Random stuff ============ After more than 20 years of use of the ANSYS [1] I have learned how to customize it's Toolbar. There is the command for that: "*ABBR,LABEL,COMMAND" (if the command parameter is omitted then the existing label will disappear from the toolbar. It's a nice thing. Too bad that the classical unix-ish interface is obsolete now. The Toolbar can be configured from the startup file (~/startXY.ans) or in run time. I also have found several bugs in my own FEA software [2]. They were often related to the conversion routine which produces ANSYS-like commands. I also have learned that the GDB from SGI Freeware is now useless. One has to use the one from the NekoWare [3]. I am still searching for a working MP3 player for my SGI IRIS Indigo. There are tons of them for the newer 64bit SGIs but my old Indigo has the 32bit R3000 CPU and thus it is not able to run them. The mpg123 should compile but I don't have the necessary Digital Media subsystem and have no free space to install it. I even found the ftp.mayn.de mirror [4]. There used to be the XAudio mirror (it was the shareware MP3 player for UNIX machines). The mirror hosts the wanted files [5] but... they are in the ELF format and my machine only accepts the COFF one... By the way, the pdp-11.ru [6] also provides files for the PDP-11, including their Russian clones. There are many files for my Elektronika MK-90 calculator [7], which is nice (I only have to make a reader for it's memory modules. It should not be too hard but I have been planning to do for several years without any progress...). References: [1] http://www.ansys.com [2] git://github.com/jurabr/ufem [3] http://nekoware.nekochan.net [4] http://mirrors.pdp-11.ru/ftp.mayn.de/pub/really_old_stuff/ [5] http://mirrors.pdp-11.ru/ftp.mayn.de/pub/really_old_stuff/unix/audio/mxaudio [6] http://mirrors.pdp-11.ru/ [7] http://mirrors.pdp-11.ru/_mk90/