FIRST TEST So today I had my first test, out of four, trying to enter school of advocacy. We had to produce an executive summary on domestic violence, based on (only) 12 documents. Yes, "only": I think the good amount is something between 20 or 25. With just 12, it is harder to have a "big picture" on a topic, and you often have to refer to the same document in your paragraphs. There's nothing ideal about that. It is a very administrative exercise, and not necessarily interesting in itself. In France, it's mainly used for selection purposes (as mathematics can be in some displines--I'm thinking of the exams ending the first year of medical school, for instance). Well, at least it's done. It lasted 5 hours and I'm happy to have finished in time, to have respected the form, and to have refered to all the documents (I guess? It's already blurry in my head...). f6k, 2o23/o9/o4