Welcome to my phlog. I have recently discovered[0] gopher, or rather recently discovered gopher still existed and used by people. I discovered sdf.org and managed to acquire myself a gopherhole. Cool, huh. Now that I have this thing, what will I do with it? If it is like any blogs I have tried to write in the past, probably ignore it, write a post every now and again about why I'm not writing. I don't need to have a phlog that is not maintained to match blogs I don't maintain. Hopefully I won't do that. This endeavor is to write something daily. A journal of sorts, if you will. The topics will probably center around technology, software, and whatever projects with I happen to be involved, either for $DAYJOB or personal. I'll start by talking about writing this post. I find this somewhat entertaining. I am ssh'ed into my shell account at sdf.org using emacs without X. When flyspell highlights a word, I'm used to hitting to run (flyspell-correct-word); I am unable to sort out exactly how to do this with emacs-nox. I will look utilizing tramp for the next post. I'm actually enjoying writing this. I don't feel obliged to add links to external references. [0]: Well, I guess I shouldn't say recently discovered. I was aware of gopher, I guess in the mid 90s. Before www, before the interwebs. I was living in the sticks in the 90s running a Fidonet BBS on OS/2.