NO EYES LIEK SHREYAS (20:36:48) NightmareNick: Shreyas eyes = o.o (20:36:50) Shreyas: XD (20:36:54) Shreyas: O.O (20:36:54) NightmareNick: Cosby eyes = (20:37:25) Shreyas: (20:37:26) NightmareNick: Jes (20:37:36) NightmareNick: Dose b cosbees eyes (20:38:07) NightmareNick: i r liek taIking liek a retord (20:38:23) NightmareNick: scratch that (20:38:42) NightmareNick: i r taIking liek a troll (20:39:41) cosbykid: Why did u d/c? (20:40:10) Shreyas: I didn't (20:40:13) Shreyas: its nintendo (20:40:18) Shreyas: meet me back onlint (20:41:02) NightmareNick: y35 m335 h1m b4ck 1n t3h w1f1z (20:41:22) cosbykid: kk (20:41:40) Shreyas: you host (20:41:44) NightmareNick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F?L7yD-0pqZg (20:41:49) NightmareNick: Shreyas watch it now (20:42:00) NightmareNick: or forever be stuck in a room with Lindsay Lohan. (20:43:26) Prof. Oak: DEZTROYA logs into the Chat. (20:43:29) Straw: OH YEAH (20:43:32) Straw: I just (20:43:35) Straw: ripped through enemy team (20:43:38) Straw: PENTAKILL (20:43:46) NightmareNick: like a boss? =O (20:44:24) Shreyas: XD "it can print money" "I don't care" xD (20:44:50) Straw: If you get me a bit more excited (20:44:54) Straw: I might just scream the screamo rock (20:45:05) Straw: that I'm air-guitaring. (20:45:10) Shreyas: o.O (20:45:26) Shreyas: brb dinner (20:45:26) Straw: This is so classy, gentlemen. (20:45:39) Straw: I'm listening to Genghis Tron whilst smoking out of a pipe (20:45:51) NightmareNick: "They could put out a f*cking brick and call it an iPhone" Lawlz. (20:46:22) cosbykid: lolz chop off your dick (20:46:33) cosbykid: do you have an evo? (20:46:43) NightmareNick: no (20:46:58) cosbykid: What do u have? (20:47:12) DEZTROYA "YO CHAT!" (20:47:16) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (20:47:28) NightmareNick: wut is up my brudda (20:47:32) BraveNewWorld: So who wants to claim the Philippines with me? (20:47:42) NightmareNick: Me (20:47:45) DEZTROYA: not much nick the rain took away my interwebs (20:47:47) NightmareNick is Filipino (20:47:53) BraveNewWorld: As am I (20:47:59) BraveNewWorld: Well half anyways (20:48:11) cosbykid: I have a philipino friend... (20:48:11) NightmareNick: I'm quarter (20:48:15) Prof. Oak: cosbykid logs out of the Chat. (20:48:18) BraveNewWorld: I'm always mistaken to mexican (20:48:24) NightmareNick: OH NO HE DIDNT >:0 (20:48:26) BraveNewWorld: for* (20:48:35) NightmareNick: (18:48:15) Prof. Oak: cosbykid logs out of the Chat (20:48:46) DEZTROYA: who is that (20:48:50) DEZTROYA: Marbl? (20:48:53) DEZTROYA: hes back? (20:50:09) NightmareNick: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kaka?shiBallZ (20:50:18) NightmareNick: Check out all these Hitla vids 8D (20:50:34) Prof. Oak: jesterboy1984 logs into the Chat. (20:50:39) NightmareNick: Dem are High Lair Eeee Us. 12/28/10 (15:45:07) ManaPhione: that one has save points, right? (15:45:15) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (15:45:16) ManaPhione: no "save anywhere"? (15:45:16) The_Shinigami: I wouldn't be going through this BS if my Venusaur didn't freeze. (15:45:39) Brock: I said sorry. (15:45:45) PokemonChamp21: everybody loves haxs xD (15:45:49) Brock: It's not my fault it froze D: (15:45:49) Pwnemon: no save anywhere (15:46:20) Pwnemon: Also, one time my cousin popped my game out right after catching Giratina but that was only a half hour of remedy (15:46:32) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (15:46:58) Brock: Ok. (15:47:04) Brock: That makes up for it. (15:47:08) Nick: ICE PUNCH JIRACHI IS SO HAXY. C: (15:47:16) The_Shinigami: Not really ¬__¬ (15:47:19) Brock: I didn't use Jirachi. (15:47:28) The_Shinigami: But at least you're not getting off scott free. (15:47:33) Nick: I was talking about my Rachi... (15:47:35) Brock: I used Toxicroak. (15:49:26) The_Shinigami: hehehe (15:49:35) The_Shinigami: Exactly as planned. (15:49:51) Brock: OH YEAH SCARFED SNORLAX (15:49:53) Brock: FTW (15:50:15) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (15:50:36) jrGEM: lol (15:50:51) Brock: I'm a scarfed snorlax. (15:51:03) Brock: And I'm still slower than torterra XD (15:51:28) The_Shinigami: No talkey about Gym team-ey. (15:51:45) Brock: Sorry Sorry. (15:51:54) Brock: I mean, on a grass/ground gym. (15:52:00) Brock: It's pretty obvious. (15:52:00) Rich_Richie: Damn kids (15:52:01) Nick: ERASE THE COMMENTS! (15:52:12) The_Shinigami: Even so. (15:54:03) Rich_Richie: Shini, do you even have a co-leader for your gym? (15:54:32) The_Shinigami: See, I could do this all day, but I'm pretty sure you'd crit me or freeze me again. (15:54:43) The_Shinigami: No, I really didn't see the point. (15:54:45) Brock: >_> (15:54:53) Brock: Sorry. (15:54:59) Rich_Richie: Good, co-leaders are dumb (15:55:02) The_Shinigami: Last co-leader dragged the productivity down. (15:55:27) Brock: ._. (15:55:32) The_Shinigami: I F*CKING CALLED IT. (15:55:49) The_Shinigami: Well that's pretty much GG. (15:56:08) Nick: Woah... (15:56:11) Brock: Which it probably will. (15:56:15) Nick: What is all happening? (15:56:25) Nick: Is the score 1-1? (15:56:26) The_Shinigami: STill talking about my team? (15:56:36) Brock: SORRY (15:56:39) Brock: It's hard to not. (15:56:40) The_Shinigami: Well the two crits he got on me screwed me over hardcore. (15:56:46) Brock: When you are battling. (15:56:51) Pwnemon: say them by their NNs (15:57:05) jrGEM: who won>? (15:57:18) Brock: No one yet. (15:57:19) Nick: The battle still rages! (15:57:26) Rich_Richie: Who was your last co-leader? (15:57:42) The_Shinigami: annie. (15:57:43) Nick: It is becoming intense. (15:57:53) jrGEM: Nick the commentator like in pokemon stadium (15:58:04) Brock: This, (15:58:05) Nick: :3 (15:58:07) Brock: is not good. (15:58:54) The_Shinigami: And now you see how much that crit screwed me. (15:58:55) jrGEM: now to hacth my eggs first one 31/21/31/31/29/31 (15:59:16) Nick: What pokemon are they? (15:59:32) jrGEM: starmie (15:59:32) Brock: Well. (15:59:34) Brock: I (15:59:42) Brock: I'm pretty sure I lost. (15:59:42) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (15:59:46) Nick: You mean, Staryu? (15:59:55) jrGEM: yeah (16:00:15) Nick: That one isn't bad. (16:00:22) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (16:00:24) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:00:28) The_Shinigami: If only I did that from the beginning. (16:00:31) jrGEM: nope (16:00:45) Brock: =/ (16:00:49) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (16:00:54) jrGEM: it has the good ability also (16:01:04) Brock: UGH (16:01:15) jrGEM: Brock won? (16:01:29) Brock: No one has yet. (16:01:30) Nick: I think the battle is still raging? (16:01:32) The_Shinigami: He probably will. (16:01:51) Brock: WAT (16:01:54) Brock: D: (16:01:56) The_Shinigami: Never mind. (16:02:02) jrGEM: lol (16:02:06) Nick: D: (16:02:10) jrGEM: how the tide have turned in 1 move (16:02:22) jrGEM: wish we could see the match (16:02:28) PokemonChamp21: lol Shini always makes a come back (16:02:42) Brock: I should have burned you some where. (16:02:46) Brock: Anyways, GG. (16:03:00) Brock: ;D (16:03:01) The_Shinigami: GG. (16:03:05) Brock: It was super close too. (16:03:27) Brock: Final Score: Me 0-1 Shini (16:03:31) PokemonChamp21: ok time for PBR then (16:04:08) jrGEM: 31/31/26/31/23/31 illuminate (16:04:31) Brock: Pwnemon, would you like your Machamp now? (16:04:51) Nick: Wow, that was some scary stuff. (16:04:53) Rich_Richie: This chat sucks a fat Richard right now (16:04:57) Pwnemon: sure, i would like (16:05:06) Brock: 4255 0544 4537 (16:05:14) Brock: I need yours. (16:05:15) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs out of the Chat. (16:05:27) Pwnemon: is this your HG? (16:05:32) Pwnemon: 4512 3495 7768 (16:05:37) Brock: Nope. (16:05:57) Pwnemon: Plat? (16:06:03) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (16:06:12) Brock: Nope. (16:06:32) Pwnemon: B/W? (16:06:41) Brock: Nope. (16:06:50) Pwnemon: D/P? (16:06:57) Brock: Yup. (16:07:12) Pwnemon: who guessed it? (16:07:18) Nick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m?gYYjyL4xfY This battle reminded me of Shini and Brocks battle. :3 (16:07:25) The_Shinigami: Nick, you're next I guess (16:07:35) Nick: Okay... (16:07:51) PokemonChamp21: just do your best Nick =) (16:07:54) Nick: Wish me luck, guys. (16:08:07) Brock: Luck. (16:08:46) The_Shinigami: Remember kids, no counter teaming now (16:09:09) Pwnemon: who counter teamed you? (16:09:14) Nick: I has no counter team. :3 (16:09:31) jrGEM: gl (16:09:43) The_Shinigami: Well Nick's done it twice in the past. (16:09:54) Pwnemon: lol (16:10:00) Nick: Sorry... (16:10:01) The_Shinigami: hold on (16:10:03) Pwnemon: he almost brought three electric types (16:10:09) The_Shinigami: then why the hell did I accept this? (16:10:14) The_Shinigami: hmm... (16:10:18) Pwnemon: all carrying HP Ice (16:10:29) Nick: Umm, I didn't. (16:10:34) Pwnemon: almost (16:10:44) Nick: But I didn't. :3 (16:11:01) Brock: Pwnemon, are you online? (16:11:09) Pwnemon: because we lectured you on how irrevocably stupid it was (16:11:19) Pwnemon: hold on Brock, I was having wifi troubles (16:11:19) The_Shinigami: I predict 100% hax (16:11:29) Brock: Oh. (16:11:33) Brock: There you are. (16:11:36) Brock: brb shower. (16:11:38) Nick: It is machamp. :3 (16:11:38) Pwnemon: did you make your team Nick? (16:11:45) The_Shinigami: See, seriously wtf is that crap. (16:11:49) Nick: I did. (16:11:51) Pwnemon: ooooh, that's what those savs were for (16:12:04) Nick: I have my machamp leading. (16:12:14) Brock: There is your Machamp. (16:12:17) Brock: ;D (16:12:29) Pwnemon: thanks (16:12:53) Brock: Are you going to put it in your shop or something? (16:14:17) Pwnemon: you bet (16:14:32) The_Shinigami: Ooooh. (16:14:43) Brock: Well, I'm going to jump in the shower. (16:14:49) The_Shinigami: Nick, if this thing is rocking HP ice, this could be your first strike. (16:15:03) jrGEM: what poke? (16:15:09) Pwnemon: If it's the jolteon (16:15:12) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:15:16) Nick: I has no HP Ice. :3 (16:15:27) The_Shinigami: yep, the jolteon. (16:15:45) Pwnemon: that's a legit jolteon set though (16:15:51) Pwnemon: it's not like it's a counter set (16:15:59) The_Shinigami: you have to be bloody kidding me. (16:16:08) Brock: Shini, If someone were to win your gym, when would that person recieve the badge? (16:16:12) The_Shinigami: fist the confusion hax, and now a sp.def drop. (16:16:15) Pwnemon: or like he also brought an Electivire and Zapdos too (16:16:23) Pwnemon: both with HP Ice as well (16:16:54) Nick: I don't have Zapdos or E-vire with me. (16:17:05) Pwnemon: you almost did (16:17:19) Nick: I'm happy I didn't bring them. :3 (16:17:23) The_Shinigami: Legit set or not, it would still be a counter in this situation. (16:19:04) The_Shinigami: It appears that he might have set out to counter the general team, though. (16:20:02) Nick: I should've predicted that. (16:20:19) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:20:33) Pwnemon: hey man (16:20:36) Pwnemon: mana* (16:20:50) Nick: Oh great... (16:21:34) Nick: Crap! (16:22:18) Pwnemon: Nick (16:22:27) Nick: What? (16:22:33) Pwnemon: after dinner, I want to battle you with your team you used on Shini's gym (16:22:52) Nick: Okay. :3 (16:22:54) ManaPhione: hola (16:22:58) ManaPhione: mwahaha (16:23:25) Nick: You got max sleep. ;-; (16:23:36) Nick: On me... (16:23:37) ManaPhione: max sleep is always fun (16:23:39) The_Shinigami: 3 turns isn't max sleep. (16:24:04) The_Shinigami: It's more or less the average. (16:24:05) Nick: I thought it was longer than that. :2 (16:24:26) Nick: I got really lucky there. (16:25:04) The_Shinigami: fire punch on a rain dance rachi, wat. (16:25:10) ManaPhione: didn't they change 3 to be the max in BW? (16:25:19) The_Shinigami: Jesus christ, wtf. (16:25:21) Nick: It dosen't make sense. XD (16:25:31) The_Shinigami: I mean seriously, this hax. (16:25:56) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (16:25:58) Nick: Crap, this is not good. (16:26:33) Pwnemon: 4 is max (16:26:37) The_Shinigami: OK, so I miss a sleep powder AND he gets burn hax on me. (16:26:56) Pwnemon: did you bring a fire type Nick? (16:27:10) Nick: No. (16:27:17) Nick: I brought Jirachi. (16:28:38) Nick: Good prediction, Shini... (16:28:46) The_Shinigami: dohohohoho (16:29:17) Nick: WTF! (16:29:25) Nick: I got more hax... (16:29:28) The_Shinigami: Ok, seriously screw this. (16:29:35) Nick: I am so sorry about that Shini. (16:29:44) The_Shinigami: After all this hax you got on me, there was no way I could have won. (16:30:00) Nick: Yeah, I'm sorry... (16:30:12) Nick: It isn't my fault it Froze... (16:30:57) The_Shinigami: Hold on. (16:31:15) The_Shinigami: What was your Porygon-Z's moveset? (16:31:36) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione has been logged out (Timeout). (16:31:36) Nick: Tri Attack (16:31:37) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:31:44) Nick: Nasty Plot (16:31:47) Nick: Dark Pulse (16:31:51) Nick: THunderbolt (16:32:09) The_Shinigami: Actually, go back on wifi. (16:32:15) The_Shinigami: I need to do a trade check (16:32:21) Brock: Did nick win? (16:32:36) Nick: Why do you need to do that? (16:32:52) ManaPhione: He wants to check if you cheated (16:33:06) ManaPhione: i don't know why he thinks you would (16:33:08) The_Shinigami: It's within general gym rules that I should be able to no questions asked. (16:33:53) Nick: Can I have a few minutes. I have to eat dinner. (16:34:18) The_Shinigami: See, if I let you do that, then it'd be pretty suspicious. (16:34:39) Brock: Shini~ (16:34:46) Brock: Who won? (16:34:52) jrGEM: nick (16:34:53) Nick: What... (16:35:11) Brock: Really? :o (16:35:22) Nick: Yeah, hold on. Let me get my Z. (16:35:37) The_Shinigami: Your whole team bro. (16:35:39) Brock: Good job! (16:35:55) Nick: Ugh, okay... (16:36:16) The_Shinigami: He haxxed out my lead with confuse hax, got essential miss hax, burn hax, freeze hax... (16:36:23) The_Shinigami: I might be missing some things. (16:36:26) Brock: ._. (16:36:27) Brock: Oh... (16:36:40) Nick: Sorry... (16:36:49) Pwnemon: Aren't you allowed to withhold a badge? (16:36:57) ManaPhione: he can't cheat the RNG (16:37:03) ManaPhione: it's not his fault or anything (16:37:16) The_Shinigami: IIRC I didn't say it was. (16:37:21) Nick: Your Icon says Battle. (16:37:49) The_Shinigami: So please stay out of Gym affairs, Manaphione. (16:38:14) Nick: Why was there an error? (16:38:19) ManaPhione: fine (16:38:49) Nick: Goahead, take a look. (16:39:33) The_Shinigami: Hmm. (16:39:39) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (16:39:46) Nick: So? (16:40:17) The_Shinigami: I'll be conferring with Trogdor and Dave. (16:40:30) The_Shinigami: And possibly Dez. (16:40:34) The_Shinigami: That is all. (16:40:47) Nick: No problem. (16:40:52) Brock: :o (16:40:58) jrGEM: hmm.. (16:41:22) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (16:41:27) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 has been logged out (Timeout). (16:43:32) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (16:44:16) Pwnemon: BNW (16:44:26) Pwnemon: long story short your country is boned (16:45:15) Pwnemon: also, check out my rules (16:45:18) BraveNewWorld: How? (16:45:31) Pwnemon: well (16:45:35) Pwnemon: Straw hates you (16:45:42) Pwnemon: GKHE hates you (16:45:59) Pwnemon: you lost half your land last war (16:46:10) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:46:12) Pwnemon: Straw is god modding himself to power (16:46:34) BraveNewWorld: Brogeria, Trogasia, and DEZ are on my side (hopefully) (16:47:01) BraveNewWorld: None of them are relatively near me (16:47:02) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:47:21) BraveNewWorld: I'm just waiting on the next war (16:47:26) Nick: I can't wait to go sledding outside. :3 (16:48:45) Pwnemon: gtg dinner (16:48:52) Pwnemon: also (16:48:59) Pwnemon: Nick, 99 to 1 you don't get the badge (16:49:07) BraveNewWorld: Ima take a nice nap (16:49:10) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs out of the Chat. (16:49:28) Nick: I know I won't get the badge. (16:51:17) Prof. Oak: Dave logs into the Chat. (16:51:26) Brock: Hello Dave. (16:51:46) Nick: Hi Dave. (16:52:02) Dave: Hello Dave. (16:53:16) jrGEM: Was the Z hacked Nick? (16:53:31) Nick: Why would it be hacked? (16:53:44) Nick: I got it from DEZ who got it from someone. (16:54:26) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (16:54:53) Brock: Hello Straw. (16:56:21) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (16:57:47) Nick: OWW! These stupid Potatos are hot. D: (17:02:02) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (17:03:25) Straw: So wait for it to cool. (17:03:35) Straw: Herp. How do I logic. Derp. (17:04:45) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (17:07:02) Nick: I was hungry! But it is in my tummy now. :3 (17:07:54) Rich_Richie: Yeah (17:07:58) Rich_Richie: Damnit Trog (17:12:01) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (17:12:50) Heho: YOU SILLY HUMANS AND YOUR TABLES (17:13:07) Heho: YOU WASTE PRECIOUS WOOD WHEN YOU COULD JUST EAT AL YOUR FOOD ON YOUR TUMMY (17:13:20) Nick: XD (17:13:56) Nick: I put my food on a plate, then on someones pillow, eat teh food, then wash the pillow. (17:14:56) Heho: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff?F (17:15:11) Nick: o.O (17:20:00) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (17:22:50) Brock: Hi (17:23:35) Nick: Hi, Brock (17:24:51) Nick: Well, time to play in the snow like I'm 5. XD I'll be back by 8, Hopefully. (17:25:10) Nick: If Shreyas comes in, please tell him that I'll be back. :3 (17:25:18) Nick goes afk. (17:26:42) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (17:30:14) Prof. Oak: Dave has been logged out (Timeout). (17:30:15) Prof. Oak: Dave logs into the Chat. (17:34:21) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (17:34:22) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (17:37:11) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (17:37:17) Pwnemon: I have eturned (17:37:24) Pwnemon: NIck you there? (17:37:32) Rich_Richie: Hmmm (17:37:49) Pwnemon: ey Rich (17:38:00) Rich_Richie: Yooo bro (17:38:31) Pwnemon: What's your position on this whole TPT war II? (17:38:43) Pwnemon: Are we going to remain neutral, or fight for one side or the other? (17:39:27) Rich_Richie: TPT war II? Wtf (17:39:53) Pwnemon: yeah (17:39:56) Pwnemon: in the UNTPT (17:40:06) Pwnemon: the alliances and battle lines are pretty clear (17:40:13) Pwnemon: all that we're waiting for is a trigger (17:40:42) Rich_Richie: I was not aware of this, can you link me? I'm on my iTouch (17:42:10) Pwnemon: you should probably actually start on P16 (17:42:36) Pwnemon: also, what about that water energy source? Should we continue to bid? (17:46:59) Pwnemon: NICK, DPOD, DARKPIT (17:48:26) Rich_Richie: Yes I think we should (17:52:09) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (18:00:32) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (18:02:59) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (18:04:40) Pwnemon: hey Trog (18:05:31) Dave: underwater cities (18:05:34) Dave: underwater cities everywhere (18:05:41) Dave: Dick get on Skype, we found a way to group video chat (18:06:06) Pwnemon: It's the Borgerian prime minister! (18:07:12) Dave: president and prime minister (18:08:34) Prof. Oak: Arceus logs into the Chat. (18:08:58) Dave: Prof. Oak: Master Ball logs into the Chat (18:09:31) Arceus: Oh you. (18:10:47) Pwnemon: what? (18:18:03) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:18:13) Pwnemon: hi heho (18:18:19) Heho: WHHAAATTT? (18:18:26) Heho: I WANT IN DAMN IT DAVE (18:25:47) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (18:29:44) Nick: I'm back. (18:29:53) Pwnemon: yay (18:29:54) Pwnemon: battol (18:30:04) Nick: Okay. Hold on. (18:30:19) Nick: Let me get my DS. (18:33:03) Pwnemon: I know what the gist of your team ix (18:33:06) Pwnemon: is* (18:33:14) Pwnemon: so don't be trying to change it on me (18:33:18) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (18:33:37) Nick: Wait, what all happend while I was gone? (18:33:45) Nick: Fc? (18:33:45) Pwnemon: nothing (18:33:52) Pwnemon: 4512 3495 7768 (18:34:07) Nick: My FC is 1548 7945 0391 (18:35:09) Nick: My face is frozen. D: (18:36:14) Pwnemon: whoops (18:36:21) Nick: XD (18:36:34) Nick: gl/hf (18:36:40) Pwnemon: you too (18:37:20) Pwnemon: mirror machamp (18:37:34) Nick: Hmmm (18:37:46) Nick: What is your plan... (18:38:05) Pwnemon: no lum? (18:38:09) Pwnemon: phail (18:38:19) Brock: Pwnemon your using my Machamp ;D (18:38:21) Nick: I'm scarfed. :3 (18:38:26) Brock: Woo. (18:38:58) Pwnemon: liveliveliveliveplox (18:39:01) Pwnemon: no (18:39:03) Pwnemon: why (18:39:06) Prof. Oak: Heho has been logged out (Timeout). (18:39:07) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:39:07) Pwnemon: snargle (18:39:46) Pwnemon: no occa! (18:39:52) Nick: I don't think I'm thinking clearly. (18:40:12) Pwnemon: nick is obviously drunk (18:40:31) Dave: maybe cocaine on the side (18:40:34) Nick: How did I not outspeed? (18:40:48) Nick: YAY! You got burn on me. :3 (18:40:55) Heho: Shiny's the cocaine guy. (18:41:03) Pwnemon: idk but obviously not because scarftran is the most standard set (18:41:16) Pwnemon: also I love how things things don't die (18:41:33) Pwnemon: shoot (18:41:56) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (18:42:18) Nick: Good job, Pwn. :3 (18:42:20) Dave: BallonTran is more standard (18:42:24) ManaPhione: Scarftran? Pssh (18:42:27) Pwnemon: IV gen (18:42:35) Dave: Srsly Shuca's probably more common 4th Gen tho (18:42:37) Pwnemon: Hey mana (18:42:39) Pwnemon: STFU (18:42:40) ManaPhione: SPECSTRAN! (18:42:46) ManaPhione: mwhahaha (18:42:48) Pwnemon: I killed your registeel with it (18:43:02) ManaPhione: I don't use registeel (18:43:06) Prof. Oak: Arceus has been logged out (Timeout). (18:43:07) Pwnemon: 2 electric sweepers on the special side (18:43:09) Pwnemon: repetitive? (18:43:18) Pwnemon: oh no wait that was klay's (18:43:25) Pwnemon: It lived an EQ and KO'd (18:43:26) Nick: What's wrong with that. (18:43:33) ManaPhione: I use regicock (18:43:49) Pwnemon: Regirong (18:44:10) Pwnemon: not HP? (18:44:32) Nick: I misclicked. :3 (18:44:38) Pwnemon: oh (18:44:39) Nick: I guess. (18:45:01) Pwnemon: why did I stay in I'm a dumbash (18:45:16) Nick: No you're not. (18:45:30) Nick: I know this T-Tar. (18:45:41) Nick: This thing is a Sp. Attcker. (18:46:05) Pwnemon: thought maybe you would swap for Honch? (18:46:35) Nick: Huh? I don't have a Honchkrow. (18:46:47) Pwnemon: you didn't order a krow? (18:46:53) Pwnemon: Was that klay? (18:47:08) Nick: I think that might have been Klay. :3 (18:47:21) Pwnemon: d'oh (18:48:11) Pwnemon: my team members that can effectively deal with a Rachi: jack (18:48:27) Pwnemon: I lost em both (18:48:33) Pwnemon: to stupidity (18:48:36) Brock: Woop. (18:48:45) Brock: I got a new Jolteon. (18:48:50) Brock: And Cloyster. (18:49:07) Pwnemon: I lold (18:49:12) Nick: Nice crit. >:3 (18:49:20) Pwnemon: and rain (18:49:22) Pwnemon: and stab (18:49:43) Nick: That is true. (18:49:52) Nick: I did not think that Clearly. (18:50:44) Nick: This is why I hate Jirachi's ability. (18:50:59) Pwnemon: hate? (18:51:41) Nick: Well, It's just that I don't like haxing so much. (18:52:43) Nick: GG (18:53:04) Brock: Winner? (18:53:20) Nick: You play really good, Pwn. I'm glad to have battled. (18:53:27) Nick: Pwn won. (18:53:36) Pwnemon: gg (18:53:48) Nick: 3-0 (18:55:11) Pwnemon: that jirachi almost got me (18:55:14) Nick: Man, I am really tired. (18:55:26) Pwnemon: then you rain danced, and I was all, "Lol" (18:55:36) Pwnemon: plus that was ttyl a counter team (18:55:42) Nick: I hate its moveset. (18:56:12) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:56:17) Pwnemon: just the fact that you had an RDrachi and no water types tells me that (18:56:19) The_Shinigami: ¬__¬ (18:56:28) Nick: Wait, what... (18:56:42) Pwnemon: for shini (18:56:55) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (18:56:55) Pwnemon: I wanted to battle you so I could judge whether that was a counter team (18:56:59) Pwnemon: also whether it was good, but (18:57:03) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (18:57:10) Nick: Wait... (18:57:11) ManaPhione: back from wherever (18:57:20) Nick: That was a counter team? (18:57:33) Pwnemon: did that Raikou have HP Ice> (18:57:44) Brock: I want to battle someone :< (21:17:33) Pwnemon: Owait he just ledt (21:17:39) The_Shinigami: no I mean Shreyas. (21:17:47) The_Shinigami: SHREYAS, NEW GYMS. (21:17:54) The_Shinigami: THE FOUR THAT ARE UP NOW. (21:18:08) Pwnemon: Why on earth was shrey on ignore (21:18:12) Shreyas: I got them all unless the badges changed... (21:18:27) Pwnemon: THEY DID (21:18:30) The_Shinigami: They changed. So you have none. (21:18:47) The_Shinigami: So this: (03:15:42) Shreyas: meh, honestly, it is not difficult to get the 4 badges was just derp. (21:18:48) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (21:18:49) Shreyas: so what are the new badges called now? (21:19:11) Shreyas: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?awards.php?#award36 =/ don't see the new ones (21:19:26) The_Shinigami: Because there ARE no gym badges. (21:19:33) Pwnemon: Gaia badge, Gravestone badge, Maelstrom Badge, I forget (21:19:40) The_Shinigami: Just spots for gym badges when there actually are any. (21:19:49) Pwnemon: Hive badge (21:20:06) Shreyas: >.> (21:20:11) Pwnemon: They have new gyms, but not badges (21:20:19) Shreyas: who actually has 1 of the newest ones? (21:20:30) Pwnemon: Because Justin is a lazy-ass (21:20:37) The_Shinigami: ... (21:20:45) Pwnemon: Nobody has gotten a single badge (21:20:55) Shreyas: >.> (21:21:06) Pwnemon: Hence this discussion (21:21:08) Nick: They need to put someone else in charge of this. (21:21:28) Pwnemon: Shini (21:21:28) Shreyas: =/ just suggest the new leaders. (21:21:31) The_Shinigami: The 'they' is 'them'. (21:21:31) Pwnemon: Honestly (21:21:46) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (21:21:50) Pwnemon: You're the only leader who gives a flying fuck (21:21:50) Pwnemon: Kudos (21:21:53) Shreyas: give us a list of the most active/ best battlers on this sire. (21:21:58) Shreyas: *site (21:22:18) Nick: I am not on that list. :3 (21:22:30) The_Shinigami: ... (21:22:31) Pwnemon: Shini, you, me, and Mana (21:22:49) The_Shinigami: What (21:22:57) Pwnemon: We're probably the only people to be both active and good (21:23:20) Nick: I'm nearly as good as Mana. >:o (21:24:08) Shreyas: hmm... I guess... but how about DEZTROYA... Trogdor (21:24:09) Shreyas: ? (21:24:22) Pwnemon: Thing is (21:24:29) Pwnemon: They're active and good (21:24:32) Nick: That would be 6 Gyms. XD (21:24:41) Pwnemon: But they're already both gym leaders (21:24:48) Shreyas: true... (21:25:16) Pwnemon: And Trog turns down every battle he gets, where DEZ never shows for em (21:26:02) Nick: There needs to be another remodeling thing. (21:26:24) Nick: Only Replace SOME of the gym leaders (21:26:26) Pwnemon: No (21:26:36) Pwnemon: The problem is how we pick our leaders (21:26:42) Shreyas: ^ (21:27:12) Pwnemon: Appointing them is rubbish (21:27:13) Nick: Pwn, I think there should be a tournament or something for picking leaders. (21:27:19) Pwnemon: And full of bias (21:27:23) Shreyas: well... if I recall to pick some leaders a while back when there were 3 open slots, there was a short tourney for whoever was worthy (21:27:34) Pwnemon: Yes (21:27:42) Pwnemon: But that doesn't work either (21:27:43) Nick: There was? (21:27:53) Shreyas: Nick... yes there was. (21:28:00) Pwnemon: Because they showed for the tourney and never were sen again (21:28:41) Nick: No! The tourney should be open to all and the Top 8 should become gym leaders. <- My idea and stuff. (21:29:07) Pwnemon: True (21:29:24) Pwnemon: That tourney was only open to a preappointed top 8 (21:29:46) Pwnemon: Maybe we should just take the top eight in WTPTC Fall (21:29:57) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (21:30:00) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (21:30:00) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos has been logged out (Timeout). (21:30:01) ManaPhione: It's over (21:30:07) ManaPhione: Dabomb wins (21:30:21) Nick: Is there even going to be a WTPTC Winter? (21:30:23) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (21:30:26) Dabomb: gg (21:30:31) Brock: Gg (21:30:43) Brock: Even though it was haxxy somewhat. (21:30:49) Shreyas: probably not. (21:30:50) ManaPhione: Prolly not, seeing as all the important people on the site don't do nothing (21:30:51) Dabomb: lol (21:31:11) Pwnemon: After a quick fact check I have reconsidered (21:31:27) Dabomb: want a nother type og match like mono ou uu or something (21:37:15) Shreyas: Dabomb, just request the Drapion in my RNG service for a measly 50 pallets. (21:37:44) Nick: I have an Impish Skorupi in my shop. (21:37:48) Dabomb: i know i got it i thought it was pretty good (21:37:53) Nick: It is under 20 pallets. (21:37:57) Shreyas: ok... maybe we should first get battlers on this site to improve the gym league... (21:38:09) Pwnemon: Or (21:38:26) Shreyas: ... (21:38:28) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp has been logged out (Timeout). (21:38:33) Pwnemon: We could stop worrying about the gym league which has never worked an just care about what has? (21:38:33) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (21:38:51) ManaPhione: What has worked on this site? (21:38:54) Shreyas: =/ (21:39:00) Pwnemon: Chat (21:39:06) Pwnemon: Off topic section (21:39:19) Shreyas: ^ which is very common... (21:39:25) Heho: I'm hungry. (21:39:29) maizesmagikarp: TPTC (21:39:35) Pwnemon: Beibg a community of friend loosely connected around pokemon? (21:39:39) Heho: ...I wonder If I have bread sticks in hurr... (21:39:39) Dabomb: then eat aome food (21:39:53) Dabomb: some* (21:40:08) maizesmagikarp: i just had fried-beef filled doughnuts (21:40:20) maizesmagikarp: and doughnuts filled w/ baclava (21:40:49) Nick: baclava <3 (21:40:51) Pwnemon: Let's stop trying too hard to make a mini-smogon (21:40:53) Dabomb: dont eat any more or you will turn into a garyados (21:40:55) maizesmagikarp: mmm (21:41:00) maizesmagikarp: it was delicious (21:41:06) ManaPhione: Back Lava? (21:41:11) maizesmagikarp: moar liek a snorlax (21:41:32) maizesmagikarp: its like a walnut/syrup filled pastry (21:41:33) Dabomb: lol (21:41:36) Nick: I'm already a snorlax. XD (21:41:43) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (21:42:02) Dabomb: no your a wailord (21:42:08) Pwnemon: Hello (21:42:12) maizesmagikarp: :-D (21:42:17) Straw: So (21:42:23) maizesmagikarp: wailord > 9000 kg (21:42:29) Nick: Dabomb, STFU! (21:42:36) Straw: Do we want to get the dragon in here? (21:42:39) Dabomb: i was kidding (21:42:39) Heho: I have some Baklava in my fridge actually... (21:42:50) Pwnemon: Why? (21:42:59) Heho: Because. ' (21:43:01) Nick: Why? (21:43:06) maizesmagikarp: i feel ill now, actually doughnuts + beef = upset stomach (21:43:24) Straw: I have some