# [2019.09.22] Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction During flights, I finished listening to an audiobook by Colin Wards. I can't say that I found anything particularly surprising about the matter, but surely, there were a couple of noteworthy moments. First, two of the four founding fathers of anarchism were Russians: William Godwin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin, and Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin. Maybe that's one of the reasons for my interest in this philosophy. Second, before Proudhon, the word 'anarchism' wasn't used in a positive sense. It meant chaos and wilderness, and now it's all about freedom and peer respect. Third, it never crossed my mind that snail mail operates on a mutual agreement, and there is no International Post Office. Yes, nowadays many things changes but sending letters works similar to how it did 150 years ago. Federalism can help us to scale freedom to the whole globe.