HP TouchPad SW summary ====================== Just a shot note today. I use the Cyanogenmod (~Android 4.4, I guess) not the WebOS, unfortunately. But the TouchPad is more useful with the Android these days. So here is the list: * Overbite Gopher client * Lightning WWW browser (when gopher is not enough) * Addi Octave port (it seems to be abandoned but it works) * SGit (Git client) * TotalCommander (for ftp and file management) * SmallBASIC * AndroWish (for Tcl/Tk) * VimTouch (to edit Octave and BASIC files) * Markor (it has nice support for todo.txt) * Terminal (for SSH) I use the FDroid to manage applications. Most of normal programs are marked as non-compatible with my OS/device so choice is limited. At least I have found a more current Terminal Emulator program here (with more up to date SSH). Anyway I use the device mostly for off-line work (Octave programming etc) and my main way to consume online stuff it the Gopher. I have the Bluetooth keyboard and the mouse for the device so even the terminal and Vim can be used in almost desktop manner. So I can do simpler thing here and it is not necessary to turn of the Blackbird desktop or the SGI workstation.