marijuana in my fri- I didn't admit to anything (21:43:39) Nick: I have an Iron Stomach. (21:43:41) Pwnemon: I see no harm, but there isn't a blaring emergency (21:44:07) ManaPhione: Or is there? (21:44:14) Dabomb: i dont koe what baklava is it sounds gross and whats marijuana (21:44:19) Straw: Kay (21:44:23) maizesmagikarp: backlava emergency! (21:44:25) Straw: No dragon (21:44:39) Nick: AHAHAHAHA! I lold at Dabomb. (21:44:39) Heho: IT'S SPELLED BAKLAVA STOP BEING RETARDED (21:44:49) Pwnemon: Probably better to let sleeping dragons lie (21:44:54) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (21:45:04) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (21:45:07) Heho: Straw you admitted to having some marijuana in your Fri. (21:45:11) Dabomb: i spelled it right (21:45:30) Heho: Not sure what a Fri, is but you've got some in there. (21:45:30) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs out of the Chat. (21:45:36) Straw: Nope (21:45:37) ManaPhione: Mary Jane (21:45:42) Pwnemon: Hand over the potatoes and nobody gets hurt (21:45:46) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (21:45:47) Straw: Stopped mid-sentence (21:45:56) Shreyas: brb (21:46:05) ManaPhione: No, he has mary jane in his calendar (21:46:10) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (21:46:16) ManaPhione: or his weekly change of clothes (21:46:21) Straw: I also got tobacco (21:46:23) Heho: You shoulda stopped more midsentence. Because now, I've got evidence of you having marijuana in your Fri. (21:46:26) Pwnemon: How did I nit see it? (21:46:29) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (21:46:32) Straw: But hey bro, that's legal (21:46:34) Nick: My legs hurt. D: (21:46:37) Pwnemon: That calendar has a false bottom! (21:46:46) Heho: i will find this Fri, and steal all of you Marijuana. (21:46:47) Brock: Guess what Nick. (21:47:01) Heho: And feed it to my cat. (21:47:07) Pwnemon: Stfu nuck (21:47:12) Pwnemon: Nick* (21:47:21) Heho: F O R T H E L U L Z (21:47:21) Nick: What, Brocl? (21:47:29) Pwnemon: I had an hour and a half of track this morning (21:47:31) Brock: No one cares ;D (21:47:44) Straw: I've also got LS- that's highly illegal (21:47:50) Nick: *Brock (21:47:54) Heho: Brock Lee. (21:48:03) Pwnemon: Life scout? (21:48:07) Pwnemon: Leg syndrome? (21:48:16) Brock: I AM NOT A VEGETABLE (21:48:32) Nick: Pwnemon, I don't care. I get growing pains alot. D: (21:49:07) Straw: So yeah (21:49:13) Heho: Straw told me that Zombies are just dead people with Down syndrome. (21:49:27) Straw: I'm going to do stuff I can't say I did (21:49:37) Nick stabs the chat with a knife. (21:49:39) Heho: Is this, true fact? (21:49:44) Pwnemon: Straw is a law abiding citizen (21:50:01) Pwnemon: Nobody can question him as per rule 5. (21:50:06) Straw: So if I suddenly seem chill, I did not get nicer (21:50:19) Heho: D: (21:50:21) Heho: Damn. (21:50:42) Heho: I wanted to steal your stuff without consequence. (21:50:59) Heho: The consequence being a very well written complaint. (21:51:03) Pwnemon: Disclaimer: Pwnemon is not chill with illegal drug use (21:51:23) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (21:51:44) Straw: Disclaimer: Straw thinks it's a persobal responsibility. (21:51:44) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (21:51:56) Straw: perspnal even (21:52:06) Straw: Personal (21:52:14) Straw: Goddamn it, bros (21:52:20) Heho: Disclaimer: Straw spelled Heho is awesome wrong. (21:52:21) Straw: Let me light this pipe (21:52:28) Heho: I dun even. (21:52:32) Dabomb: Heho what are your rules again (21:52:43) Heho: My rules? (21:52:51) Dabomb: yes (21:52:58) Nick: Dabomb, you really set yourself up, man. (21:53:05) Heho: You mean the ones that Pwn revised and added a touch of faggot? (21:53:17) Heho: I've got those. (21:53:22) Nick: ololol (21:53:26) Straw: Hey man (21:53:30) Dabomb: lol (21:53:41) Straw: It's got the Straw clause in it (21:53:49) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (21:53:49) Dabomb: yeah what are them rules you got (21:53:54) Pwnemon: My rules are actually helpful (21:53:58) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (21:54:07) Heho: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?t=10803 (21:54:14) Heho: My rules are accurate. (21:54:30) Heho: I say, we should combine the two. (21:54:40) Heho: And compromise on certain things. (21:54:50) Dabomb: how is it accurate it says trog is a noob (21:55:08) Heho: Oh that's veyr accurate. (21:55:14) Heho: *very XD (21:55:24) Heho: Trog said this himself. (21:55:39) Heho: I saved it like 12,000 times. (21:55:52) Heho: In 4 different formats (21:56:01) Heho: I working on gifs. (21:56:06) Heho: *I'm (21:56:09) Pwnemon: It's in his sig (21:56:21) Heho: ^ (21:56:40) Dabomb: "Rule Fourteen, No Rap ever." why rap is awesome (21:56:43) Heho: Which is why #1 of pwns rules is invalid. (21:57:01) Heho: Rap is awesome to those who don't know what real music is. (21:57:12) Heho: Man music. (21:57:22) Pwnemon: Hay Trog (21:57:26) Dabomb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w?bGJCT3R154 this song is soo much win (21:57:41) Heho: .... (21:57:45) Heho: Really? (21:57:53) Dabomb: yes (21:59:02) Heho: Also Pwn, you forgot to mention the rules of ./roll (21:59:57) Pwnemon: No rollspamming? (22:00:07) Pwnemon: And no rolling 100d100 (22:00:10) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (22:00:21) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (22:00:27) Rich_Richie: Yes (22:00:34) Prof. Oak: Brock rolls 100d100 and gets 60,55,68,100,56,19,25,49,20,39,5?5,83,46,96,81,99,21,45,9,18,87,77?,46,9,37,54,12,22,94,44,54,58,60,?74,71,1,66,62,41,68,81,53,12,85,9?8,41,32,84,87,17,22,38,95,87,47,6?9,68,54,86,66,46,69,15,94,97,24,3?6,50,11,21,87,32,48,96,36,23,75,4?4,47,6,45,20,73,57,60,52,41,20,51?,100,41,39,49,24,45,3,66,52,90,69?. (22:00:39) Brock: =3 (22:00:56) Heho: Also add in that you must leave if you roll spam. (22:01:04) Pwnemon: You're lucky that wasnt on the list yet (22:01:04) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (22:01:33) Pwnemon: Heho, violation of any rule in the lie is punishable by kick (22:01:47) Pwnemon: List* (22:01:47) Rich_Richie: Spam (22:02:13) Heho: You also of course have to add that while Trog has an enormous amount of power here, He's also a noob. And a very annoying noob who should ultimately GTFO. (22:02:23) Heho: lol (22:02:25) Nick: I didn't even break rule 11, Pwn. :3 (22:03:26) Heho: Also, i was pondering the possibility that if a rule is broken and Trog is not here, GTFO must be complied. (22:03:31) Heho: *complied with. (22:03:37) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (22:03:37) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (22:04:01) Heho: It would supply lulz. (22:04:02) Dabomb: what happens if i rap right now? (22:04:06) Straw: Ey (22:04:19) Heho: STRAW (22:04:23) Heho: I FOUND YOUR FRI. (22:04:33) Straw: Oh? (22:04:34) Heho: IT'S A BOX FULL OF POT. (22:04:35) Straw: Was it under my desk? (22:04:46) Straw: In my mini fridge? (22:04:51) Heho: NO. (22:04:58) Straw: Look harder (22:04:58) Straw: that's a decoy (22:05:02) Heho: Sorry caps. (22:05:16) Dabomb: heho i found YOUR fri (22:05:31) Heho: It was in your copy of the Anarchists cook book. (22:05:41) Heho: I win. (22:05:46) Nick thinks Dabomb needs to be less annoying. (22:05:48) Straw: Wrong. (22:05:56) Straw: I don't even have a copy (22:05:57) Straw: HA (22:05:58) Straw: HA (22:05:58) Heho: Lies. (22:05:59) Straw: HA (22:06:05) Straw: Digital Copy, bro. (22:06:05) Dabomb: ha straw disagrees (22:06:12) Heho: Then how did I find this copy? (22:06:23) Heho: :0 (22:06:30) Straw: That's Trogdor's. (22:06:36) Heho: Pfft (22:06:37) Heho: BS (22:06:39) Dabomb: your mom dropped it (22:06:42) Pwnemon: Disagreeing Straw is in disagreement (22:07:03) Nick: I think Daomb is going to die. =/ (22:07:03) Pwnemon: Rule #5 argument invalid (22:07:20) Heho: Rule #2. Gtfo. (22:07:41) Pwnemon: Rule #6 need not comply (22:07:42) Dabomb: seriously (22:08:18) Heho: Gtfo. (22:08:36) Dabomb: seriously what did i do? (22:08:42) Straw: Hm (22:08:44) Straw: I mean (22:08:47) Straw: I used to own a copy (22:08:54) Straw: then I gave it to my bro who moved away (22:08:54) Pwnemon: GTFO HEHO you say that too much (22:09:09) Straw: GTFO Pwnemon, you're not even a person. (22:09:16) Heho: ^ (22:09:26) Heho: Lol. (22:09:33) Dabomb: wel cya guys (22:09:35) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs out of the Chat. (22:09:37) Nick: I think everyone needs to STFU. Except Heho and Straw. :3 (22:09:39) Straw: Then (22:09:42) Straw: all was well (22:09:47) Heho: Oh and the only book Trog is allowed to own is the Communist manifesto. (22:09:53) Pwnemon: That's kind of you (22:10:21) Straw: I own a copy of that, Heho. (22:10:37) Heho: ... (22:10:45) Heho: That's you Fri isn't it? (22:10:52) Heho: *your (22:10:52) Straw: Nope. (22:10:57) Straw: I actually meant to say (22:10:58) Straw: Fridge (22:10:58) Heho: Damn keyboard (22:11:02) Straw: Mini Fridge, actually (22:11:06) Straw: under my desk (22:11:12) Straw: where I keep my milk and tea (22:11:16) Heho: Oh no. It's your Fri. (22:11:31) Heho: Separate from your mini fridge. (22:11:34) Straw: Hey (22:11:37) Nick: ... (22:11:38) Straw: Rule 14 should be (22:11:42) Heho: It's kind of like a mini mini fridge. (22:11:51) Straw: Ingrid Michaelson is the most attractive woman you will find singing. (22:12:05) Heho: *googles* (22:12:07) Pwnemon: No (22:12:15) Straw: Yes (22:12:21) Pwnemon: These are serious rules (22:12:35) Pwnemon: That belongs in Heho's thread (22:12:49) Heho: Oh crap she is (22:13:15) Nick: Isn't there a rule on Disagreeing with Straw, Pwnemon? You should follow it. ;P (22:13:16) Straw: How can you say no to this? You monster! (22:14:05) Heho: Glasses ftw. (22:15:02) Pwnemon: I'm not saying it isn't true (22:15:22) Pwnemon: That's just the wrong place to put that info (22:15:26) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs out of the Chat. (22:16:12) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (22:17:06) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (22:17:24) Pwnemon: I should probably go (22:17:33) Pwnemon: Cya (22:18:44) Straw: Later (22:18:51) Straw: Ima get Trogdor to put that in that thread (22:19:42) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (22:20:29) Nick: I should make a thread in the Spam Board. But I don't know what to put in it... (22:21:00) Heho: Which one straw? (22:21:29) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (22:22:08) Straw: You logged out (22:22:12) Straw: I'm not telling no ghosts anything (22:24:10) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (22:24:12) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (22:24:26) Heho: :l (22:25:05) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (22:25:05) Straw: I meant (22:25:08) Straw: Pwne's thread (22:25:12) Straw: since yours is already silly (22:25:22) Heho: :l (22:27:47) Brock: So. (22:27:51) Brock: What did I miss. (22:28:34) Straw: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_io9U0R?R-tm8/S8vFuC26TSI/AAAAAAAAApU/zTF?0nnijkB4/s1600/Ingrid_252BMichael?son.jpgamp_ (22:28:41) Nick: Who knoes. (22:28:41) Straw: This is the hottest woman singer on the planet. (22:28:44) Straw: That is what you missed. (22:28:48) Straw: Her and Rie Fu (22:41:42) Brock: Wow. (22:41:49) Brock: No one is chatting? (22:45:51) Straw: Yes (22:45:55) Straw: Because we're all fapping to that picture (22:46:23) Heho: ololol (22:48:29) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (22:48:59) Nick: Ewww (22:49:47) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (22:51:48) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione has been logged out (Timeout). (22:52:50) Prof. Oak: Arceus logs into the Chat. (22:56:50) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (22:58:22) Prof. Oak: S7atcat logs into the Chat. (23:01:58) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (23:03:08) S7atcat: well there goes my reason for staying (23:12:16) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (23:14:51) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (23:33:33) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (23:33:36) Prof. Oak: S7atcat has been logged out (Timeout). (23:39:46) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (23:41:08) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (23:41:19) Prof. Oak: Arceus has been logged out (Timeout). (23:41:52) Heho: If only I'd gotten here sooner. (23:44:25) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (23:44:40) Brock: I've been thinking. (23:44:51) Brock: Of using. (23:44:59) Brock: a Specs Electrode. (23:45:17) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (23:45:39) Heho: :l (23:45:52) Heho: And who (23:45:55) Heho: Exactly (23:45:57) obito14: hey ya'll (23:45:59) Heho: Are you talking (23:46:01) Heho: To? (23:46:09) Brock: Dunno (23:46:18) Brock: Who ever is on the chat. (23:46:27) Heho: Whoever (23:46:28) Heho: Is (23:46:30) Brock: Hello Obito. (23:46:30) Heho: One word (23:46:42) Brock: Whatever. (23:46:52) Heho: What ever (23:46:54) Straw: Hey (23:46:54) Heho: Is two (23:46:57) Straw: God damn it (23:46:58) obito14: sup brock (23:47:05) Straw: My team lost (23:47:20) obito14: would someone care for a battle? (23:47:23) Heho: ? (23:47:34) Brock: Heho will. (23:47:41) Heho: .... (23:47:50) Brock: >;D (23:47:54) obito14: i will take that as a volenteer (23:48:25) Heho: Yeah sure. My Friend code is F*CK-YOUR-FACE (23:48:52) Heho: FFFF I'm out of Ice cream... (23:49:25) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (23:49:38) Heho: So yeaahhh Reniewing my Netflix, what to watch? (23:53:25) obito14: how about you brock? (23:53:27) Straw: Ingrid Michaelson (23:56:30) Heho: ... (23:56:40) Heho: k (23:59:33) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat 12/29/10 (00:00:39) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (00:01:46) obito14: oh, what a treat! (00:02:01) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (00:02:15) obito14: BNW, wheres S7? (00:02:41) Prof. Oak: Mario78 logs into the Chat. (00:04:17) Prof. Oak: Mario78 logs out of the Chat. (00:16:58) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (00:21:34) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (00:25:01) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (00:26:39) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (00:30:05) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld has been logged out (Timeout). (00:36:31) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (00:50:13) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (00:54:18) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (01:09:17) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (01:15:46) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (01:15:59) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (01:17:15) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (01:28:00) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (01:28:16) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs out of the Chat. (01:40:21) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (01:40:35) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (01:40:47) Straw: Yo (01:50:47) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (01:51:47) Heho: hey] (01:56:14) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (01:56:32) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (01:58:23) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (01:58:23) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (02:11:08) Heho: :l (02:11:34) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (02:11:52) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (02:36:46) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (02:36:46) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (02:49:59) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (02:50:53) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (03:05:52) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (03:54:17) Prof. Oak: furret9 logs into the Chat. (04:28:05) Prof. Oak: furret9 has been logged out (Timeout). (07:03:29) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (07:35:59) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout).(02:36:46) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (02:36:46) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (02:49:59) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (02:50:53) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (03:05:52) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (03:54:17) Prof. Oak: furret9 logs into the Chat. (04:28:05) Prof. Oak: furret9 has been logged out (Timeout). (07:03:29) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (07:35:59) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (08:13:15) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (08:47:36) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (09:48:49) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (09:56:36) Prof. Oak: KLB logs into the Chat. (09:56:58) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (10:22:16) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (10:28:31) Prof. Oak: KLB has been logged out (Timeout). (11:02:26) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (11:02:33) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (11:06:37) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (11:06:45) Brock: Yo. (11:08:20) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (11:08:24) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (11:08:31) Pwnemon: now i'm actually here (11:08:51) Pwnemon: stupid vBulletin saying I log in when I visit the forums (11:22:46) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (11:23:04) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (11:23:20) Pwnemon: hey (11:23:32) Brock: Lod death. (11:24:39) The_Shinigami: Barely here again (11:24:43) The_Shinigami: Deviating once more (11:31:51) Pwnemon: I'm on Shoddy battle (11:32:09) Pwnemon: them punks think they're so cool with their BW teams (11:32:11) Brock: I'm playing with a slinky. (11:32:23) Pwnemon: I've beat them all (11:32:48) Brock: =/ (11:37:04) The_Shinigami: I'd suspect that people that use BW teams on Shoddy are flying blind since there's no Smogon sets around. (11:37:23) The_Shinigami: So their teams are probably derp. (11:37:26) Pwnemon: basically (11:37:33) Pwnemon: Mindless fools (11:37:46) Pwnemon: I actually just lost to a guy but that was because of a misclick (11:37:51) Pwnemon: I hit sub instead of Ice Beam (11:38:01) Pwnemon: then got swept by Sazandora (11:38:27) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (11:38:49) Brock: Whats better on Shaymin, HP ice or fire? (11:38:58) Pwnemon: Fire (11:39:08) Brock: Kay. (11:45:22) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (11:45:30) Pwnemon: hey (11:45:38) Straw: Ye? (11:45:38) Brock: Hello, Straw. (11:45:58) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (11:46:45) Nick: This has got to be the most BORING winter break I have ever had. D: (11:46:58) The_Shinigami: That's your own fault. (11:47:21) Nick: How is that? (11:47:23) The_Shinigami: So about Velvet Leaf... (11:47:33) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (11:48:12) GlaceonStation: Greetings! Your least favirote Tribunite reporting in! (11:48:30) Nick: o.O (11:48:41) Brock: Ok. (11:48:47) Pwnemon: That's jrGEM (11:48:53) Brock: PokeSAV has been F*cked up all morning. (11:48:57) GlaceonStation: lol (11:49:00) Brock: And I do not like this. (11:49:22) GlaceonStation: Chasing disliked users off TPT seems to be the thing atm (11:49:41) Straw: Yes, Shini? (11:49:47) Straw: What about Velvet Leaf? (11:49:59) The_Shinigami: (17:49:22) GlaceonStation: Chasing disliked users off TPT seems to be the thing atm *Proudly steps forward* (11:50:05) The_Shinigami: Nothing's happening D: (11:50:24) Straw: Kaly said she'll post soon. (11:50:27) Straw: Waiting for that. (11:50:33) Pwnemon: we only chased off one perso (11:50:37) Straw: To be honest, she's been getting on my nerves with these absences. (11:50:59) Straw: I mean, if I'm given executive right, I would not be complaining (11:51:03) GlaceonStation: Nidorina, right? (11:51:09) Straw: but she still wants me to report back to her and such but she's gone. (11:51:15) The_Shinigami: Who got chased off anyway? (11:51:27) The_Shinigami: Oriiite, that person that made that one lol thread. (11:51:40) The_Shinigami: Is she really busy or something =/ (11:51:44) Pwnemon: Nidorina is old news (11:51:47) Pwnemon: I mean jrGERM (11:51:54) Straw: She is. (11:52:08) GlaceonStation: jrGEM can't even spell. Out with him. (11:52:12) Straw: but if she's busy (11:52:22) Straw: she should give me the executive rights (11:52:31) Straw: So I can actually accelerate the RP (11:52:42) The_Shinigami: Mmm. (11:52:59) The_Shinigami: jrGEM annoys me with his random hate filled outbursts. (11:53:27) The_Shinigami: "omg a DC IT WAS TOTALLY YOU! I WAS SO GOING TO WIN! I WAS UP 4-3 OMGOMG YOU SORE LOSER!" (11:53:35) GlaceonStation: And blacklisted him from challenging your gym. (11:53:45) GlaceonStation: Is that even a word? (11:54:10) The_Shinigami: Think so. (11:54:25) The_Shinigami: I blacklisted him because that was pretty scummy behaviour. (11:54:48) GlaceonStation: There's a guy on Youtube thats even worse. His name's something like Tay3456we3 (11:55:11) Nick: Damnit! I was so close to waking up at 1:00 PM. D: (11:55:24) Nick: HAHAHAHA! Tay and his n00byness! (11:56:04) GlaceonStation: Tay3456we3 (5 hours ago) Marked as spam hey guyz bw comes out on my? bros birthday and 6 ndays before mine (11:56:18) GlaceonStation: Perfect example (11:56:32) Nick: Ummm, not really (11:57:06) GlaceonStation: That isn't his worst. (11:57:20) Nick: I laugh when he talks like this: "Heyz guyz I can nt wat for bw it loks so fun." (11:57:22) The_Shinigami: Goddamit Jimmy, stop being antisocial >:/ (11:58:18) The_Shinigami: I don't need to hear how wonderful your Christmas is. I don't care what you were given, or how fantastic your day has been, so if you've come here to comment about it, then f*ck off. (11:58:22) The_Shinigami: >>>>>:/ (11:58:26) Nick: AHAHA! I have a pin that says" I'm not antisocial, I just hate you" It is funny. :3 (11:59:05) The_Shinigami: I'm surprised the noobs don't riot. (11:59:06) Nick: I am kinda tired of his rage. >=/ (11:59:15) Pwnemon: jeez (11:59:24) Pwnemon: Jimmy is sorta angry too much (11:59:44) Nick thinks someone needs a therapist. (11:59:53) Nick: ^I spelt that wrong. :3 (12:00:00) Pwnemon: no (12:00:23) GlaceonStation: No comment (12:00:27) Nick: You mean I spelt "therapist" right? (12:00:47) The_Shinigami: That's whai me and Stat went off him for a while. (12:00:48) Brock: Ok. (12:01:03) The_Shinigami: Well Stat still kinda does, but I'm just 'meh' about the whole thing. (12:01:04) Brock: PokeSAV is really making me angry. (12:01:21) Nick: I'm looking for the comment I put on his channel (12:01:22) GlaceonStation: Tay3456we3 (1 week ago) spam at 6 def 6 sp atk 7 sp def 7 spee? 6 im not lying whoi wants it good i will take it back ill even make a video poke if u check its stats and dont want it (12:01:50) GlaceonStation: I mean really. (12:02:21) Nick: I miss everyone who used to somment there. ;~; (12:02:35) Straw: I have a pin says "I'm really not that social, I just have tact." (12:02:36) Nick: Now there are all these noobs (12:02:43) GlaceonStation: SPX, Togeka, Psycat, etc (12:02:54) Nick: that can't ev train or know what natured are, etc (12:03:39) Brock: Wait, are you talking about when Jimmy raged about Christmas? (12:03:50) Nick: Togeka, SPX, Rexes, etc. (12:03:58) Nick: Yes, Brock (12:04:06) Nick: Klay flipped out on him (12:04:07) GlaceonStation: Heres a pm Tay sent me: Tay3456we3 hey hi umm dont get mad could you get me some subs (12:04:13) Nick: As did I. (12:04:15) GlaceonStation: gtg (12:04:25) Brock: Why was he so angry? (12:04:26) The_Shinigami: LOL (12:04:31) The_Shinigami: Define 'flip out' (12:04:32) Brock: It was kinda stupid >.> (12:04:41) The_Shinigami: what happened exactly (12:04:46) Nick: Hold on. I gotta find the comments. (12:04:55) The_Shinigami: This is the sort of thing that entertains me. (12:04:56) Pwnemon: Jimmy is always angry (12:05:30) Brock: ^ (12:06:08) The_Shinigami: he's like a small, skinny, black hulk. (12:06:16) Brock: I remember that one time S7at said something about, "Oh, If I had my DS I would pwn you noobs" or something like that, and then Jimmy got all angry, and raged. (12:06:19) The_Shinigami: Except the Hulk can turn it off occasionally. (12:06:52) Pwnemon: didn't he throw his ds at a wall once? (12:07:04) The_Shinigami: I thought that was fake. (12:07:12) The_Shinigami: If it wasn't already broken, then wtf. (12:07:19) Nick: darkpitofdoom2 (3 days ago) Spam Marked as spam v I'm sorry, but just because your Christmas didn't go well, dosen't mean you should take it out on others. There are others who can't even celebrate Christmas for terrible? reasons. So STFU. (12:07:45) Nick: I didn't really flip (12:07:53) Nick: but whatever (12:07:56) The_Shinigami: What did HE say. (12:08:10) The_Shinigami: And more importantly what did KLAY say. (12:08:50) Nick: Klay: cradiIy (4 days ago) Spam Marked as spam STFU that's what quit cursing people just for saying merry christmas especially when THEY AREN'T REFFERING TO YOU...Scrooge You know what I'm not even going to argue.? good bye (12:10:04) Nick: Jimmy31428 (3 days ago) Spam Marked as spam Terrible reasons? Hah, you don't even know what I've? been through! (This was a reply to me) (12:10:20) Pwnemon: I lol'd (12:10:26) Pwnemon: swept some newb with body slamming snorlax (12:12:05) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (12:12:10) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (12:12:38) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (12:12:47) Brock: Woo. (12:13:00) ManaPhione: It's on like Donkey Kong! (12:15:32) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (12:15:36) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (12:15:47) Pwnemon: trololol (12:15:50) ManaPhione: oh he's still here (12:16:06) Pwnemon: oak be trollin (12:16:27) ManaPhione: 66 days and 10 hours (12:16:34) Nick: Huh? What? Oh nevermind (12:17:28) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (12:17:32) Nick: How do I not have a Mismagius? (12:17:33) ManaPhione: now you're confusing me (12:17:46) ManaPhione: because you aren't cool (12:17:58) obito14: can you trad now pwnemon? (12:18:06) obito14: *trade (12:18:15) Pwnemon: no (12:18:30) ManaPhione: rejected. (12:18:32) obito14: can you today? (12:18:54) The_Shinigami: lolololollololo (12:19:00) Pwnemon: yes (12:19:14) obito14: what time yo? (12:19:22) Pwnemon: leter (12:19:22) obito14: im a busy bee (12:19:24) Pwnemon: later* (12:19:52) obito14: ok, ill be back "later" then (12:20:00) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs out of the Chat. (12:20:07) The_Shinigami: lololololol (12:20:15) The_Shinigami: hint =/= taken (12:22:16) Pwnemon: nobody says gg anymore ._. (12:22:26) Nick: Ewww, I have to go to Walmart. -____- I guess while I'm there I can get a Microphone or somethin (12:26:33) Straw: I saw someone pack (12:26:36) Straw: Body Slam and Curse on a Snorlax (12:26:41) Straw: I was confused (12:26:50) Pwnemon: why? (12:26:50) Straw: *headbutt and curse (12:26:57) Pwnemon: oh (12:27:11) ManaPhione: maybe he lacked move tutors (12:27:17) ManaPhione: or was extremely lazy (12:27:41) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (12:28:13) Nick: I once saw someone use Belly Drum on Charizard then go for a Flame Thrower... o.O (12:28:19) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (12:28:36) Pwnemon: gtg (12:28:47) ManaPhione: You battle some weird people. (12:28:58) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (12:29:23) jrGEM: Has shreyas or dez been around lately? (12:29:37) The_Shinigami: Once I saw someone use rain dance with a Jirachi. (12:29:41) Nick: Shreyas was on last night. (12:29:47) jrGEM: -.- (12:29:53) jrGEM: What time? (12:30:02) The_Shinigami: That wasn't weird, but the actual weird thing was that it had fire punch on it (12:30:02) jrGEM: Shini i was thinking same thing (12:30:05) Nick: Around 9-12? (12:30:34) Nick: Fire Punch is only to inflict burn. :3 (12:30:50) The_Shinigami: yeah, 20% chance. (12:30:53) jrGEM: why rain dance tho (12:31:07) ManaPhione: Ice punch is better (12:31:14) ManaPhione: I have a rain dance jirachi (12:31:17) jrGEM: it weaken fire punch (12:31:18) The_Shinigami: It really isn't worth the redundancy. (12:31:19) Nick: Combined with Jirachi's ability is raises its stuff. (12:31:19) ManaPhione: maybe i inspired him? (12:31:34) The_Shinigami: 20% really isn't that much to be looking for. (12:31:44) The_Shinigami: You might as well have put reflect on it. (12:32:07) ManaPhione: Rain dance rachi should have something like water pulse or thunder (12:32:09) Nick: Tbh, I need a Special Attacking Rachi. (12:32:37) The_Shinigami: Those are the moves that make the most common sense Manaphione. (12:33:18) Nick: >:U (12:33:27) Nick: My ds fell (12:34:02) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (12:34:14) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (12:35:48) GlaceonStation: Cooie, anyone here? (12:36:18) ManaPhione: maybe. (12:36:35) Nick: o.O Why the hell am I on Serebii chat? (12:36:59) ManaPhione: ! (12:37:02) The_Shinigami: because you belong there (12:37:10) GlaceonStation: Because you want to beat up n00bs that play 4th gen with 5th gen rules. (12:37:32) Nick: Oh, YES, I DO! I <3 SEREBII CHAT! I LOVE MY UBER USING FRIENDS. :3 (12:38:01) GlaceonStation: And the people that say you've broken sleep clause if you use rest! XD! (12:39:09) Nick: This place isn't for me. o.O (12:40:49) The_Shinigami: lololol (12:40:57) The_Shinigami: Watching TV (12:41:17) Straw: lolol tv (12:42:06) The_Shinigami: Some guy was in his room using his laptop, and blowing his nose. His aunt comes in, he slams the laptop shut. She looks at the laptop, sees the tissues and jumps to conclusions - hilarity ensues. (12:43:15) Nick is going to Arbys. (12:43:18) Nick: brb (12:43:22) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (12:43:43) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (12:45:12) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (12:51:42) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (12:58:45) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (12:58:51) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (12:59:46) Straw: JEW (13:00:21) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (13:01:49) klaywaffle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S?363ixv9oZk (13:01:52) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (13:04:22) Prof. Oak: ucro02 logs into the Chat. (13:04:31) ucro02: Hi (13:06:53) ManaPhione: hola (13:07:09) ManaPhione: 2 minutes late... that's terrible (13:09:49) ucro02: ? (13:12:43) klaywaffle: Only 66 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 34 seconds, untill Black and White The Official Pallet Tribune Chatroom Channel: Style: Language: (16:01:39) Dabomb: no i want the dugtrio (16:01:49) ManaPhione: this team needed it more. (16:01:53) Brock: Lol. (16:02:03) Dabomb: how much? (16:02:11) ManaPhione: you got lucky with the speed tie (16:02:23) Brock: ;P (16:02:39) ManaPhione: or maybe I was just unlucky? (16:02:59) Brock: Whats the things nature? (16:03:02) Brock: Mine is Timid. (16:03:17) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (16:03:29) ManaPhione: Timid (16:03:45) Brock: Whats it's speed IV? (16:03:47) ManaPhione: 361 speed (16:04:05) ManaPhione: that's max (16:04:13) Brock: I have max too. (16:05:55) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:06:19) Shreyas: o.0 (16:06:31) Shreyas: >.