SIMPLE CHAT SYSTEM At one point, during the course of the day while I was mindlessly browsing bboard on SDF, I came across a script found and slightly modified by userfxnet. It's a very simple chat system for the users of shared unices; it looks like this: #!/bin/bash # Simple chat system ( chan=/tmp/yapchat echo "^C to exit chat, ^D to hide. (CTRL+C, CTRL+D)" >&2 tail -F "$chan" & tailpid=$! trap 'kill "$tailpid"' 0 while IFS='' read -er line; do echo "[$USER] $line"; done >> "$chan" Neat, right? You're supposed to chmod a+w /tmp/yapchat so that everyone can write in this file. f6k, 2o23/o9/o2