An interview on the radio An author(1) talks about meeting with her chilhood rapist She explains how we are all multi-dimensional We see people being good or bad nothing more Her abuser being the bad person is also multi-dimensional so she wrote a novel about him the paperbag rapist This multi-dimentionality stayed with me I've always had trouble accepting my multi-dimensionality Why am I not simpler? Why am I not more focused? Why can't I get good at one thing and one thing only? I depised my generalistic personality thinking it was a flaw a lack of focus I learned to juggle to draw, to paint to play the violin, the tablas, the piano the shakuachi to do yoga to dance and meditate I worked in construction in tech-support as a designer in commercial kitchen in an orchard I can't stop learning new things about everything I teach yoga to kids in rave I broadcast meditations on a tech underground radio I dj dance party in meditation centers I'm the hacker of the hippies I'm the hippy of the hackers... I wanted to be one or two dimensions... Why can't I only be one thing But I am not I read about spiritual activism, this south american woman (2) calls herself a bridge connecting different community using her multi-dimentionality as a gift to others Am I a bridge? My path is not about removing dimensions to my life But to align these dimensions with the purpose of my life How can all these dimensions complete each other all taking a position in the stary sky creating constellations of meaning Writing on gopher helps me express this multi-dimentionality Something raw is being triggered when I write without censor I see now that we are all multi-dimentional beings but we are trained to believe we are only one or two dimensions Are we being robbed of our inates powers? I read that more and more people cannot hear a voice in their head Their internal dialogue lost in translation Is that by design? Is that a desired outcome of consumerism? Or a side effect of over-simplification of our human life? What are we without our inner dialogues I read that more and more people cannot dream I read that more and more people cannot visualize Are these dimensions of our sleves that we are loosing... In shamanism there is this concept of our soul being shatered at different moments in our lives When we live a trauma and we don't resolve it we leave a part of ourself behind in our past It's a similar concept as samskaras in the yogic traditions We loose parts of ourselves in events that we decide not to resolve but to simply burry and try to forget Our whole culture seems to be about hidding shaming and burring the parts that we don't like Slowly disposing of all the parts that makes us humans Removing all these dimensions from our lives until we are only an empty shell of a working consumer "Hi, my name is Geoffroy I am a worker and I like to consume" Tell me about you but don't go for more than a couple dimensions deep It would make this conversation uncomfortable and I'll have to try to forget all about it... 1) Mexican Hooker #1, book by Carmen Aguirre 2) Gloria E Anzaldua