> (16:06:40) Dabomb: you d/c (16:06:48) klaywaffle: Okay so I made my PO team and all that (16:06:50) klaywaffle: now what? (16:06:51) Dabomb: i am right next to my router (16:06:52) Shreyas: no I didn't (16:07:08) Shreyas: Dabomb. I don't D/C (16:07:19) Dabomb: ok rematch then (16:07:25) Shreyas: same moves? (16:07:44) The_Shinigami: (22:06:40) Dabomb: you d/c Deja vu... (16:07:55) Pwnemon: gtfo jrGERM (16:08:01) Dabomb: same pokes and no andi want the digtrio (16:08:09) Dabomb: how much would that be? (16:08:32) Shreyas: how many 31 IVs does it have? (16:09:15) Dabomb: 3 (16:09:21) Shreyas: Dugtrio is 35 (16:09:29) Shreyas: Persian is 50 (16:09:31) Shreyas: and an item is 5 (16:09:48) Dabomb: and i want glisxcore (16:09:51) The_Shinigami: Sounds pricey ¬_¬ (16:10:09) The_Shinigami: I swear to God you're spelling like that on purpose. (16:10:11) Pwnemon: it is (16:10:11) Shreyas: o.0 I thought it is pretty cheap (16:10:20) Shreyas: lolwut (16:10:20) Shreyas: XD (16:10:24) Pwnemon: me and nick have ten pallet shops (16:10:32) Shreyas: I think the gliscor is 50... (16:10:40) Dabomb: gliscore has 45 perfect (16:10:44) Shreyas: Pwnemon, don't go cheap ;o (16:10:56) Dabomb: 5* (16:11:07) Dabomb: so how much is all that? (16:11:11) Shreyas: do you read the thread and the rules, Dabomb? (16:11:13) Shreyas: o.0 (16:11:16) Shreyas: (just making sure) (16:11:30) Dabomb: too much work lol i look ugh (16:11:35) Pwnemon: dabomb, don't violate rule eight (16:11:41) Shreyas: >.> (16:11:45) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:11:49) Shreyas: I would read it first Dabomb... (16:12:00) Dabomb: i jk (16:12:02) ManaPhione: rules? what rules? (16:12:10) Shreyas: All Pokémon with 5-6 Perfect IVs (including 30s and intentional 0s) are 50 pallets All Pokémon with 3-4 Perfect IVs (including 30s and intentional 0s) are 35 pallets All Pokémon with 1-2 Perfect IVs (including 30s and intentional 0s) are 20 pallets All Pokémon with 0 Perfect IVs are 5 pallets All Event Pokémon are all 50 pallets. All Dittos are 75 pallets. (16:12:18) Dabomb: eayh what is rule 8 (16:12:26) Shreyas: brb lunch (16:12:44) Dabomb: lunch at 5? (16:12:52) Dabomb: whats* (16:13:02) Straw: It's 4 (16:13:13) Pwnemon: not on the west coast (16:13:14) Dabomb: no!its 5 (16:13:19) Straw: 2. (16:13:35) Shreyas: I eat late lunches and it is 2:14 here (16:13:36) Shreyas: >.> (16:14:05) Dabomb: oh its 5 here (16:14:08) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs out of the Chat. (16:14:18) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (16:14:36) ManaPhione: finished making a PO team (16:14:44) ManaPhione: time to lose to everybody! (16:15:22) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (16:15:30) Dabomb: trade now?battle now?Shreyas? (16:16:31) Dabomb: guess he left (16:17:40) ManaPhione: out for lunch (16:17:53) Prof. Oak: bobphillip has been logged out (Timeout). (16:19:48) ManaPhione: hey! (16:20:06) ManaPhione: i can't use PO to battle anyone (16:20:34) ManaPhione: it keeps encountering errors and closing (16:20:46) ManaPhione: T_T (16:20:56) Pwnemon: use shoddy (16:20:59) Pwnemon whistles innocentlly (16:21:04) Straw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0?nmPXPKLWe4 (16:21:30) ManaPhione: fine (16:21:39) ManaPhione: give me the shoddy link or whatever (16:22:11) Pwnemon: you'll like it much better (16:24:55) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (16:25:42) Pwnemon: gale saved my ulga again (16:26:03) Straw: Gale? (16:26:11) Pwnemon: Gen V move (16:26:17) Pwnemon: shini said it was stupid to have (16:26:42) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:26:53) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:26:58) Pwnemon: So i make a point of saying whenever I use it (16:27:15) Pwnemon: admittedly, I could probably get better results with HP ground... (16:27:16) ManaPhione: 120 power, 70 accuracy (100 in rain) with 30% chance to confuse (16:29:15) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs out of the Chat. (16:31:52) ManaPhione: Darmanitan is a monster (16:32:05) ManaPhione: you should use it (16:32:18) Pwnemon: Hihidaruma? (16:32:19) Pwnemon: meh (16:33:04) ManaPhione: 140 base attack! (16:33:25) ManaPhione: with sheer force boosted flare blitz! (16:33:31) Pwnemon: I mean (16:33:36) ManaPhione: what's not to love? (16:33:46) Pwnemon: you can use a Nitro charge and hope that you can sweep with boosted speed (16:33:53) Pwnemon: but it has a meh movepool (16:34:01) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (16:34:13) ManaPhione: or just use a scarf. (16:34:17) Heho: >:0 (16:34:22) ManaPhione: it gets all it needs (16:34:30) Heho: Isaa Wednesday and I still have bread sticks left (16:35:06) ManaPhione: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, U-turn (16:35:15) ManaPhione: all. you. need. (16:35:27) Pwnemon: w/e (16:35:32) Pwnemon: I like my team now (16:35:40) Pwnemon: because nobody expects any of my sets (16:36:12) Pwnemon: except Ono (16:37:02) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (16:37:07) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (16:37:37) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (16:37:44) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (16:37:54) Nick: Hello my children. :3 (16:38:07) PokeLord: Hello pedo (16:38:15) Nick: >:o (16:38:30) Pwnemon: pedo bear (16:38:35) Nick: Hello Lord of Pokes. (16:38:52) PokeLord: Heho, why's it seem the noobs think they're better than people who've been here a year before the forums opened? (16:38:55) Nick: So I was at Walmart (16:39:11) Pwnemon: because they're noobs (16:39:18) Nick: And noticed that everything is overpriced. (16:39:29) ManaPhione: that's a suprise. (16:39:31) Heho: Becaus- DAMN YOU PWN (16:39:34) Heho: DAMN YOU (16:39:42) PokeLord: He's a noob. (16:39:46) ToasterRampage: Because we're just so great. (16:39:48) PokeLord death glare. (16:39:51) Heho: Yes he is. (16:39:54) ToasterRampage: Only no. (16:39:58) Pwnemon: hey don't be hating (16:40:04) Heho: GTFO (16:40:05) Brock: Toaster <3 (16:40:07) Heho: Noob. (16:40:11) Pwnemon: I've been here over a year (16:40:18) Nick: Brock loves Toaster! (16:40:21) PokeLord: Heho, have you been here longer? (16:40:25) ManaPhione: 8 months. (16:40:38) Heho: Ohoho I have. (16:40:50) Nick: 4 months. I am going onto 5. :3 (16:40:51) Heho: I've been here for twice as long (16:41:02) PokeLord: Really? I thought we were around the same time. (16:41:04) Pwnemon: lol nick (16:41:13) Heho: idk (16:41:21) PokeLord: Like, right at the Christmas Bash episode is when I came. (16:41:32) Nick: I is still n00beh! (16:41:32) Heho: Same (16:41:38) ManaPhione: double entendre! (16:41:39) Heho: In 06..? (16:41:49) Heho: I think it was 06 (16:41:50) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:41:52) PokeLord: Yeah (16:42:01) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:42:14) Heho: So yeah (16:42:26) Heho: 4 years o.0 (16:42:38) PokeLord: WOW. (16:42:44) Heho: Geez (16:42:48) PokeLord: Remember the first WTPTC? (16:42:58) Heho: I do (16:43:06) Heho: When seth was still around. (16:43:12) Nick: Hey Mana, you anna battle? (16:43:21) ManaPhione: sure. (16:43:21) Heho: And I still had wifi XD (16:43:26) Nick: *wanna (16:44:04) ManaPhione: going in now (16:44:09) PokeLord: I got pissed at Justin because watectric was being a dumby. (16:44:17) Nick: Heho had wifi? (16:44:40) Heho: In another dimension. (16:44:46) Nick: o.0 (16:45:12) ManaPhione: waiting. (16:45:19) Heho: My wifi could work now, I just don't have another DS (16:45:28) Nick: I have to get a team. (16:45:29) Heho: Or any DS... (16:45:29) Pwnemon: gtg (16:46:00) PokeLord: Today I went on Google Translator and I translated 'My mother-in-law's sister is from Iceland.' from English to Spanish to German to Russian to French and back to English and got 'My sister hates my stepmother because she is as fat as Iceland.' I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. MLIA (16:46:45) Heho: .... (16:46:55) Heho: It was funny until I read MLIA (16:46:58) Straw: . (16:47:30) The_Shinigami: wtf is mlia (16:47:33) Straw: You make me think that maybe I won't die alone./Die Alone (16:47:45) Straw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K?lhyLnnI7Qk (16:47:50) Heho: MLIA stands for My life is average (16:47:55) Heho: It's a site (16:47:57) ToasterRampage: My life is average. (16:48:08) Nick: gl/hf (16:48:17) Heho: Where people post probably fake stories about the randomest things. (16:48:22) ToasterRampage: Gah (16:48:30) The_Shinigami: ... (16:48:41) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (16:48:56) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (16:48:57) ToasterRampage: Its like FMl, but there aren't any flame wars. (16:49:05) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (16:49:10) ToasterRampage: *FML (16:49:16) Straw: Flame wars in FML? (16:49:42) ToasterRampage: Because there isn't anything to flame over. (16:50:11) PokeLord: www.omglasergunspewpewpew.com (16:50:40) The_Shinigami: MLIA has to be the most pointless abbreviation I've ever seen. (16:50:49) The_Shinigami: If not in the top three. (16:52:24) ToasterRampage: Ooh, what about @? (16:52:42) Heho: Whats #1? (16:52:43) Heho: GTFO? (16:53:25) The_Shinigami: lmao (16:53:30) The_Shinigami: like, srsly (16:55:40) Nick: .-. (16:56:53) Nick: Comeon Mana, make a move... (16:57:22) Nick: WTF is this?! (16:57:46) Heho: Take it to pm. (16:57:49) Heho: Geez (16:57:55) Nick: meh (16:58:38) Heho: Or there are these things, called im's that send messages in milliseconds to people around the world! :0 (16:59:06) Heho: You should get one! (16:59:08) Nick: Omg, like the Skype I have? (16:59:16) Heho: .... (16:59:20) Nick: Or the Facebook I have? (16:59:50) Heho: You have skype yet your sitting in the chat pestering us all about something we don't care about? (17:00:15) Nick: Hmmm, did you ever think that Mana dosen't have a Skype? (17:00:21) Heho: That's very logical. (17:00:52) Heho: Did mana ever take into account that it takes a minute to register for skype? (17:01:19) Nick: Maybe he can't have a Skype... (17:01:19) Heho: I think I'll end this with a GTFO. (17:01:41) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione has been logged out (Timeout). (17:01:43) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (17:01:45) Nick: And I think I'll stay in here and not care what you say. (17:02:13) Heho: There's no reason why you couldn't have skype. The file is 2 MB is size. (17:02:53) ManaPhione: eh? (17:02:58) Heho: Anyways, spam spammity spam spam. (17:03:00) Nick: Wow, I thought you had a brain. Just forget about it. (17:03:13) ManaPhione: i feel like i missed something semi-important (17:03:55) Heho: Just get skype and quit spamming the chat with battle stuff. It's not really you to blame, this is just when I choose to say something. (17:04:04) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (17:04:52) Heho: I'm okay with like "Hey guys want a battle" every once in a while, but you don't need to give us a play by play of a battle none of us care about. (17:05:17) Nick: I see what you're talking about. (17:05:19) ManaPhione: thought i would switch? (17:06:04) Straw: Oh boy (17:06:06) Straw: I can't flame now (17:06:12) Straw: fucking hell, I missed my flame chance (17:06:20) Heho: Yes you did. (17:06:38) Straw: God damn it (17:06:47) Straw: going back to some good ol' League of Legends (17:06:58) Heho: Cool story bro (17:08:38) Straw: Fuck you (17:08:50) Straw: You will never find my fri. (17:09:03) Heho: >:l (17:09:10) Heho: I WILL FIND YOUR FRI (17:09:14) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (17:09:22) Heho: YOU DASTARDLY BASTARDLY BASTARD (17:09:44) Brock: So. (17:09:53) Brock: What did I miss. (17:10:00) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos logs into the Chat. (17:10:23) Heho: Well Straw posted another picture of Ingrid Michaelson (17:10:31) Straw: Video (17:10:34) Prof. Oak: Arceus logs into the Chat. (17:10:37) Straw: one of her songs (17:10:45) Heho: Yes that (17:10:54) Straw: Dear God, someone do SOMETHING (17:11:26) Heho: I did. (17:11:33) Heho: I trolled Pwn. (17:11:40) Heho: Nothing else to do thar. (17:12:07) Straw: Someone needs to start a war (17:12:07) Heho: All the others are just being lazy pricks (17:12:18) Straw: I posted last (17:12:21) Straw: can't post again (17:12:34) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (17:12:45) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (17:12:57) Heho: I can't do much, I'm neutral. (17:14:47) klaywaffle: Brock (17:14:53) klaywaffle: Need your help (17:14:56) Brock: Yes? (17:15:01) Brock: With what? (17:15:32) klaywaffle: I downloaded Pokesav and filled out all 6 slots now what? (17:15:36) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (17:15:55) ManaPhione: fear CAMERUPT! (17:16:20) ManaPhione: This CAMERUPT is very awesome (17:16:25) Brock: You click where it Says ARDS (17:16:50) ManaPhione: Oh no! It's INFERNAPE! (17:16:58) klaywaffle: Then? (17:17:07) Nick: WTF?! (17:17:22) Brock: You see where it says Party pokemon? (17:17:29) klaywaffle: yeah (17:17:32) Nick: How the hell did that outspeed my Ape? (17:17:33) Brock: Check all of those. (17:17:34) ManaPhione: INFERNAPE fainted! (17:17:51) klaywaffle: even party memeber account? (17:17:57) Heho: ... (17:18:04) Heho: You're doing it again... (17:18:06) ManaPhione: This STARAPTOR is very fast. (17:18:08) Brock: Yes. (17:18:22) Brock: Now click 'Save File'. (17:18:26) Heho: STRAW NOWA YOUR CHANCE (17:18:38) Straw: Hm? (17:18:53) Straw: Oh (17:18:53) Heho: He's doing that thing again. (17:18:59) Straw: these kids are talking about shit nobody cares about (17:19:07) Heho: ^ (17:19:16) Brock: Klay? (17:19:21) Brock: =/ (17:19:23) Heho: Go get skype, conference. (17:19:26) klaywaffle: Yeah (17:19:30) Heho: Problem solved (17:19:35) Nick: I am whispering to him (17:19:37) Brock: Did you do it? (17:19:41) Nick: He won't whisper back... (17:19:43) klaywaffle: Yeah (17:19:53) Brock: Alright. (17:19:54) ManaPhione: ugh (17:19:58) klaywaffle: Just tell manaphione to get skype (17:20:22) Nick: I swear to god... (17:20:26) klaywaffle: That's it? (17:20:27) Nick: SHUT UP KLAY! (17:20:42) Arceus: You can always switch channels. (17:20:43) Brock: Now Do you have the AR Code manager up? (17:21:02) Brock: You know, there is a battle Arena there for a reason. (17:21:18) Nick: Brock, you do the same (17:21:26) klaywaffle: Shi- (17:21:26) Nick: You should try it too! (17:21:33) Brock: I'm just trying to help >_> (17:21:42) klaywaffle: I forgot I have an AR only for DS (17:21:52) klaywaffle: Not DSI (17:21:56) Nick: ALSO! I'm whispering, so yeah... (17:21:59) Brock: =/ (17:22:40) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (17:23:13) Nick: GG (17:23:23) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (17:23:35) ManaPhione: And there goes the battle! (17:24:01) Nick: I guess I'll be back in an hour. (17:24:04) Nick: Bye (17:27:33) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (17:27:44) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (17:28:04) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (17:28:28) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle leaves the channel. (17:29:04) Prof. Oak: Brock leaves the channel. (17:30:21) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle enters the channel. (17:30:34) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs out of the Chat. (17:30:52) Prof. Oak: Brock enters the channel. (17:38:22) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (17:38:37) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (17:38:50) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (17:38:56) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (17:38:57) Pwnemon: hallo (17:39:06) Pwnemon: deadchat? (17:39:24) Heho: Yes. (17:39:32) Pwnemon: cool (17:39:43) Pwnemon: then I can EAT ITS FLESH (17:39:46) Pwnemon: brb (17:40:39) Heho: :l (17:42:39) Straw: dead team. (17:42:42) Straw: I hate soloqueuing (17:42:48) Pwnemon: back (17:42:59) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (17:43:04) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos has been logged out (Timeout). (17:43:09) Pwnemon: (18:39:43) Pwnemon: then I can EAT ITS FLESH We all have a little bit of nick inside of us (17:45:09) Straw: WHAT (17:45:19) Straw: HOW DO YOU LET SOMEONE TAKE 3 TURRETS (17:47:05) Pwnemon: LoL: It's srs bznz (17:49:27) Straw: THIS GUY JUST STOOD (17:49:35) Straw: AS THE ENEMY SEIZED OUR BASE (17:49:46) Pwnemon: afk? (17:51:45) Straw: Nope (17:51:49) Straw: Just incompetent. (17:53:00) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (17:58:06) Prof. Oak: Arceus has been logged out (Timeout). (17:58:26) Pwnemon: hey mana (17:58:30) Pwnemon: you on shoddy still/ (17:59:26) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:03:56) Straw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C?7WlCbaLI3I (18:04:07) Straw: LoL (18:04:08) Straw: is this kind of game (18:04:30) Straw: IT'S TOO EARLY TO BARON (18:06:37) Nick: (18:43:09) Pwnemon: (18:39:43) Pwnemon: then I can EAT ITS FLESH We all have a little bit of nick inside of us Says the one who never STFU about me. (18:06:55) Pwnemon: way to not get it bro (18:07:10) Nick: ;D (18:07:25) Nick: I'm trying to come up with a Leafeon set. (18:08:00) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (18:08:04) Nick: I was thinking: Leaf Blade Wish/Aerial Ace Swords Dance Grass Whistle (18:08:22) Pwnemon: great coverage (18:08:32) Nick: Not really... (18:08:44) Pwnemon: that would be the point of sarcasm (18:08:53) Nick: No duh (18:09:25) Nick: There aren't to many moves Leafeon can use to counter Flying, Fire, and Ice types. (18:10:18) Pwnemon: true, it has a BS movepool (18:10:49) Nick: I would turn it into a Physical wall (18:11:15) Nick: But it has an Adamant nature and such... (18:11:21) Nick: Then again... (18:12:50) The_Shinigami: Then either get an impish one or quit complainen >:/ (18:13:44) Nick: I already came up with somethin. (18:14:22) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:14:23) The_Shinigami: Oh, go on. (18:14:25) Nick: I don't exactly have to EV train it in Def cuz it is high itself. (18:14:43) Nick: Ugh! (18:14:48) Nick: Nevermind! (18:15:02) Nick: Why would Klay give me an Adamant Leafeon? (18:15:07) The_Shinigami: Yeah, putting defensive EVs into anything is silly. (18:15:13) Pwnemon: lol trolled (18:15:23) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:15:33) Nick: No Shini I am typing this all on accident. (18:15:41) Nick: Forget you all. (18:15:52) Nick: I'm trying to come up with something, (18:15:53) Pwnemon: wtf are you smoking (18:15:57) Nick: Byue (18:16:01) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (18:16:08) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (18:16:11) The_Shinigami: lol baaaaawwwww (18:16:18) The_Shinigami: return of the bawwwww (18:16:52) Heho: lol (18:18:05) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (18:18:17) Pwnemon: hey mana (18:18:29) ManaPhione: hiya (18:18:43) Pwnemon: are you still on shoddy? (18:19:03) ManaPhione: no (18:19:18) ManaPhione: i switched computers, and now i can use PO again (18:19:26) ManaPhione: yes, i'm am that lazy (18:21:15) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (18:21:37) ManaPhione: hi rich (18:22:20) Rich_Richie: Hey (18:25:26) Pwnemon: hey (18:30:20) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:30:37) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:30:42) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (18:33:01) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (18:35:38) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (18:37:27) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (18:37:43) Brock: Hi (18:46:28) ManaPhione: a few minutes later... (18:47:16) Pwnemon: I exploded (18:47:38) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (18:48:54) ManaPhione: how would you be able to type that if you did? (18:49:03) ManaPhione: A CONSPIRACY? (18:50:39) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (18:52:00) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (18:52:21) PokemonChamp21: morning all (18:52:24) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (18:52:50) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (18:52:59) Pwnemon: hey PC (18:53:08) Pwnemon: you wake up at midnight? (18:53:37) PokemonChamp21: yo bud, lol no buts now technically morning since its 12am (18:53:55) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (18:54:08) Pwnemon: to you (18:54:22) Brock: I want (18:54:29) Pwnemon: it's seven PM over here (18:54:32) PokemonChamp21: lol well yeah true (18:54:37) ManaPhione: 7:54 (18:54:49) Brock: A Hariyama. (18:54:57) Pwnemon: SAV it (18:55:08) PokemonChamp21: NNOOOO (18:55:19) PokemonChamp21: catch or breed it. no cheating (18:55:30) Pwnemon: oldie (18:55:32) The_Shinigami: olo sav haters. (18:55:42) The_Shinigami: Humour me. (18:55:48) Brock: wut (18:55:54) Brock: I can't breed. (18:55:54) PokemonChamp21: nah just a tradionlist (18:56:06) Brock: People should know that by now. (18:56:13) PokemonChamp21: wow i am tired. (18:56:20) The_Shinigami: What ever someone else wants to do is pretty much their decision. (18:56:31) PokemonChamp21: ^ true (18:56:42) Pwnemon: you wouldn (18:56:50) Pwnemon: t know it by that all caps no (18:57:01) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (18:57:16) PokemonChamp21: i prefer working hard for my mon xD (18:57:38) The_Shinigami: And that's your preference. (18:57:53) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:58:37) PokemonChamp21: come on Shini =) (18:58:49) Pwnemon: come on PC (18:59:06) Pwnemon: shini likes to argue (18:59:10) Pwnemon: don't give him bait (18:59:17) PokemonChamp21: * i meant come on Shini smile (18:59:26) Pwnemon: oh (18:59:26) PokemonChamp21: be happy (18:59:38) PokemonChamp21: =) (18:59:49) Pwnemon: Bob marley? You came back? (19:00:30) PokemonChamp21: lol (19:00:43) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:02:53) PokemonChamp21: he's a good example. dispite having some of the crappiest days you could prob have (getting shot at) he still went on stage later on performed for his fans. I know Shini likes to argue and sarcastic (tbh thats why I like him) but you have to smile sometimes bud =) (19:03:19) PokemonChamp21: *and be sarcastic (19:04:17) Pwnemon: it is late PC (19:04:28) Pwnemon: how long can you stay up? (19:05:02) PokemonChamp21: as long as i want. got no work till 2011 (19:05:16) The_Shinigami: wat (19:06:10) PokemonChamp21: Im back to work on New Years day so 2011 in other words =) (19:06:42) Pwnemon: Shini was "wat"ing your bob marleyness (19:06:58) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (19:07:11) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (19:07:13) The_Shinigami: I was 'wat'-ing smiling after getting shot (19:07:33) The_Shinigami: If I got shot I'd be like "WHO'S THE F*CKER THAT DID THIS TO ME!?" (19:07:39) The_Shinigami: >Implying I survive. (19:07:54) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (19:08:09) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (19:08:28) Brock: So the duck says. (19:08:32) Brock: Nice Hat! (19:08:35) Brock: GET IT? (19:08:39) Brock: HAHAHA. (19:08:48) PokemonChamp21: well he did. he didnt want the people who hated him to win so as soon as he left hospital he went out and performed to his fans (19:08:49) The_Shinigami: >Implying bullets affect me (19:08:50) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my logs into the Chat. (19:08:51) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (19:08:52) The_Shinigami: wait, wat. (19:09:11) The_Shinigami: >Implying that I should be grouped together with you mortals (19:09:40) PokemonChamp21: lol (19:10:42) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (19:10:44) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (19:12:59) Brock: HEY (19:13:05) Brock: IM BORED (19:13:09) Brock: DO SOMETHING (19:13:16) Pwnemon: It's jrGERM (19:13:26) PokemonChamp21: who you talking to Brock? (19:13:35) The_Shinigami: GUISE (19:13:37) Brock: Anyone, really. (19:13:38) The_Shinigami: THIS SHOULD (19:13:40) The_Shinigami: TOTALLY (19:13:42) Pwnemon: us, very generally (19:13:43) The_Shinigami: BE A DIGIMON FORUM (19:13:47) The_Shinigami: WITH REAL DIGIMON (19:13:55) Brock: OH YES (19:13:55) Pwnemon: lolwut.jpg (19:13:55) The_Shinigami: AND DIGIMON EVERYWHERE (19:13:58) The_Shinigami: AND (19:14:03) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Wanna battle? (19:14:03) The_Shinigami: THINGS (19:14:09) Brock: Yes. (19:14:09) The_Shinigami: LIKE DIGIMON (19:14:16) Brock: Sure IABAMN (19:14:30) I'm_as_bad_as_my: How about Roulette? (19:14:35) The_Shinigami: WHAT IS (19:14:38) The_Shinigami: POKEMON EVEN? (19:14:39) Brock: Sure (19:14:53) PokemonChamp21: ¬_¬ (19:15:03) Brock: How many poke- Digimon, do you have? (19:15:04) I'm_as_bad_as_my: 8 pokemon. (19:15:06) The_Shinigami: THOSE MONSTERS DO (19:15:10) The_Shinigami: NOT FIT (19:15:11) Brock: Alright. (19:15:17) The_Shinigami: IN PEOPLE'S POCKETS (19:15:21) The_Shinigami: IT'S ALL LIES (19:15:33) I'm_as_bad_as_my: And you? (19:15:35) Brock: I have 39. (19:15:44) The_Shinigami: AT LEAST DIGIMON (19:15:45) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (19:15:50) The_Shinigami: DIGITAL (19:15:51) The_Shinigami: ARE (19:15:51) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my rolls 6d39 and gets 27,22,30,10,25,33. (19:15:53) Prof. Oak: Brock rolls 1d8 and gets 3. (19:15:58) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (19:15:59) I'm_as_bad_as_my: There you go. (19:16:04) The_Shinigami: God damn it chat lag. (19:16:06) Prof. Oak: Brock rolls 6d8 and gets 2,2,1,8,8,2. (19:16:10) Brock: Sorry. (19:16:11) ManaPhione: How do pokeballs work? (19:16:15) The_Shinigami: Well the moment's gone. (19:16:16) Brock: ._. (19:16:23) PokeLord: Mana, your mom. (19:16:46) ManaPhione: digimon digital are (19:16:54) PokemonChamp21: great troll boy is back (19:17:02) Brock: How about 3,2, 5, 8, 7, 4 (19:17:12) I'm_as_bad_as_my: fine. (19:17:15) The_Shinigami: IF POKEBALL (19:17:22) The_Shinigami: S ARE AIRTIGHT (19:17:27) The_Shinigami: HOW CAN THE POKEMON EVEN (19:17:31) The_Shinigami: BREATHE? (19:17:37) PokeLord: Holes. (19:17:48) The_Shinigami: IF THERE ARE HOLES (19:17:53) The_Shinigami: THAN WHY HAVE POK (19:17:57) The_Shinigami: EBALLS BEEN SHOWN (19:18:02) ManaPhione: then it isn't airtight at all, it it? (19:18:07) The_Shinigami: TO HOLD A POKEMON WHILST UNDERWATER (19:18:19) The_Shinigami: THEY WOULD DROWN (19:18:19) Brock: Here are my FC: 4255 0544 4537 (19:18:27) The_Shinigami: BECAUSE WATER IS THERE (19:18:30) The_Shinigami: AND WATER (19:19:02) ManaPhione: Pokeballs put the pokemon into some sort of suspended animation? (19:19:04) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Pokeballs turn Pokemon into electricity. (19:19:17) The_Shinigami: THEN HOW DO SOME POKEMON KNOW (19:19:22) The_Shinigami: WHEN TO COME OUT OF THEIR (19:19:24) The_Shinigami: POKEBALLS (19:19:30) Pwnemon: How does wobbuffet pop out? (19:19:30) The_Shinigami: PLOTHOLES (19:19:32) The_Shinigami: EVERYWHERE (19:19:33) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Bill said so when I called him. (19:20:02) Brock: FC? (19:20:34) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I've connected with you before on 2 of your games. (19:20:43) ManaPhione: pokemon never made sense (19:20:43) I'm_as_bad_as_my: You should have mine already. (19:20:45) Brock: Not this one. (19:20:52) Brock: ;P (19:20:56) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:21:06) I'm_as_bad_as_my: What are you playing? (19:21:13) Brock: Pearl. (19:21:13) The_Shinigami: WHY DON'T (19:21:18) The_Shinigami: TEAM ROCKET JUST (19:21:22) The_Shinigami: KILL PEOPLE (19:21:23) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Of course. (19:21:25) Brock: Sorry, I've lost my HG. (19:21:39) Brock: And that is the game I normally use. (19:22:09) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (19:22:13) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Okay. 1248 2522 2518 (19:22:20) I'm_as_bad_as_my: And you? (19:22:26) Brock: 4255 0544 4537 (19:23:05) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (19:23:28) ManaPhione: Why does giovanni give up just when he's beaten at pokemon? (19:23:46) I'm_as_bad_as_my: He doesn't. (19:23:47) Heho: Because. He's a good sport. (19:23:53) ManaPhione: couldn't he just beat the player up or something? (19:24:06) Heho: He doesn't work out. (19:24:11) I'm_as_bad_as_my: He goes to train so he can beat you. (19:24:17) Heho: Plus he's afraid of 10 year olds. (19:24:28) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (19:24:47) Heho: He's like the opposite of a pedophile (19:24:57) Pwnemon: pedophobe (19:25:04) Heho: ...Pedopho- yeah (19:25:25) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Ha! 39/255. (19:25:40) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (19:26:45) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (19:26:56) Straw: Why are twelve guests looking at TPT's RP section of all the places? (19:27:23) Heho: Because, lurkers like RPs. (19:27:32) Heho: Obviously (19:28:15) Pwnemon: that is the number one place not to look as a guest (19:28:41) Heho: Explain why they're there then? :0 (19:28:41) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs out of the Chat. (19:28:42) Prof. Oak: PokeLord logs into the Chat. (19:29:00) Heho: That's right, you can't. >:0 (19:29:02) Pwnemon: they aren't number one guests (19:29:15) Heho: Orly? (19:29:35) Heho: So they're like the newfags of guestland? (19:29:37) Pwnemon: only explanation (19:30:24) Straw: IceDeviMon? (19:30:33) Pwnemon: whoawaitwhat (19:30:42) Pwnemon: I thought we drove her off (19:31:14) Heho: ohoho she was the bane of everything that was. (19:31:19) Straw: What other explanation? (19:31:36) Pwnemon: there is no other explanation (19:33:12) Heho: Bewbs. (19:33:52) Heho: Oh looks like on migrated to general (19:33:54) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (19:33:55) Heho: *one (19:34:11) Rich_Richie: Damn (19:35:49) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (19:35:56) Pwnemon: What's damn? (19:36:26) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:36:26) Rich_Richie: Hell if I know (19:38:06) Heho: Shini have you ever called an American a "Yank"? (19:39:09) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (19:39:34) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (19:40:27) I'm_as_bad_as_my: gg (19:40:34) Brock: GG. (19:41:31) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (19:41:44) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (19:42:05) I'm_as_bad_as_my: You didn't get to see my new pokemon! (19:42:38) I'm_as_bad_as_my: It's a Blastoise that I bred with 30 HP and 30 Defense, and is Relaxed. (19:42:53) Brock: ;P (19:43:00) Brock: You didn't get to see mine. (19:43:28) I'm_as_bad_as_my: It's the only IV bred pokemon I have. (19:43:47) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I also trained it in HP and Defense. (19:44:02) Brock: Cool. (19:45:57) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (19:50:13) Pwnemon: ... (19:51:28) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (19:51:43) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:54:29) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (19:58:17) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (19:59:20) Prof. Oak: PokeLord has been logged out (Timeout). (20:06:27) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (20:06:40) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:09:04) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (20:09:16) Pwnemon: hey (20:09:31) ManaPhione: hiya (20:10:07) ManaPhione: so what happened? (20:10:14) Pwnemon: nothing (20:11:48) Prof. Oak: P-RAD logs into the Chat. (20:12:05) P-RAD: sup yall (20:12:13) Pwnemon: nothin (20:12:37) P-RAD: did you guys have a great christmas (20:12:42) Pwnemon: yeah (20:12:49) Pwnemon: but my wii broke on the twenty sixth (20:12:59) Pwnemon: which put a damper on thingd (20:13:03) P-RAD: that sucks (20:13:05) Pwnemon: things* (20:13:54) P-RAD: i just got golden eye for the wii so thats what iv been playing (20:14:04) Pwnemon: I got DK country (20:14:04) Pwnemon: nice (20:14:11) Pwnemon: but i obviously can't play it (20:14:28) P-RAD: lol (20:15:24) Straw: I got (20:15:31) Straw: The Zelda masterpiece edition (20:15:32) Pwnemon: laid? (20:15:38) Straw: OoT, MM, and LoZ 1 and 2 (20:15:40) Straw: That, too. (20:15:56) Pwnemon: finally caught up with Trog eh? (20:16:13) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (20:16:18) Pwnemon: I'm waiting for the 3DS ocarina remake (20:16:33) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (20:16:38) P-RAD: the 3ds is sweet (20:16:44) maizesmagikarp: R/S/E for 3ds would be pro (20:17:38) ManaPhione: but will it happen? (20:17:44) Pwnemon: es (20:17:45) Pwnemon: yes* (20:17:46) ManaPhione: that is the question. (20:17:47) maizesmagikarp: it better. (20:18:01) maizesmagikarp: knowing nintendo, it is almost guaranteed (20:18:35) Pwnemon: it hasn't come out in two generations (20:18:39) Pwnemon: of course it will (20:18:56) maizesmagikarp: it prints money! (20:18:56) P-RAD: brb (20:19:01) The_Shinigami: WHY AREN'T (20:19:01) The_Shinigami: WE (20:19:07) The_Shinigami: TALKING ABOUT DIGIMON? (20:19:37) Straw: R/S/E won't come out on 3DS (20:19:48) Pwnemon: I think it will (20:19:52) ManaPhione: dun dun dun (20:20:11) The_Shinigami: Goddamit your lack of responses bothers me. (20:20:35) Pwnemon: DIGIMENS ARE TEH BAST (20:21:09) The_Shinigami: it's too late man. (20:21:11) The_Shinigami: Too late. (20:21:14) Pwnemon: I'm trying to beat this level on angry birds (20:21:20) ManaPhione: Why are there Moogles in mah Mario? (20:21:20) Pwnemon: it's making me an angry bird (20:21:25) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (20:21:31) Straw: I don't think it will. (20:21:34) Straw: You know why? (20:21:40) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (20:21:42) Pwnemon: why (20:21:45) Straw: Oh, wait, R/S/E. (20:21:52) Straw: I thought you guys said R/B/G (20:22:02) Pwnemon: that won't (20:22:08) Pwnemon: because HGSS has it covered (20:22:10) ManaPhione: a misunderstanding (20:22:33) ManaPhione: Maybe this will be the first generation not to have kanto in it? (20:22:57) Pwnemon: why must you turn into a bulbapedia trivia writer at the drop of a hat? (20:23:20) Straw: Who me? (20:23:25) ManaPhione: it's not my fault i know obscure things. (20:23:28) Pwnemon: Seriously, they find the most useless and coincidental shit, and throw in a couple exceptions so that they can turn it into a superlative, then put it on the bottom of the page (20:23:29) Pwnemon: No mana (20:24:08) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:24:20) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (20:24:33) Pwnemon: NINETAILS HAS THE MOST TAILS OF ANY GEN I NON LEGENDARY FIRE TYPE POKEMON (20:25:08) Straw: Ah (20:25:16) ManaPhione: Did you know that Bonsly has the lowest base Special Attack of all baby Pokemon? (20:25:21) Straw: ONLY FIRE TYPE (20:25:30) Pwnemon: that's the sort of stuff I'm talking about (20:25:35) Shiny: did you know that Munchlax has the lowest speed of all pokemon? (20:25:52) Straw: Wait really? (20:25:56) Straw: Not Forretress? (20:26:03) Shiny: base 5 (20:26:25) Shiny: did you know that pikachu, despite being the series mascot, can only be naturally found in Kanto? (20:26:38) Straw: Whoa, really? (20:26:49) Shiny: in hoenn it's safari zone-only and in sinnoh it's trophy garden, both of which are imported (20:26:58) Pwnemon: My favorite was, "Larvitar is known as the "Rock eating" pokemon, Pupitar is the "Hard Shell" Pokemon, and Tyranitar is the "Armor" Pokemon. Put together, this makes "Rock Hard Armor," one of Tyranitar's most famous traits" (20:27:09) Pwnemon: what the hell (20:27:23) ManaPhione: did you know that Steelix is less dense than air? (20:27:27) Pwnemon: what geeky thirty five year old sits in his mom's basement and finds this shit (20:27:32) ManaPhione: lol (20:27:49) Shiny: actually I found the pikachu one (20:27:49) Pwnemon: Shuckle is actually tied with munchlax (20:27:59) Pwnemon: jsyk (20:28:13) Straw: jsyk? (20:28:19) Pwnemon: just so ya know (20:28:19) Shiny: jsyk. (20:28:39) Shiny: also dude I'm level twenty in new vegas and I just got the platinum chip back (20:28:51) Shiny: when I killed caeser. (20:29:17) Straw: Yeah (20:29:26) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (20:29:42) Straw: well guess what? (20:29:43) Straw: be level 30 (20:30:14) Shiny: this game is looong but it feels a lot shorter than fallout 3 was (20:30:27) Shiny: I don't think I got level 20 in FO3 until I finished broken steel (20:31:06) Straw: I got to level 20 in FO3 (20:31:17) Pwnemon: random change in topic was random (20:31:20) Straw: Before brotherhood was introduced (20:31:28) Shiny: holy crap (20:31:30) ManaPhione: very much so (20:35:38) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (20:35:40) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (20:35:58) Straw: I did (20:36:07) Straw: Every Side Quest (20:36:08) Straw: EVER (20:36:34) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (20:36:50) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (20:39:16) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:39:53) Pwnemon: hi (20:40:06) Straw: WHY (20:40:12) Straw: I hold half of the team's kills (20:40:17) Straw: only 10% of death (20:40:28) Straw: They're giving up (20:40:32) Straw: I'm just like, "Guys, what' (20:40:47) Pwnemon: you can probably do it alone for heaven's sake (20:41:06) Straw: No (20:41:09) Straw: this is a team game (20:41:30) Straw: I wish I could do it alone (20:41:36) Pwnemon: ouch (20:41:36) Pwnemon: you have to win together? (20:41:51) Straw: Yep (20:41:59) Straw: Why does our tank (20:42:01) Straw: go by himself? (20:42:03) Pwnemon: find a better guild? (20:42:18) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (20:42:19) Straw: Nah, this is soloqueuing (20:42:21) Straw: my guild's at work (20:42:44) Pwnemon: soloqueuing? (20:43:21) Straw: I insert myself into (20:43:26) Straw: another team (20:43:33) Straw: probably made up of other soloqueuer (20:44:17) Pwnemon: oh i see (20:44:20) Pwnemon: so it isn't a guild (20:44:23) Straw: Who can't play for jack shit (20:44:26) Pwnemon: it's a team of guildless people (20:44:30) Straw: probably why none of them aren't in a stable guild (20:44:33) Straw: Yeah (20:44:42) Straw: I'm wishing my guild comes back from work soon (20:44:43) Pwnemon: why aren't you in a guild? (20:44:47) Pwnemon: oh (20:47:42) Pwnemon: just swapped out my Snorlax (20:47:48) Pwnemon: it wasn't doing jack (20:47:49) Straw: ONCE THERE WAS A WAY TO GET BACK HOMEWARD (20:47:55) Straw: ONCE THERE WAS A WAY TO GET BACK HOME (20:48:01) Straw: SLEEP, PRETTY DARLING DO NOT CRY (20:48:09) Straw: AND I WILL SING A LULLABY (20:48:15) Straw: GOLDEN SLUMBERS SPILL YOUR EYES (20:48:24) Straw: SMILE AWAITS YOU WHEN YOU RISE (20:48:33) Straw: SLEEP, PRETTY DARLING, DO NOT CRY (20:48:37) Straw: AND I WILL SING A LULLABY (20:48:49) Straw: ONCE THERE WAS A WAY TO GET BACK HOMEWARD (20:48:54) Straw: ONCE THERE WAS A WAY TO GET BACK HOME (20:49:00) Straw: SLEEP, PRETTY DARLING DO NOT CRY (20:49:06) Straw: AND I WILL SING A LULLABY (20:49:06) Pwnemon: can we cut the chatspam please? (20:49:21) Straw: You can't be hating on the Beatles (20:49:48) Pwnemon: Trying to concentrate on a battle (20:50:29) Straw: How's that relate to the chat? (20:50:47) Pwnemon: iunno (20:51:00) Pwnemon: but hearing a bloop every three seconds doesn't help (20:51:07) Straw: Exactly (20:51:18) Straw: You can turn the sound off (20:55:27) Pwnemon: hahaha (20:55:38) Pwnemon: just won with overconfidence salamence (20:55:43) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (20:55:43) Pwnemon: so gonna be Uber (20:57:19) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:57:39) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (20:58:22) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (20:58:31) Pwnemon: brb (20:58:44) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (21:00:20) klaywaffle: Hi (21:03:31) ManaPhione: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (21:04:03) klaywaffle: Any new english names yet? (21:05:10) ManaPhione: nope. (21:05:57) ManaPhione: we're prolly only going to get some once a month (21:06:14) ManaPhione: unless there's some massive leak or something (21:06:18) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (21:06:28) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (21:06:47) Pwnemon: Back (21:08:13) Pwnemon: Actually, I should prolly go (21:08:26) Pwnemon: I've been tired or track all week (21:08:40) Pwnemon: For* (21:09:44) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (21:09:44) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (21:10:19) Brock: Hi (21:12:35) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (21:12:49) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (21:13:44) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (21:15:20) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami has been logged out (Timeout). (21:16:00) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (21:16:13) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs into the Chat. (21:17:04) Prof. Oak: The_Shinigami logs out of the Chat. (21:17:54) Prof. Oak: Stanky! logs into the Chat. (21:19:16) Stanky!: Big nights (21:21:00) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (21:21:48) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (21:22:07) Nick: Hello everyone. (21:23:12) Nick: I see the chat is very dead. (21:24:08) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (21:24:12) Prof. Oak: P-RAD has been logged out (Timeout). (21:26:14) ManaPhione: x.x (21:27:50) Prof. Oak: Brock logs out of the Chat. (21:31:00) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (21:32:16) Nick: x____x (21:32:38) Prof. Oak: Mario78 logs into the Chat. (21:33:06) Prof. Oak: Mario78 logs out of the Chat. (21:36:46) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (21:36:59) Nick: Yay someone logged in! (21:37:01) Nick: (21:37:05) BraveNewWorld: I took off my skinny jeans and now I can feel my legs (21:37:37) Nick: I never wore Skinny Jeans and never will I. :3 (21:38:03) BraveNewWorld: Skinny jeans are awesome Just don't expect them to be comfrotable (21:38:48) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (21:38:49) Nick: Well, they're not really my style. XD (21:39:03) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (21:39:04) Nick: I wouldn't expect them to be comfy either. (21:39:28) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (21:39:36) Heho: ARE WE HUMAN (21:39:39) Heho: OR ARE WE DANCER (21:39:43) Heho: MY SIGN IS VITAL (21:39:49) Nick: o.O (21:39:52) Heho: MY HANDS ARE COLD (21:39:57) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (21:39:57) Straw: <3 (21:40:01) Straw: The Killers (21:40:08) Brock: NICKNAME FOR GYARADOS QUICK (21:40:10) Heho: AND I'M OOONNN MYY KNEEESS (21:40:15) Heho: LOOKING FOR THE ANSWER (21:40:18) Heho: ARE WE HUMAN (21:40:18) BraveNewWorld: Onions! (21:40:24) Heho: OR ARE WE DANCER? (21:40:28) Brock: Onions? (21:40:29) Nick: Intimidate (21:40:39) BraveNewWorld: NAME IT ONIONS! (21:40:41) Nick: Sharp Jaw (21:40:43) Heho: PAY MY RESPECTS TO GRACE AND VIRTUE (21:40:50) Brock: BNW. (21:40:55) Heho: SEND MY CONDOLENCES TO GOOD (21:41:01) Brock: YOU ARE A GENIUS. (21:41:10) Heho: GIVE MY REGARDS TO SOUL AND ROMANCE (21:41:15) BraveNewWorld: Is it progression if a cannibal uses a form? (21:41:16) Nick: VitalTooth (21:41:16) Heho: THEY ALWAYS DID THE BEST THEY COULD (21:41:24) BraveNewWorld: fork* (21:41:32) Heho: AND SO LONG TO DEVOTION (21:41:38) Heho: YOU TAUGHT ME EVERYTHING I KNOW (21:41:44) Heho: WAVE GOODBYE WISH ME WELL (21:41:48) Heho: YOU GOTTA LET ME GOO (21:41:53) Heho: ARE WE HUMAN (21:41:57) Heho: OR ARE WE DANCER? (21:42:01) Heho: MY SIGN IS VITAL (21:42:04) Heho: MY HANDS ARE COLD (21:42:11) Heho: AND I'M OOONNN MY KNEESS (21:42:18) Heho: LOOKING FOR THE ANSWER (21:42:21) Heho: ARE WE HUMAN (21:42:25) Heho: OR ARE WE DANCER? (21:42:26) Straw: Mr Fish, Brock. (21:42:28) Straw: Mr.Fish (21:42:36) Nick: NO! VitalTooth! (21:42:52) Heho: WILL YOUR SYSTEM BE ALL RIGHT? (21:42:58) Heho: WHEN YOU DREAM OF HOME TONIGHT (21:43:13) Heho: THERE IS NO MESSAGE WERE RECEIVING (21:43:27) Nick: I <3 watching Celebrity Rehab. :3 (21:43:36) Heho: LET ME KNOW IF YOU'RE HEART'S STILL BEATING (21:43:54) Heho: ARE WE HUMAN? (21:43:58) Heho: OR ARE WE DANCER? (21:44:03) Heho: MY SIGN IS VITAL (21:44:08) Heho: MY HANDS ARE COLD (21:44:20) Heho: AND I'M ON MYYY KNEESS LOOKING FOR THE ANSWER (21:44:26) Heho: YOU'VE GOTTA LET ME KNOW (21:44:36) Heho: ARE WE HUMMAN? OR ARE WE DANCER? (21:44:49) Heho: MY SIGN IS VITAL, MY HANDS ARE COLD (21:44:58) Heho: AND I'M ONNN MYYY KNEEESS LOOKING FOR THE ANSWER (21:45:08) Heho: AREEE WE HUMMAANNN? OR ARREE WE DANNCERRR? (21:46:40) Straw: Spaceman is also good (21:46:42) Heho: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w?vVOoCKjonY (21:48:42) Heho: Chat is now dead because everyone is listening to this amazing song. (21:49:40) Straw: I have the album, fag (21:49:47) Straw: Sitting on my stereo (21:49:56) Straw: right on top of their second album (21:50:25) Heho: O.O (21:50:34) Heho: Is that where you Fri is? (21:51:05) Nick is going back to ev training. (21:51:59) Prof. Oak: Stanky! has been logged out (Timeout). (21:54:30) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (21:56:34) BraveNewWorld: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y?0Um3si8vH8 (21:58:25) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (21:58:56) Heho: Rule 16, Straw and Heho have impeccable taste in music (22:00:19) Straw: BNW (22:00:25) Straw: Respect, man. (22:04:44) BraveNewWorld: Is the TPT UN done now? (22:04:46) Nick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B?1Bi1c9LmhU (22:11:56) Straw: Not sure, but if it is, I'm pretty sure that my alliance has a bigger influence. (22:12:10) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (22:12:44) Nick: Wait, what? (22:13:25) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (22:14:37) Nick: Well, I'm bored out of my f*cking mind. I'm going to go now. :3 (22:14:41) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (22:19:12) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (22:30:31) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (22:34:15) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (22:39:26) Prof. Oak: m3Atl0afman:The_ logs into the Chat. (22:39:53) Straw: Who unbanned you? (22:40:07) m3Atl0afman:The_: no one (22:40:15) m3Atl0afman:The_: Im banned on the forums only (22:40:29) Straw: Ah. (22:40:45) m3Atl0afman:The_: I came to the chat for a reason (22:40:54) Straw: I do hope you like my handiwork. (22:40:58) Straw: Heho and mine. (22:41:27) m3Atl0afman:The_: Who was the guy that made fun of me having Black Ops on the Wii the other day? (22:41:50) Straw: No one. (22:42:23) m3Atl0afman:The_: I have the chat from that day on microsoft word. (22:42:28) Straw: Aww, was the baby's ego bruised because someone made fun of their taste? (22:42:37) Straw: Oh, I'm so scared. (22:42:51) Straw: Maybe from reading it, you'll know that you're nothing but an arrogant asshole. (22:42:56) m3Atl0afman:The_: If those people are here in the chat now, yu know who you are (22:43:10) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (22:43:18) Straw: Hey Jew. (22:43:30) Straw: Sit down. This is arrogance hour. (22:43:44) Shiny: wonderful (22:43:58) Shiny: I thought meatloaf was banned (22:44:08) m3Atl0afman:The_: youguys shoild see this under the bridge forum it hilarious (22:44:23) Straw: I've seen it (22:44:37) BraveNewWorld: Black Ops is on the Wii? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL (22:44:38) Shiny: it's my favorite forum (22:44:48) m3Atl0afman:The_: Wow lots of Grammer errors in that post XD (22:45:04) m3Atl0afman:The_: So tell me what's wrong with that? (22:45:17) m3Atl0afman:The_: So what if it's on the Wii (22:45:41) m3Atl0afman:The_: Doesn't mean I can't beat you (22:45:49) m3Atl0afman:The_: No matter what the system (22:45:51) klaywaffle: You should be lolzing that it's on the DS (22:46:12) m3Atl0afman:The_: I am lolzing on that actually (22:46:31) m3Atl0afman:The_: What idiot put it on DS? (22:46:45) Straw: Actually, I'm laughing at the fact that you came back just to tell someone off because they made fun of your taste in gaming, of all things. (22:47:03) Straw: You really are spoiled. (22:47:06) m3Atl0afman:The_: That's not why I'm here genius (22:47:13) m3Atl0afman:The_: ^&** (22:47:22) m3Atl0afman:The_: Stop jumping to concusions (22:47:30) m3Atl0afman:The_: *conclusions (22:47:33) Straw: Then state your business or get the fuck out. (22:47:50) m3Atl0afman:The_: Is Pwnemon online? (22:47:59) Straw: I can call Trogdor, and he's not happy about what you said about Teru. (22:48:07) klaywaffle: Does it look like he is? (22:48:12) Straw: Neither am I. (22:48:17) m3Atl0afman:The_: I asked yu a question Straw (22:48:18) BraveNewWorld: If only skinny jeans were more comfortable (22:48:33) m3Atl0afman:The_: I only said that in self defense (22:49:16) Straw: Against what? (22:49:25) Straw: People judging you because you were acting like a snob? (22:49:44) m3Atl0afman:The_: On the account that you and Pwnemon were making fun of me (22:49:47) m3Atl0afman:The_: ALOT (22:49:53) Straw: I'm surprised that you were surprised about what people said to you. (22:49:53) Straw: OH NO. (22:49:57) Straw: DID I HURT YOUR FEELINGS? (22:50:01) Straw: Shut the fuck up and get over it. (22:50:08) Straw: Oh, by the way, 1.2 million. (22:50:19) m3Atl0afman:The_: I dunno what the fuck youre talking about (22:50:19) Straw: That's how much my family made last year, not accounting for tax. (22:50:29) Straw: Pretty sure that comes down to 230k. (22:50:41) Straw: How much does yours make? (22:51:06) m3Atl0afman:The_: (23:50:19) m3Atl0afman:The_: I dunno what the fuck youre talking about (22:51:24) Straw: You have the chat on word. (22:51:50) m3Atl0afman:The_: You forget I Hypercammed it too (22:51:52) Straw: Figure it out if you're so much better than me as you've stated over 9000 times that day. (22:52:45) m3Atl0afman:The_: If you want me to apologize than just fucking say so already (22:52:56) Prof. Oak: Arceus logs into the Chat. (22:53:03) klaywaffle: Dangit (22:53:03) Straw: I don't want you to apologize. (22:53:10) klaywaffle: Thought that was Trog (22:53:22) Straw: I'll call Trog when I'm good and ready. (22:53:34) m3Atl0afman:The_: When Trog leaves I'm gonna leave (22:53:40) Straw: I just want you to know that anyone who thinks they're better than someone because their family makes more money than someone is an absolute garbage. (22:53:41) m3Atl0afman:The_: You know that right (22:53:45) Arceus: Oh boy. Chat drama. (22:54:02) Straw: Do I act like I'm better than everyone? (22:54:09) Straw: Why don't I get Shainy back in here and ask him? (22:54:12) Straw: or Pwne? (22:54:14) Straw: Or Heho? (22:54:19) BraveNewWorld: My favorite pokemon is probably Ralts (22:54:33) m3Atl0afman:The_: On account that you're threatning to call Trog (22:54:34) Straw: Ralts is cute, yes/ (22:54:47) m3Atl0afman:The_: I say thats a yes to youre question (22:55:00) Straw: On the account that you're not even grammatically correct (22:55:08) Straw: and on the account that it's not a threat if I can actually do it (22:55:14) Straw: it's a statement. (22:55:16) m3Atl0afman:The_: On account that I dont care (22:55:47) Straw: Then you should probably get out (22:56:03) m3Atl0afman:The_: How long have you been on TPT that you are trying to kick me outmy home (22:56:03) Straw: Also, you're just a human garbage that America or the world doesn't need. (22:56:19) Straw: If you're rich, act like it. (22:56:46) m3Atl0afman:The_: I asked you a question (22:57:23) Straw: What makes you think I have any intentions in answering? (22:57:33) Straw: Welcome to reality, son. Not everyone's your bitch. (22:57:41) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (22:57:50) BraveNewWorld: Hi Nick! (22:57:57) Nick: Hi (22:58:05) klaywaffle: Sup' (22:58:07) m3Atl0afman:The_: Wazzup Nickelodeon (22:58:16) Nick: o.O (22:58:26) m3Atl0afman:The_: lol (22:58:30) Straw: Hey brah. (22:58:50) Nick: Ummm, this seems awkward... (22:59:03) Straw: Just me yelling at meatspin. (22:59:12) BraveNewWorld: lololololol (22:59:30) Straw: BNW, is it bad that my skinny jeans don't hurt my legs anymore? (22:59:50) m3Atl0afman:The_: On the subject of usernames, what kinda name is Straw (23:00:08) klaywaffle: What's a meatloafman_the ditto king? (23:00:10) Straw: From Strawberry Fields Forever, son. (23:00:16) BraveNewWorld: Idk lol I just got my first pair and my left thigh was tingling after wearing them for 2 hours (23:00:23) Straw: The best song ever by the best band ever in the best album ever. (23:00:36) m3Atl0afman:The_: Dont get me started klay (23:00:46) Straw: Ah, well, I'm a huge faggot so I've been wearing them for over 2 years (23:00:55) m3Atl0afman:The_: We dont have to argue (23:01:06) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (23:01:11) m3Atl0afman:The_: WAIT Straw you a girl or boy (23:01:12) Prof. Oak: m3Atl0afman:The_ logs out of the Chat. (23:01:15) Arceus: I lol'd @ Straw (23:01:19) BraveNewWorld: OH NO (23:01:23) klaywaffle: Ololol (23:01:31) Nick: olololol (23:01:50) klaywaffle: Wus (23:02:13) Nick: I stubbed my toe as I laughed. D: (23:02:13) Straw: Hey Dragon. (23:02:18) Straw: That kid left. (23:02:32) Straw: You know, the one that said I was the reason Teru killed himself. (23:02:36) Straw: I told him off good, though (23:03:42) Nick: Klay, battle? (23:03:51) klaywaffle: nah (23:04:39) Straw: For everyone else, I am what gender I want to be. (23:05:03) Arceus: Which would be? (23:05:19) Straw: It changes every hour or so. (23:05:38) Arceus: Have fun with that. (23:05:57) Straw: It's a blast to be gender-neutral. (23:06:07) Prof. Oak: BleedmanX logs into the Chat. (23:06:28) BleedmanX: Hey guys (23:06:44) Nick: Man, I am really in the mood to battle with some of my new pokemon. :3 (23:06:51) BleedmanX: Funny to see that people are still online at this time (23:07:19) Straw: 11 pm? (23:07:24) Straw: The night's still young. (23:07:32) Arceus: lrn2 timezones (23:07:41) Straw: lrn2assume. (23:07:41) BraveNewWorld: BTW The world is now entering WW3 (23:07:41) Nick: 12:08? I am usually on for a few hours or less. (23:07:44) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (23:07:51) Arceus: It's still 9 PM here. (23:07:58) BraveNewWorld: Well 2 in TPT (23:07:59) Straw: If the time zone is not specified, then I'm assuming that it's 11pm. (23:08:05) Straw: How so, BNW? (23:08:08) Nick: What do you mean, BNW? (23:08:17) Straw: If you say North Korea, I'm laughing my ass off. (23:08:21) BraveNewWorld: Check the UN thread (23:08:25) Straw: It's just another leadership change bullshit. (23:08:29) Straw: Oh, that World. (23:08:51) Nick: OH! I thought you ment the real world! XD (23:09:16) BraveNewWorld: I expect the Reich to be destroyed by the end of the night but whatever (23:09:18) BleedmanX: Wow one post and it becomes the topic of the whole chatroom XD (23:09:49) Nick: I hope Heho land dosen't get attacked... (23:10:06) BleedmanX: So, what's goin' on with you guys (23:10:18) Nick: I want to battle. :3 (23:10:35) Nick: But Klay denied my challenge. D: (23:10:59) BleedmanX: I'd battle you Nick, if I hadn't left my DS (23:11:06) Arceus: It seems Trog is always in the chat. (23:11:13) Nick: ;~: (23:11:20) klaywaffle: I would battle you but... (23:11:23) BleedmanX: I'm at my cousins' place right now (23:11:28) Nick: What, Klay? (23:11:44) Nick: OH! I won't be on much tommorow or Friday. :3 (23:11:59) BleedmanX: So, that's the God I've been hearing about (23:12:02) Nick: And maybe Saturday. XP (23:12:05) klaywaffle: You already know (23:12:13) BleedmanX: Good evening Trogdor (23:12:18) Nick: No I don't... (23:12:27) klaywaffle: Figure it out (23:12:44) Nick: Your game broke? (23:12:51) Nick: DS is broke? (23:12:57) Nick: No WiFi? (23:13:08) klaywaffle: No, no, and NO (23:13:18) Nick: -___- (23:13:30) Nick: You're on your DSi? (23:13:35) BleedmanX: Does Trogdor ever respond to posts? (23:13:42) klaywaffle: lolno (23:13:44) Nick: Yes (23:13:51) Nick: Sometimes (23:13:52) klaywaffle: Yeah sometimes (23:14:08) Straw: If I bother him about it. (23:14:18) Nick: Just tell me klay. (23:14:19) BleedmanX: Hope he didn't fall asleep on the keyboard (23:14:35) Nick: It's only 9 where he is. (23:14:53) BleedmanX: Maybe he had a rough Day... (23:15:05) klaywaffle: .-. (23:15:14) BleedmanX: Sleeping on the job of patrolling the chat (23:15:22) Nick: Well, my Timid Shaymin needs some leveling up. (23:15:30) BleedmanX: Not complainin though XD (23:15:32) klaywaffle: He'll figure it out in a week or two (23:15:42) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 logs into the Chat. (23:15:56) BleedmanX: Hey Jimmy (23:15:58) Nick: Hi Jimmy. ^_^ (23:16:08) klaywaffle: I had a healing wish shaymin (23:16:09) Nick: Sorry, I X'd out of Skype. (23:16:10) klaywaffle: but lost it (23:16:18) klaywaffle: bye guys (23:16:23) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs out of the Chat. (23:16:43) Nick: I thought you went afk, (23:17:06) Straw: Okay (23:17:08) Straw: Bleeman (23:17:13) Straw: Bleedman* (23:17:15) BleedmanX: It's midnight where I am (23:17:15) Straw: Give me the post. (23:17:22) BleedmanX: Kinda tired (23:17:25) Straw: And I'll bring it to the dragon's attention. (23:17:26) Nick: Healing Wish Shaymin... (23:17:30) Arceus: (23:17:34) Jimmy31428: Nick, where did you disappear to? (23:17:44) Nick: I thought you went afk. (23:17:45) BleedmanX: What post (23:17:53) Nick: So I X'd out of skype. :3 (23:18:24) Jimmy31428: I was on the toilet... >.> (23:18:37) Nick: I'm sorry. o.O (23:18:44) BleedmanX: straw what post? (23:19:08) Straw: The post that requires Trogdor's attention (23:20:03) BleedmanX: (00:11:59) BleedmanX: So, that's the God I've been hearing about & Good evening Trogdor (23:20:20) Arceus: The one by Ditto King? (23:20:28) BraveNewWorld: Oh my lanta (23:20:34) Straw: Ah (23:20:35) Straw: Okay. (23:20:36) Prof. Oak: BleedmanX logs out of the Chat. (23:20:44) Straw: Well, I'll tell Trogd- you're ogne. (23:20:45) Straw: *gone (23:20:46) Nick: .-. (23:21:07) Prof. Oak: BleedmanX logs into the Chat. (23:21:36) BleedmanX: Srry it logged me out for no reason... (23:22:05) Nick: I think klay's game crashed? (23:22:11) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (23:22:14) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (23:22:15) Nick: What happend? Someone must know it... (23:22:38) Trogdor: Did somebody say my name thrice near a pentagram? (23:22:43) Trogdor: Because I just got summoned. (23:22:52) Straw: Bleedman did (23:23:26) Nick: This is not going to end good for him, is it? (23:23:52) BleedmanX: Did you make that up or does that reference something? (23:23:59) BleedmanX: @Trogdor (23:24:07) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (23:24:08) Trogdor: Straw should know (23:24:17) Nick: He is the burninator... (23:24:18) Straw: Uh, did we accidentally reference The Dresden Files, bro? (23:24:20) BleedmanX: Straw? (23:24:21) Straw: I think we did! (23:24:24) Straw brofist (23:24:35) Trogdor: YYYYEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHH (23:24:36) BraveNewWorld: is going to defend his nation (23:24:45) BleedmanX: Ahh, I love referencing epicness (23:24:50) Trogdor: I was going to mention a candle somewhere in there but my fingers are too cold. (23:25:06) Heho: http://img28.imageshack.us/img28?