# May 22 2024 I started this Gemini to help serialize my thoughts more efficiently. I have never been very good at writing, in the sense that it comes easily to me without having to revise and rephrase things over and over to get them to sound right to me. I want to improve that, so I am going to play a game with this post. As I am writing, I will stick to two conditions: 1) Once I place a period to end a sentence I will not revise it any more. 2) I will give myself a time limit. The way I measure the time limit I will not say here, but it will be in the ballpark of 30 minutes. With that, we're off. P.S. one exception I'll make is adding headers to sections after the fact, but I will stick to "append-only" mode for them - once they're written they'll stay written and will not move. ## Today ### Encryption I've been working on getting a handle on PGP via GPG. I've never used it much which seems like a pretty big hole in my skillset given my general interest in privacy and computer technologies. At some point I'll post my PGP key on this page and will perhaps even post encrypted or signed versions of posts just to get some exercise, but I need to figure out the exact mode to do so first. I'd prefer to keep my sdf/pubnix identities separate from the rest, and I would prefer to not have to have passwords to 10 different secret keys to do so. In particular, I don't want my public key for, say, sdf to be mixed with any other domains I am associated with. It is surprisingly difficult (at least for me) to figure out if this sort of identity separation is easily achievable with gpg. I know for sure that it can be done, somehow, it is just a matter of how. ### Gemini Server Software I have perhaps mentioned in previous posts that I'm working on a C library called libpolluxd that will provide an implementation of the server side of the Gemini protocol. It has turned out to be a bigger exercise than I initially thought. The goal is to make the code as high of quality as possible, make the API sensible and flexible, and keep the code performant. The last point has been the biggest hiccup, at least from a theoretical standpoint, but is also probably the least important given the nature and volume of traffic on the smolweb as I understand it. Can you say "premature optimization?" I've considered abandoning that last point, but it keeps scratching at the back of my mind as a good way to practice writing performant server software. I have some theoretical uses aside from Gemini applications but haven't really had an opportunity to flesh them out. I will keep going on the performance point, at least for now. ### Anonradio (20 minutes to go) kashifshah has gotten a hold of a timeslot Tues 21:00, which is great. His show will be called SloFI, and I think the tunes will be right up my alley. It'll be cool to hear what he's got lined up. tob is trying to get an SBR Proxy War going. SBR = synth battle royale. A 'proxy war' as I understand it involves pre-recording your set and uploading it to the broadcaster instead of doing it live. Apparently there were some problems in the past with SBR being abused by low-effort participants that killed the fun of it. I wasn't around for this history, but it's what I've heard. Either way, I hope it takes off, it sounds like it would be a fun addition to anonradio. ### Some exercises Technology and people these days provide constant distractions. The feelings I've had focusing on this writing for the past 20 or so minutes has reminded me of some of the things that gef has talked about on his shows regarding meditation and self awareness. In addition to writing I have never heavily participated in any sort of meditation, but I am beginning to think that setting aside the time to do some meditating may be worthwhile. In some senses what I am doing right now is a form of meditation, at least as I understand it, because it has required a sort of control of the mind to stay productively focused for this amount of time given the general distracting environment I place myself in. Perhaps gef was correct in that the best way to write (and I imagine otherwise produce things) is to reduce consumption. ### This is the end I haven't quite taken all of the time I allotted myself, but I consider this exercise a success. I've actually got some thoughts on e-paper. Now the only thing left to do is to scp it to sdf. If anyone is actually reading this, thanks for sticking around for the adventure. I hope at least some of it made sense :) ingrix