//some random notes, maybe ideas for futur posts [collapse notes] how to make water filter (clay/charcoal) how to make peniciline (from rotting melons) survival and community emotional intelligence [OS notes] Running in tty/ fulltext mode fbterm can have an image as a background Since I can ssh to sdf, have tmux running there run mutt/mocp/ranger locally I can run my computer most of the time in the tty, and startx as needed https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Fbsplash#Console_backgrounds There are also different fonts that could be used in tty.. So I disabled starting X automatically then I start fbterm manually with a backgorund image of my raven... I might make that part automatic in the future to simply drop into fbterm with backgorund image ... [gopher notes] ascii art tools (in the phlog section now) [Offline Reading] Offline gopher browser: https://tildegit.org/ploum/av-98-offline timg -> video player in ascii check av-98-offline for other terminal tools like image viewer. Sync your gopher / gemini site to visite them at a later date [Offline writing] I want to offline post to gopher, with a local files, that I rsync when I am ready . Installing Gophernicus locally Running phetch -l to reach the local server - Run local gopher server - Updates files locally - Connect to internet - Sync local files to server (rsync if it doesn't mess up the chmod) [folders: chmod] chmod o+rx files: chmod o+r links 0 Text file 1 Directory g GIF image h HTML, Hypertext Markup Language i "inline" text type s Sound I Image (other than GIF)