> Nick's Gopher Homepage Welcome to my first homepage made using a Unix command shell and using the Gopher protocol. I'm pretty new to all of this, but so far it's been an awesome computer learning experience, going back to the roots before all the pretty pictures Windows rendered to hide what's really going on behind the scenes. This site is obviously a work in progress, and I'll add things when I find things to, well, add. Note: I won't have any fancy designs or anything. This will all be in plain text, so you don't have to jump through hoops to get the information you want. Update > So what I'll be putting up here are articles and tutorials maybe, and just random things like that. If I could figure out how to use ZMODEM I'd upload some files, but unfortunately I have no clue when I'll be able to use it or even if its possible. Seriously, keep an eye on this because this isn't a project that will die. I'll be working on this, just not every day.