Fri Jan 26 22:16:22 UTC 2018 Well, it wasn’t quite that year. But I was only one day late. My vow remains unfulfilled to full completion, but I did manage it halfway. Or approximately one‐third, to be more exact. On the evening of January 1st, despite still fighting lingering remnants of the flu, I braved icy roads and the *gendarmes* to hie myself to the gig an hour out of town. I’d heard that the old host of my local shows was going to be there as the feature artist, and along with my commie BFF, he’s one of the people most responsible for my continuing involvement in the scene, having provided noth‐ ing but reassurance and much encouragement ever since the begin‐ ning. We arrived half an hour late, but signups were delayed anyway due to the weather. So I got a spot, and used it ‐‐ in just under seven minutes when I later reviewed the video ‐‐ to do approxi‐ mately the first third of my semi‐epic half‐hourish piece, up to and ending with the excerpt out of the middle that I’d done last time I was there. And when I talked to the man after the show, not only did he say that he loved it, but said that whenever I make it to his new hometown (three hours from me, I think), he’ll have a place for me to sleep *and* a half hour slot to be a fea‐ ture myself and perform the piece in its entirety. We’ll see if I find an acceptable alternative to Youtube for video hosting by then, or if I just say screw it and put it on my own server, for better and worse. Here’s to me. --