/8908/1293685333395.jpg (23:25:18) Trogdor: BNW I'll support you, but right now Uzbek is uprising and turning into nuclear WHATTHEFSCKARETHESE (23:25:22) Heho: I lold (23:25:32) Straw: Well (23:25:39) BleedmanX: Wow Trogdor is epic (23:25:40) BraveNewWorld: Nuclear warfare allowd? (23:25:43) Straw: Anarchy of Straw kind of went FUCK YOUR GUT (23:25:45) BraveNewWorld: allowed* (23:25:54) Straw: Nothing Nuclear has happened (23:26:03) Straw: save for nuclear-powered vehicles and power-armors. (23:26:14) Nick: Heho, please tell me we're safe! (23:26:39) Heho: Nick you could be put in prison at any time. (23:26:45) Heho: So shuddup. (23:26:48) Straw: hah (23:26:53) Straw: Heho (23:26:53) BraveNewWorld: http://i315.photobucket.com/albu?ms/ll441/robotllama/desktop-1.jpg (23:26:54) Nick: Okay... (23:27:02) Heho: Yes? (23:27:05) Straw: I want to send a purely defensive force to your country. (23:27:12) Straw: Just to defend in case of Reich invasion (23:27:18) Heho: Hm... (23:27:20) BleedmanX: ??? (23:27:24) BleedmanX: Okay I'm lost (23:27:30) BleedmanX: You guys are at war (23:27:32) BleedmanX: ? (23:27:46) Straw: we are now (23:27:59) Heho: I doubt the reich has any interest in my land. I am sceptical about this, because it may look like we are forming some kind of alliance. (23:28:01) BleedmanX: lolepicnesshappening (23:28:29) Straw: Remember. (23:28:41) BraveNewWorld: I'm worried about what side Brogeria is choosing (23:28:41) Straw: I represent all that's free and just in the Pallet Tribune UN. (23:28:44) Heho: And the last thing I want is to be allied with a country that's involved in a war. (23:28:50) Straw: I am doing this out of goodwill. (23:29:06) Heho: .... (23:29:16) BraveNewWorld: is the Supreme Chancellor of the Reich (23:29:17) BleedmanX: So Straw represents the president, who represents Hitler? (23:29:20) Straw: I value freedom over some silly alliance. (23:29:21) Heho: For now, It's a no. (23:29:37) Heho: But I will look into it if any imminent threat arises. (23:29:43) Straw: The guy who named his country the last Reich (23:29:51) Heho: So really it's a maybe (23:30:00) Straw: STARK Industry's suits are always at your disposal. (23:30:12) Straw: I'd like to think I'm a JFK. (23:30:19) Trogdor: I completely forgot that I had TPT chat open (23:30:23) BleedmanX: I own 7 of Stark's products (23:30:27) Straw is the Captain of the collective of the Anarchy of Straw. (23:30:30) Trogdor: not eating all day = bad idea. (23:30:48) BleedmanX: Trog eat something then (23:30:49) Straw: Dude, go get blaz- that'll actually further the hunger (23:32:17) BleedmanX: Or order some Papa John's (23:32:35) BleedmanX: It's better than Pizza Hut (23:32:41) BraveNewWorld: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N?HETHsG0WVk My speech after the war Ignore title (23:32:47) BleedmanX: Or is it vice-versa...? (23:33:21) BleedmanX: @BNW When you said ignore title, i looked at the title and loled (23:36:07) Prof. Oak: BleedmanX logs out of the Chat. (23:36:14) Nick: I am eating some Chocolate cuz I feel like it. (I have no idea why I posted this) (23:36:31) Straw: Captain Straw's speech after the war (23:37:35) Prof. Oak: BleedmanX logs into the Chat. (23:37:43) Nick: ^ I've been to Gettysburgh. :3 (23:37:55) Straw: As have i. (23:37:57) Straw: I* (23:48:23) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (23:52:34) Prof. Oak: BleedmanX logs out of the Chat. (23:54:38) Nick: My back hurts... (23:55:11) Nick: I think I might be going soon. (23:55:58) Nick: Bye (23:56:00) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (23:57:43) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (00:02:33) Prof. Oak: Jimmy31428 has been logged out (Timeout). (00:05:38) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (00:10:15) Heho: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIC?CCCCCCCKKKSSSSSSSSSSSS (00:10:46) Straw: War. (00:10:52) Straw: War never changes. (00:11:37) Heho: iIiIlikepotatoes (00:11:44) Heho: olololol (00:11:49) Heho: HAHAHAHAHAHA (00:11:54) Heho: Okay I'm done. (00:13:13) Prof. Oak: P-RAD logs into the Chat. (00:21:30) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (00:21:45) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (00:26:30) Prof. Oak: MeowthMix logs into the Chat. (00:26:49) Prof. Oak: Arceus has been logged out (Timeout). (00:36:45) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (00:37:38) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld has been logged out (Timeout). (00:37:39) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (00:37:55) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs out of the Chat. (00:53:24) Prof. Oak: P-RAD has been logged out (Timeout). (01:02:50) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (01:03:01) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (01:03:04) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (01:08:36) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (01:12:19) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (01:12:21) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (01:15:25) Nick: Well, I think I'm just going to go to bed now. (01:15:29) Nick: Bye (01:15:32) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (01:16:52) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (01:16:55) Prof. Oak: MeowthMix has been logged out (Timeout). (01:41:14) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (01:41:26) Heho: hurp (01:48:55) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (01:49:01) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (01:51:25) Prof. Oak: Straw has been logged out (Timeout). (01:56:11) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (03:19:16) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (03:19:16) Prof. Oak: Shiny logs into the Chat. (03:27:02) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (03:45:31) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (03:45:40) Heho: GOD DAMN IT (03:45:58) Heho: 3 IN THE MORNING AND YOU'RE STILL HERE? (03:46:09) Heho: GOD DAMN IT ALL (03:46:21) Heho: I'M EDITING THAT POST. (04:00:25) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (04:05:27) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (04:11:56) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (06:52:38) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (07:23:35) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (07:44:35) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (08:18:36) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (08:19:01) redtwist1: hello (08:29:02) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld has been logged out (Timeout). (08:59:12) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 has been logged out (Timeout). (09:04:08) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation logs into the Chat. (09:14:54) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld logs into the Chat. (09:34:24) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 logs into the Chat. (09:34:27) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (09:35:38) Pwner1114: Mah is better than ur (09:35:43) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 logs out of the Chat. (13:10:38) Straw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t?t3mOimgyc8 (13:10:38) MawileMachina: Yes. Don't judge me (13:10:48) Straw: TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DAMAGE (13:10:51) MawileMachina: T'was a gift. (13:10:56) The_Shinigami: I had that game, I beat it and was /slightly/ disappointed. (13:11:01) PokemonChamp21: lol thats another thing you have in common with me and Shini xD (13:11:24) MawileMachina: Ah. I'll look forward to that then, Shini XD (13:11:26) The_Shinigami: The beginning is linear, the middle is OK, the near-end is pure TROLL and the end is a cakewalk. (13:11:42) The_Shinigami: Actually, scratch that, the middle was actually good. (13:11:42) Straw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y?KZlcgOzi_E (13:12:08) PokemonChamp21: MM xbox or ps3 version? (13:12:16) MawileMachina: Xbox (13:12:37) PokemonChamp21: you xboxlive? (13:12:55) MawileMachina: Not just yet, I need to sort it out (13:12:57) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (13:13:13) PokemonChamp21: when u do add me (13:13:24) The_Shinigami: lol, box. (13:13:29) MawileMachina: I need to become passable at some kind of online multiplayer as well (13:13:47) PokemonChamp21: lol (13:14:34) Shiny: I'm pretty good at alien swarm (13:14:53) Shiny: once my whole team was dead and I was the only one left and I was out of ammo and I still made it to the exit (13:14:58) PokemonChamp21: yum, chicken nuggets with onion rings and i got some garlic bread in the oven cooking now xD dinner is gonna be so sweet (13:15:16) Shiny: and that is my only accomplishment in the world of video games (13:15:19) Shiny: thanks for listening (13:15:32) MawileMachina: You bought out Iceland? XD (13:15:37) PokemonChamp21: ^ insert round of applause (13:15:50) PokemonChamp21: lol nah (13:16:02) Shiny: is iceland the one with the broken economy right now? (13:16:06) PokemonChamp21: just my local shop in their freezer (13:16:07) Shiny: I'm sure someone could buy it out (13:16:18) Pwnemon: Iceland yeah (13:16:19) Shiny: no wait (13:16:25) Shiny: that's greece with the riots right? (13:16:29) Pwnemon: also greece (13:16:34) PokemonChamp21: lol no Iceland is super market chain in the UK (13:16:38) Shiny: alright (13:16:40) Pwnemon: both have sh*t goin down (13:16:42) Shiny: someone should give me some money (13:16:48) MawileMachina: They sell cheap frozen food. (13:16:54) Shiny: and then we'll buy out iceland and greece (13:16:55) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (13:17:07) Pwnemon: sounds fun (13:17:15) Straw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=?msSvZPZXwJU&feature=related (13:17:19) Pwnemon: sweden tried to sell itself on eBay to pay off its debt (13:17:20) Straw: REAVER REAVER REAVER (13:17:21) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (13:17:31) GlaceonStation: Somerfield used to be good until co-op bought it. (13:17:33) Pwnemon: but there's a rule that you can't sell real estate (13:17:36) The_Shinigami: And then there's Kerry Katona who absorbs half of Iceland's stock into her belleh. (13:18:00) MawileMachina: HA. (13:18:12) PokemonChamp21: Ireland and Greece have had EU bailouts yes, and soon if things dont get fixed then Spain and Portigual will need em too (13:18:12) Pwnemon: lool (13:18:13) GlaceonStation: Co-op is disgusting (13:18:15) Pwnemon: I won t1 (13:18:16) Shiny: does Iceland's economy suck because of that volcano or did the bad economy cause the eruption? (13:18:30) Pwnemon: lol (13:18:33) PokemonChamp21: HEY I Work for Co-OP (13:18:41) Straw: Both (13:18:47) Shiny: like (13:18:50) GlaceonStation: Oh Dear. (13:18:56) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (13:18:56) Shiny: they stopped being able to give money to the volcano goddess (13:19:01) Shiny: who decided to cause an eruption (13:19:05) Shiny: in the past (13:19:08) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (13:19:13) Shiny: causing them to stop being able to give her money (13:19:40) Straw: MM, stop logging in and out. (13:19:44) Shiny: is that what happened? (13:19:47) MawileMachina: She wants money now? Years ago she was pleased with just a casual worship and an annual dance/ritual. (13:19:47) PokemonChamp21: she's apparantly *clean now (13:19:57) MawileMachina: I can't help it. (13:20:24) Shiny: well, you know what's going on, Mawile (13:20:26) Prof. Oak: Hassassin logs into the Chat. (13:20:32) The_Shinigami: I swear she wanted human sacrifices. (13:20:35) Shiny: people just don't want to sacrifice their virgins to volcanoes anymore (13:20:41) Shiny: shut up, shini (13:20:47) MawileMachina: This stupid world. (13:20:50) The_Shinigami: ololo (13:21:10) Shiny: this is like (13:21:14) Shiny: the third time in as many days (13:21:18) The_Shinigami: If not, then all those orphans I killed were for nothing. (13:21:41) GlaceonStation: I am an orphan :'( (13:21:41) Shiny: you have to kill them a certain way (13:21:47) Shiny: it's like kosher, but with volcanoes (13:21:54) MawileMachina: XD (13:22:16) The_Shinigami: Oh. (13:22:26) Pwnemon: I'm thinking (13:22:26) GlaceonStation: It's not funny! (13:22:26) The_Shinigami: Then they were for nothing then. (13:22:28) The_Shinigami: Oops. (13:22:29) Pwnemon: about replacing Ttar (13:22:32) Pwnemon: with my own (13:22:37) MawileMachina: Just dump the bodies, Shini. (13:22:40) Pwnemon: Shell Break Cloyster (13:23:00) MawileMachina: I like Cloyster now. (13:23:05) The_Shinigami: I'll just put them back in the orphanage. (13:23:13) The_Shinigami: Nobody will know the difference. (13:23:18) Shiny: you also gotta make sure the orphans are virgins (13:23:30) Shiny: and with all of these volcano rapists roaming around (13:23:32) Shiny: you just never know (13:23:33) MawileMachina: Those orphans put it about. (13:24:03) GlaceonStation: I hate you guys now. (13:24:28) Shiny: the volcano goddess just hates the concept of another man or woman being in them, you know? (13:24:37) PokemonChamp21: guys come on lets behave and show some sensitivity (13:24:39) GlaceonStation: (19:23:29) Prof. Oak: Added The_Shinigami to the ignore list. (19:23:3 Prof. Oak: Added Shiny to the ignore list. (19:23:42) Prof. Oak: Added MawileMachina to the ignore list. (13:24:52) The_Shinigami: olololololo (13:25:09) Shiny: woah (13:25:10) MawileMachina: If you sacrifice one person to the volcano, you're sacrificing every person that person has ever been with. (13:25:16) Shiny: it's nineteen o'clock there? (13:25:16) MawileMachina: gasp~ (13:25:20) The_Shinigami: How on Earth is this even slightly selectively offensive? (13:25:20) Shiny: it's only thirteen o'clock here (13:25:32) MawileMachina: Oh, Glaceon's British? (13:25:45) GlaceonStation: yup (13:25:48) Pwnemon: Glace is an orphan (13:25:51) MawileMachina: I probably should've twigged when he mentioned Co-Op (13:26:10) The_Shinigami: So I suppose if I say that I only sacrifice Americans you'd all getmadatme (13:26:13) Pwnemon: it's funny because glace unignored you (13:26:35) PokemonChamp21: yay another brit, and Co-OP is world wide MM (13:26:47) GlaceonStation: lol I would'nt ignore Mawile or Shini (13:26:50) Shiny: I would, yeah, shini (13:26:57) MawileMachina: Oh. Well now I just feel silly. (13:26:58) The_Shinigami: I knew, I 'meh'-d (13:27:05) Shiny: not if you were sacrificing jews, though (13:27:17) Shiny: they deserve it. (13:27:26) GlaceonStation: Or Shiny. (13:27:39) Shiny: don't worry, glace (13:27:43) Shiny: we're not making fun of orphans (13:27:50) GlaceonStation: Ohhh (13:28:19) The_Shinigami: Fine then, I'll just change the 'orphans' to children in general. (13:28:26) The_Shinigami: Is that more politically correct? (13:28:38) Shiny: what are you saying (13:28:42) GlaceonStation: Yup. No problem with that. (13:28:42) Shiny: you hate kids? (13:28:47) Shiny: THEY ARE OUR FUTURE, SHINI (13:29:04) The_Shinigami: THEY ARE AN INFESTATION, SHINY (13:29:12) Shiny: WHILE THAT MAY BE TRUE (13:29:16) Shiny: WE JUST GOTTA DEAL WITH IT (13:29:31) Shiny: MASS SACRIFICE IS ONLY THE ANSWER IF YOU'RE OUT OF KITTENS (13:29:41) The_Shinigami: I believe that children are secretly waiting until the older people die of old age so that they can replace us. Diabolical. (13:30:06) MawileMachina: That is awful. (13:30:12) GlaceonStation: That's true, shini. (13:30:37) The_Shinigami: I KNEW IT! (13:30:41) The_Shinigami: SCUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (13:31:05) Shiny: you know what's even worse? (13:31:12) Shiny: Children can't even die. (13:31:12) Pwnemon: me (13:31:15) Shiny: Really. (13:31:19) GlaceonStation: Now I'd better kill you before you tell the rest of the adult population. (13:31:26) Shiny: Turn on Fallout. Go shoot a kid in the face. (13:31:33) Shiny: He won't die. (13:31:51) The_Shinigami: My GOD. (13:31:56) PokemonChamp21: also you never see any kids in GTA (13:32:12) The_Shinigami: Who am I kidding 'God'. (13:32:16) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (13:32:18) MawileMachina: Just an alarming amount of hookers. (13:32:21) The_Shinigami: Jesus probably replaced that guy too. (13:32:26) GlaceonStation: But it'll take me a while to find you. (13:32:39) The_Shinigami: >Implying he isn't part of an elaborate fairytale. (13:32:55) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (13:33:19) GlaceonStation: Because the ferry service is Bad on the Isle of Wight. (13:33:37) PokemonChamp21: my friend is abit weird he told me... (13:33:46) PokemonChamp21: never mind (13:33:57) Pwnemon: that he was dead? (13:34:12) PokemonChamp21: i have family on the Isle of Wright (13:34:31) The_Shinigami: that he was jesus? (13:34:37) The_Shinigami: Then he doesn't exist. (13:34:59) Prof. Oak: Nick logs into the Chat. (13:35:12) PokemonChamp21: lol no he told me something sick about him and GTA and Hookers (13:35:15) MawileMachina: Spoils: Strange Fluid. 0_o (13:35:18) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (13:35:31) The_Shinigami: ololo (13:35:34) Nick: I guess I'm back because I'm not leaving for another 30 minutes. (13:35:46) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs into the Chat. (13:35:47) Pwnemon: lol (13:35:51) PokemonChamp21: yeah MM is on the right track (13:35:51) The_Shinigami: Where you up to MM? (13:35:55) Pwnemon: strange fluid (13:36:07) The_Shinigami: Have you realized that Hope is USELESS yet? (13:36:10) MawileMachina: Not very far, only Lake Bresha (13:36:15) Nick: MM are you okay? (13:36:21) The_Shinigami: And that Vanille has the most retarded AI out of all of them. (13:36:21) MawileMachina: Hardly even used him. (13:36:27) PokemonChamp21: he's not THAT useless (13:36:48) MawileMachina: I'm fine thanks Nick, how're you? (13:36:51) PokemonChamp21: but yeah Vanille is stupid (13:36:59) Nick: Okay... (13:36:59) The_Shinigami: Hope has the lowest HP in the game, isn't the best synergist and is slightly above Vanille for the best medic. (13:37:11) The_Shinigami: Dude get's KO'd like every 12 seconds. (13:37:23) GlaceonStation: I liek cheez (13:37:34) Pwnemon: gtfo (13:38:04) PokemonChamp21: yeah but would you rather have a retard trying to do Hope's jobs.... (13:38:31) MawileMachina: I like Vanille. I could not for the life of me work out her accent at the start though. XD (13:38:35) The_Shinigami: She really does the job better than Hope does. (13:38:49) GlaceonStation: lol (13:38:56) PokemonChamp21: only cause she has better HP (13:39:06) MawileMachina: I know now, it's Australian. Kinda. (13:39:10) PokemonChamp21: but as you said she steps in the way most of the time (13:39:15) The_Shinigami: The only bad thing is that when she heals the sentinal, she walks right behind him, and gets into range of the enemie's attacks. (13:39:33) The_Shinigami: But other than that, he really is inferior. (13:39:46) The_Shinigami: Less HP, worse results, worse limit break, worse summon. (13:39:51) PokemonChamp21: ^ so your sentinal is Snow (13:39:54) Nick: What are you people talking about? (13:40:03) PokemonChamp21: FF13 Nick (13:40:04) MawileMachina: Final Fantasy 13 (13:40:08) MawileMachina: Gah (13:40:15) Nick: Okay... (13:40:16) The_Shinigami: Sentinal is the best option for Sentinal =/ (13:40:17) PokemonChamp21: haha beat ya (13:40:25) MawileMachina: (13:40:28) The_Shinigami: HNNGH (13:40:31) The_Shinigami: Snow is* (13:40:36) Nick: Is thar playable on DS? I never actually got into FF. (13:40:45) The_Shinigami: No. (13:40:48) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (13:40:48) The_Shinigami: gtfo. (13:40:59) Nick: ;~; (13:41:06) GlaceonStation: Anyone played FF10? (13:41:06) The_Shinigami: errar 12/31/10 (13:05:54) Nick: Yeah... (13:05:54) PokemonChamp21: i dunno (13:06:04) GlaceonStation: Probably (13:06:09) klaywaffle: ...How? (13:06:09) GlaceonStation: (hehe) (13:06:33) klaywaffle: Tell me what happened on skype (13:06:51) Prof. Oak: AstralLunar has been logged out (Timeout). (13:07:20) PokemonChamp21: i only have Pwnemon and DEZ on skype from people here atm so i dunno whats happened on there (13:07:26) GlaceonStation: FREEZE (13:11:21) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (13:11:24) klaywaffle: As of now I am never minimizing TPT chat when my brother gets on (13:11:44) maizesmagikarp: jowy is here! (13:11:47) maizesmagikarp: (13:12:48) PokemonChamp21: yeah but he must be afk or on skype or something else (13:12:55) maizesmagikarp: oh (13:15:59) Nick: gg (13:16:13) Brock: Who won? (13:16:21) Nick: I won... (13:16:26) Prof. Oak: BraveNewWorld has been logged out (Timeout). (13:16:38) Nick: 3-0 (13:17:22) GlaceonStation: GG. (13:17:41) GlaceonStation: Apart from Lapras, I really enjoyed that match! (13:17:42) Nick: Brock, you've become better ever since you started to SAV. (13:17:56) Nick: My lapras <3's you, Glaceon. (13:18:14) Brock: Huh? (13:18:26) Brock: How did I get into this conversation? (13:18:39) GlaceonStation: Dragon dance fails when I do it but I have nothing to counter it >.> (13:18:44) Nick: I need a challenge. (13:19:40) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs out of the Chat. (13:19:53) GlaceonStation: And your Azelf didn't take my flamethrower too well. That surprised me. (13:20:16) Nick: It does have crappy deffenses. (13:20:33) Brock: I'm going to make a new team, then I want to battle. (13:21:00) Nick: I'm not going to be here @ 3. Sooo... (13:21:01) GlaceonStation: Azelf leads I normally see are bulky. (13:24:21) Nick: When is Azelf ever bulky? (13:25:16) GlaceonStation: Sometimes. Bulky ones are a good idea so they can actually set up nasty plot sucessfully. (13:25:32) Nick: Wtf are you talking about? (13:25:46) GlaceonStation: Never mind... (13:27:01) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 logs into the Chat. (13:29:49) Nick: Azelf's max Def:262 (13:30:17) Nick: Azelf's max Sp.Def:262 (13:30:31) Nick: It isn't that bulky... (13:30:44) Prof. Oak: Ho-Oh_Man has been logged out (Timeout). (13:30:56) GlaceonStation: I thought Azelf had higher Sp def than that. (13:31:03) GlaceonStation: Oh well. (13:31:06) Nick: lolno (13:31:23) Prof. Oak: Arceus logs into the Chat. (13:33:01) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (13:38:55) Prof. Oak: P-RAD logs into the Chat. (13:43:31) Nick: Bye everyone (13:43:34) Prof. Oak: Nick logs out of the Chat. (13:43:55) klaywaffle: I like how he D/C'd when I was about to winning (13:43:59) klaywaffle: Win* (13:44:06) GlaceonStation: lol (13:44:17) Brock: Who? Nick? (13:44:22) klaywaffle: Yeah (13:44:28) klaywaffle: He could've fled (13:45:11) klaywaffle: Exactly why I'm never battling him again (13:46:17) GlaceonStation: I might have beaten him if it wasn't for his cheap Smogonish Lapras. (13:46:40) klaywaffle: His gross was about to die and his flygon was asleep (13:46:49) klaywaffle: So he did the usual (13:46:55) klaywaffle: And disconected (13:47:07) Brock: Does he always D/c? (13:47:13) klaywaffle: Nope (13:47:19) klaywaffle: First time (13:47:33) GlaceonStation: Nick: You ain't gettin a win on your trainer card today! (hehe) (13:53:46) Shiny: I accidentally DC'd on Nick last night (13:56:59) Brock: Glaceon, can we battle? (13:57:22) GlaceonStation: OK (13:57:44) GlaceonStation: You still got my FC? (13:58:12) Brock: No, And you need to use this one: 4255 0544 4537 (13:58:44) GlaceonStation: 0861 8194 6951 (13:58:57) Brock: Meet you on wifi. (14:00:54) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 has been logged out (Timeout). (14:01:54) GlaceonStation: Gl/hf (14:02:04) Brock: Same to you. (14:02:41) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (14:02:56) Rich_Richie: What's goin on, guys? (14:03:05) Brock: Hi Rich, (14:03:22) Rich_Richie: Hey, Brock. (14:07:40) Brock: Wow. (14:07:47) Brock: Life orbed timid heatran is awesome. (14:07:54) GlaceonStation: lol (14:08:37) Brock: GG Glaceon. (14:09:24) GlaceonStation: GG. Sorry, I wasn't paying that much attention (14:09:29) Brock: Also, My Azelf was banded. (14:09:39) Brock: Jsyk. (14:10:06) GlaceonStation: I thought it was odd it OHKOed Breloom (14:10:59) Prof. Oak: Arceus has been logged out (Timeout). (14:13:13) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (14:13:24) Brock: Hi Pwnemon. (14:13:33) Rich_Richie: Hey, Pwnemon. (14:17:38) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs out of the Chat. (14:17:56) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie logs into the Chat. (14:23:05) Prof. Oak: P-RAD has been logged out (Timeout). (14:23:58) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (14:24:05) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (14:24:06) Pwnemon: wassup? (14:24:14) Rich_Richie: Oh you know (14:24:15) Brock: I'm bored. (14:24:26) Pwnemon: I've told you guys before (14:24:31) Pwnemon: don't speak to me till I speak (14:24:49) Pwnemon: because this chat has the odd habit of saying I log in when i visit the forums (14:24:59) Rich_Richie: Oh really is that so (14:25:08) Rich_Richie: I'm still going to do it though (14:34:51) Pwnemon: ... (14:37:56) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos logs into the Chat. (14:38:30) Pwnemon: i just pulled off a full sweep (14:41:44) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (14:41:50) Prof. Oak: GlaceonStation has been logged out (Timeout). (14:42:10) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs out of the Chat. (14:42:39) Shiny: so guys (14:42:49) Pwnemon: what (14:42:49) Shiny: I'm thinking of starting a DnD style RP (14:42:52) Brock: Pwn, you still doing shoddy? (14:42:53) Shiny: anyone interested? (14:43:04) Brock: Ooo. (14:43:07) Pwnemon: sounds like fun, bro (14:43:13) Brock: That sounds interesting. (14:43:36) Shiny: dnd style as in 'GM and people have stats and classes and level up' rather than 'sweaty nerds in basement' (14:43:44) Pwnemon: good (14:43:52) Pwnemon: i was scared there for a second (14:43:54) Shiny: alright (14:44:05) Pwnemon: although I'll probably be a sweaty nerd in the basement when I'm posting on it (14:49:33) Shiny: hm (14:49:41) Pwnemon: TMI? (14:49:43) Shiny: I kinda don't want to give an intro (14:49:48) Shiny: on the OOC thread (14:49:50) Shiny: because well (14:49:59) Shiny: I'd be using the same intro on the thread thread (14:50:22) Pwnemon: it's usually a good idea to give an intro (14:50:25) Pwnemon: I think you should (14:50:28) Shiny: FINE, PWNEMON (14:50:32) Shiny: WE'LL HAVE IT YOUR WAY (14:50:35) Shiny: GOSH DANGET (14:50:40) Pwnemon: lol (15:03:07) Prof. Oak: Rich_Richie has been logged out (Timeout). (15:04:28) Shiny: It is the year whatever, because nobody owns a calendar. I mean, really, who needs a calendar when there are monsters? That's a stupid thought and you should be ashamed of yourself. War is happening. The Elf-Men, Orcs, to the east have seceded from the empire of Eloukri, and the borders between Ororim, the province of the orcs and Floazan, the capital of the empire, are currently being ravaged by war. Now it is up to a team of adventurers to do whatever they want to do. Really, I don't care. (15:04:30) Shiny: how's that? (15:05:41) Pwnemon: I got lost in the sentence after "war is happening" and also elfs and orcs are totally different but other than that its good (15:06:11) Shiny: actually in the elder scrolls orcs are crossbred elves and people (15:07:30) Pwnemon: okay still (15:07:39) Pwnemon: that sentence made my brain esplode (15:07:42) Shiny: yeah (15:09:15) Pwnemon: So (15:09:28) Shiny: I'm fixing it (15:09:29) Pwnemon: I just read the myth of Reshiram and Zekrom (15:09:42) Pwnemon: it gave me strange Deja Vu (15:09:51) Pwnemon: almost as if I'd heard it before when I played RSE (15:10:27) Shiny: It is the year whatever, because nobody owns a calendar. I mean, really, who needs a calendar when there are monsters? That's a stupid thought and you should be ashamed of yourself. War is happening. The orcs and their province of Ororim have seceded from the empire. The empire, obviously not liking this, invaded and now the border between the two is a warzone. The war is now at a standstill, both parties barely gaining or losing any land. It is now up to a chosen team of adventurers to do whatever the heck they want because, hey, it's really up to them. (15:10:31) Shiny: how's that? (15:10:51) Pwnemon: much better (15:11:08) Pwnemon: I understand it (15:11:56) Shiny: wonderful (15:12:01) Shiny: Name: Your name. Class/Occupation: This can be anything from knight to mage to biologist. The following have no bearing on anything because they're pointless and thus are optional but hey they could make you feel nice. Appearance: What you look like. Life Story: Because everyone cares. (15:12:05) Shiny: should I have anything else? (15:12:34) Pwnemon: you start with a basic weapon, don't you? (15:12:46) Pwnemon: and also should we put what we specialize in? (15:12:56) Shiny: that's what the class thing is (15:13:07) Shiny: and you start naked in a forest. (15:13:11) Pwnemon: what the heck (15:13:16) Pwnemon: my eyes burnt out (15:19:35) Pwnemon: I mean if you're a biologist it doesn't tell if you're a better rogue or barbarian (15:19:47) Shiny: rogue and barbarian are classes (15:19:49) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (15:19:49) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos has been logged out (Timeout). (15:20:08) Shiny: biologists have their own special skills (15:20:12) Pwnemon: exactly how much like D&D will this RP be? (15:20:17) Shiny: like mutating monsters (15:20:23) Shiny: basically just that it has a GM (15:20:40) Pwnemon: cool (15:20:45) Shiny: I did something like this once with sayu, astral, pat and tenek/ganon (15:20:52) Shiny: sayu's class was telephone repairman. (15:21:13) Pwnemon: lol (15:21:19) Pwnemon: what exactly does that help with (15:21:30) Shiny: she can summon telephones (15:21:34) Shiny: as well as repair telephones (15:22:04) Pwnemon: okay (15:22:15) Shiny: she then became a patologist, where she gained the ability to copy pat's last sepll (15:22:17) Shiny: *spell (15:22:38) Shiny: a biologist can mutate monsters and crap (15:23:27) Prof. Oak: Ho-Oh_Man logs into the Chat. (15:23:35) Pwnemon: hi (15:23:45) Pwnemon: are you in any way related to Hoohgirl? (15:23:50) Ho-Oh_Man: anyone wanna help me for a minute? (15:23:55) Ho-Oh_Man: no (15:24:19) Pwnemon: are you by any chance an undercover Jowy account? (15:24:39) Ho-Oh_Man: nah (15:24:51) Pwnemon: i don't believe you (15:24:58) Shiny: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?p=189592#post18959?2 (15:25:01) Ho-Oh_Man: why/ (15:25:03) maizesmagikarp doubts (15:25:12) Pwnemon: idk (15:25:27) Pwnemon: you aren't believable (15:25:52) Ho-Oh_Man: can you help me on for a second? (15:27:03) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (15:27:43) Ho-Oh_Man: anybody? (15:55:49) Shreyas: nope (15:55:50) ManaPhione: the heck is that? (15:56:05) klaywaffle: Earthquake Spiral (15:56:30) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp has been logged out (Timeout). (15:56:32) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (15:56:40) Shreyas: o Mana, the nope was suppose to be a whisper (15:56:42) ManaPhione: Isn't that a bad translation for overconfidence? (15:57:00) ManaPhione: whatever, now we call it MOXIE! (15:57:55) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (15:58:51) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (16:01:43) maizesmagikarp: what's everybodies new years plans? (16:02:01) Ho-Oh_Man: party (16:02:04) Pwnemon: chill (16:03:36) Shiny: heckle people to sign up for my RP (16:03:44) Shiny: nah just kidding (16:03:48) Shiny: order pizza. (16:04:05) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:05:34) Prof. Oak: Ho-Oh_Man logs out of the Chat. (16:05:47) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (16:05:48) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (16:05:53) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:06:01) Prof. Oak: Ho-Oh_Man logs into the Chat. (16:06:08) Straw: Jew (16:06:17) Straw: I wouldn't be a bro if I didn't sign up for your RP, would I? (16:07:53) Shiny: watch out (16:08:00) Shiny: this RP will become less serious as time goes on (16:08:14) Straw: Darn it, hoss (16:08:14) Shiny: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?t=10907 (16:08:18) Straw: You know how I feel about silly RPs (16:08:32) Shiny: well (16:08:38) Shiny: it's not gonna be completely silly (16:08:40) Shiny: it'll be like (16:08:45) Shiny: a combination of serious and silly (16:08:53) Ho-Oh_Man: g2g (16:08:56) Prof. Oak: Ho-Oh_Man logs out of the Chat. (16:09:11) Straw: Can I be a cyborg? (16:09:17) Straw: Which, by definition, is a hybrid. (16:09:18) Shiny: yes. (16:16:22) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 logs into the Chat. (16:16:44) Straw: Post your wallpaper (16:17:04) Straw: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?p=189602 (16:19:51) Pwnemon: gtg (16:20:49) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:23:34) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:25:44) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (16:25:54) Brock: Hi. (16:26:14) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (16:36:57) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (16:38:30) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:44:23) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (16:46:58) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 has been logged out (Timeout). (16:49:27) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (16:51:57) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (16:53:57) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (16:54:27) Heho: .