As I am writing the manifesto for, I started listing some of the liberation steps one can take in order to be happier, healthier and more 'free' from our modern life. This is not a list of precept I live by, it's more of a conversation starter about what I see making my life heavier and how I can lighten the load. I'd love to hear about your own process of lightening, or letting go of thing that aren't useful anymore. I'll be writing about each of these lines in future phlog, my mind is already trying to explain each of them as I was writing them! Steps toward digital, mental and social liberation: - Disconnect from the Media and mass social networks - Dis-associate with major networks (M$, Goo, Apple, Amz) - Use technologies sparingly, reuse and reduce - Learn your tech or find technician to help you - Disconnect from mass-movement - Find, create and care for your community - Don't take a side, take a stance - Choose what you consume conciously - Detach from any debt - Own as little as possible - Learn about emotional intelligence and how to improve - Learn to relax and concentrate - Connect back and listen to your body and its needs - Learn some basic self care for your body and your mind - Learn to cook and to grow food - Learn about some basic herbal medicines - Find a way to express your creativity - Dance or move in ways you wouldn't normally - Reduce your footprint on the planet in small ways - Laugh, cry and love as much as you can - Find you path to connect to nature - Connect with your family and past generations - Learn about your unconcious, your dream, imagination and playfulness