Some tech updates: I don't often update my tech stack in my life, but in the last couple weeks a lot of change happened. Got a new card for my Nintendo DS. I wasn't able to run UXN on my previous card and finally got a new card which runs really nicely. I installed UXN and linux on my NDS, a few emulators, a media player. I would like to have a good terminal on there too. I'll have to search more to see if there is a solution ready to use, although using linux on the NDS would resolve that issue, it's also quite complex compared to simply have a terminal emulator. I got my Midi cables in, so I can now control all my music setup from the octatrack. From my 2 mophos, I merge their output to input into the OT, and the OT midi out goes trough a 4 split to feed into the Korg Beat, and the 2 mopho. The goal is to be able to make 64 beat sequence for the drum machine and being able to record the midi from my synth and play them back, like a sequencer. The sequencer on the Mophos are terrible, which is quite a drag. The end goal is that I can loop an audio recording from one or 2 of the synth, and then add on top of that a midi sequence that can be lived tweaked directly on the synth, but feed back directly in the OT. Giving me easily 4 layers of synth (bass, pads, chord, melody) with the added 6 tracks of Korg Beats. I got my loRa radio to be added in my e-paper typewriter. Since my setup made of a mech keyboard connected trough usb C to a android e-paper tablet running termux, I can also use the android app to run Meshtastic to connect to the loRa radio. In a brave new world that setup could be use as a terminal that can connect to a mesh network wifi-to-wifi and communicate as well as code, write and create. A solar panel for charging would be the last step in the setup. I've started to re-install, my project that is not getting much attention these day. I am not sure how much energy and time I can devote to build an online community like that. So far it's been quite minimal, I think I need to scale back a bit and maybe simply starting with a private unix server running a shared gopher access... I am unsure of it all, as I don't want to create something that breaks and then I don't have the time or resource to fix it. At the same time a friend of mine is starting a collective of healer online. And I'm the one who's building the structure for it. We'll be attending a festival in August under their 'banner'. It's a interesting momentum and the festival itself is another community of healer who meets one a year 'offline'. We'll see how much of that will end up merging. I've hanged out with screwtape during his show on Friday morning. Back into lambdamoo. I've stared playing around in there and enjoyed the little I've done and it gave me a lot of ideas about how fun it can be to create an interactive world just trough text. I'm quite excited, and I'd love lambdamoo to be a place where I spend more time instead of my usual aimless browsing when I'm procrastinating at work.