_ _ _ | | |_| |_ |_| _| | | |_ |_ | |_| I had the oppportunity to run a short colaborative session with netpd today. It was a fun experience in networked live music. netpd is a CRNMME (Collaborative Realtime Music Making Environment) The way netpd work is that every musician have a copy of all the instruments running in pureData. Then all the controls and notes are transmited trough OSC over the network. Similar to a multiplayers games, where every gamers has the assets of the game. It's a very smooth experience, and I want to explore more this idea. I have tried Jamulus in the past, where you can jam with other people live online, but as it's transmitting audio over the network, it's a hit an miss and not super easy to be in sync! The experience of playing music with other, jamming or improvising, is really at the top of human experience. Being able to do that over a network bring many more possibilities! You can read more here about netpd: https://netpd.org But the best way to discover it is to try it out and play with it. INSTALLING NETPD First install pd, the vanilla version. (Most linux distro has a package ready to install arch package is named pd) https://puredata.info Then you need a few externals, that can be installed from pd directly, in the Help -> Find externals. iemlib iemnet osc slip Then download netpd, you can download a version hosted here on my gopherhole: gopher://gopher.club/9/users/gef/code/netpd-plus-instruments.zip Then you can simply open the main.pd and you'll connect directly to the netpd server and you're ready to rock! There is a chat tool there where you can talk to other participants. You can click on unpatch to load the different instruments there. There is a weekly meetup on Thursday 21oo GMT But the server is always on, so if you want to try it out, and want to jam with me, feel free to contact me and set a date and time. Also, they have a chat on discord: https://discord.gg/RYbq43DqfX Yeah I know, discord is some surface web crap, but you can run it in a nice tui with discli, which is available in arch AUR packages.