CHRISTY'S FIVE QUESTIONS FOR MAY 2023 How would you describe sleep to an alien? I guess I'll explain that sleep is an active mode of the brain necessary to physically restore the body, that there are several phases of sleep of which one, REM sleep, is probably the most interesting for the sleeper. Well, one could clearly make a 36-hour lecture on the subject! We just need to hope that aliens will take the time to listen before phasing us! Nyark! Nyark Nyark!! What in your opinion is a fascinating cultural tra- dition or practice? I can think of various. For instance flogging among some Catholic Christians or some Shiite Muslims. In a different genre, I also think of certain funeral rites. Mainly one practiced, still today, in some parts of Asia: the Sky bu- rial. The idea is to place the body of the deceased on an elevation (artificial or natural, like a hill or a montain) so that it decomposes there or is fed to scavengers, usually vultures. I had the opportunity to see family videos of ceremonies practiced in Tibet and Sichuan; it is really fascinating. What's a beverage you loved, but was discontinued? I loved the herbal fizzy beverage Aqua Libra. I can't think of one. But there's one I loved when I was young and that cannot be found in France: the Bonjus pineap- ple juice, easily recognizable because it comes in a trian- gular cardboard package. Have you ever experienced a "healing crisis" or withdrawal symptoms while recovering your health? For example, now that I am doing 'correct' qigong under the supervision of certificated class ins- tructors with over a decade experience, I find the blood rushes to and from my head so fast, that, when I have low blood sugar, I feel woozy and won- der if I'm going to pass out. (I have an early morning class, and we aren't to eat within two hours of a qigong workout) Maybe but, at the moment, I don't have any memories of such thing that come back to me. Have you recently had a rediscovery? For example, I am deep into early Mills Brothers, the proto- doowop harmonizing quartet. My mother and her brothers talked about Harry Mills, whose singing style inspired Dean Martin, but now that I shas the velvet voice I swoon to, although I have always liked Harry's voice -- it's just more prominent in the postwar recordings. Recently, I don't think so. But it's true that, when it happens, I think it's often related to music. Original link: gopher:// f6k, 2o23/o5/12