Software Unification ==================== I wish to have the same environment on all of my computers (desktops, portables,..). Of course it is not possible as I use SGIs, Linux machines of different ages, Mac OS X machine (not a macOS one!) and sometimes even the Windows. Here is the list: * text editor: Vim / gVim (or the old VI in soe cases) * math: GNU Octave * graphs: Gnuplot (both from octave and standalone) * finite element analysis: my own uFEM * visualization: MeshTV (trying to use VisIt on new computers) * 2D sketches: XFig * typesetting: (La)TeX Of course not everything can be done: as a shell I do use both GNU Bash and the Zsh and there is no comon 2D CAD tool. So for simple things (sketches, illustrations) I use the XFig but also the LibreCAD (and the older QCAD on SGIs). For visualisation I have been using also the Paraview but it has some stability issues on some of my computers. For office works I use MS Office (I do this only at work) but I prefer to use the LaTeX where possible (for teaching and scientific texts but also for my private documents). For e-mail I use the Thunderbird (for work stuff) and the Mutt (and even the mailx one place). The calendar application is an another problem but it should be a topic of a longer story.