I found this site that returns info on the top 100 cryptocurrencies with curl >> curl cmc.rjldev.com The data is all text, escaped with ansi terminal colors. It looks great. Easy to read. I wanted to be able to do this in one of my Windows machines. Unfortunately, Windows command line doesn't support ansi colors. Curl returns something unitelligible that might look like "?[1;31mele ?[32mct ?[33mroni ?[35mX ?[36mtar ?[m".Replace('?', [char]27); A little sniffing around revealed a simple Windows registry hack that brings Ansi escape codes to cmd. Thanks to BrainSlugs83 on Stack for the tip. Start Regedit Find HKCU\Console Create a DWORD named VirtualTerminalLevel and set it to 0x1; (or in decimal just 1) Restart cmd.exe Type curl cmc.rjldev.com I think you'll like the result. Update 1: This doesn't work in Windows Powershell. However, you can get a similar result in Windows Powershell with this command: (Invoke-WebRequest "http://cmc.rjldev.com" -UserAgent curl -UseBasicParsing).content