Just a quick list of audio tools discovery in the last few weeks. I've discovered FairCamp: https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/ A static site generator for my music and I've start using it for my meditations: https://damaru.yoga/mediations/ As I am self hosting locally, I like static site, and for audio it makes it quite practical. More audio to come. I've also found a place to buy DRM free music from the past: https://www.hdtracks.com/ I often struggle to find old tracks that I can buy but are easy to find on apple or amazon music, which I dont want to use. This site sells a lot of older albums that I enjoy going back to! And finally a new radio station: https://www.radiofreefedi.net/ A radio station dedicated to the fediverse. I think there is something brewing in 'sound, music and the fedivers' There is already funkwhale as a social music sharing site: https://www.funkwhale.audio/ And I feel we'll soon see some sort of federated music sharing and store emerge...