Kermit and 200LX ================ For very long I have known that the old DOS-bast HP palmtops can use the Kermit [1] protocol. But I never tried to use it before. I have had several computers with serial port and I also have had the serial cable for 95/100/1000/200LX machines (with an adapter for some HP calculators). So a few days ago I have tried to use all these components and to transfer some files via serial line. I have used my SGI Indigo workstation (the R4000-based model which still works - my "main" R3000 Indigo experienced a failure some time ago) and the HP 200LX (a modified model with an up-clocked CPU and with some 4 MB of RAM). The Indigo has round ("Apple-style") serial ports so I have had to find also the adapter for them. I think that it came with that HP serial cable but I am not sure. The connection was quite straightforward - I set the "Kermit commands" menu in the HP's serial transfer program, the n selected to "start Kermit server" and issues several commands to the C-Kermit on the Indigo [2]. Then I was able to "send" files to the HP (there was nothing to ""get") from the C-Kermit's shell. The only issue I have found is that the HP software does not implement the "remote directory" command so one cannot see (from the computer side) what is already on the HP. Will play with it more.... References: [1] gopher:// [2] gopher://