SGI, demos and such =================== I have started something that I call "no-POWER challenge". That is, I am have been trying not to turn on my main home computer at all. It's the OpenPOWER machine thus "no-POWER" is what I am have been trying to accomplish. It mean that I am using my SGI workstation (with its onece powerful 250MHz MIPS R1000 CPU) and - if necessary - the Ubuntu Touch tablet. I might run my laptop at some moments but it's an 80186-based machine (@4.7MHz as I do not run it in the high-speed mode @8MHz) so it should be OK. Yesterday I worked on the SGI O2. I made a bunch of stuff for exams of my students: I used the XFig to make pictures, the LaTeX to compile document and some of my computational codes, too. Today I arrived at home too tired to continue working. Thus I have decided to try some entertainment. Thus I have been browsing The Fit [1] and have been downloading and running the demos. There are a buch of SGI versions f these demos but much more exotic platofrms (lige the DOS, the GP2X and even the Maemo - among others, of course). In other news, I noticed that Nathaniel is making a pure Bash Gopher client [2] [3] (the sed, curl etc are of course necessary). A simple one but it's amazing to see how litle lines are necessary for basic work with the Gopher! The client is a work of progress but basically it works for me well. It of course requires somewhat recent versions of the bash and other tools so on the SGI it works just partially (on the SDF if worked reather nicely). References: [1] [2] gopher:// [3] Written in Vim on the SGI O2.