# ZSH configuration # 31 August 2020: Created. # Important stuff first. setopt no_beep # Don't beep at me. # Set up the $path. typeset -U path # Ignore duplicated values in $path. path=(~/bin $path) # Check my ~/bin directory first. # Set other environment variables. export EDITOR=/usr/pkg/bin/mg export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export TZ=US/Central # Configure history. HISTSIZE=500 # Load 500 lines from the history file. SAVEHIST=500 # Save 500 lines to the history file. HISTFILE=~/.history # Speaking of the history file... setopt hist_verify # Show history substitutions before executing. setopt share_history # Add and import history lines incrementally. setopt hist_ignore_all_dups # Remove old duplicate commands. setopt hist_ignore_space # Don't save lines beginning with a space. # Aliases alias ls='ls -F' # Append suffixes to different file types. # Make the prompt more useful. This puts the host name on the left and the # current path on the right. If the previous command exited with a non-zero # status, put that on the left side as well. # # (1)[host]% _ ~/tmp # autoload -U colors && colors PS1="%{${fg[red]}%}%(?..(%?%))%{${fg[green]}%}[%m]%{${fg[cyan]}%}%#%{%f%} " RPS1="%{${fg[yellow]}%}%~%{%f%}" # Enable completions. autoload -Uz compinit && compinit