######################## GLEHVOK'S GOPHERHOLE ######################### Entry: 1 - Web Development, Technology, and Brickmaking Category: {General} Tags: {programming, brickmaking} I do wonder at times whether I should be in the engineering business... Not simply due to philosophical reasons -- though I do have many concerns in that regards, but also because I have many disagreements on how technology is being built. For a project I am working on now with a group, I'm handling the programing side as well as some of the hardware side. I was excited at first, but due to certain forces, web development has now become a big part of it. "Okay..." I thought, "This won't be too hard. Just some REST API work, some HTML, CSS, and a little Javascript (yuck), and I'll have this part out of the way..." At this point, I tried refreshing my memory on these things as well as catching up on what the current practices are. After a little searching, I realized something... web development sucks. How anyone can be interested in it is beyond me. Look at how many crapJS's we have. Over the years, we have shoehorned so many requirements into what web browsers should do. Whatever happened to writing specific programs for a single purpose. If you need networking, then open a socket. But instead, we somehow decided that the web browser should do everything. Everything through the web browser... everything as a service... The web browser has functionally become an operating system in and of itself. And now I find myself forced to contribute and perpetuate this mess. Oh, how I yearn for the days of Mel Kaye! [1,2] I guess in terms of programming, I'm not cut out for web development. And I don't think I'm cut out for anything higher language than C. And to be fair, even C is sometimes too high language for me. I also yearn for the days when microcontrollers didn't have neural nets in them... but, alas, here we are... Well, enough complaining. In other news, over the weekend I checked up on the spot where I'll be experimenting with making clay bricks. The clay that I dug up last year has weathered over the last many months, resulting in most of the soluble substances being washed away. Here in the Southern US states, we have (hopefully) had our last frost, so in a few weeks I'll be forming the bricks, experimenting with various mixtures, and getting a clamp built for burning. Hopefully the first burn will be at the beginning of this June. In the meantime, I'll be looking to build a new mold as my old one might not be up to snuff. **** mel.txt mel.jpg #### Page Created: 2023-04-10 ############ Last Edited: 2023-04-10 ####