BBC BASIC on IRIX ================= I want to have on my computers a BASIC which is compatible with the BASIC implementation on my new Cambridge Z88. The Z88 runs a stripped-down version of the BBC BASIC [1] (it has no graphics procedures). So I have been searching for an UNIX-compatible port/clone of the BBC BASIC. The logical choice was the Richard Russell's "BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0" [2] but it requires the SDL 2 (obviously...) and it needs some code changes to be ported to the POWER or the MIPS platform. So at the moment it does not compile on my OpenPOWER computer nor on my SGI workstations. Fortunately there is a different implementation called Brandy BASIC [3] which is declared to run on the Mac OS X, the NetBSD, the OpenBSD, on the DOS and Linux and even on the general UNIX platform. So I tried to compile it on my UNIX system (on the IRIX 5.3). It did not work. The "TARGET_UNIX" was available in the "variables.h" file but it was not used in the *.c files. So I have had to go through sources and add it to the right places. Then I was able to compile it. I also add an identification string to the "target.h" file. After a simple test it seems to me that it works. It accepts inputs, runs BASIC programs, loads and saves BASIC program files. It does not like the SGI's very own "winter" terminal emulator (well, that's not so unusual) but it works inside the XTerm correctly. It there any other human being on the Earth who can benefit from this port? Should I make it available for download somewhere? References: [1] [2] [3] P.S. Written (and all work done) on the SGI IRIS Indigo R3000 (aka Siemens RW520 workstation) with the IRIX 5.3.