I didn't join SDF until 2017 after it had turned 30. In fact I didn't even know it existed before then... although I have been a user and supporter of Linux since the late 1990s. My relationship with technology has always been a bit hit-and-miss and I would probably be equally happy if it all vanished...although it does help to fill otherwise boring moments when you should be working on even more tedious things. I have spent quite a bit of 2017 using only my mobile phone as the single computer in my life and it worked out OK for a bit, I have found that I can do a lot of writing with a bluetooth keyboard and it works fine for the amount of Internetworking that I do...which by modern standards is very little indeed! I find the Gopherspace and general minimalistic feeling of using SDF fits very much with my personality. It is 2017 now, and I am considering buying a 486 laptop (built in 1993) as my main writing computer! Speaking of writing...that is primarily how I see myself as a "writer". I have had poetry published (although it was under a different name) but yet to get anything of any length into print. I still work away at it though and have lots of ideas so maybe one day it will happen...or I'm entirely talentless and deluded, but I guess time will tell. The other side of me does revolve heavily around technology and I earn a good living working as a programmer (or "Embedded Firmware Engineer" as I am currently called). I plan to put these skills to use for various personal projects as well, and will hopefully keep this site updated with my work. I also care deeply about the environment and in particular natural fibres or fabric, and believe that there is a strong case for being entirely clad in such garments. Unfortunately much of the world is focussed on synthetic material and it is very difficult or very expensive to find good natural fibres so I will at some point be conducting my own research into this. I think nettle and hemp based fabric have a lot to offer and would love to have my own patch of land to grow some experimental crops. I'm sure you have long since stopped reading, but to those die-hard fans out there (it does my ego a load of good to assume I have a fan club) here is a short summary of my life thus far: I was born in the middle of the 1980s and grew up in Southern Scotland and have not really moved away far from my old family. After school I attempted to learn about Biogeochemistry at Glasgow University, then dropped the chemistry in favour of archaeology. Since Biogeo- archaeology is not really a thing I dropped out completely and found myself in an art college for 3 years whereupon I graduated with a BSc. Since art degrees are not useful to most capitalists I ended up driving a bus for a living and did so for about a year before enrolling in a training programme with a local nuclear facility. A few years passed and I came away with another degree (this time an engineering one), a lot more knowledge and still less of an idea what I wanted to do so I wandered into a position as a Technical Writer for a subsea engineering firm and stayed put for a while before moving into software and then into embedded software and hardware design. Now I think I have found something I can settle into. In between some of these events I met my wonderful wife and we had two amazing children who shall remain nameless but are always in my heart and thoughts. I also did a lot of writing and quite a bit of blasting around the countryside on a motorbike both of which are enjoyable but so far not very useful.