it's really confusing to be in the end of a relationship, while still living together. We agreed that it won't probably work in the end so we shouldn't spend too much money on therapy. She should move out by september and I will keep the house. She always wanted to move out for the last few years. But then a mutual friend of our is moving to mexico and she is inviting us. Now my wife is like 'screw moving, lets stay here, save money and move to mexico.' I am unsure what's my place in here. I don't think she really 'care', I mean intellectually she care. It would be a bad thing not to care. But at the core, the 'me' the Geoffroy, it doesn't seem to really matter who I am, or how I feel. Through all that, my main strategy is to stay focus and calm on my presence, my health, my work. The relationship is kind of secondary now and that seems to kind of work better. We are kind of more separated and that seems to be healthier even if we live in the same house. I play more music, breath more, work more, I started drawing again... I 'care' less too? Is that a thing. But now I'll have to figure out something to do with my libido...