DiddleBug for Palm OS ===================== The DiddleBug [1] is a small application which allows to make small pictures but it also can combine the pictures with alarms so one can make freehand notes and reminders. And it works of most of Palm OS devices (with OS 3.5-5.x). It seems to be useful as one sometimes needs to make some sketches and a pocket device with an actual stylus us great for that. The Palm OS 4.x has an application for similar purposes (the NotePad) but the older versions haven't. The DiddleBug even has a set of plugins which can allow co-operation with other Palm OS applications. If you wish to find them then you have to go the 2.90.b.4 version of the program [4] as the never ones do not include plugins for some reason. I wasn't aware about it but I have found a converter for the DiddleBug data when I have searched the iBiblio.org [2] for some old stuff. The converter sits at [3] and it probably works on any UNIX (I can verify that it compiles and works on the IRIX 5.3 or better). To use the converter, one has to use two commands: ---------------------- pilot-xfer -f DiddleBugDB dbugtopbm