# [2022.04.29] Docker for Education It looks like first I will die, and only then the university will try to install all packages I need for the autumn course on recommender systems. As soon as I started teaching data science to adults, I relied on virtualisation. First, it was VMWare, and it was a real pain in the ass. Then I moved to Docker, which was top-notch until the students had to install virtual machines on (old) Windows and macOS. Last year, I used Binder, and it worked like a charm. Unfortunately, if you want to do anything computationally expensive, you need to pay for a thicker cloud server. We will see how it evolves this year. In general, I think enrolling students in Master programs for AI, ML, DS, and whatever is fashionable and then herding them into a classroom with no workstations, two power sockets, constantly breaking snail-slow WiFi, and a bring-your-own-device zoo should result in massive firings of people who (dis)organised that bullshit. Previously, I'd say it's Russian style. Now I know it seems to be universal.