Thu May 18 21:38:36 UTC 2017 I say, here’s fun: That face when your webpage gets more referral hits from your gopher than any other source. And one hit from Tokyo, hence the title. So if you’ve watched any of those videos: My first spoken word piece was a parody, filk, whatever you want to call it, of my fa‐ vorite band. There’s no video of it on my page. Almost everything I’ve done since ‐‐ most of which you can see there ‐‐ has been me attempting to "find my voice", while at the same time meeting my audience halfway, speaking a blend of their language and mine. The ex‐singer of the band told me it was important to do my own thing, and I’ve spent the last few years trying to figure out just what it is. Flashback. In 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Kliebold murdered many other stu‐ dents at Columbine High School. Subsequently, a number of my rel‐ atives (all female) were discussing the matter. I disagreed with some of their opinions, and offered facts in support of my rebut‐ tal. Their reaction was predictable, but rather than back down, I dug, and dug, and presented them with a sizable mountain of evi‐ dence, logic, and even emotion. The reaction was again pre‐ dictable, ranging from radio silence to "let’s agree to dis‐ agree". I ended up sending an edited copy of my remarks around to various places as a "letter to the editor". Forward to a couple years ago when I wondered if I could memorize and recite that letter despite its length, as well as the lack of rhythm and rhyme. But nothing came of this until some months lat‐ er, when I was in the shower: Out of nowhere, I extemperaneously recited the opening paragraph of that latter, only "translated" into the sort of rhythm and rhyme one tends to find at a spoken word gig. The first thing I did on getting out of the shower was to sit down and start translating the whole thing. I thought it would make it shorter and easier to memorize. It ended up making it longer, and I thought there was no way I’d ever be able to memorize it. About two months later, I had it down. Since then I’ve been practicing it almost every day; even revis‐ ing a bit, although it’s been unchanged for some time now. The problem? Even going as fast as I possibly can, it takes nearly 25 minutes to recite ‐‐ going at a more reasonable speed makes it about 30 minutes. I don’t have the reputation to land a feature gig, which in the spoken word community is anything longer than about 7‐8 minutes. But I do think this is a pretty damn engaging story that will hold the audience’s interest. I’ve already raised the possibility to the host at my preferred venue, but I want this to get actual exposure; I wouldn’t even mind driving six hours to do a gig with the old host at his new venue, especially since he’s one of the people responsible for this new piece even existing ‐‐ he always gave me nothing but positive encouragement. This piece is more heavily influenced by other spoken word folks than any other I’ve done, and yet at the same time is the most original thing I’ve ever written. The people I originally ad‐ dressed it to have already rejected it out of hand ‐‐ but when I perform this, they’re going to hear it again. My attitudes on some things have changed over the past near‐twenty years ‐‐ but when it comes to this, I still stand by every word. One way or another, this year, it will happen. --