I have class in 18 minutes, which means I need to get up and leave my room in the next eight. I really, really don't feel up to it today, but I'm afraid Dr. Wang will start on something new and I'll end up behind. Ehhhhhh.... I'm really debating whether or not I should go. After all, it's not like staying here is going to make me feel any better, buuuut... it's kind of torture to try and sit through an hour and thirty minute lecture when you're just in pain. I guess I could skip; after all, it's just Java class, and I can catch up within like five minutes. Okay, yeah, I'm gonna skip and continue writing this post. Probably a bad decision, but I'm gonna go with it. Gotta keep myself alive (for better or for worse. Maybe I shouldn't write that). I had a dream earlier that I met Tob. It was funny because I kept marveling at how much he didn't look at all like how I thought he would look (bc in the dream he just looked like Moss from the IT Crowd). Makes sense in dreams, y'know. And my dream offered no explanation as to why I was in his house. Maybe it was just telling me that I should listen to Dubious Goals Committee more often (and then I ended up missing today's show lol). Fairly sure I said this before, but two of my friends said that they would make contributions to my terminal project. I'd like them to do so before I get started, so that I can make sure that I order everything I need for phase one at the get-go. I'm still floating around at $60.53. (Thanks again to all who have donated so far. If you haven't seen my terminal project, you should check it out on my gopher hole). I guess that's all I should type for now. I'm going to skip my class in peace.