Some BASIC Stuff ================ It's probably useless for about 99% of people. But I wished to try some structural mechanics stuff - a computation of internal forces on a simply-supported beam with arbitrary moments on the ends (the continuous load can be linearily changoing from the qa to the qb value.: Ma qa qb Mb -- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV <- | -------------------------- | -> ^ ^ -- |<--------- L ---------->| The BASIC program can look like this (tested with the Bywater BASIC 2.2 [1]): --------------------------------------- # file: intforces.bas --------------------------------------- REM Computes V and M forces on beam if Va Ma, Mb, L, qa, qb are given 10 DATA 2 -2 5 2 2 20 READ A, B, L, Q, R 30 FOR I = 0 TO 10 40 LET X = I / 10 * L 41 LET Y = L - X 42 LET P = Q*L/2 - Q*X + ((R-Q)*L/6 - (R-Q)*X*X/2/L) 43 LET V = P - (B+A)/L 45 LET P = Q*X*L/2 - Q*X*X/2 + ((R-Q)*x*L/6 - (R-X)*x*x*x/6/L) 46 LET M = P + (B*X - A*Y)/L 50 PRINT I,X,V,M 99 NEXT I --------------------------------------- Used with: 'bwbasic intforces.bas |tee a' to see the shear forces (V) and bending moments (M) sizes and the in the Gnuplot [2]: 'plot "a" using 2:(-$4) title "M" w lp, "a" using 2:3 title "V"w lp,0 title "-"' to see the graphs. The next steps will be: a) adding some user input (and not to use DATA statement); b) graphing for the SmallBASIC in order to have this thingy on my Palm III; c) modify the whole thing for the Elektronika MK-90. References: [1] [2]