ENDLESS, NAMELESS I had this (hidden) song from Nirvana in my head for... like two days? Intriguing since it's not really what we can call an earworm... Anyway, today was the fourth and final test. I was happy with my performance on the second. It's not a good sign actually, since the subject matter, law of obligations, is normally one of those exams where we try to save the day more than anything else. So, even I'm good or I don't realize how much I failed it... Today, civil procedure, was ok (let's cross the fingers). As for yesterday, international law, it was somehow an unexpected catastrophy. We'll see if I can compensate this one with the other three. At least it's done. Results are in a month and a half. Meanwhile; no recess because I'm gonna need to take a serious look at the fundamental liberties program for the oral test in November. My prep school course is about 2000 pages long, not including appendices. No time for boredom. Funny thing is you are admitted to the oral only if you pass the written exam. So, well, in short there's nothing to do but try to focus on revising for the oral and wait. f6k, 2o23/o9/o7