The rules of improvising (for now) I really enjoy improvising in music. I'd like to read more about what people think and do when improvising. A lot of teacher are adamant with the fact that you have to be trained classically and then trough Jazz in order to be able to properly improvise. But that remove the fun out of it! As I am not a professional musician, and I am not heavily trained, but I have enough basic skills to get into that state. In the improvisation state, sometime it comes out really great, and sometime it simply doesn't work. I don't have the musical background to always have a minimal viable creation coming out of me. For example, I've been trained in Yoga for over 25 years now. I can teach a class anywhere at any time, and in any state of mind. I have enough experience and training that I don't need to be peaceful, or aligned to teach a good class. When I'm centered and happy and aware and rested then I can teach a really great yoga class! I don't have the luxury when improvising. And it's part of the fun. If there is no way to fail, it's not really exciting. When I improvise, I feel like I'm walking on sword edges, a wrong step and I cut my foot. I though I'd come up with some of my guiding principle for improvisation. This is for music but can be applied to pretty much everything in life, drawing, writing, cooking... or even, living! 1 - Have fun If you are not having fun, then the learning is not going to happen much for you. You might prefer a classical way to play music. Improvising is really fueled by emotions and if you're annoyed then that's what going to come out, annoying sounds. 2 - Start simple In order to have fun, start simple. Maybe just a bit of drumming, just one instrument and a looper? Hand clapping and voice are our natural instrument, why not start there? 3 - Play with yourself It might seems hard to simply play, without goal. A simple looper is a good way to start improvising. Recording one layer and then playing over that recording. 4 - Play with others Playing with other musician is such a profound experience. I really enjoy playing with others. You can take turn improvising, like we do on Friday night on aNONradio. Or if you have the chance, you can all play together. Unfortunately, some musician are looking for a basic musical level before they would dare to play with you, and that's sad. You might need to do research to find others that are willing to play in this more chaotic way. 5 - Try different instruments Instead of focusing only on one instrument, make sure to try different tools. Shakers, hand drums, whistles and bells, Since you are not aiming to be a professional this or that, might as well extend the fun trough all the instrument. Electronic instruments also provide quite an expansive way to think about music! 6 - Learn the basics when you feel limited Basics and foundation are great, and when you feel like you'd have a lot more fun if you knew some scales and chords, then you're most likely learn these faster. When I go find a teacher to learn about something I know what I want and therefore I am a lot more motivated to learn. 7 - Rhythm Rhythm is fun, rhythm is life. It's the foundation the structure of music. If there is one thing to learn or to practice, rhythm would be it. It makes you grove, it makes you dance and it connects musicians to each other. 8 - Embrace chaos Break the rules, make a mess, make noise, don't follow patterns, put yourself in a situation where you can't get out (musically) and play with that. Step out of your comfort zone. Even improvisation can become mechanical. 9 - Listen When improvising, listening is at the center. If you are playing with yourself, then it's akin of cooking. You put some ingredient together, then you taste. Then you choose another spice, another ingredient. In music this is done with listening. When playing with other, listen to the rhythm, to the note, to the emotions that is carried trough the music. When in nature, listen to the birds, listen to the rain, listen to the thunder. The musicality of life is majestic. Even in urban areas, the sound of traffic, the wind, train, people, there is an invisible composition there too. Improvised by million of people. 10 - Play Music is a game, it's why we say that we play music. What is the game all about? You define your own rule! These are my own 'rules' that I've written to inspire other to think about their games and how they define their own rules. I'd love to hear other's point of view on improvisation, in music, food and life!