---------------------------------------------------------------------- random thoughts - downsizing? 6/22/23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Every now and again I get this random urge to cut back, I feel I have been in one spot too long and accumulated too many things. Last time i felt this way it was a big move, a drastic change in my life. How I had lived before distressed me, so I cast of most everything that remotely reminded me of it. I kept some books, a laptop, some records, but most things were left behind. If i left again what would I keep? A camera or two? A typewriter? Do I need all of the books or is an old kindle sufficient? should I keep the dumbbells or switch to body-weight? do I want to build and paint robots still? I have these neofolk fantasies of being in the forest wrapped in camo and looking off to the mountain side. Back in reality a loved one mentions Iceland and I say "lets go", but you know pasports and money and so on.... I think I just lack a bit of "living space", this concept to me is not only a physical amount of space, but also a mental one. sometimes to be ones self you have to change something. One person in my life feels the same and I just think about running away with him, but... well its hard on many levels. I have no kids, no debts, no responsibilities. I could downsize my things to fit in a trunk. Go any place I want. Do anything I want, but then what to do? ----------------------------------------------------------------------