RAM sizes ========= Logout wrote about maximum RAM sizes of his computers during time (in Czech [1]). It is a funny topic so I tried to summarize the same: 1991 - 48 kB - MATO (Slovak computer) 1993 - 4 MB - family 386DX PC 1997 - 32 MB - family Pentium 1998 - 128 MB - Pentium upgrade (later also upgraded to K6-II CPU) 2001 - 24 MB - my own Pentium (from the parts of the computer above) 2002 - 256 MB - my new AMD Athlon 2004 - 128 MB - SGI Indy became my desktop (got it with 48 MB in 2003) 2005 - 512 MB - SGI O2 2006 - 2.5 GB - new Sun Ultra 20 (got it with 512 MB in 2005) 2012 - 4 GB - Lenovo x61s 2017 - 8 GB - GPD Pocket 2018 - 8 GB - IBM IntelliStation POWER 285 Reference: [1] http://technomorous.eu/post/166594317431