/~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~\ I *really* have come to despise the toxic "users" that get uppity about someone using or liking something that they don't like. Especially uppity Windows/FOSS users using lines like "just toss it out" when someone asks for help. One example[1] was brought up by my spouse, who ran into it on their Twitter timeline. Someone asked for help turing off Autocorrect on MacOS, and the first response was "Throw it out a window?", followed by "That's a good idea. Chuck it out the window and then go buy a non-Apple product." That sort of crap is what pisses me off royally. I've been tossed aside like that numerous times, including while looking for help with *nix problems, and people somehow see this as acceptable behavior instead of "if you're not going to help, just stay quiet and let someone else handle it." I mean, this type of elitism dates back to the early days of home micros, like the Apple II vs TRS vs Commodore 64 fights found among BBS goers[2]. But it doesn't mean it's /right/, and it never really has been. It's just been /accepted/ as the norm by many people. Hell, dgold recently wrote about their feelings with the Fediverse[3], and how those fleeing the toxicity of Twitter ended up finding more from the very people trying to get away from it. I left Twitter because of that very reason, and that's pretty much been my feelings as well, but: 1) I don't look at the Fediverse tab. 2) A majority of my posts are "unlisted". 3) I'm very particular about who I follow, choosing people who stay civil and stay willing to talk, rather than just flinging mud and calling it a day. And the sad part? I still see a lot of those people. One instance that brands itself as a "safe space" has an admin that's shown rather strong hostility in their messages, and looks the other way to the same when it meshes with their own values. Another, as dgold mentioned, is run by someone who pretends not to be racist, and yet spouts very racist rhetoric (they were my first instant block on the fediverse). And I see the same hostility from people as my original point. People who would rather pick a fight over something as stupid as what computer a person is using, rather than actually help that person or leave them be. People who would rather take a pot shot instead of being nice. And honestly, it's sad to see that sort of behavior given a free pass. I miss the days of real moderation. Where people actually worked to create civil communities, instead of...whatever it is we have now with social media. \~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~/ [1]: https://twitter.com/Porpoise_at_law/status/1128669356634836993 [2]: Go watch ``BBS: The Documentary''. It's up on YouTube. Facinating look into how people were during the time. [3]: gopher://ascraeus.org/0/phlog/010.txt