While we sit "Impuissant" Without any power watching the world burn watching the war killing thousands of innocent Even those taking on the streets are reminded who's really in power Global warming was too inconvenient Let's change the narrative Pandemic recession war That ought to do it! More distraction needed? Lets put that president in court That will anger half the population while entertaining the other half Do you feel laugh at yet? Do you still believe in this system? The lies are so blatant You have to be crazy to survive this world By shutting down and hoping it's all going to go away we become part of the circus part of the show We are the meat they will feed to the lion Dressed as clowns in the arena for a moment we might realize it was all a lie before the beast tear us apart for the rest of the world to laugh and for a moment be entertained Giving up on our humanity on our intelligence on our common sense We don't trust each other anymore Only the warm fuzzy glow of the screen that keep us comfortably numb we give our full allegiance The ones in control couldn't be that evil? Right? They have a plan B for the planet right? I'd rather take a dictator over a false democracy At least there would be no lies