-. WAs Jowy here all night? (16:57:00) Heho: Has everyone been dead the whole day? (16:58:02) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos logs into the Chat. (16:59:15) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (16:59:29) Heho: Oh look New years eve. (16:59:36) Heho: We should invade somewhere... (17:01:29) Prof. Oak: Hassassin logs into the Chat. (17:01:53) Prof. Oak: Hassassin leaves the channel. (17:02:16) Straw: Can we invade (17:02:17) Straw: Hm (17:02:21) Straw: Somewhere? (17:03:36) Heho: Where is what we need to work out... (17:03:51) Heho: Oh look the Dragon's on (17:04:21) Straw: Been talking to him on gTalk (17:05:23) Heho: So yeah are we just gonna act stupid the entire night or what? (17:06:00) Straw: J Beibs forum. (17:06:12) Heho: o.o (17:06:27) Heho: is there a chat? :0 (21:09:31) The_Shinigami: You guys are like, so last year. (21:09:36) ToasterRampage: Are there flying cars yet? (21:09:36) MawileMachina: XD (21:10:01) Brock: OK LOD DEATH IMA COMING (21:10:07) The_Shinigami: flying cars? (21:10:21) ToasterRampage: Thats what everyone in my family seems to think (21:10:34) The_Shinigami: Where the hell would we go? in 2011 all of landmass becomes inhospitable. (21:10:38) The_Shinigami: Oops, spoilers. (21:10:47) ToasterRampage: They're all like, "OMG 2011 is going to be so different!" (21:11:10) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (21:11:15) ToasterRampage: Not immediately. (21:11:58) The_Shinigami: No, 00:00 on the second. (21:12:11) maizesmagikarp: has jowy said anything so far? (21:12:30) ToasterRampage: Not that I know of. (21:13:35) maizesmagikarp: perhaps he and kc are finishing up a new years episode. (21:13:43) Prof. Oak: Nick has been logged out (Timeout). (21:13:52) MawileMachina: He was online ages ago, when I logged in to see if Shreyas was in chat (21:14:18) MawileMachina: Shreyas wasn't in chat, btw, in case I had you in suspense with my gripping tale. (21:14:30) maizesmagikarp gasps (21:15:41) Brock: lol shini. (21:15:46) Straw: Herro (21:16:15) ToasterRampage: Wait, there's only going to be one more episode. Is that the New Years Episode (21:16:17) ToasterRampage: ? (21:16:30) Straw: Is MM here? (21:16:45) MawileMachina: Hello~ (21:16:56) Straw: The RP (21:16:59) Straw: You can sign up for it (21:17:16) MawileMachina: Oh good (21:17:16) maizesmagikarp: nobody knows (21:18:31) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (21:21:50) ToasterRampage: Doo Doo doo (21:22:00) Brock: Toaster! (21:22:16) ToasterRampage: Uh, hi (21:22:29) ToasterRampage: Ive been here for a while (21:22:36) Brock: I know. (21:22:44) Brock: I just didn't say hi. (21:23:02) ToasterRampage: Well, how dare you. (21:23:28) Brock: Let the Home appliance gods strike me now. (21:23:41) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 has been logged out (Timeout). (21:24:12) The_Shinigami: ?? (21:25:04) The_Shinigami: Brock? (21:25:12) Brock: Huh? (21:25:22) The_Shinigami: What happened? (21:25:31) Brock: What do you mean? (21:25:50) The_Shinigami: The battle screen just closed for me =/ (21:30:56) MawileMachina: Applied. (21:31:38) Brock: Lol. (21:31:43) The_Shinigami: >:\ (21:31:53) Brock: That battle wasn't haxy. (21:32:05) Brock: XD (21:32:33) The_Shinigami: 60% confusion my ASS. (21:33:06) Straw: YOUR ASS IS 60% CONFUSED (21:33:18) ToasterRampage: Yuck (21:33:27) The_Shinigami: i do not see what you did thar (21:33:38) ToasterRampage: I don't want to think what that means (21:34:15) Straw: THE OTHER 40% THOROUGHLY ENJOYED IT (21:34:39) Heho: I lold (21:35:12) Heho: Toaster is a homophobe. (21:35:28) Straw: OH (21:35:32) Straw: He is? (21:35:42) Straw: Well, I guess he can't talk to me, then (21:35:47) Heho: Yep. BIG time homophobe. (21:36:08) ToasterRampage: LOL YAH (21:36:19) Straw: Does Toaster know that I'm bi? (21:36:24) Heho: See? He doesn't deny it. (21:36:41) ToasterRampage: THAT IS A WURD THAT CAN BEE USED TP DESCRIBE MEEE (21:37:07) Straw: Toaster (21:37:09) Straw: I'm bi. (21:37:16) Straw: That means you're scared of me. (21:37:55) Heho: He's dedicated 70% of his brain capacity to being afraid of Homosexuals. (21:38:08) ToasterRampage: EEK, a bisexual (21:38:08) Straw: Nice (21:38:15) Straw: Other 30% can still be my bud (21:38:21) Heho: So whenever a gay person pops up, he's startes to derp. (21:38:41) ToasterRampage: Its my business what sexual orientation people are (21:38:46) Heho: Like what you just saw him do. (21:39:25) ToasterRampage: Actually, it's anybody's what sexual orientation someone is. (21:39:39) ToasterRampage: *anybody's business (21:39:50) The_Shinigami: wat. (21:39:50) ToasterRampage: Ok. (21:39:54) Straw: Yeah. (21:41:28) ToasterRampage: Just to be clear for anybody who doesn't see the blatant sarcasm, I am not a homophobe. (21:41:58) MawileMachina: Oh good, I hoped you weren't serious. (21:42:41) Straw: I just think women shouldn't horde all hot men, is all. (21:43:25) Heho: Cool story bro. (21:44:03) MawileMachina: Is anyone else applying for Shiny's RP? (21:44:12) MawileMachina: Just wondered (21:44:16) Straw: Iam (21:44:20) Straw: I am* (21:44:20) Brock: Me! (21:44:28) Brock: Thats what I am doing now actually. (21:44:42) MawileMachina: =) (21:45:12) Straw: Great. (21:45:27) Straw: More people Shainy and I will have to teach. (21:45:34) Brock: I've never been in a RP, so I wanted to be in one =) (21:45:47) Straw: I'm very elitist when it comes to RPs. (21:46:04) Brock: You created Velvet leaf right? (21:46:14) Straw: Co-created (21:46:31) Brock: With who? (21:47:03) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (21:47:04) Straw: Kalylia (21:47:33) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (21:48:17) ToasterRampage: Holy crap velvet leaf (21:48:39) MawileMachina: Yeah, Ben's dead in a ditch XD (21:48:53) ToasterRampage: I was waiting to post to avoid every post being "Character woke up" (21:49:15) Straw: Yeah (21:49:27) Straw: I was like, "Toaster's in this, isn't he?" (21:49:30) ToasterRampage: And then completely forgot about it. (21:49:49) MawileMachina: If you want to do something, Violet is currently sat on a bench, so she's available. (21:50:22) ToasterRampage: Should I perform some ancient ritual to reanimate his corpse, or leave him to the vultures? (21:51:19) MawileMachina: Completely up to you. If you do want to leave Ben to the vultures, though, I'd mention it to Straw/Kaly (21:51:33) Straw: I'm here (21:51:57) MawileMachina: ^ See? How convenient XD 1/1/11 (17:50:18) ToasterRampage: Uh, did you want that PP Max? (17:50:31) MawileMachina: That's for you. (17:50:38) ToasterRampage: Oh. (17:50:43) MawileMachina: It's nothing huge, but it might come in handy (17:50:49) ToasterRampage: Well thanks (17:51:18) MawileMachina: No problem. Thank you (17:51:23) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (17:52:18) ToasterRampage: Absolutely (17:52:24) ToasterRampage: Hi Shreyas (17:56:09) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (18:05:48) Prof. Oak: obito14 has been logged out (Timeout). (18:06:45) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs out of the Chat. (18:07:54) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my logs into the Chat. (18:10:11) Trogdor: rawr im trog hurrr (18:17:28) MawileMachina: aah! Save the townspeople! (18:18:16) MawileMachina: Actually, no, don't. They don't do much. (18:18:24) Straw: Hahaha (18:20:37) Prof. Oak: Cheezerme logs into the Chat. (18:21:17) Cheezerme: dez been on lately? (18:21:38) Prof. Oak: Ralkston logs into the Chat. (18:21:54) MawileMachina: No, he's still away. (18:25:58) Straw: So (18:26:01) Straw: this dinner is good. (18:26:11) Straw: I cooked it (18:28:54) MawileMachina: What did you make? (18:29:30) Straw: Egg and bacon (18:29:42) Straw: Then I turned it into an omelet. (18:30:01) MawileMachina: I do that. My fried eggs fail. (18:30:21) Trogdor: D: (18:30:25) Trogdor: I have like no food (18:30:36) Trogdor: a couple boxes of macncheese and $2 (18:30:49) Trogdor: I had two ricecakes for dinner last night. (18:31:04) Straw: Aw (18:31:06) MawileMachina: I have a chocolate orange. (18:33:02) MawileMachina: Will $2 get you anything? (18:33:13) Straw: Double Cheeseburger (18:36:39) Trogdor: McDonald's? Ewwwww. (18:37:10) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (18:37:31) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (18:38:09) MawileMachina: KFC? You could get Popcorn Chicken- all the parts that don't count as fillet/drumstick/wing (18:38:18) The_Shinigami: But McDonalds is OK. (18:38:28) MawileMachina: So, mainly miscellaneous bits. (18:38:30) The_Shinigami: I like my heart attack deep fried. (18:38:42) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (18:43:28) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (18:54:50) Prof. Oak: Shreyas logs into the Chat. (18:55:58) Prof. Oak: Ralkston has been logged out (Timeout). (19:13:51) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:14:20) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs into the Chat. (19:16:07) Prof. Oak: joec logs into the Chat. (19:16:40) Prof. Oak: joec logs out of the Chat. (19:17:14) Heho: :l (19:17:17) Heho: We scared him off (19:17:32) Shiny: I blame me (19:17:45) MawileMachina: Maybe he left because no one was talking (19:18:04) MawileMachina: Or Shiny scared him. (19:18:22) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 logs into the Chat. (19:18:35) Trogdor: or maybe he predicted that (19:19:59) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:20:01) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs into the Chat. (19:24:04) Prof. Oak: zcole16 logs into the Chat. (19:24:25) klaywaffle: Yo zcole (19:26:19) Heho: http://thepunchlineismachismo.co?m/archives/503 (19:28:48) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (19:29:10) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:29:14) Prof. Oak: Shreyas has been logged out (Timeout). (19:30:02) Trogdor: yeeee TROGDOS (19:30:12) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:30:14) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs into the Chat. (19:34:44) Prof. Oak: Brock logs into the Chat. (19:34:50) Brock: hello. (19:35:50) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (19:36:03) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (19:36:08) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (19:37:24) klaywaffle: Doryuzu is the most annoying pokemon (19:37:50) klaywaffle: It's like a rat on steroids (19:39:21) MawileMachina: You can try changing the weather (19:39:39) Straw: http://www.dotgamerclan.com/anno?uncementsblog/wp-content/uploads/?2010/12/Caitlyn.jpg (19:39:43) Straw: Bewbs (19:39:50) Straw: This character makes me happy. (19:40:00) MawileMachina: XD (19:41:15) The_Shinigami: i liek bewbs. (19:41:23) Prof. Oak: Cheezerme has been logged out (Timeout). (19:45:03) MawileMachina: http://thepunchlineismachismo.co?m/archives/499 (19:45:07) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs out of the Chat. (19:45:29) Heho: Shiny (19:45:34) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs into the Chat. (19:45:38) Heho: Want to continue the raid? (19:45:47) Prof. Oak: Blastoise-007 logs out of the Chat. (19:49:30) Prof. Oak: Pwner1114 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:51:59) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (19:52:13) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:54:40) Prof. Oak: zcole16 has been logged out (Timeout). (20:02:58) MawileMachina: Goodnight, deadchat (20:03:03) Prof. Oak: MawileMachina logs out of the Chat. (20:03:48) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (20:04:48) ToasterRampage: Does anyone here battle 5th Gen? (20:05:01) klaywaffle: I do (20:05:05) klaywaffle: On PO (20:05:06) ToasterRampage: Oh, nevermind, hi Pwn (20:05:13) ToasterRampage: And klay (20:05:30) klaywaffle: Hello (20:05:53) ToasterRampage: Have either of you seen Waruvial in a battle? (20:06:02) klaywaffle: Yeah (20:06:15) ToasterRampage: How is it? (20:06:28) klaywaffle: Not too good (20:06:31) klaywaffle: Not too bad (20:06:35) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (20:07:12) ToasterRampage: How many times have you seen it? (20:07:25) klaywaffle: 6-7 (20:07:38) ToasterRampage: What kind of set? (20:08:01) ToasterRampage: Like a scarf? (20:08:16) klaywaffle: Most were Leftied and Orbed (20:08:41) klaywaffle: but I would Scar it (20:09:00) ToasterRampage: I want to use it (20:10:02) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (20:10:58) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage has been logged out (Timeout). (20:10:58) ManaPhione: hello! (20:11:01) Prof. Oak: ToasterRampage logs into the Chat. (20:11:08) ToasterRampage: Hi (20:11:23) klaywaffle: Hey mana (20:11:25) ManaPhione: usin' mah DSi (20:12:23) ManaPhione: what's up? (20:12:30) klaywaffle: Manaphione (20:12:47) klaywaffle: Tell Dabomb I got trolled by a Shell Breaking Icicle SPearing CLoyster (20:12:52) ManaPhione: yes? (20:13:25) ManaPhione: lol I use one sometimes (20:13:29) klaywaffle: Because he was asking if it is good (20:13:52) ManaPhione: King's Rock? (20:13:54) klaywaffle: Shell Smash* (20:14:49) ManaPhione: king's rock makes it better (20:15:06) klaywaffle: Skill Link allows Icicle Spear to hit 5 times (20:15:31) ManaPhione: it gives icicle spear a 50% flinch rate (20:15:34) klaywaffle: Shell Smash sharply raises Attack,Speed, and sp.attck by two stages (20:16:19) ManaPhione: i know (20:17:00) ManaPhione: Its great on a baton pass Gorebyss (20:18:36) ManaPhione: almost anything can sweep with +2 in SpA, Attk, and Speed (20:19:04) klaywaffle: All Blazikens and Infernapes are mostly physical now (20:20:00) klaywaffle: I used Iron Fist Inernape (20:20:17) ManaPhione: is Blaziken better than infernape now? (20:20:54) klaywaffle: Both are useful now (20:21:01) klaywaffle: And yeah (20:21:32) klaywaffle: Does CC get boosted by Iron Fist? (20:21:46) ManaPhione: nope (20:22:47) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (20:23:07) ToasterRampage: It doesn't have the word PAWNCH in the name. (20:23:30) klaywaffle: Neither does Meteor Mash (20:23:54) ManaPhione: neither does Meteor Mash, but whatever (20:24:16) ManaPhione: and Hammer Arm (20:24:23) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:25:24) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (20:26:32) klaywaffle: Roobushin and Zuruzukin are the most used fighting types in gen 5 (20:27:03) ManaPhione: i use one. It's AMAZING! (20:27:37) klaywaffle: Use what? (20:27:56) ManaPhione: Shed Skin + Rest + Bulk Up = Win! (20:27:58) ToasterRampage: I need a lead. (20:28:19) ManaPhione: Gangsta lizard (20:28:35) klaywaffle: Setter? (20:29:01) klaywaffle: Which type of lead? (20:29:15) ToasterRampage: I don't care. Just name one. (20:29:23) klaywaffle: Nattorei (20:29:33) Dabomb: zorroakk (20:29:44) ToasterRampage: Lol I don't even know what that is (20:29:46) Dabomb: i don't know how to spell it (20:29:54) ManaPhione: use Aron and be awesome (20:29:56) ToasterRampage: Oh (20:30:08) klaywaffle: Nattorei is Forretresses cousin (20:30:13) Dabomb: the evolve thing of zora (20:30:32) klaywaffle: (20:30:56) klaywaffle: ^ Nattorei (20:32:41) Straw: That thing (20:32:44) Straw: is a lovely wall (20:32:50) Prof. Oak: Heho has been logged out (Timeout). (20:32:58) ManaPhione: too bad it doesn't get rapid spin (20:33:35) ManaPhione: but thunderwave is pretty good too (20:33:47) Dabomb: toster this thing and i would have got the real thing they were too big (20:34:14) Dabomb: Toaster* (20:34:16) klaywaffle: People quit using zoroark after awhile (20:34:22) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (20:34:29) Dabomb: why its good (20:34:31) ToasterRampage: I am making a random ass lead (20:34:35) klaywaffle: America will start using it and then get tired of it (20:34:50) ManaPhione: no one likes it anymore... (20:34:51) klaywaffle: Just like Japan (20:35:11) Dabomb: fine but i think it is still good (20:36:02) klaywaffle: Erufun is also a good lead (20:36:12) ToasterRampage: I thought Aianto got skill swap. (20:36:21) ToasterRampage: But I was wrong. (20:36:29) klaywaffle: Trick/Encore/Leech Seed/Sub (20:36:43) ManaPhione: Use Voltelos (20:36:58) Dabomb: Zuruzukin is good (20:37:23) ManaPhione: it gets Befriend or something like that (20:37:39) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs out of the Chat. (20:37:50) klaywaffle: Use Aron (20:37:54) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (20:37:55) klaywaffle: With Endeavor (20:38:05) klaywaffle: Pokemon is beast (20:38:23) klaywaffle: With Sturdy it can hang on like a sash (20:38:33) klaywaffle: Endeavor returns it to full HP (20:38:41) klaywaffle: And KO's the foe (20:38:52) ManaPhione: Aianto outspeeds infernape by 2 points! (20:38:56) klaywaffle: And then you get hit...Sturdy activates and so on (20:39:13) klaywaffle: Sturdy only works when you have Full HP (20:39:42) ManaPhione: its the shell bell, not endeavor (20:39:46) klaywaffle: Iron Fist Mach Punch can take care of Ainto (20:40:38) ManaPhione: no it can't (20:41:09) ManaPhione: it has above 110 base defense (20:41:23) Dabomb: Nageki is awesome with that move that always get crits its good unless the foe has shell armor (20:43:11) Dabomb: whats that move called (20:43:46) ManaPhione: they call it mountain storm (20:44:06) Dabomb: k thanks (20:45:55) Prof. Oak: obito14 logs into the Chat. (20:46:27) ToasterRampage: That sounds like something a cowboy would say (20:46:39) ToasterRampage: "They call me Mountain Storm" (20:46:51) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:47:23) Dabomb: na more like a kung fu fighter (20:48:23) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (20:50:15) Prof. Oak: Shiny has been logged out (Timeout). (20:52:52) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs out of the Chat. (20:53:41) ManaPhione: well i'm going for now (20:53:54) ToasterRampage: bye (20:53:55) ManaPhione: later! (20:54:00) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:54:35) klaywaffle: Somebody forfeited because his lead shedinja got KO'd when I switched in T-Tar (20:54:54) ToasterRampage: Nice (20:54:57) klaywaffle: I was like lol? (21:02:14) Prof. Oak: furret9 logs into the Chat. (21:04:21) Prof. Oak: furret9 logs out of the Chat. (21:05:40) Prof. Oak: Dabomb logs into the Chat. (21:07:10) Dabomb: klaywaffle are you playing P.O. (21:10:32) Dabomb: klay? (21:10:41) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (21:10:54) Pwnemon: Hi (21:11:06) Pwnemon: So I was in shoddy (21:11:06) Dabomb: hi (21:11:32) Pwnemon: Testing my team and it's changes (21:11:59) Pwnemon: I don't think Donphan got one sand veil miss ever (21:12:10) ToasterRampage: Pwn, isn't Blaziken with Speed Boost and Vaccum Wave illgal? (21:12:17) ToasterRampage: That sucks (21:12:28) Pwnemon: It dodges three potential OHKOes as my last poke ftw (21:12:51) ToasterRampage: Wow (21:13:05) Pwnemon: Why would it be illegal toast? (21:13:32) Pwnemon: Oh right (21:13:43) Pwnemon: Vavuum wave is only gen IV (21:13:52) Pwnemon: But speed boost is only gen V (21:13:58) ToasterRampage: I tried to build a team with one and the team builder was like "NO" (21:14:20) Pwnemon: But that's PO 1/2/11 (15:56:56) Brock: .____. (15:56:58) ToasterRampage: ABSOLUTELY NOT (15:57:12) MawileMachina: Back to the drawing board~ (15:57:21) ToasterRampage: So much anger (15:57:25) Brock: I use the cool Azelf set, Choice banded. :awesome: (15:57:33) MawileMachina: Metagross? (15:57:43) Brock: I love leading with it because It bluffs rocks (15:58:54) MawileMachina: Bronzong? (15:58:59) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp has been logged out (Timeout). (15:59:10) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (15:59:10) ToasterRampage: Hmm...metagross could work... (16:00:06) ToasterRampage: Right now I have a Life Orb Mamo using it (16:00:19) Nick: Eeehee, I am uploading a new video. (16:00:32) Brock: Oh, and Toaster, I have a question. (16:00:44) ToasterRampage: Yeah? (16:00:51) Brock: Last time I battled you, you had a Tentecruel, and It's nickname was HugMeNow. (16:00:58) Brock: Were did you get that NN from? (16:01:13) ToasterRampage: Myself (16:01:29) Brock: I don't get it though. (16:01:34) ToasterRampage: Because it has a bunch of stinging tentacles (16:01:45) Brock: Oh. (16:01:45) MawileMachina: It's irony! (16:01:46) ToasterRampage: Its not a great nickname (16:01:53) Brock: I am retarted. xP (16:02:26) ToasterRampage: Dumd and retarted? (16:02:33) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs out of the Chat. (16:02:43) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (16:03:41) MawileMachina: I have a Gengar called Jackrum, which is a ridiculously vague reference XD (16:03:54) The_Shinigami: My Tentacruel is called 'CueFanfic'. (16:04:14) Brock: I don't have a Tentacruel ): (16:04:21) The_Shinigami: Because I couldn't fit in 'Naughty Tentacles'. (16:04:30) MawileMachina: Now that is pretty clever. (16:04:39) ToasterRampage: I have a bunch of random nicknames because I couldn't think of a hood one (16:04:50) ToasterRampage: Like my Roserade named Oprah (16:04:55) ToasterRampage: *good (16:05:00) The_Shinigami: lolwat. (16:05:20) The_Shinigami: I'd say about 30% of my nicknames have reasons behind them. (16:05:25) MawileMachina: Hattori the Hitmontop. A reference to a film. (16:05:31) The_Shinigami: The rest are just random crap that came into my mind. (16:05:41) MawileMachina: Despite the fact Hitmonlee do not make swords. (16:05:48) MawileMachina: *Hitmontop. (16:05:57) Brock: >:C (16:06:14) Brock: I can never think of good nicknames, so I just nickname them like this. (16:06:27) The_Shinigami: Lol I called a Hitmonchan DempseyRoll (16:06:34) Brock: AMBIPOM, Nicknamed, Ambipom. (16:06:47) MawileMachina: Lol Shini (16:07:07) MawileMachina: And there is no shame in that Brock, at least it's not all caps, you care a bit. (16:07:20) The_Shinigami: It was ok at first when I intended it to use close combat. (16:07:23) Brock: Yeah, a bit. (16:07:30) The_Shinigami: Then I made it a subpuncher, and all meaning was lost. (16:07:37) MawileMachina: Of course, PURASUMA being an exception to all caps. (16:07:58) The_Shinigami: PURASUMAA!!* (16:08:16) ToasterRampage: I have an Ampharos named Ampharoost, because random. (16:08:18) Brock: HOLY CRAP (16:08:18) MawileMachina: Bugger, I knew I'd end up spelling it wrong. XD (16:08:31) Brock: THAT WAS A RANKURUSU SHINI USED ON ME (16:08:38) The_Shinigami: AMPHOROS DOES NOT LEARN ROOST. (16:08:44) The_Shinigami: YOUR NAME IS MISLEADING. (16:08:55) The_Shinigami: No, I just name all my Rankurusu PURASUMAA!!! (16:09:10) Nick: *sigh* (16:09:11) MawileMachina: I had a T-Tar called Nico Robin, which I then changed 'cos it was a crap name. (16:09:15) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (16:09:21) MawileMachina: For a T-Tar. (16:09:26) The_Shinigami: Because this. (16:09:54) ToasterRampage: I have a Latios named Shamwow (16:09:54) jrGEM: omg (16:09:58) jrGEM: i love that game (16:10:05) Brock: ._________. (16:10:34) jrGEM: brock anyway i can put pokemon white on action replay? (16:10:45) The_Shinigami: GODDAMIT THEY KILLED OFF MAGNETMAN IN THE STORY >:C (16:10:50) Brock: Not that I know of. (16:10:52) The_Shinigami: HE WAS LIKE THE BEST NAVI (16:11:40) ToasterRampage: A male Togekiss named Togeparty. (16:12:04) MawileMachina: Filth. (16:12:24) MawileMachina: Panya the Meowth (16:12:26) The_Shinigami: Then again, it's probably a temporary 'death'. (16:13:35) ToasterRampage: A male Kingdra named ImPregnant (16:13:46) MawileMachina: Ha. I get that one. (16:14:03) MawileMachina: Felicity the Milotic. (???) (16:14:22) Nick: DAMNIT YOUTUBE! (16:14:40) MawileMachina: And my Dragonite, named PIMPNITE. (16:14:52) Nick: You stole my idea, Mawile! (16:14:56) Nick: >:U (16:15:04) Brock: My Dragonite is named Shivan. (16:15:10) Brock: Off some game or something. (16:15:20) MawileMachina: Ha. I never call my Dragonite 'Pimpnite' (16:15:40) MawileMachina: It's just called 'Dragonite'. (16:15:48) Nick: I now hate youtube and their f*cking copywrite crap! (16:16:05) Brock: LaLaLaLa~ (16:16:11) Nick: I don't even use the full song. D: (16:16:21) Brock: I get to go jump on a trampoline!~ (16:16:24) Brock: (16:16:28) MawileMachina: Pixel the Uxie. This one doesn't really have a reason. (16:16:31) Brock: Goodbye!~ (16:16:41) MawileMachina: Bye (16:17:08) Nick: Bye' (16:19:56) jrGEM: pokemon hatched from egg are fateful encounters? 1/3/11 (17:09:27) Denvari: I just can't figure it out. (17:09:35) redtwist1: i trained a new blaziken and a sceptile (17:09:44) Prof. Oak: Denvari logs out of the Chat. (17:10:55) redtwist1: okay (17:14:37) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (17:14:44) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle has been logged out (Timeout). (17:24:42) Prof. Oak: 9T3mayo2 logs into the Chat. (17:33:17) Prof. Oak: TheLostimos has been logged out (Timeout). (17:33:56) Prof. Oak: Cheezerme has been logged out (Timeout). (17:36:10) Prof. Oak: maizesmagikarp logs into the Chat. (17:41:42) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 has been logged out (Timeout). (17:43:22) Prof. Oak: PokemonChamp21 has been logged out (Timeout). (17:43:53) Prof. Oak: Corgon logs into the Chat. (17:44:59) Nick: Hello (17:45:14) Nickolas1747: Hello (17:45:28) Nick: Anyone wanna battle? (17:46:26) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (17:47:27) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (17:47:38) Heho: I do not (17:50:25) Prof. Oak: klaywaffle logs into the Chat. (17:50:44) Nick: Klay, battle? (17:50:44) Heho: He does though ^ (17:50:45) klaywaffle: 9 hours of deadness (17:50:49) Heho: FFUUUUUUUUUUUU (17:51:01) klaywaffle: Like I said (17:51:08) klaywaffle: I don't battle anymore (17:51:15) Nick: FUUUUUUUUU! (17:51:33) Nick: You're mad that I'll beat you, again. -______- (17:51:43) klaywaffle: I can do a PO battle (17:51:49) klaywaffle: offt (17:52:20) Nick: You'll PO battle, but you won't get your lazy ass up and have a Standard battle. ;~; (17:52:26) klaywaffle: I said yesterday would be my last time battling untill b/w >=/ (17:53:00) Nick: >=/ (17:53:05) The_Shinigami: lolz (17:53:10) klaywaffle: Go ask Nickie (17:53:13) The_Shinigami: I just made like 6 guys ragequit on PO. (17:53:22) Nick: AHA! (17:53:23) Heho: WHO THE HELL IS NICKIE? (17:53:50) Heho: HE MUST BECOME A MEMBER OF HEHOLAND (17:53:59) Heho: AS WELL AS DR.BUTTHURT (17:54:05) Heho: Capslock off (17:54:15) klaywaffle: Nickolas (17:54:33) Nick: *Nickolas1747 (17:54:58) Nickolas1747: ? (17:55:22) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (17:55:28) Prof. Oak: 9T3mayo2 has been logged out (Timeout). (17:55:32) klaywaffle: Go battle Nick (17:56:16) Nick: I found a battle. :3 (17:56:21) Nick: On youtube, though. DL (17:57:09) klaywaffle: DL? (17:57:25) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (17:58:08) Nick: *D: (17:58:32) Nick: Now, I am going to try out Life Orb Shedinja. ;P I kid. (17:59:27) Nickolas1747: Double-Edge Shedinja (18:00:03) Nick: XD (18:00:33) The_Shinigami: Sandstorm Shedinja wins (18:00:44) klaywaffle: I was about to say that (18:00:49) klaywaffle: =P (18:01:21) The_Shinigami: I always wanted to make the ultimate pokemon catching hacked mon evar. (18:01:35) klaywaffle: Extreme Risk Shedinja (18:01:51) The_Shinigami: It was going to be a shedinja with spore, t-wave, foresight and endeavour. (18:01:54) Nickolas1747: I wish Blissey got Extreme Risk (18:02:15) The_Shinigami: Why the hell would you want to self-ko a Bliss? (18:02:33) Nickolas1747: So it could actually ohko something. (18:02:55) The_Shinigami: Kinda a waste of a wall, don't you think. (18:03:22) Nickolas1747: It's for the lulz. (18:04:37) Nick: Time to play with a Speedy Armaldo. (18:04:50) The_Shinigami: speedy armaldo, wat. (18:04:59) Nick: It is for lolz. (18:05:06) klaywaffle: I'm trolling a wobbufett on PO (18:05:25) klaywaffle: Sashed (18:05:31) klaywaffle: D: (18:05:49) Nick: Ah crap. D: (18:05:51) The_Shinigami: A sashed wobbufett? (18:05:52) The_Shinigami: ... (18:05:56) The_Shinigami: what. (18:06:06) klaywaffle: Gen 5 ubers (18:06:08) Nick: Who is this noob? (18:06:18) klaywaffle: Hoshi from smogom (18:06:29) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (18:06:30) klaywaffle: His whole team is sashed (18:06:36) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (18:06:38) Pwnemon: yo (18:06:44) Nick: This kid must have Scarfed his hitmonlee. D: (18:06:56) Pwnemon: I faced this guy with like four sashed pokes (18:07:02) klaywaffle: And they all have confuse Ray (18:07:14) Pwnemon: he said he didn't know any thing about competitve battling and thought the name sounded cool (18:07:39) klaywaffle: I won (18:07:50) Pwnemon: NO WAY MAN (18:07:58) Pwnemon: HOW DID YOU PULL IT OFF (18:08:00) klaywaffle: 2-0 (18:08:29) Pwnemon: that (18:08:31) Brock: Hello (18:08:31) Pwnemon: is (18:08:38) Pwnemon: pathetic (18:08:40) klaywaffle: Groudon/Reshiram/Urugamasu/Chari?zard/Rayquaza/Ho-Oh (18:09:28) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:09:32) Nick: I'm being owned by a Sneasel. D: (18:09:34) Pwnemon: unless he hacked, you should have 6-0'd his butt (18:09:49) Nick: Just cuz I was underestimating this kid. (18:10:31) Nick: Time to play with this D-Dance Lapras. (18:10:36) The_Shinigami: You were underestimating someone? (18:10:39) The_Shinigami: really? (18:10:48) Pwnemon: I never would have guessed Nick would do that (18:10:53) Pwnemon: I mean, /Nick/ (18:10:54) Nick: Well, he is on youtube. =/ (18:10:59) Pwnemon: he's like indescribably humble (18:11:05) klaywaffle: Who is this person? (18:11:08) Nick: And no where else. (18:11:23) Nick: PokemonTrainerBlack, to answer Klay's question. (18:11:24) Pwnemon: so guys (18:11:31) Pwnemon: bleedmanX forgot rule 4 (18:11:42) Pwnemon: what should be his punishment? (18:11:43) The_Shinigami: who's bleedman. (18:11:51) Pwnemon: new guy (18:11:57) klaywaffle: I just found out Bleedmanx's avatar is the youtube delete icon (18:11:58) Nick: I love sweeping with Lapras. (18:11:58) Pwnemon: he's the reason we wrote the rules (18:12:02) The_Shinigami: Ah, they're all the same to me anyway. (18:13:08) klaywaffle: No new members in two days (18:13:14) klaywaffle: New record? (18:13:20) Nick: This Toxic and Heal Block Shedinja isn't half badd. (18:13:23) Pwnemon: hopefully (18:13:35) The_Shinigami: toxic heal block shedinja... (18:13:36) Pwnemon: Nick (18:13:43) Pwnemon: there is one rule of competitive battling (18:13:48) The_Shinigami: is this one of those "it worked once, so it's awesome" things again/ (18:13:51) klaywaffle: Toxic Healblock shedinja? (18:13:53) Pwnemon: when you are losing to Shedinja, you suck dick (18:14:08) Nick: Ummm. (18:14:14) Nick: It is my Shedinja... (18:14:22) Pwnemon: ohhhh (18:14:30) Pwnemon: he sucks dick (18:14:33) klaywaffle: DEZ lost to my shedinja (18:14:41) Pwnemon: however, it will never work again (18:14:53) Nick: Yeah, I figured. (18:15:35) Prof. Oak: Corgon has been logged out (Timeout). (18:16:15) Prof. Oak: Killerhedgehog14 logs into the Chat. (18:16:26) Nick: I never would've thought Gallade to be so Fragile. (18:16:29) klaywaffle: I like Hydration Manaphy (18:16:35) klaywaffle: Most people Flee from it (18:16:38) Pwnemon: l2gallade (18:16:43) The_Shinigami: hydration manaphy is the only manaphy. (18:16:58) Pwnemon: I have one word for manaphy stall: tyranitar (18:17:04) klaywaffle: .