View Gopher links in Firefox using Lynx Gopher is not really supported by any proper web browser these days. There are extensions that bridge the gap, but they’re clunky, especially the new WebExtension version of OverbiteFF, which simply uses a proxy server. There is OverbiteNX, which does not use one, but requires an external binary. If you’ll readily use an external binary, you might as well use Lynx (and XTerm). It is as easy as using one shell script: ---- ~/bin/ [1] ---- #!/bin/sh # --- open gopher linkx in lynx in xterm exec xterm -e "lynx '$@'" ---- 8< ---- In Firefox, associate this script with gopher://, and tadaa, clicking gopher links or navigating to them will pop up Lynx in XTerm, displaying the gopher site. [1] * * * $Id: ff-gopher.txt,v 1.1 2019/08/03 23:21:28 igk Exp $