"Geoffroy Je te quite" The word barely came out of her thight lips her face distorted by emotions I ask her to repeat louder she couldn't say my name simply 'Je te quitte' "We had a beautiful adventure" I replied, and left. I had to clear my mind, driving to buy some grocery and some meat for the Mother's day dinner. My wife left me. She couldn't stand me anymore. I block her from being herself I am too emotional She deserve better than a fat crying baby... I am too immature I don't do anything around the house I don't listen to her I don't do what she wants me to do I can't even clean the kitchen which I said I would do I didn't take my clothe off the chair in our room for 2 weeks I act immaturely with my daughter She is afraid to speak up with me She is afraid of me She gave up on even expressing herself as I don't listen It's too taxing to talk to me so she prefer not to talk and expect that I'll get it one day I make fun of her by not listening to her I'm irresponsible I'm the reason we can't buy a house now I am the reason we have a bad credit I am the reason she can't work I am the reason she can't make money I am the reason she is not happy Everything that is wrong in her life starts with me It's my fault the she is so unhappy, that she has been so unhappy during the last 15 years of her life being with me I made her say these words, I actually forced her to say that she wants to leave me I forced her to say that She wasn't ready to say that She wants to leave with our daughter It's them alone together now, no one else She doesn't want to leave tonight because she feel she shouldn't be the one But she's afraid to say that because even after telling me she is leaving me she still is afraid She feels forced that she needs to leave the house I have to make it a smooth easy transition to a new life I have to not get in the way I have to be respectful and do what she tells me to do It's my fault that she is leaving so I should be the one who have to work more so she and my daughter can have an easy and peaceful transition Well folks, Happy Mother's day! It's didn't come as a surprise really. We've been together for 15 years, and 5 to 6 times she mentioned she was thinking of leaving me. We talked about it, seeing what was wrong and what could be better. When I almost died of a pulmonary embolism, she also though about leaving me. We talked, and cried... We stayed together. When a women called the cops on me, she though leaving me might be simpler. We talked, cried, stayed a bit longer. At the last ceremony I participated in, I found a abode created with cedars. One cedar was lying on the ground, as if it was a branch that became a tree. It was like an altar in a very small cedar chapel. I took place on the cedar altar. I could lay down on it completely. I started crying. I cried the hurt I felt in my heart. I realized my hurt came from my relation to my wife. All the time she wanted to leave me, all the time I took it in, waited for her to come back. All the time she hated me, for the brief moment of joy and beauty that would come at first a many times a year, then a couple time, finally quite rarely. I cried and cried the hurt of not being loved, the hurt of breaking our family apart. Of my daughter being lost in our separation. Although I was on Huachuma, although these emotions were real and clear, I didn't want, I didn't want my relationship to be done. I wanted to keep working on it, and one day my wife might become happier. I might be able to be good enough one day to make her happy. I tried for 15 years. And I really tried. I know I have been an asshole in my life. And that I have been quite loud and taking space. But I tried, God I tried. But in the end there was nothing I could do, nothing I could be, that would make her happy. We live in a house built in the mountain overlooking a pure water lake, with low rent, our own beach, sail boats, kayaks, canoes, two cars, bikes, skis, snowshoes, a green house, a tipi, a sewing studio for my wife, the first floor as a yoga studio, my own studio downstairs next to my daughter's room. I make most of the income, cook, clean, massage, care for the computers, the networks, our movies and tv shows, take care of the house plumbing, electricity, chopping wood... I build stuff for her, build her website, business card, video edit, audio edit, coach her in her business, I'm not alcoholic, I don't really do drugs, I'm not a regular smoker... So, right now, although I am crying and sad to loose all of that, that all that has been created in 15 years will slowly fade in oblivion, I refuse to feel bad about myself, to feel like I am the problem in this equation. I fucking did my best and I'm fucking ready to be loved, if not by anyone else, then by me. I'll love myself like anyone else was ever able to love me!