-. (18:17:08) Pwnemon: In Gen IV (18:17:10) Pwnemon: it was a problem (18:17:19) Pwnemon: because most manaphy carried their own RD (18:17:23) Pwnemon: but in Gen V (18:17:28) Pwnemon: it's mostly a politoed (18:17:52) The_Shinigami: the thing is, rain teams aren't as effective as sun teams have become IMO. (18:18:01) klaywaffle: I know (18:18:05) The_Shinigami: Don't get me wrong, a rain team vs a sun team will win. (18:18:06) klaywaffle: I quit using rain teams (18:18:24) The_Shinigami: But against other teams, the sun team has a lot of raw sweep power. (18:18:35) klaywaffle: I did a rain team vs sun team we kept switching in kyogre and groudon (18:18:45) The_Shinigami: ... (18:18:52) The_Shinigami: not what I meant, but Ok... (18:18:52) Pwnemon: sun is much better (18:19:05) Pwnemon: I don't think I've even met a rain team Gen V (18:19:35) The_Shinigami: I tried a sun team, there's A LOT of broken factors. (18:19:40) The_Shinigami: Venusaur, that is all. (18:19:52) Pwnemon: exeggutor (18:19:59) The_Shinigami: naww (18:20:00) Pwnemon: that thing is a beast in sun (18:20:03) klaywaffle: My rain team was Kyogre,Jynx,Toxicroak,Parasect,K?abutops,Manaphy (18:20:06) The_Shinigami: think about Venusaur for a sec. (18:20:10) Pwnemon: like srs (18:20:32) Pwnemon: SYNTHESIS OH LORD (18:20:41) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:20:45) The_Shinigami: Chlorophyll + growth (which now raises attack and sp.atk by TWO STAGES)+it's natural bulk+sleep powder = jesus f*cking christ... (18:21:20) Nick: Alot of things will be moving up a tier. (18:21:31) Nick: I haven't seen the tier list, yet. D: (18:21:37) Nick: I've been told... (18:21:43) Nick: that there was one. (18:21:56) Pwnemon: ohrly? (18:21:59) klaywaffle: They haven't been confirmed yet (18:22:03) klaywaffle: I think (18:22:07) Pwnemon: smogon hasn't even begun official testing (18:22:43) klaywaffle: Doryuzu is just a beast with sandstorm (18:22:51) Nick: I wonder what tier Jaroda will be? (18:22:52) The_Shinigami: mehhhhhh (18:22:53) Pwnemon: nah (18:22:58) Pwnemon: not actually that good bro (18:23:04) Pwnemon: I have seen like two (18:23:04) The_Shinigami: Jaroda may be BL (18:23:18) Nick: I have mogurew and in Sand Storm, it is AWESOME! (18:23:19) Pwnemon: Jaroda I'm seeing as BL (18:23:21) Nick: o.O (18:23:29) Nick: Cool. (18:23:29) Pwnemon: Nick (18:23:32) klaywaffle: Yeah (18:23:33) Pwnemon: your definition of awesome is on and off success (18:23:35) klaywaffle: BL (18:24:09) The_Shinigami: If you don't have a phys defender that can deal out decent damage to Doryuzu or at least something with aqua jet/mach punch/vacuum wave, then Doryuzu could kinda man handle your team until you take it down. (18:24:30) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my logs into the Chat. (18:24:40) Nick: I'm going to say that the Kibago evolution will be infact be BL or UBER. (18:24:44) Pwnemon: Toast reminded me of something (18:24:52) klaywaffle: What's agood gen 5 lead (18:24:56) Pwnemon: My blaziken set is technically imfrickingpossible (18:24:57) klaywaffle: Besides Nattorei (18:25:11) Pwnemon: really gen V leads haven't change (18:25:21) Pwnemon: if it was effective in Gen IV it still is (18:25:38) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (18:25:51) klaywaffle: I use Lead Blaziken with Swords Dance over the turn they Set up (18:25:53) Nick: Tbh, b/w battles sound like they take more strategy then D/P/Pt/HG/SS battles. (18:26:04) klaywaffle: Then get speed boost powerup (18:26:08) Pwnemon: not really nick (18:26:13) Nickolas1747: ^ (18:26:15) Pwnemon: yeah klay (18:26:17) Pwnemon: that's a good idea (18:26:21) Nickolas1747: Most people use OP stuff (18:26:32) Nickolas1747: some* (18:26:39) Pwnemon: SE/EQ/HJK? (18:26:57) The_Shinigami: I thought setting up in THE FIRST TURN was a pretty bad move. (18:27:02) klaywaffle: HJK/FB/ (18:27:15) klaywaffle: I should rid protect (18:27:23) Pwnemon: yeah (18:27:26) Pwnemon: Stone Edge would be a good option (18:27:27) klaywaffle: I only put protect to ensure I would outspeed scarfers (18:27:34) Pwnemon: whaddaya mean shini? (18:27:45) Brock: I'm doing a last minute project. (18:27:50) Brock: I'm screwed. (18:27:54) The_Shinigami: It's common knowledge really =/ (18:27:58) Pwnemon: have fun! (18:28:12) Brock: D: (18:28:15) Pwnemon: no, I mean like i am confused as to the statement you are trying to make (18:28:24) Nickolas1747: The only successful first turn set up was Brock's Kingdra vs. some noob. (18:28:50) Pwnemon: Nick cleared it up thanks (18:28:57) Pwnemon: I guess that's true (18:29:14) Pwnemon: I mean, you haven't cleared out /any counters/, so you're basically asking to waste a turn (18:29:18) The_Shinigami: Like set up a SD too soon, they switch into a counter and you look silly whilst you're forced to switch out and they coin onto your set. (18:29:33) Nick: I <3 my Mach Punching Infernape. (18:29:43) Pwnemon: MEH (18:29:45) The_Shinigami: At first, I planned to make a claw sharpen set with blaze kick, HJK, and Stone edge. (18:29:49) Nickolas1747: It failed to kill a -1 Infernape >_> (18:30:05) Nick: OH! I have to do some homework, brb. (18:30:09) The_Shinigami: But making a blaziken set feels to 'meh' to me. (18:30:14) The_Shinigami: So I just left it alone. (18:30:28) Pwnemon: is it just me (18:30:28) Pwnemon: okay guys (18:30:34) Pwnemon: or will nick never lose his noobiness? (18:30:36) Pwnemon: also lag (18:30:39) klaywaffle: After seeing Bungeru (18:30:53) Nickolas1747: What's the ability name of that bird thing that halves its attack or something when it's below 50% hp? (18:31:03) klaywaffle: I'll start using it (18:31:08) Pwnemon: wut (18:31:09) klaywaffle: And see if I really need it (18:31:15) Nickolas1747: Burungeru*? (18:31:18) Pwnemon: Do you mean Hihidaruma? (18:31:30) Nickolas1747: No, the bird thing (18:31:40) Pwnemon: oh man holy balls burungeru is uber powerful like it does not die bro (18:31:40) Nickolas1747: The new Flying/Rock (18:31:47) Pwnemon: Archeos? (18:31:51) Nickolas1747: Ya (18:31:58) Nickolas1747: That thing. (18:32:10) klaywaffle: With Recover (18:32:11) Pwnemon: It's still powerful >50% (18:32:13) klaywaffle: Trololo (18:32:27) Nickolas1747: Calm Mind Deoxys-D with Recover (18:32:38) Nickolas1747: Sounds decent. (18:32:49) The_Shinigami: Aa'ken I swear. (18:32:55) The_Shinigami: Deoxys got b& (18:33:04) The_Shinigami: As well as Darkrai and Skymin. (18:33:04) Pwnemon: Burungeru (18:33:14) Nickolas1747: (18:33:18) Pwnemon: I looked at its stats at first and I was all "Eh" (18:33:20) Pwnemon: but then (18:33:24) Nickolas1747: I was looking forward to getting skymin. (18:33:24) Pwnemon: I faced it in battle (18:33:34) Pwnemon: and I was all "WHATTHEFUBOOOOOOOOOOM" (18:33:54) Nickolas1747: Everybody thought Mamanbou was gonna suck, till they faced one. (18:33:55) klaywaffle: Skymin is banned (18:34:00) The_Shinigami: Burungeru is all like "YO NATTOREI, I GOT YOUR BACK!" (18:34:07) Pwnemon: Archeos is begging for Scarf set (18:34:12) klaywaffle: O wait (18:34:16) klaywaffle: Shini just said that (18:34:18) klaywaffle: =l (18:34:38) Nickolas1747: I don't like Nattorei very much. (18:34:48) Pwnemon: it's sorta powerful (18:34:50) The_Shinigami: The whole halving attack thing for Aa'ken just put me off using it at all. (18:34:51) Pwnemon: but not very (18:35:07) The_Shinigami: I mean, if it had like monstrous attack to begin with, I'd understand. (18:35:10) Pwnemon: it wants to be flygon (18:35:18) The_Shinigami: But it has like average sweeper stats =/ (18:35:18) Pwnemon: but it just doesn't have the resistances (18:35:38) Pwnemon: it actually has fairly good stats (18:35:51) The_Shinigami: So it's all like "OMAN, THAT PRIORITY" and "OMAN, THEM ROCKS". (18:35:53) Nickolas1747: I'm NOT looking forward to the full english names. (18:36:07) The_Shinigami: It's ability is basically it getting scared and dropping it's attack. (18:36:07) Nickolas1747: Most of the english names now, suck. (18:36:07) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:36:13) The_Shinigami: f*cking p*ssy. (18:36:21) Pwnemon: lol (18:36:32) klaywaffle: Spikes or Rocks on Nattorei? (18:36:41) Pwnemon: I'm trying to think (18:36:49) Nickolas1747: Rocks (18:36:53) Pwnemon: is it worth Gastro Aciding in a double battle? (18:36:55) Nickolas1747: Then have Burungeru (18:36:59) klaywaffle: It can't learn both (18:37:07) The_Shinigami: Not reeeaaally. (18:37:08) Pwnemon: or Worry Seeding? (18:37:09) The_Shinigami: Besides. (18:37:17) The_Shinigami: Simple beam is MUCH, MUCH BETTER IN DOUBLES. (18:37:22) The_Shinigami: IT GIVES THE POKEMON SIMPLE (18:37:24) The_Shinigami: THING ABOUT IT. (18:37:33) Pwnemon: OMAN (18:37:41) Pwnemon: ONO LOVES SIMPLE BEAM (18:37:43) The_Shinigami: Pass a simple beam onto A URUGAMOTH JUST BEFORE IT BUTTERFLY DANCES. (18:37:51) Pwnemon: OR THAT (18:37:59) Nickolas1747: oman (18:38:03) Pwnemon: what has simple beam? (18:38:07) Nickolas1747: That's begging for VGC (18:38:13) Pwnemon: Must... get... for... nationals (18:38:23) Nickolas1747: Till little kids are like "OMG THAT WUZ SO KEWL". (18:38:28) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (18:38:39) The_Shinigami: A lot of things do actually. (18:38:48) The_Shinigami: I think a lot of psychics learn it. (18:38:58) The_Shinigami: OMAN (18:39:02) The_Shinigami: SIMPLE BEAM SHELL BREAK (18:39:05) The_Shinigami: HHHNNNNNNGGGGH (18:39:13) Pwnemon: skidoosh (18:39:17) Pwnemon: priority, though (18:39:21) The_Shinigami: +4 attack +4 sp.atk +4 speed (18:39:23) Pwnemon: ya got owned (18:39:23) The_Shinigami: I know (18:39:26) The_Shinigami: but it's like (18:39:36) The_Shinigami: THIS OPPORTUNITY MUST BE TESTED AT LEAST ONCES. (18:39:39) The_Shinigami: ONCES! (18:39:42) The_Shinigami: ONCEEESSSSSS!!!! (18:39:49) Nickolas1747: I don't do doubles XD (18:39:55) Pwnemon: trueché (18:40:04) The_Shinigami: I used to do double battles. (18:40:13) The_Shinigami: Until there was nobody left to test my combos on. (18:40:24) Nickolas1747: Is rotation any fun? (18:41:43) The_Shinigami: idk (18:41:47) The_Shinigami: havn't done those either. (18:50:25) Pwnemon: ... (18:50:34) Pwnemon: thanks for giving me silence guys (18:50:38) Pwnemon: I managed to finish my book (18:53:21) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (18:53:22) The_Shinigami: Well I was drawing shiz. (18:58:48) Pwnemon: so now my friend is going to boot camp for six months (19:01:27) klaywaffle: My brother got Probation for 6 months (19:01:46) Pwnemon: probation =/= boot camp (19:01:55) klaywaffle: Dur (19:01:58) Pwnemon: especially when he hasn't done anything wrong (19:02:30) klaywaffle: Was he forced too? (19:02:44) Pwnemon: his stepfather is, long story short, insane (19:04:49) Prof. Oak: Killerhedgehog14 has been logged out (Timeout). (19:10:55) Nick: I would've been back a little bit ago, but my mom wanted to read me a speach from Ronald Regan. (19:12:20) Brock: Ok. (19:12:31) Brock: 16 paragraphs done, 11 more to go (19:12:34) Brock: D: (19:12:58) Nick: Make small paragraphs. (19:13:18) Brock: Each. (19:13:19) Brock: They have to be 4 sentances. (19:13:25) Brock: Also lag (19:13:31) Nick: That isn't that bad. (19:14:08) Nick: I have to write a 10 paragraph essay with 8 sentences at the end of the year. (19:14:25) Nick: *8 sentences per paragraph (19:14:30) Brock: Well at least it isn't 27 4 sentance ones D: (19:14:34) Pwnemon: hey nick (19:14:37) Pwnemon: let's do the math (19:14:46) Nick: Okay. :3 (19:14:46) Pwnemon: 27*4 > 10*8 (19:15:37) Nick: Hmm, you also have to have a certain ammount of words too. I have to write a 1500 word essay in May. D: (19:16:04) Pwnemon: dood (19:16:12) Pwnemon: the thing i find hardest about word limits (19:16:12) The_Shinigami: eighty sentences? (19:16:15) Pwnemon: is not going over (19:16:19) The_Shinigami: Is that all? (19:16:23) Pwnemon: seriously, they're there and past before you know it (19:16:41) The_Shinigami: I had to do more than that just for a Uni personal statement >=/ (19:16:45) Nick: Not really. (19:16:46) Pwnemon: however, sentence limits just make me want to kill someone because I like my big complex sentences (19:16:51) Nick: There is more to the assignment. (19:17:32) Nick: Ex: Making a Poster, presenting the work, Making a Powerpoint/movie, etc. (19:17:47) Prof. Oak: jrGEM logs into the Chat. (19:18:22) I'm_as_bad_as_my: We're making a powerpoint in IED about screws. (19:18:28) The_Shinigami: Doesn't sound beyond reason. (19:18:44) I'm_as_bad_as_my: It was really hard to find relevant internet sites. (19:18:54) Nick: I love my new IPod. ^_^ (19:19:06) I'm_as_bad_as_my: And Wikipedia was banned at school. (19:19:10) The_Shinigami: ¬__¬ (19:19:23) Pwnemon: believe it or not (19:19:40) Pwnemon: not many sites find it very vital to include the history of its creation (19:19:44) Nick: Wikipedia isn't needed. (19:19:52) Nick: There is a thing called google. (19:20:05) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I was searching on Google. (19:20:07) klaywaffle: Google was banned from my school (19:20:08) klaywaffle: No lie (19:20:12) Nick: o.0 (19:20:19) Nick: WTF?! (19:20:19) I'm_as_bad_as_my: The only site with its history was Wikipedia. (19:20:26) Nick: What about Bing? (19:20:31) Nick: Yahoo? (19:20:33) klaywaffle: Nope (19:20:44) klaywaffle: Bing is the only search we have (19:20:47) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Our default is Bing. (19:20:48) The_Shinigami: aha. (19:20:56) The_Shinigami: ownededed. (19:21:00) Nick: I can use all of those. (19:21:14) The_Shinigami: God forbid the children try to look for something. (19:21:21) I'm_as_bad_as_my: But you can still type "google.com" in the address bar and use it. (19:21:31) Pwnemon: yeah really (19:21:31) Pwnemon: we can use google (19:21:44) Pwnemon: but 99.9% of sites are blocked for "County policy" (19:21:48) Nick: We have our own Homepage. (19:22:09) Nick: I'm supprised TPT isn't blocked at my school. :3 (19:22:19) Pwnemon: it is at ours (19:22:27) I'm_as_bad_as_my: xkcd is not blocked, but http://www.nodwick.com is. (19:23:14) klaywaffle: Lol (19:23:18) klaywaffle: Of course it's not] (19:23:33) klaywaffle: Noone at your school probably went on TPT (19:23:37) klaywaffle: Besides you (19:23:50) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon has been logged out (Timeout). (19:23:51) Prof. Oak: Pwnemon logs into the Chat. (19:23:56) Nick: My sister and I are the only ones that belong to TPT. (19:23:58) Pwnemon: trolled (19:24:05) I'm_as_bad_as_my: He didn't, and he doesn't know if it is for certain. (19:24:07) klaywaffle: If you continue to go on it it'll get banned (19:24:08) Pwnemon: your sister is on TPT? who? (19:24:10) Nick: Everyone else belongs to Serebii and Marriland. D: (19:24:26) Pwnemon: >marriland (19:24:27) klaywaffle: Oh yeah (19:24:28) Pwnemon: >lol (19:24:30) klaywaffle: This chat was (19:24:30) Nick: I forgot her username. XD (19:24:34) The_Shinigami: Pwnemon's getting ready to lure in the wominz. (19:24:35) klaywaffle: MawileMachinaless (19:24:41) klaywaffle: Aballas2 (19:24:52) Pwnemon: OH I REMEMBER HER (19:24:59) Nick: Is that really it? (19:25:06) Pwnemon: yes (19:25:13) Nick: I thought it was barrylover3459... (19:25:14) Pwnemon: that's how we knew your last name (19:25:34) Prof. Oak: WhiteSoxFan logs into the Chat. (19:25:40) klaywaffle: Barry (19:25:43) klaywaffle: Ololo (19:25:45) Pwnemon: ey (19:26:03) klaywaffle: Barry=Worst Rival Ever (19:26:14) Nick: She had a major crush on Barry (anime) (19:26:23) The_Shinigami: Pokemon DP = Worst series ever. (19:26:28) The_Shinigami: Except Paul. (19:26:31) The_Shinigami: I liked Paul. (19:26:32) Pwnemon: yes (19:26:33) Nick: Ikr. (19:26:39) Nick: Paul was cool. (19:26:39) The_Shinigami: ./Shinji (19:26:50) Nick: But I hated how they made him lose. >=/ (19:26:53) The_Shinigami: Ash is all like (19:26:55) The_Shinigami: "OMG (19:26:57) The_Shinigami: RUSH IN (19:27:03) The_Shinigami: NO PLAN WHAT SO EVER" (19:27:07) klaywaffle: Ash really was fail in dp (19:27:08) The_Shinigami: Paul be all like (19:27:11) Pwnemon: of course he would lose (19:27:16) Pwnemon: it's fricking ash (19:27:22) klaywaffle: "No need to worry" (19:27:26) The_Shinigami: "I PREDICTED YOU SON. TOXIC SPIKES BOY. HAIL OLOLOLOL." (19:27:35) klaywaffle: Glad Dawn is gone >=/ (19:27:44) Pwnemon: imo (19:27:45) Brock: Misty is the way to go. (19:27:50) Pwnemon: the entire of pokemon (19:27:53) Pwnemon: is mary sue.jpg (19:27:54) klaywaffle: That reminds me (19:28:04) Nick: When they started all the damn contests I got annoyed. (19:28:07) The_Shinigami: Paul shoulda handed Ash's ass to him. (19:28:18) Pwnemon: ya think (19:28:33) The_Shinigami: but no, Ash starts pulling crap outta his ass like usual. (19:28:35) The_Shinigami: I mean. (19:28:49) The_Shinigami: Honestly, most of Ash's rivals shoulda beaten him. (19:28:59) The_Shinigami: BLASTOISE VS CHARIZARD, SERIOUSLY WTF. (19:29:18) The_Shinigami: although zard is a BAMF, it's still FREAKIN' BLASTOISE. (19:29:31) Nick: Paul could have owned Ash if he used: Torterra, Electivire, Honchkrow, Drapion, Magmortar, Ursaring. (19:29:36) klaywaffle: They're bringing back Hikari and Takeshi for one episode only (19:29:42) Pwnemon: and toise is twice the BAMF zard is (19:29:51) Brock: Hikari? (19:29:59) The_Shinigami: No man, No. (19:30:03) Nick: Hikari = Dawn. (19:30:09) Brock: Oh. (19:30:09) The_Shinigami: URSARING COULDA TAKEN HIS WHOLE TEAM SINGLE HANDEDLY. (19:30:19) Nick: ^ true (19:30:20) The_Shinigami: Did you SEE what happened the last time that beast was loose? (19:30:31) Nick: >8D (19:30:37) klaywaffle: Guts (19:30:43) The_Shinigami: Ash pretty much just said 'good bye' to three of his pokes. (19:31:02) Nick: Why didn't he catch the damn Ursaring? (19:31:05) Pwnemon: ash is always randomly saying goodbye to his pokes (19:31:06) klaywaffle: I expected Zard to return in the Sinnoh Leauge (19:31:07) Pwnemon: seriously (19:31:12) Pwnemon: if i loved that butterfree so much (19:31:21) klaywaffle: Except it was Gliscor in the sky (19:31:23) The_Shinigami: Lol butterfree. (19:31:24) Pwnemon: no way in fluxing he'll would I give it up (19:31:27) klaywaffle: I was like WTF? (19:31:28) Nick: Gliscor <3 (19:31:41) The_Shinigami: "Whoa. I heard what happens to you guys when you mate. Not gonna happen, back in the ball." (19:31:52) Pwnemon: lulz (19:31:59) Nick: olol (19:32:07) klaywaffle: Butterfree died (19:32:12) Nick: ;~; (19:32:18) The_Shinigami: I think I implied that Klay. (19:32:19) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I thought he would at least keep his starters. (19:32:27) Nick: He should've kept Larvitar... (19:32:29) Pwnemon: lolno (19:32:31) The_Shinigami: Dang, I really called it right when you were branded captain obvious. (19:32:32) Pwnemon: only pika (19:32:39) I'm_as_bad_as_my: (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard) (19:33:11) The_Shinigami: I say Pikachu should have been left with Oak. (19:33:23) Pwnemon: pikachu (19:33:30) Pwnemon: the most annoying pokemon ash ever caught (19:33:32) klaywaffle: Ash would'nt have any pokemons on his side (19:33:33) Pwnemon: the only one he keeps (19:33:44) Nick: I say Pikachu is a worthless piece of crap. >=/ (19:33:44) klaywaffle: But yeah he should've exchanged pikachu for another pokemon (19:33:45) Pwnemon: it's like, nintendo /wants/ to make the show unappealing (19:33:47) The_Shinigami: I mean if he thought for a while he'd realize: the common factor in him always losing in the semi finals is Pikachu. (19:34:08) Pwnemon: seriously (19:34:15) The_Shinigami: Most of the other pokes get switched around, and that thing stays. (19:34:17) Pwnemon: and did you see what happened in Kanto finals? (19:34:23) Pwnemon: that thing was /worthless/ (19:34:25) Nick: I always liked Ash's Sceptile. (19:34:26) Pwnemon: i mean seriously (19:34:33) Pwnemon: it couldn't harm a /bellsprout/ (19:34:34) The_Shinigami: What happened in the final sagain. (19:34:53) The_Shinigami: I just remember Zard being all like "Naa motherf*cker, I aint fighting." (19:34:56) Pwnemon: and then, and then (19:35:06) Nick: In the sinnoh league, Takuto UBER spammed him. (19:35:14) Pwnemon: some stupid never trained like ever srsly muk just /wins/ (19:35:15) klaywaffle: Team Rocket weakend Ash's pokes (19:35:20) The_Shinigami: the uber spamming made me lol (19:35:31) klaywaffle: But srsly (19:35:32) Nick: ikr (19:35:38) Pwnemon: i don't remember this one? (19:35:38) klaywaffle: I though Latios died (19:35:40) The_Shinigami: it's like (19:35:47) Pwnemon: mostly because I hate the sinnoh league (19:35:53) klaywaffle: There is only ONE Latios (19:35:54) The_Shinigami: "Oh man... you took out my darkrai? Well done..." (19:35:57) Pwnemon: and all the other ones, tbh (19:35:58) Nick: Latios died to Pikachu... (19:36:01) The_Shinigami: "SAY HELLO TO LATIOS." (19:36:04) klaywaffle: And I remember seeing Latios die (19:36:14) Nick: Well, they died the same time. (19:36:19) Pwnemon: holy cruf (19:36:25) Pwnemon: DARKRAI AND LATIOS (19:36:28) The_Shinigami: Latios is one of those legendaries that have been confirmed to be more than one. (19:36:31) Pwnemon: SMOGON IS BURYING ITS HEAD IN SHAME (19:36:43) klaywaffle: Well I do remeber In the anime movie (19:36:44) Pwnemon: THIS IS OBVIOUSLY AN NFE BATTLe (19:36:49) I'm_as_bad_as_my: But Latias had a baby Latios and a Latias. (19:36:53) The_Shinigami: Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if he went "Took out my Latios? Damn... GO GROUDON!" (19:36:54) klaywaffle: That they mentioned Latios' dad (19:36:57) Nick: I mean, Heracross should've been able to take Darkrai, while Charizard could probably take Latios. (19:37:18) Pwnemon: charizardvlatios (19:37:19) klaywaffle: Charizard...Nah (19:37:20) Pwnemon: lol (19:37:28) klaywaffle: But (19:37:29) The_Shinigami: Pokedex entries show that Lati@s actually breed in the wild. (19:37:37) klaywaffle: Type Advantage doesn't matter in the anime (19:37:38) The_Shinigami: They move in herds. (19:37:45) The_Shinigami: I can't remember which entry that was though. (19:38:12) Nick: Anime should be based off the games, not some idiotic ideas. >=/ (19:38:19) The_Shinigami: Wait... (19:38:28) The_Shinigami: WHY THE HELL DIDN'T ASH USE NOCTOWL AGAINST THE GUY'S DARKRAI. (19:38:42) The_Shinigami: Seriously, I need to choke a b*tch. (19:38:42) Pwnemon: because (19:38:42) klaywaffle: I remember seeing the game version of the movie (19:38:42) Nick: Becuz he's stupid... (19:38:53) Pwnemon: in the anime, noctowl is half psychic (19:38:55) Pwnemon: duh (19:39:03) klaywaffle: Ash is also stupid enough to use a Gible against a Darkrai (19:39:08) The_Shinigami: Lol (19:39:25) klaywaffle: Could've used another pokemon (19:39:27) Nick: I love Gible and all but, WHY AGAINST DARKRAI?! (19:39:30) Prof. Oak: Trogdor logs into the Chat. (19:39:31) The_Shinigami: "DUDE, YOU'RE BREAKING SLEEP CLAUSE I SWEAR!" "YOU THINK I CARE? I'M ALREADY USING UBERS!" (19:39:34) Pwnemon: GUYS (19:39:40) Trogdor: Shini, Pwnemon (19:39:42) Trogdor: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?p=189789#post18978?9 (19:39:43) Pwnemon: ASH IS AN EXPERIENCED NFE BATTLER (19:39:47) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Gible is good in Shadows of Almia. (19:39:53) I'm_as_bad_as_my: But no where else. (19:40:35) Pwnemon: so hey (19:40:39) Pwnemon: I have no life (19:40:43) Pwnemon: UNTPT was fun (19:40:43) Pwnemon: why not (19:41:09) The_Shinigami: oh good lord. (19:41:15) The_Shinigami: I will make my people DEITIES! (19:41:59) Trogdor: It has lots and lots of potential. (19:43:25) Pwnemon: Will it be the same countries as on UNTPT or no? (19:43:53) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (19:44:16) Trogdor: Read the OP you derp (19:44:28) Heho: ^ (19:45:04) Pwnemon: well it didn't really answer the question (19:45:07) Pwnemon: I'm guessing no? (19:45:31) Trogdor: You don't start out with countries. (19:45:58) Trogdor: I mean, you can name your species whatever you want, but borders won't happen for a while. (19:46:19) Pwnemon: well i mean like will me and Rich be together in a species of hot women (19:46:21) Prof. Oak: zcole16 logs into the Chat. (19:47:10) Trogdor: lol (19:47:26) Nick: ;n; (19:48:10) Prof. Oak: jrGEM has been logged out (Timeout). (19:48:27) Heho: Oh and are we voting on new developments or are we just gonna let you decide? (19:48:38) The_Shinigami: guys (19:48:44) The_Shinigami: who the f*ck is pyroprince? (19:48:47) Heho: Like a revision to the rules or something (19:48:59) Pwnemon: chimcharfan16 (19:49:06) The_Shinigami: ... (19:49:17) The_Shinigami: who the f*ck is chimcharfan16? (19:49:40) klaywaffle: A chimchar fan obviously (19:49:49) Heho: WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING US THESE QUESTIONS? (19:49:54) The_Shinigami: captain obvious strikes again. (19:50:25) Pwnemon: he was the guy] (19:50:29) Pwnemon: in Willow Branch (19:50:46) Pwnemon: who wanted to have a sixteen year old in the first year (19:50:54) Heho: "Hurp durp whos Captainfaggot012342?" "Oh he's the captain of the faggots of course!" (19:50:55) I'm_as_bad_as_my: How will they breed? (19:51:01) Pwnemon: which is probably about how his irl situation is going (19:51:04) Pwnemon: seeing how his grammar is (19:52:14) The_Shinigami: lol (19:52:20) The_Shinigami: Goddamn Heho >:/ (19:52:38) Heho: Wat? (19:52:56) The_Shinigami: I'm only asking because when these dude's pop up all like "OMG GUISE, I'MBACK" and I can't remember who they are, I just check to see if they were ever important. (19:53:36) Heho: I vote Shini changes his name to captain faggot. (19:53:37) Pwnemon: nopd (19:53:43) Pwnemon: the important ones wouldn't leave (19:54:07) Heho: Not because he's a faggot but because he spawned an amazing idea. (19:54:16) Nickolas1747: Teru left...although I never knew him, I know he's quite the popular one. (19:54:24) Pwnemon: dude (19:54:25) The_Shinigami: .... (19:54:32) Heho: Hey (19:54:32) Pwnemon: did you just say teru "left" (19:54:36) Pwnemon: until you learn the facts (19:54:40) The_Shinigami: Well... (19:54:42) Pwnemon: protip is to stfu (19:54:50) The_Shinigami: he didn't know, but still. (19:54:50) Heho: I think he knows what happened pwn. (19:55:03) Heho: I think he just worded it wrong. (19:55:12) Pwnemon: no (19:55:17) Pwnemon: either that was a rude remark (19:55:20) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Pwnemon, in a species of hot women, how will they breed? (19:55:22) Pwnemon: or he doesn't know (19:55:25) Heho: Anyways, he didn't speak ill of him. So he really didn't do anything wrong. (19:55:43) Heho: Unlike Captain MeatSpin (19:55:45) Pwnemon: (20:55:20) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Pwnemon, in a species of hot women, how will they breed? us duh (19:55:46) Prof. Oak: WhiteSoxFan has been logged out (Timeout). (19:56:15) Heho: lol pwnemon gets a spot? (19:56:19) The_Shinigami: wait (19:56:24) Heho: Since when (19:56:26) The_Shinigami: a species of hot women? (19:56:36) The_Shinigami: This sounds like a variation of something I said a while back >:/ (19:56:49) Pwnemon: it's actually a variation of (19:56:52) Pwnemon: an empire of hot women (19:57:03) The_Shinigami: Well (19:57:08) The_Shinigami: My method was different. (19:57:14) The_Shinigami: >Kill all the men. (19:57:19) The_Shinigami: >Just me (19:57:21) Pwnemon: yeah i remember (19:57:21) The_Shinigami: >Good times. (19:57:29) Pwnemon: still short on funds eh? (19:57:30) Heho: Pwnemon for being a fairly new face compared to us old fags, you give the Semi-Noob members a lot more trouble than the straight up noobs. (19:57:43) Trogdor: We might just do the first few rounds in the chat (19:57:50) Pwnemon: well heho (19:57:53) Pwnemon: the thing is (19:57:57) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (19:58:05) Trogdor: otherwise we'll waste like a whole bunch of posts just getting our species to be cavemen (19:58:06) Pwnemon: the new noobs need a little adjustment time to learn the rules of chat (19:58:09) Pwnemon: the semi noobs (19:58:14) Pwnemon: have no such excuse (19:58:18) I'm_as_bad_as_my: You sure you don't want to be part of the species? (19:58:26) Pwnemon: ah heck no (19:58:29) The_Shinigami: I've given up on some semi noobs ¬__¬ (19:58:29) Pwnemon: then who enjoys it (19:58:34) The_Shinigami: I'm not naming any names... (19:58:35) Heho: Anyways, I don't want you picking on them. It's my job. (19:58:36) The_Shinigami: for now. (19:58:42) Pwnemon: I am. Nick (19:58:46) ManaPhione: hola (19:58:50) The_Shinigami: OLOLOL (19:58:51) The_Shinigami: OMG (19:58:54) The_Shinigami: IT'S LIKE (19:58:57) The_Shinigami: PERFECT TIMING. (19:59:05) ManaPhione: Oh? (19:59:15) Heho: You're British. :l (19:59:18) I'm_as_bad_as_my: The people with large senos. (19:59:30) Heho: (19:59:41) ManaPhione: What's a seno? (20:00:16) I'm_as_bad_as_my: ^(then who enjoys it) (20:00:17) Heho: G (20:00:19) Heho: o (20:00:21) Heho: o (20:00:23) Heho: g (20:00:24) Heho: l (20:00:25) Heho: e (20:00:30) The_Shinigami: ty6ju (20:00:32) The_Shinigami: dammit (20:00:33) Heho: Fuck yeah combo completed. (20:00:34) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Look it up in a Spanish dictionary. (20:00:45) The_Shinigami: I missed my chance to combo block youz. (20:01:36) Pwnemon: l (20:01:36) Pwnemon: o (20:01:38) Pwnemon: n (20:01:39) Pwnemon: g (20:01:39) Pwnemon: e (20:01:39) Pwnemon: r (20:01:41) Pwnemon: c (20:01:42) Pwnemon: o (20:01:42) Pwnemon: m (20:01:43) Pwnemon: b (20:01:45) Pwnemon: o (20:01:45) ManaPhione: Oh (20:01:45) The_Shinigami: k (20:01:51) The_Shinigami: >:/ (20:01:52) Pwnemon: owned heho (20:01:55) The_Shinigami: Damn chat lag. (20:02:00) ManaPhione: I don't know that kind of spanish (20:02:14) Heho: Huh? (20:02:24) I'm_as_bad_as_my: You get it when you own a dictionary. (20:02:45) ManaPhione: that's not the kind of thing they teach you in school (20:02:51) Heho: All I read was (20:01:45) Pwnemon I A M A F A G G O T (20:03:04) klaywaffle: Back (20:03:08) Heho: FFFUUU (20:03:11) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Do you know what it means? (20:03:15) Pwnemon: well actually (20:03:24) Pwnemon: that's less letters than my combo (20:03:26) Pwnemon: so what now (20:03:35) Heho: No (20:03:38) Nick: I hate how my friends are crushing on Zcole! .