Jacob Davis - 4 October 2017 LAST UPDATE MADE TO THIS FILE AT 8:24 AM on 26 November 2018 GOPHERSPACE TEXT ENTRY ====================== My first website in the Gopher ecosystem! Hello, everyone, and welcome to my first ever Gopherspace site on SDF.org. I believe that this new venture on the Internet will be useful to me, seeing as I am using the SDF Unix system to post this. But the real thing about this system is that it's just plain text, which means there are absolutely no advertisements, no flashy pictures, no formatted text, just your regular vanilla text with links. Given that, I am accessing the SDF system via PuTTY, a Windows-based SSH and telnet system. I am broadcasting to my Gopherspace from Las Vegas, Nevada, which is a popular tourist destination for many. I might be inactive on this gopherspace for months at a time, so please bear with me. DEVIANTART GALLERY AND JOURNAL winvistauser001.deviantart.com That is my personal DeviantART account, however keep in mind some of the stuff I post there may not be suitable for some audiences. Viewer discretion advised. MY WIX WEBSITE jacobdavis1992.wix.com/tackletheweb This is my personal web page on the Wix website system. I manage a journal there as well. TWITTER NETWORK @AutisticTechie One hundred and forty characters can describe a lot, so whatever I like to say that can't be extensively described goes there. #HashtagCapitalOfTheWorld