BlackBird Boot Times ==================== There are some rumours about that. Yes, the BlackBird is a thing that resembles the old IBM workstations as much as it can. So it has a service CPU (and ARM thingy is here) which has to be booted before the actual system on the main CPU. The time from the Petiboot menu (where the OS to be booted is selected) to the MATE desktop is is less than 5 second. The whole boot procedure (including boot of the service CPU, hardware test and so on) is 4:40. If the service CPU is already booted and only hardware testing is done (i.e. in the case of reboot) then the time is something about 2:20. So the worst case is 4:40. It's a long time when it is compared with a PC but a time comparable with actual workstation (IBM Intellistation POWER or similar). My SGI O2 (which has no service CPU) boots in 60 second, my SGI Indy needs about 2 minutes. But how often do you boot your system? Once in a day? DOes it make sense to measure it?