Aceeca + Software ================= I'm in the process of installing of software to my brand new Aceeca PDA32. It synchronises well with my Fedora/ppc64le workstation ("modprobe visor", "pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -i XXX" ; the "pilot-xfer.." must be sometimes repeated). By the way, the Palm III (with an USB-serial converter) synchronises as well. It's just more reliable... It seems that some older programs can render it unbootable (hardware reset was needed - all applications are erased in this case). I have installed these tools which work here: * Progect * DiddleBug * Metro * TiBR * Converter * EasyCalc * KeyRing * CacheMate (of course there is no GPS!) * DopeWars * FileZ * Freegrid (a table editor without calcualtions) * SpMat (a matrix calculator) * SmallBASIC * PtCon (a Tcl interpreter - I'm going to test it) The CSpotRun also works but the TiBR seems to be more polished. I am going to install some development stuff, too. I have the Pocket C licence, after all... Software-wise, this device is interesting. It has Palm OS (Garnet OS?) 5.4.0 with old, good, traditional launcher (I never got the thing which T|X uses by default). The problem is that the device has no configurable hardware buttons and the "Home" and the "Meny" are represented by tiny icons in the left bottom edge of the screen. They are somewhat hard to press.