So (I think I said this before) this summer I'm working on setting up a new website - The Eudora Welty Archive - as part of a paid job for my professor through Millsaps College. And, like, boy I did not anticipate how big of a project this would end up being. Like honestly, it's not *that* bad, and for anyone experienced in writing this stuff, it would be a piece of cake. But I'm doing the web design, the HTML and CSS markup, the backend scripting/coding, and the server maintenance and setup - and this is the first time I've ever worked on a project this size. But I guess it's good since I'm getting paid by the hour lol. I sent Dr. Pickard a pcpartpicker list for the server I'm recommending we build. It's ~$1000, so he's probably not going to give on that, but at the same time, I think it'd be a good idea to go on and get it and have it set up. Right now I'm just setting everything up on my Raspberry Pi, but that's not a really good solution, I think, for having an ongoing project for the next 10-15 years (it's part of some Eudora Welty initiative through Millsaps) or a website that's supposedly going to be accessed by scholars across the nation on the public internet. Like, c'mon, we gotta get this shiz right in the beginning. It's nice to finally be home, away from school, though. And I'm happy I'm actually employed through this (even if I'm only getting paid monthly.... yeeesh). I'm also working on another project that I started last summer, and I'm hoping to maybe get Patrons (bc hey I'm broke). It's a sci-fi comic called Subject X31 (Available at It's not, like, super high quality, but I think some people would enjoy it, especially from SDF. I also still need to work on the terminal project. I have the capacitors for the video board, so I'll probably go on and replace those sometime when I feel like it this week. And then once my paycheck comes in I can actually start doing a bit more (because right now I have literally $3 in my bank account). But I would like to get it working. Anyway, that's all for now! Thanks everyone, and have a great day!