I expanded my smolweb life! LambdaMoo With the invitation of screwtape, I started hanging out on Lambda Moo. I'd love to spend more time there, creating a world and connecting to other mooers, as well as discovering the already quite expansive world created there. It's a crazy creative tech world in there. I've made myself a holodeck, a device that can be used to read gopher, in lambdamoo... There are so many possibilities in there, and it's just fun! Playing pokers, discovering new player, creating reality!!! Gemini I've also finally made the jump to Gemini. I knew of Gemini, but didn't really got into it, until a couple days ago. What really got me to start enjoying gemini? The LaGrange browser! It's a nice gui interface that can do gemini AND gopher! It also works on desktop, there is a TUI and it works on Android too. You have to add a new repository in FDroid with the address: skyjake.github.io/fdroid/repo/ Then you can install LaGrange from fdroid and keep it updated! Then it's a question to share the same key and certificate between all machine and voila! You have a gemini 'persona', which really adds to the experience. That was the first step into having a decent gemini browser, but then discovering: bbs.geminispace.org A full fledge bbs / forum in gemini, where you can have your own 'page' made it even more comfortable to join into the gemini community. At this point, I am not thinking of moving all my gopher world into the Gemini world. But I'd like some cross over. I've refreshed my gemini capsule here on sdf (it was quite in bad shape) and wonder how I will use gemini in the future. I like to have a few place to hang out in the smolweb (I really would like to find a better word for this) as it really fulfill this need to browse around during my day and evening.