We invited more people to come to the practice and we had TOO MANY actors. A new actor came in to do the role of Mind. I didn't think she would fit at first, but her willingness and desire to be there was enough to get her in. I bought a light board and 'voila' the light system is once again working. We got a scaffolging in place and it works really well. I also brough my speaker with sampler to start playing with sound a bit. The practice went really well, we had to move around some roles and we're now a full cast, with a working light board and I should record some violin for next week to use in the scene. With that many actors we will review act one next week as a review and then we can attack scene 3. In 3 weeks from now we should be able to run trough the whole play. It's moving quickly now. We decided to go with only half the back wall. The stage is divided in 2 sections. On the left, Gregor's rooms, which is now scaffolding on wheels. On the right, a more traditional early century appartement room. The contrast from the traditional family to the metamorphosed reality will not only be shown in acting but also trough lights and stage.