-. (20:03:46) Heho: It's the same amount of letters as your combo. (20:03:47) Pwnemon: holywutnow (20:03:53) Prof. Oak: Cheezerme logs into the Chat. (20:03:55) Pwnemon: how can you crush on zcole (20:03:55) ManaPhione: yes. (20:04:05) Pwnemon: heho, simple math makes 11 > 10 (20:04:15) Heho: No (20:04:23) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:04:35) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:05:14) Heho: You obviously didn't get the joke... (20:05:38) The_Shinigami: crushing on zcole (20:05:39) The_Shinigami: what (20:05:39) Pwnemon: I get the jok (20:05:43) Pwnemon: the joke being that (20:05:44) The_Shinigami: no, seriously, wat. (20:05:45) Heho: IAMAFAGGOT=IAMAFAGGOT (20:05:47) Trogdor: LOLOL IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT MEANS BREAST (20:05:49) Pwnemon: you can't do simple math (20:06:14) Heho: You can't do simple comprehension (20:06:18) Pwnemon: HAHA DOOD THAT IS LIKE MATURE (20:06:32) Pwnemon: when my friends all got graphing calculators (20:06:37) ManaPhione: I already said I figured out what it is (20:06:37) The_Shinigami: wait. (20:06:45) The_Shinigami: Is Zcole a girl or some crap? (20:06:51) Pwnemon: they had a field day telling people to type in "2nd alpha 8778" (20:06:56) klaywaffle: He's a boy (20:06:58) Pwnemon: because it spells poop (20:07:00) Pwnemon: I mean (20:07:00) The_Shinigami: >Implying I know who this person is (20:07:05) Heho: Like I said all I read was: "LOLGUYSIMTRYINTOBECOOL" (20:07:11) Pwnemon: i'm not exactly the most mature person on the christmas tree (20:07:20) Pwnemon: but really (20:07:31) klaywaffle: How do your friends even know zcole? (20:07:37) Pwnemon: apparently (20:07:37) ManaPhione: Magic (20:07:42) ManaPhione: Facebook! (20:07:43) Pwnemon: nick's friends are all chicks (20:07:49) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I was trying to answer ManaPhione and Pwnemon. (20:07:49) Pwnemon: remember the life of school thread? (20:07:54) The_Shinigami: aha (20:07:55) Heho: FUU (20:07:56) The_Shinigami: AHA. (20:08:09) The_Shinigami: I'm not too sure I can believe that. (20:08:10) Pwnemon: but really (20:08:20) Pwnemon: how could you /crush. on. zcole/ (20:08:27) Pwnemon: that guy is /annoying/ (20:08:38) Nick: I am not gay. =/ (20:08:46) ManaPhione: Oh shnap (20:08:48) Heho: 1 chick= Well off 2 chicks=Playa 3 chicks= Supah Playa/Might be gay 4 chicks=Faggot (20:08:50) Nick: I am just kinda jealous? (20:08:50) The_Shinigami: as far as we know. (20:08:53) Pwnemon: Are we calling you gay? (20:09:04) Pwnemon: although (20:09:06) Pwnemon: it is true (20:09:06) The_Shinigami: LOLHEHO (20:09:12) Pwnemon: every gay kid has a posse of chicks (20:09:21) Heho: That was a rule a long time ago shini. (20:09:21) Nick: -_____- (20:09:22) The_Shinigami: LOLTRUTH (20:09:24) Pwnemon: there are two in my grade (20:09:24) Pwnemon: quinn and billy (20:09:37) Pwnemon: and both get about 99.5 % of chick total in my school (20:09:38) Heho: I'm really suprised you've never heard that (20:09:44) The_Shinigami: naaaaa. (20:09:49) The_Shinigami: Maybe it's an american thing? (20:09:51) Pwnemon: leaving slim pickins for those of us who are /actually interested/ (20:09:57) Heho: Maybe. (20:10:02) The_Shinigami: That's like my answer to all youz guise jokes I don't get. (20:10:11) Heho: America is the land of immaturity after all (20:10:35) Pwnemon: heho, I've never seen it written out like that (20:10:43) Heho: Or Japan. (20:10:43) Pwnemon: mostly because it's implied fact (20:10:56) The_Shinigami: But liek srsly. (20:11:00) I'm_as_bad_as_my: About 50% of my English class is druggies. (20:11:01) Heho: What is? (20:11:09) The_Shinigami: Dude, get some guy friends Nick, people will talk. (20:11:27) I'm_as_bad_as_my: They couldn't shut up about drugs today. (20:11:27) Heho: Every gay dude hangs out with 3+ women at any given time? (20:11:27) Pwnemon: the girlfriend-ometer (20:11:32) Nick: Umm, I don't like the retarded guys in my school. (20:11:39) The_Shinigami: ... (20:11:43) Pwnemon: nick (20:11:45) Nickolas1747: So ALL of them are retarded? (20:11:46) The_Shinigami: *sigh* (20:11:50) I'm_as_bad_as_my: One accused my teacher of being a druggie. (20:11:50) Pwnemon: we need to work on your self esteem issue (20:11:50) Trogdor: Should I bother asking what's going on in here? (20:11:52) The_Shinigami: Wait (20:11:55) The_Shinigami: Think about it (20:11:55) Nick: I don't want to be there friends. (20:12:00) Pwnemon: UCWUTIDIDTHAR (20:12:07) The_Shinigami: What are the odds that all of them are retards, and you're the only outlier? (20:12:16) Heho: Trog you were fapping. (20:12:22) Heho: Don't mind us. (20:12:24) Nickolas1747: To DPoD, 100/100 (20:12:34) Nick: Um, I score advanced on everything. (20:12:34) Trogdor: far from the truth (20:12:36) Pwnemon: to anybody looking at dpod (20:12:36) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Slim to none. (20:12:40) Pwnemon: 0/100 (20:12:42) Pwnemon: I mean srs (20:12:45) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:12:49) Pwnemon: like half my school is laxxerbros (20:12:52) Nick: I am in a High School Math Class. (20:12:53) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs into the Chat. (20:12:57) I'm_as_bad_as_my: One of my best friends is in that class. (20:12:59) Pwnemon: and there are still plenty of people to hand out with (20:13:06) Pwnemon: OMG NICK YOU (20:13:09) Pwnemon: ARE SO SMART (20:13:15) ManaPhione: Lots of kids are (20:13:18) The_Shinigami: OMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN?NNNNNNNNNNN (20:13:21) Pwnemon: JUST LIKE THREE QUARTERS OF EIGHTH GRADERS (20:13:25) Trogdor: congratulations, you can spew out numbers. Be proud of yourself. (20:13:28) Nickolas1747: About all of us took Algebra in 8th grade >_> (20:13:28) ManaPhione: Heck, I was in High School Math in 6th grade (20:13:38) Heho: (20:13:43) Pwnemon: they didn't offer it in sixth grade (20:13:47) Pwnemon: but I took it in seventh (20:13:53) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I took Algebra in 6th grade. (20:13:56) Pwnemon: and that's technically sixth (20:14:00) Pwnemon: because I skipped a grade (20:14:04) Nick: They didn't offer it in 7th grade either. (20:14:12) Pwnemon: Nick (20:14:19) Pwnemon: we've talked about your exceeding arrogance (20:14:20) ManaPhione: I did math 8/7 in 5th (20:14:25) Pwnemon: nothing has changed (20:14:32) Heho: I propose a vote that if Pwnemon gets his own nation, he must name it Butthurtopolis. (20:14:39) Pwnemon: lolque (20:14:45) Pwnemon: i'm just annoyed by nick (20:14:53) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Though, technically, I did take Algebra in 8th grade. (20:14:58) I'm_as_bad_as_my: Algebra 2, that is. (20:15:02) Heho: Butthurtopolis. (20:15:03) Pwnemon: plus then I would have to invite Furret9. (20:15:09) Heho: All in favor. (20:15:13) Nick: Ugh, you people are no different than the jerks at school. (20:15:17) klaywaffle: Aye (20:15:17) Heho: Furret9? No (20:15:20) Nick: No one wants to know who I am. (20:15:30) Heho: Dr.Butthurt? Yes. Klay you don't get vote. (20:15:38) Nick: No one understands me. (20:15:40) ManaPhione: Why is that? (20:15:40) The_Shinigami: wait (20:15:46) Nick: It's all just the same! (20:15:49) Heho: OLOL (20:15:53) ManaPhione: Do you try to understand others? (20:15:57) The_Shinigami: what happened for us to be called jerks, I closed the tab. (20:16:04) Heho: DO I SMELL A KICK? (20:16:05) Pwnemon: this is actually pretty funny (20:16:05) ManaPhione: You said they were all retarded. (20:16:11) Pwnemon: i mean really (20:16:11) Pwnemon: I' (20:16:14) Nick: Mana, I have lived for 13 years. (20:16:21) Pwnemon: I'm reading Raisin in the Sun in school (20:16:29) Trogdor: Who needs a kick? (20:16:32) Pwnemon: and nick is like (20:16:36) Nick: I act kinda and nice towards almost everyone I know. (20:16:41) Heho: ^ this guy (20:16:42) Pwnemon: all the bad stuff in that family (20:16:42) Pwnemon: wrapped into one person (20:16:48) The_Shinigami: (02:16:14) Nick: Mana, I have lived for 13 years. You must have gained so much experience from your many many years. (20:16:52) Nick: And I always get stepped on. (20:16:57) Pwnemon: "ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO STOP ACTING HOLY ROUND HERE" (20:17:04) Nick: But just forget it. (20:17:09) Nick: Nothing is going to change. (20:17:15) Heho: TROG DO IT NOW (20:17:17) Heho: NOW (20:17:18) ManaPhione: Don't be like that! (20:17:21) Trogdor: I'm going to prescribe you a heavy dose of Man The Fsck Up. (20:17:21) The_Shinigami: CRAWWWLING THROUUUGH MY SKIIIIIIIIN (20:17:24) Heho: BEFORE HE GETS AWAY (20:17:25) Pwnemon: If you're trying the IceDeviMon approach (20:17:28) The_Shinigami: THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEEEAAAALLLL (20:17:30) Pwnemon: it didn't work that time either (20:17:41) Pwnemon: You insult us (20:17:45) Heho: *Crawling in my skin (20:17:47) Pwnemon: you hate on us (20:17:53) Pwnemon: then as soon as we retaliate (20:17:54) The_Shinigami: I don't know this song D: (20:17:55) I'm_as_bad_as_my: I have lived for 15 years and 361 days. (20:18:03) The_Shinigami: That's about all I could salvage from my memory. (20:18:17) Pwnemon: "REMEMBER THAT GIRL WHO KILLED HERSELF BCUZ FACEBOOK WHY YOU WANT ME TO JOIN HER" (20:18:35) The_Shinigami: Hmm. (20:18:44) The_Shinigami: Maybe we should just leave him alone regardless. (20:18:52) Heho: Did Pwnemon just make a suicide joke? (20:18:57) ManaPhione: Happy early birthday? (20:18:57) Pwnemon: no (20:19:00) Heho: :l (20:19:02) Pwnemon: I was referencing Ice (20:19:04) Heho: I think he did. (20:19:12) Pwnemon: She said that for srs (20:19:15) Pwnemon: but annie deleted it (20:19:15) Heho: Oh wait nvm (20:19:48) Trogdor: lol (20:19:51) I'm_as_bad_as_my: brb (20:20:14) The_Shinigami: I think Nick might be crying in a corner right about now. (20:20:28) Heho: AssPaiinnn (20:20:41) Trogdor: Meh (20:20:43) Nick: Oh yes Shini. I cry so much. (20:20:48) Nick: >Sarcasm (20:20:50) Trogdor: people need to be responsible for their own problems. (20:21:01) The_Shinigami: I predicted that snap back. (20:21:03) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (20:21:04) The_Shinigami: Lurk moar. (20:21:06) Heho: Fuu (20:21:09) klaywaffle: I just noticed whenever Shini and Heho aren't here he doesn't pick on Nick (20:21:13) Trogdor: And coming to the internet for solutions? Don't make me lol. (20:21:14) klaywaffle: flame me now (20:21:17) redtwist1: im so mad right now (20:21:21) Heho: Who klay? (20:21:25) The_Shinigami: GODDAMIT CAPTAIN OBVIOUS. (20:21:27) klaywaffle: Pwne (20:21:35) redtwist1: words cant describe (20:21:36) Heho: lol shini (20:21:49) The_Shinigami: ok (20:21:52) The_Shinigami: like one time (20:21:53) Trogdor: Then the internet is the wrong place for you to be right now. (20:21:54) The_Shinigami: i was angry (20:21:59) The_Shinigami: then i punched a kitten (20:22:01) The_Shinigami: then i was ok. (20:22:03) ManaPhione: Is "Pwne" Pohney or Pone? (20:22:04) Heho: Becuase Pwn thinks he's cool if he troll people. (20:22:17) Heho: *trolls (20:22:21) Heho: olol (20:22:23) Heho: oolololol (20:22:27) redtwist1: lets all form a gang and beat up bunnies (20:22:34) Heho: That was a glorious post. (20:22:42) Heho: Pwneboy. (20:22:43) The_Shinigami: Kittens. (20:22:47) The_Shinigami: Bunnys won't do. (20:22:48) Heho: He's Pwneboy. (20:22:54) The_Shinigami: Bunnies* (20:23:07) Heho: ... (20:23:14) Heho: Baby seals? (20:23:18) The_Shinigami: =/ (20:23:22) The_Shinigami: lolz (20:23:23) redtwist1: face palm (20:23:23) Pwnemon: shush soda (20:23:27) Pwnemon: you were soda right nick? (20:23:29) The_Shinigami: Bring me my club. (20:23:31) Pwnemon: as in heho (20:23:36) klaywaffle: phawk is the name righT? (20:23:36) ManaPhione: palmface (20:23:52) Heho: Why do you call me Nick? You're confusing DPoD. (20:23:59) Pwnemon: sorry (20:24:08) Heho: You might get his self esteem up. (20:24:14) Trogdor: I'm gonna GTFO and go eat some thai food. (20:24:26) The_Shinigami: i want thai food (20:24:29) The_Shinigami: hand it to me. (20:24:41) Pwnemon: do we need to get Darry in here again redtwist? (20:24:41) Trogdor: then hop on a plane to SFO and come meet me. (20:24:49) Heho: I thought Trog was Darry... (20:24:52) The_Shinigami: :C (20:24:57) Pwnemon: yes he is (20:25:00) Heho: And he's right hurr (20:25:05) Pwnemon: but i thought he left for thai food (20:25:17) Pwnemon: btw (20:25:19) Heho: Plus redtwist hasn't said anything. (20:25:22) Pwnemon: I'm totally jealous (20:25:29) Pwnemon: he had said somethinbg (20:25:32) Pwnemon: but he deleted it (20:25:49) The_Shinigami: who said what? (20:25:50) Trogdor: Also, that thread I made (20:25:58) Trogdor: make sure competent people join it. (20:26:05) Trogdor: Like if Dave pops in. (20:26:08) Prof. Oak: zcole16 has been logged out (Timeout). (20:26:10) redtwist1: im afraid to say stuff when pwnemon's arounf (20:26:17) redtwist1: around (20:26:21) ManaPhione: why? (20:26:23) Heho: Sucks unless you link my thread to make furret9 a Dr.Butthurt. (20:26:25) Pwnemon: he said "redtwist1 says lots of cuss words at the tv screen (20:26:30) Prof. Oak: Straw logs into the Chat. (20:26:32) The_Shinigami: olololololwat (20:26:35) ManaPhione: He's not scary (20:26:37) ManaPhione: Oh man (20:26:37) redtwist1: no (20:26:41) Pwnemon: ohey straw (20:26:44) The_Shinigami: Straw jumped into the fray. (20:26:48) Heho: WE STILL NEED SUPPORT IN ORDER TO GET DR.BUTTHURT. (20:26:55) The_Shinigami: Seriously fray is an odd word. (20:26:57) Heho: http://pallettribune.com/forums/?showthread.php?t=10913 (20:26:58) Straw: What the fuck is this? (20:27:00) Heho: Do eeeet (20:27:03) The_Shinigami: fray. (20:27:22) redtwist1: pwnemon quotes everything i say and puts it in his posts (20:27:24) Heho: I don't like The Fray. (20:27:32) Heho: They're too mainstream for me. (20:27:39) Pwnemon: only the lulzy ones (20:27:41) Pwnemon: oh and also (20:27:42) The_Shinigami: ... (20:27:44) Heho says the beatlesfag (20:27:51) Prof. Oak: ManaPhione logs out of the Chat. (20:27:54) Pwnemon: you think "fray" is a funny word, try "so" (20:27:56) The_Shinigami: Is this Nickolas guy nightmarenick? (20:28:00) The_Shinigami: so. (20:28:01) Pwnemon: yes (20:28:03) The_Shinigami: la (20:28:04) Heho says the other beatlesfag (20:28:05) The_Shinigami: ti (20:28:08) Nick: Yes (20:28:08) The_Shinigami: do. (20:28:09) Prof. Oak: Brock has been logged out (Timeout). (20:28:19) The_Shinigami: you guys interrupted EVERY LINE. (20:28:27) Pwnemon: lol (20:28:31) Pwnemon: combo BROKEN (20:28:36) The_Shinigami: I'm not your friends any more. (20:28:44) Heho: I think Nick,NightmareNick,Nickolas, and the Anti-Heho are all connected somehow. (20:28:49) Pwnemon: funny (20:28:57) Pwnemon: because every line was interrupted exactly once (20:29:08) The_Shinigami: Anti-Heho? (20:29:21) Heho: Anti-Heho. (20:29:40) klaywaffle: ...Guess (20:29:40) Heho: The Anti-Heho could be anyone. (20:29:43) The_Shinigami: >Implying there's only one noob in the 'group'. (20:29:48) Pwnemon: ./HOT DAMN/ (20:29:56) Pwnemon: I WAS LITERALLY HIGHLIGHTING THAT (20:30:01) Pwnemon: I HAD MY FINGER ON CONTROL (20:30:02) Heho: But it's probably someone posing as a noob. (20:30:08) Pwnemon: POOF! IT'S GONE (20:30:15) Heho: I think it's Toaster. (20:30:21) redtwist1: i had to take that away so pwnemon couldn't quote (20:30:25) Heho: Or Pwn. (20:30:29) Nick: Um, Redtwist, I don't want to be to harsh but usually when someone loses to me all the time they're concidered n00b. (20:30:30) Pwnemon: good timing bro (20:30:31) redtwist1: phew (20:30:51) Heho: (20:30:29) Nick: Um, Redtwist, I don't want to be to harsh but usually when someone loses to me all the time they're concidered n00b Lolno (20:30:56) redtwist1: shut up im getting better (20:31:02) Pwnemon: well yes (20:31:11) Pwnemon: but there are multiple other ways to be a n00b as well (20:31:17) The_Shinigami: (02:30:29) Nick: Um, Redtwist, I don't want to be to harsh but usually when someone loses to me more than once they're concidered n00b. (20:31:20) The_Shinigami: Fix'd (20:31:35) Heho: If I were to lose to DPoD would I be a noob? :0 (20:31:37) Pwnemon: cool (20:31:52) Straw: So (20:31:54) Pwnemon: i still have a one-time-misclick waver (20:31:56) Straw: what's going on? (20:32:00) Pwnemon: because I haven't lost to him yet (20:32:11) Pwnemon: waiver* (20:32:16) Straw: Well, I lost to DPoD while dicking around twice. (20:32:17) Pwnemon: well nothing much (20:32:29) Pwnemon: join Trog's thread (20:32:31) Pwnemon: nao (20:32:47) Pwnemon: oh you already did (20:32:51) Heho: Yeah but Straw, you're not a pokemon kinda guy. Well, as much as everyone else here. (20:33:15) Pwnemon: actually (20:33:16) Pwnemon: he's good (20:33:17) Heho: I'm probably the most out of place person here. (20:33:30) Pwnemon: yeah (20:33:39) Pwnemon: but you're like the glue holding the site together (20:33:56) Heho: Fuu (20:34:02) Heho: I get the shit job. (20:34:24) Pwnemon: you get the awesome job (20:34:27) klaywaffle: What got deleted? (20:34:30) Pwnemon: you either get lots of respect (20:34:30) Heho: I'm in between all the sweaty crevices of people like Trog. (20:34:31) redtwist1: yes my job is slightly better (20:34:33) Pwnemon: or you can slack off (20:34:49) Pwnemon: in which case you get the entertainment of seeing this site go down in flames (20:34:55) Heho: Trog faps like, 8 hours a day. (20:34:56) Pwnemon: because of you (20:35:21) Pwnemon: it was a quote by redtwist asking why he was a noob? (20:35:27) Heho: And the rest is either him shaving, or drinking leninande. (20:35:41) Heho: *Leninade (20:35:43) Pwnemon: (21:35:24) redtwist1: im the kid that dont know crap and im going to delete this so pwn dosen't quote (20:35:45) Pwnemon: too late (20:35:48) Pwnemon: teehee (20:35:57) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs out of the Chat. (20:36:06) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (20:36:08) Pwnemon: did i take it too far? (20:36:09) klaywaffle: Wow (20:36:15) redtwist1: nooooo (20:36:16) klaywaffle: Thanks alot pwne you scared him off (20:36:19) klaywaffle: Oh (20:36:20) klaywaffle: he's (20:36:22) klaywaffle: back (20:36:27) Nick: o.O (20:36:36) Pwnemon: okay guys (20:36:36) redtwist1: punches wall (20:36:38) klaywaffle: Random logout (20:36:38) Heho: PWN (20:36:43) Pwnemon: now I can't decide whether to sig (20:36:51) Heho: YOU CAN'T TROLL FUCKING NOOBS YET. (20:36:58) Pwnemon: should I just turn my entire sig into redtwist quotes? (20:36:59) redtwist1: no please dont (20:37:08) Heho: THERE'S A THRESHOLD. (20:37:10) klaywaffle: Yes (20:37:14) klaywaffle: Do et (20:37:16) redtwist1: no come on (20:37:21) klaywaffle: It* (20:37:26) Heho: I had to leave twice before I reached it. (20:37:29) Straw: Heho (20:37:35) Straw: but I trolled noobs ever since the day I joined. (20:37:39) redtwist1: no no (20:37:50) redtwist1: no no nononnononon (20:37:53) klaywaffle: I would vote that if there was a Best Sig award (20:37:58) Heho: But Straw, you we're destined for greatness. (20:38:01) Nick: Pwnemon, be mature, and let the child go! I know he can be annoying but is it really worth it? (20:38:01) The_Shinigami: olo (20:38:09) Nick: Tbh (20:38:11) The_Shinigami: >mature (20:38:11) Nick: Idc (20:38:14) Straw: olo (20:38:18) Straw: >Nick (20:38:20) Straw: >Mature (20:38:21) Nick: Go ahead and has fun. :3 (20:38:31) redtwist1: im like the same age as you (20:38:32) Pwnemon: (21:35:24) redtwist1: im the kid that dont know crap and im going to delete this so pwn dosen't quote (20:38:37) Pwnemon: it is totally worth it man (20:38:42) Nick: olololololololol (20:38:46) Nick: It is. (20:39:03) Pwnemon: shouldn'ta warned me bro (20:39:09) Pwnemon: then I mighta taken my time (20:39:31) redtwist1: why do people troll me so often (20:39:45) Nick: Because you set yourself up all the time. (20:39:54) Heho: I don't see you as much as a target really. (20:39:58) Pwnemon: to make you a better person (20:40:01) Pwnemon: take it from the guy with experience (20:40:02) Heho: Pwn's just easily amused. (20:40:09) klaywaffle: Because we care (20:40:13) Nick: And the constantly deleting comments makes it even better. (20:40:17) Pwnemon: I was trolled (20:40:19) Pwnemon: for four months (20:40:27) Pwnemon: but it made me a better person in the long run (20:40:31) Heho: You're still being trolled. (20:40:38) klaywaffle: I'm still trolled (20:40:39) Heho: Faggot, (20:40:42) Pwnemon: by which I mean it turned me into a slightly sadistic jerk, but hey (20:40:45) Heho: (20:41:29) Straw: Then there's me. (20:41:38) Straw: Hardened by 5 years of 4Chan, I am afraid of nothing. (20:41:55) Heho: lol Gtfo. (20:42:02) Straw: lol umad (20:42:09) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (20:42:16) Pwnemon: lol (20:42:20) Straw: See? (20:42:28) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (20:42:34) Heho: lolno (20:42:46) Pwnemon: okay red (20:42:46) Pwnemon: I've decided my verdict (20:42:57) Pwnemon: despite the moral battle raging in my conscious (20:42:58) Heho: I always random logout at exactly the right time >> (20:43:09) Pwnemon: you'll only have one slot in my sig at any given time (20:43:17) Pwnemon: so I'm deleting your old quotes for this one (20:43:22) Heho: OMFG (20:43:24) Heho: PWNS SIG (20:43:28) Heho: SUCH AN HONOR (20:43:40) Pwnemon: no more like (20:43:40) Heho: I MIGHT JUST KILL FOR A SPOT IN PWNS SIG (20:43:45) Pwnemon: this guy hates getting sigquoted (20:43:46) Straw: My sig only has had one quote. (20:43:49) Heho: OH GODD JIZZ (20:43:53) Pwnemon: but it's too much lols to keep hidden (20:44:09) redtwist1: THNX SO MUCH[/color] (20:44:20) Pwnemon: I think I just changed my mind (20:44:22) Heho: o lawd (20:44:28) Heho: Theres your quote (20:44:39) klaywaffle: Lol pwne (20:44:45) redtwist1: are u kidding (20:44:48) Heho: I screencapped it, you want? (20:44:58) Pwnemon: the backslash color is probably what did it (20:45:01) Straw: Do want (20:45:43) Pwnemon: you're lucky i was hitting "save signature" (20:46:23) Pwnemon: I won't quote that one (20:46:28) Pwnemon: although (20:46:32) redtwist1: phew (20:46:37) klaywaffle: Not sigworthy (20:46:37) Pwnemon: GET ALL YOUR LULZY QUOTES OUT NOW (20:46:45) Pwnemon: IN FIFTEEN MINUTES I HAVE TO GO TO BED (20:46:47) Straw: playing LoL. (20:47:05) Straw: Gonna rape some bitches and pillage some villages (20:47:09) Heho: http://img843.imageshack.us/img8?43/8454/ololy.png whoever wants (20:47:09) The_Shinigami: wtf is going on even. (20:47:12) klaywaffle: Oh yeah (20:47:17) klaywaffle: School tommorow (20:47:35) redtwist1: the worst chat iv'e ever been in (20:47:45) Straw: Then go away. (20:47:47) Straw: No one cares. (20:47:56) Pwnemon: you missed the "I changed my mind" line (20:48:00) Straw: (20:48:00) Heho: I screencapped that too. (20:48:01) Pwnemon: and I care if red goes away (20:48:12) Pwnemon: then my sig will become bland again (20:48:17) Pwnemon: with quotes from last year (20:48:37) Heho: WHAT THE FUCK TROG? (20:48:49) Heho: GOD DAMN IT (20:48:58) Pwnemon: like he would delete something from /Straw/ (20:49:03) redtwist1: i need to find a new game to play other than pokemon (20:49:04) Pwnemon: rule 1, trog is biased (20:49:06) Heho: FINE. FAP TO THE TROLLFACE (20:49:06) klaywaffle: He's eating thai food (20:49:25) Pwnemon: wow (20:49:42) Pwnemon: who would actually lower their waistband to that pic? (20:49:52) The_Shinigami: seriously (20:49:56) Heho: Troggers would >:3 (20:49:58) The_Shinigami: what the hell is going on? (20:50:09) Pwnemon: long story short (20:50:16) klaywaffle: Redtwist hatin (20:50:18) Pwnemon: red is afraid i'll sig his every quote (20:50:30) klaywaffle: On what a glorious chat this is (20:50:44) Pwnemon: red, if you really want to play pokemon without having to endure a chat (20:50:48) Pwnemon: download shoddy (20:50:52) Pwnemon: (I'm on there too) (20:50:59) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs out of the Chat. (20:51:08) The_Shinigami: ... (20:51:10) klaywaffle: Shoddy won't download for me (20:51:11) Heho: Like I said, Red isn't that great of a target. (20:51:15) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs into the Chat. (20:51:18) Prof. Oak: I'm_as_bad_as_my has been logged out (Timeout). (20:51:21) Pwnemon: okay (20:51:25) Pwnemon: I'll stop with the trolling (20:51:28) Pwnemon: for real this time (20:51:40) Pwnemon: I'll still sig you, but I won't make fun of you (20:51:53) Heho: Weren't you going somewhere? >:l (20:52:27) klaywaffle: It's been 5 min (20:52:32) klaywaffle: Not 15 (20:52:44) Pwnemon: ehwat? (20:52:44) klaywaffle: And no (20:52:46) Heho: Your point? (20:52:50) redtwist1: not what i was going for but better (20:52:50) klaywaffle: I'm not Captain Obvious (20:52:50) Pwnemon: oh you mean bed (20:53:04) Heho: GOD DAMN IT SHINI (20:53:06) Pwnemon: yeah well (20:53:13) Pwnemon: I have an itouch under my bed (20:53:19) Pwnemon: it's just really hard to copy/paste (20:53:28) Heho: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (20:53:29) Pwnemon: so that's why i wanted the lulzy quotes now (20:53:48) Pwnemon: chances are whenever I'm on after ten (20:53:52) Pwnemon: its an itouch (20:53:57) The_Shinigami: wait (20:53:59) Heho: So yeah I was in school today (20:54:01) The_Shinigami: what? (20:54:17) The_Shinigami: Oh (20:54:24) The_Shinigami: Klay, you ARE captain obvious. (20:54:30) Pwnemon: although (20:54:39) Heho: And this kid was all "I went to go to bed at 9pm and went to bed at 11 D:" and I was all "I meant to go to bed at 11 and went to bed at 3 " (20:54:41) Pwnemon: I have a track meet wednesday (20:54:42) Pwnemon: so I'll probably want to rest up (20:55:08) redtwist1: whats your mile time (20:55:20) Pwnemon: i don't run the mile (20:55:27) Heho: 9:00 fuckers!! (20:55:43) redtwist1: okay (20:55:43) Heho: lolslow. (20:56:07) Heho: That's when I put in effort. (20:56:14) Pwnemon: so yeah (20:56:16) Heho: My usualy one is around 11:00 (20:56:21) Heho: *usual (20:56:22) Pwnemon: I'm like the slowest person on the track team (20:56:24) Prof. Oak: Cheezerme has been logged out (Timeout). (20:56:28) Pwnemon: but I make every practice like ever (20:56:32) Pwnemon: so coach let me run (20:56:38) Pwnemon: now I'm going to look like a dick (20:56:57) Heho: So yeah (20:57:03) Heho: In middle school (20:57:08) Heho: We had this like mock track day (20:57:18) redtwist1: you'll go to states in no time (20:57:35) Pwnemon: does your middle school do times tables for fun> (20:57:58) redtwist1: my sister went to states for track and cross country (20:58:08) Pwnemon: your sister was fast (20:58:09) Heho: And we all had to volunteer for certain races. And 100m and 200m were taken so I had to do 1200m .-. (20:58:11) Pwnemon: you don't understand (20:58:16) Heho: I died. (20:58:18) Pwnemon: I am a /snail on feet/ (20:58:19) Heho: DIED. (20:58:26) Prof. Oak: Trogdor has been logged out (Timeout). (20:58:30) Heho: And everyone was pissed at me too. (20:58:43) The_Shinigami: Teacher tried to get me to race. (20:58:47) The_Shinigami: I said no. (20:58:49) The_Shinigami: The end. (20:59:03) klaywaffle: Cool story bro (20:59:16) redtwist1: my sister used to trip over her own feet now she's one of the best runners in the school district (20:59:33) Heho: "WHAT THE FUCK NICK? THIS IS ONLY THE SECOND LAP, IT'S ONLY 3/4 MILE YOU HAVE TO RUN IN 5 MINUTES!! (20:59:35) redtwist1: she still trips over ger own feet (21:00:14) Pwnemon: but she is fast (21:00:22) Pwnemon: I trip over my own feet (21:00:27) Pwnemon: in fact I did at the last meet I went to (21:00:29) redtwist1: lol ger (21:00:37) Pwnemon: but it does not change my slowness (21:01:03) Heho: But yeah. When I went to pass off the baton, I collapsed and went to the nurse. Greatest day of my life. ./fuckingym (21:01:04) redtwist1: dont worry you'll do great as long as you try hard (21:01:30) Pwnemon: lol @ red (21:01:39) Pwnemon: like srsly (21:01:43) Pwnemon: i try as hard as I can (21:02:11) Heho: "Did I mention I have asthma guys? I dunno if I ca-" "OH COME ON YOU'LL BE FINE, WE NEED YOU!" (21:02:22) Pwnemon: gtg bed (21:03:04) redtwist1: heho are you serious (21:03:47) Heho: "I guess I'll be okay..." *2 laps into race* "FUCK ALL OF YOU. BURN. BURN IN HE-" *catches breath and proceeds to flip off teammates* (21:04:29) Heho: Oh and did I mention, I broke my arm in the middle of class and guess who cared? lol no one. (21:04:40) Heho: It was cool though. (21:05:03) redtwist1: okay well good night (21:05:08) Heho: I didn't have to do band or gym for a whole trimester. (21:05:09) redtwist1: gtg (21:05:29) Prof. Oak: redtwist1 logs out of the Chat. (21:05:34) Heho: I was in the library, checkin out tpt half the time. (21:05:54) Heho: In there for 2 hours a day. (21:06:03) Heho: Shit was cash (21:06:20) Heho: Middle school was cash. (21:06:32) Heho: Best fucking years of my life. (21:06:59) Heho: Detention? Lol can I go get my homework out of my locker? *ditches* (21:07:27) Prof. Oak: Heho logs out of the Chat. (21:07:45) Prof. Oak: Heho logs into the Chat. (21:08:08) Nickolas1747: My teacher let me sleep in class today. (21:08:16) Heho: Back then all they could do was give you a detention, or suspend you. But they never suspended you unless you punched a kid in the face. (21:08:43) Heho: So you could keep skipping detentions until you had some stray homework to do. (21:09:15) Nickolas1747: I had a migrain so I went to the nurse and her amazing IQ thought 1 tylenol would do the trick, then the teacher let me sleep, for god knows what reason. (21:09:31) Heho: Eh. (21:09:35) Nickolas1747: Luckily it was Language Arts, the most boring class IMO. (21:09:43) Heho: I sleep IN class sometimes. (21:10:08) Heho: Going over chem homework I checked already? 20 minute nap (21:10:25) Heho: God i loved chem (21:10:32) Heho: Chem was the shit. (21:10:34) Nickolas1747: That's why the back of the book is there. (21:10:37) Heho: As well as bio. (21:10:43) Heho: But yeah. (21:10:51) Heho: I can't do that as much. (21:11:04) Heho: Maybe in english every once in a while. (21:11:25) Heho: Which I call Engrish often to my teachers dismay. (21:11:55) Heho: No she's not Asian. (21:13:08) Heho: Oh sure Imageshack I'll shoot the turkey that's moving at a rate of 2 FPS (21:13:21) Heho: Such a challenge (21:13:27) Nickolas1747: Oman (21:13:33) Nickolas1747: Harder than Battletoads. (21:13:44) Heho: OH GOD (21:13:53) Heho: Speaking of battletoads (21:14:17) Heho: Encyclopedia Dramatica has the best Gamestop prank call ever concieved. (21:15:27) Heho: It's long, but the payoff is glorious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=?cu1k_gatUJk&feature=player_embedd?ed 1/4/11