_____________________________________Tech updates Lucid.observer new home A new computer came my way. A small thinkcenter. It will be a good host of lucid.observer. I've been reading and experimenting with raspberry pi and openBSD, and it's not a match made in heaven. I also didn't have an extra raspberry 3 or 4 so I had to experiment with one box that I used as a synth. But now it will have its dedicated box! It will speed up implementation. Although one of my goal was to have a server that is as portable as possible, the thinkcenter is still quite small although requiring more power. Having a small headless box is quite exciting. It's a lot of power for a server but at least I won't be lacking resource. Write freely I was checking all the server that are part of the fediverse, then realized there was one close to where I live. Zooming on it, I realized it was exactly where I live. Clicking on it, I realized it was my own instance of Write Freely. I really like that project, and it made me think that lucid.observer could host a write freely instance for its users as it publish on gopher as well as on the surface web at the same time. Post Market OS While browsing postmarket OS I saw that the eeePC tablet + keyboard was supported! I still have that computer around, as it's too cute to get rid of. I've been wanting to install Linux on that device for a long time. I'm excited to see how postmarket OS could give it more life. The Android system on there wasn't too bad, we used it for a long time as our main multimedia system, watched many movies and played many games on it. It had a few emulators too! So lots of install for next week!