OFFLine-FIRst SOftware CHallenge, or OFFLFIRSOCH. gopher:// Solderpunk has created new challenge! OFFLFIRSOCH! What a name! :D I find it quite exciting as I love my offline first (and text first) workflow. I don't have a programing project yet for offline first, but I'm cooking something, hopefully by the end of the month! I would like to start the month with my offline workflow. I like working offline for the simplicity of it, this calm technology but it also opens the door to work form anywhere. Email Most email client work well offline, but I use mutt with offlineimap and msmtp so that I can fetch my email and then reply and once connected to the internet sync online. I use k9 on Android Gopher For writing : I simply have a local directory with my whole gopher and use unison to syncn to sdf. scp or rsync would probably work really easily. For reading: I use offpunk to read and sync what I read. It pulls the content from all the gopher holes I read and therefore make it simple to be offline first. Music I buy my music, on bandcamp and so I can play it anytime and anywhere. DRM free, with multiple format to choose from. With everyone else in the world streaming all the time, I find the practice of using a offline music collection quite refreshing and calming. OpenBSD I am experimenting with OpenBSD lately. I have this laptop running on it, then on SDF I can loggin into my shell that live in OpenBSD and my main project Lucid.Observer also run on OpenBSD. I find OpenBSD to be well suited for offline-first workflow as it seems to have all it 'needs' within the first installation. It feels more complete then let say ArchLinux which is my daily driver for work, which really needs an online connection as the system is really really minimal to start with. As soon as I need a new tool on Archlinux I have to update the whole system first, which require a steady and fast interenet connection. Other tools which helps with offline first: Syncthing, unison, rsync Although these are online / connected tools, they help me connect online, sync and then be done with what I needed. Minimizing my needed time online. Local network Offline is one thing, being dis-connected from the internet, but that doesn't mean that I cannot run a local network for media playing, file sharing etc. By centralizing the heavy lifting of media file, each 'client' in my home can have access to that centralized data without having to host it all on each machine. NO WIFI I turn off the wifi in my home all the time. I turn it on only when we need it. I have network cable installed on every floor in my house. This remove the ease of simply connecting to the internet. I need to physically connect my computer to have access to the network. This barrier helps me stay offline and more productive. Boring phone My phone screen is in black and white. The UI is text based, I don't have any games on there. I have a phone, text, email, camera, gopher, a terminal, I hide my media player, and a web browser. No games, no socials, I never use all my data! No socials I am not on social network, which remove a lot of the pull of being online. The most exciting event that happens is a new post on gopher, or a new entry in the sdf buleting board! I keep my online social life to anonradio broadcast and chat room as well as this gopher and email. Which is already plenty! Anway, these are just some exmaple of my workflow to stay offline most of the time. This morning I've written a few gopher entries as well as digital garden post all while being offline. This keeps me from refreshing my email to checking on new things that might have happened. Solderpunk gopher : gopher://